PHM _26_AISA_2_SUDHA.pdf
- extracted text
HA-Exchange> When the guardian devours the constitution
Subject: PHA-Exchange> When the guardian devours the constitution
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 08:10:16 +0530
From: ’’Mathura P Shrestha” <>
To: <;>
Dear All
Nepal's constitution provided uniquely honorable place for the
constitutional monarchy as the guardian of the constitution. When that honor
and respect is misused the resulting misadventure will not only destroy the
constitution but also the very fundamental tenets of democracy, human
rights, trust of the people, and in fact the very justification (Auchityata)
of monarchy. Nepal has returned to the stifling of democracy in 19050/51
(2008 BS) when the promised constitutional assembly and democratic processes
were unconstitutionally buried. Recent undigestible and queries activities
of foreign bigwigs in Nepal also indicate that there may be foul play to
turn Nepal into another Sikkim in addition to the destruction of the
constitution, democracy, political parties and leadership. In fact, long
before this time many ass-lickers, revivalists, reactionaries, plotters and
’rakamis’ were ganging up to destroy the constitution by calling it an
^Breformable document and by juggling the words and letters in constitution
to destroy the very spirit and tenets of the constitution. I was one of the
11 signatories as the ministers in the Interim government to put life to the
present constitution. I want to remind my speech in a mass meting in
Open-air Theater in Tundikhel immediately after the signing ceremony - "The
constitution is the best in SE Asia as far as human rights and people’s
democratic rights are concerned. But it is not a perfect document in can not
be. As there are already some fallacies in it,
can be called only a
contract of compromise which may be appropriate for the time being. If the
constitution is not put to the test constantly and reformed or changed with
the needs and aspiration of the people it will remain only a scratch of
paper. Unpragmalie and inflexible trails will kill the constitution".
That feared catastrophic event came unexpectedly though surprisingly
yesterday. In such difficult time I appeal all to remain in solidarity and
committed for human rights and democracy.
VA Exchange is hosted on Kabissa
Space for change in Africa
To post, write to:
10/7/02 5:13 PM
Bangladesh to head WHO for a year
Subject: Bangladesh to head WHO for a year
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 15:41:41 +0600
From: "bala" <>
To: "Qasem Chowdhury” <>, "Zafrullah Chowdhury” < >,
"Ravi Narayan” <>
Dear Friends,
We have the good news that Dr Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Health Minister Bangladesh will head the WHA forum
from May 2003. This is a prestigious assignment. I wonder whether it will be possible for PHM to get an appointment
with the Minister during our meeting in November.
This will be a courtesy call and we can make use of the opportunity for PHM to get a technical briefing session at the
next WHA
Please think about this and le me know.
Dr K Balasubramaniam
Advisor and Co-ordinator
Health Action International Asia - Pacific
5, Frankfurt Place. Colombo 4, Sri Lanka
Tel: (94 1)554353
Fax: (94 1)554570
10/10/02 9:45 AM
A’Exchfinge> UN Resolution
Subject: PILvExchauge> UN Resolution
Dare: SaT. 9 Nov 2002 08:59:08 t-O53O
•From: "Mathura P Shrestha” <>
To; <"\Jndisclosed-Recipiem:"(2^mailhost.l';>
wear All
With new UN resolution the threat of war remains as possible as ever. Some
people are already “cal King of ’New Third World~War ’~bf ’New kind of war’.
War rhetoric and threats are the worst kinds of oinches in the hearts and
minds of people as these rob peace and freedom from them and make them
subject to compulsions of inhuman dimensions. I hope that chose responsible
to make decisions on aggression will have senses and the war will never
happen. But as the war streets all or us directly or indirectly to prevent
war is also the problem of us all. We need to have solidarity to prevent it
and I think chat we all can act to prevent it. If nation states are not
responsible’ the people in streets should take up the responsibility to
r>r<7Prfi 7od
aich regards,
Mathura P. Shrestna
President, Physicians tor Social Responsibility, Nepal
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
To cost, write co: PHA—Exchanee^
Websitc: http: //vrww. 1 ists. kabissa-_org/mailman/listinfo/pha-oxcr
11 11/02 1:28 PM
Subject: PHA-Exchange> Error in my yesterday’s message - Alleged murderer was
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 07:54:40 +0530
From: "Mathura P Shrestha” <>
Dear All
In my yesterday’s message, "Assault on Democracy" I inadvertently quoted CPJ as the
source of information. The correct source id 'Tieporters Without Border". According to
its published report the journalist Krishna Shen was murdered in Mahendra Police Club
on May 28, 2002 after eight days of'interrogation'. The body was then taken to Birendra
Police Hospital where he was declared dead. The post mortem of an 'unidentified' body
with height of 1.7M, 70 Kg, Mongolian built, and thin moustache conducted on 30 May,
2002 fitted well with that of Mr. Krishna Shen. The cause of death was two bullet
wounds fired in close range. The perpetuer/ murderer was alleged to be Deputy
Superintendent of Police, Mr. Bilram Thapa. The latter was awarded "Total Peace
Award" for "braver}-’ and exemplar}' duty". This can be called mockery to the concept of
peace and justice.
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
To post, write to:
Pfy.4Assult on Democracv in Nepal
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 20:24:05 +0530
’’Mathura P Shrestha” <*np>
Dear An
To sad! Democracy in Nepal once again became a pray to a third degree coup. However
democracy can not be subdued. Those who play nasty game against the people will find
their own fate that will not be rectified even by repentance.
Two more bad news:
A police officer who murdered one imminent journalist of Nepal in police custody
(According to CPJ) was awarded. Belgium still intends to sell arms to a government
which is neither elected (or constitutional) nor democratic.
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
To post, write to:
HA-Exchfinge> Present take over - is it..between the government and the Maoists?
Subject: PHA-Exchange> Present take over - is it a dead end for the possible dialogue between the
government and the Maoists?
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 19:53:06 +0530
From: "Mathura P Shrestha” < >
. To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:“;>
Dear All
Although there are news and news about the possibility of dialogue I am not
so optimistic. Excluding the political process and the constitution can any
one hope for the dialogue for peace? Even if there is a dialogue the
question of how and for what will remain unanswered. Will the other
political parties participate or remain aloof? What will be the
constitutionality of the process if the very constitutionality of the
present picked up government is questioned? What will be the credibility if
the people have to loose the gains of 1990 movement? Is it going to be
dialogue for the shake of dialogue? Unless the major parties would
participate and unless a new elected government is established the
perspective of successful dialogue will remain a distant hope. Both options
appear not possible. The first because of the obstinacy of royal palace and
■jcond the free and fair election will remain impossible without the consent
or Maoists.
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
To post, write to:
Website: http://www.lists,
10/29/02 3:40 PM
HA-Exchange> Solidarity against war-mongers and prescribers of death.
Subject: PHA-Exchange> Solidarity against war-mongers and prescribers of death
Bate: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:31:45 +0530
From: ’’Mathura P Shrestha” <>
To: <;>
Dear All
I shall be out of Kathmandu to visit Terai of Eastern and Central Region for Nepal Human Rights Action Plan
workshop from October to November 2. 2002. Kindly circulate following messages:
The world is once again at the brink of a major escalated or trans-national war. Overwhelming majority in all countries
does not approve the war in Iraq or any other war. It is beyond common sense of any thinking human to comprehend
or digest the purpose of the threatened war, let alone justify that.
War has always brought untold misery in terms of loss of life, disability, environmental destruction and catastrophe of
all is especially true of modem, high-tech war. War destroys and buries civilizations, and force the surviving
generation to start anew.
without wars people and world would have done better and solved almost all human problems. With the obvious
HBedom from fear many diseases, psychological and social problems would have existed in this world. People and
countries would have squandered resources on arms or preparation for war. Military expenditure if diverted no one
would have experienced poverty and hunger. People all over the world hoped and dreamt with the twenty-first century
that all shorts of wars and related ills like violence, subjugation, exploitation would eventually outdated and
outlawed, and relation between the peoples and countries would be based upon love and mutual respect. In stead,
strong nations 'are all out to destroy that hope and dream.
I think that we the people all over that should not remain indifferent or resigned. It is our problem first and we should
have united and organized voice to solve this problem. We can solve the problem if we are really determined. Our
solidarity would certainly discourage those in the business of war preparations and war rhetoric.
To all suicide bombers or would-be ones,
To be ready even to die for the benefit of all is glorious. But to die to kill and destroy others, especially the innocent
civilians and human gains is nonsense, ignominious generating extreme aversion among all who could think. Do not
shame yourself and human conscience by destroying yourself to destroy others or to bring about terror and atrocities.
In Nepal we call the tendency to kill oneself to kill others is to mortgage one’s own conscience to the stupid. I hope
that people would no longer be susceptible to such nasty mind-set.
fclf-emulation in Vietnam in 60s was effective to force the public opinion in US to become sensitive to reason, peace
and non-aggression. That emulation did not bring about death of others or atrocities. Even that episode was
unfortunate and non-justifiable. With a greater faith on the solidarity of the people in the world would be as much
In Nepal too, about a hundred years ago, the great first revolutionary Guru, Lady Yog Maya, jumped over the swirling
river with a slogan, "It is a shame to become subject in a country ruled by despots who force injustices -slavery,
inequality and untauchability". Although she advised her followers not to imitate her sacrifice 63 of her followers
including her doughtier jumped. All except one died. The survived one (female) continued to live for 90 plus years
but as deranged person. That episode although remembered by many as heroic deeds only helped the same despots
to rule longer against which she sacrificed and the rulers continued their rule with greater cruelty living the people
further terrified and helpless.
In this context we strongly condemn the Chechen rebels taking hostage of innocent people in Moscow. Shame to
those terrorists and deepest sympathy to the innocent victims.
Professor Mathura P. Shrestha,
President, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nepal; and
Chairperson, People's Health National Coordination Committee, Nepal.
10/30/02 12:17 PM
PHA-Exchange> When the guardian devours the constitution
Subject: Re: PHA-Exchange> When the guardian devours the constitution
Bate: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 18:15:31 +0530
From: Community Health Cell <>
To: Mathura P Shrestha <>
Dear Mathuraji,
This is lo express our concern and solidarity with you all in the time
constitutional crisis in Nepal and the stifling of democracy. Wo arc
with you in
your own efforts to recommit Nepal to democracy and Human Rights. In
in January 2003(3-6th).
We are all involved in the Asian Social Forum which will have a series
workshops and meetings. If you and others can join the ASF event it will
be an
opportunity to discuss the Nepal situation and think of collective
initiatives. Also there would be an occasion to share all that in
happening in
Ksia after PHM - Dhaka - December 2000. Also we plan a small group
brainstorming on 25 years after Alma Ata (anniversary) at ASF if many of
pioneers like you and others can make it.
In solidarity,
Ravi Narayan
Mathura P Shrestha wrote:
> Dear All
> Nepal’s constitution provided uniquely honorable place for the
> constitutional monarchy as the guardian of the constitution. When that honor
> and respect is misused the resulting misadventure will not only destroy the
> constitution but also the very fundamental tenets of democracy, human
> rights, trust of the people, and in fact the very justification (Auchityata)
^of monarchy. Nepal has returned to the stifling of democracy in 19050/51
9 (2008 BS) when the promised constitutional assembly and democratic processes
> were unconstitutionally buried. Recent undigestible and queries activities
> of foreign bigwigs in Nepal also indicate that there may be foul play to
> turn Nepal into another Sikkim in addition to the destruction of the
> constitution, democracy, political parties and leadership. In fact, long
> before this time many ass-lickers, revivalists, reactionaries, plotters and
> 'rakamis' were ganging up to destroy the constitution by calling it an
> unreformable document and by juggling the words and letters in constitution
> to destroy the very spirit and tenets of the constitution. I was one of the
> 11 signatories as the ministers in the interim government to put life to the
> present constitution. I want to remind my speech in a mass meting in
> Open-air Theater in Tundikhel immediately after the signing ceremony - "The
> constitution is the best in SE Asia as far as human rights and people's
> democratic rights are concerned. But it is not a perfect document in can not
> be. As there are already some fallacies in it, can be called only a
> contract of compromise which may be appropriate for the time being. If the
> constitution is not put to the Lest constantly and reformed or changed with
> the needs and aspiration of the people it will remain only a scratch of
> paper. Unpragmatic and inflexible traits will kill the constitution".
> That feared catastrophic event came unexpectedly though surprisingly
> yesterday. In such difficult time I appeal all to remain in solidarity and
> committed for human rights and democracy.
> Regards,
10/11/02 6:16 PM
ASF 2003
Subject: ASF 2003
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:47:30 +0530
From: Community Health Cell <>
To: Mathura P Shrestha < >
Dear Mathuraji,
,gs from Community Health Cell!
We missed you at the ASF but hope we will get a chance to meet at some
other opportunity soon. There was a large number of students from Nepal
and also a strong dalit ./ indigenous people contingent. Your paper was
not received but plcaso do send it even now since we will distribute it
to all these who attended the PHM health workshop particularly the one
on war, disaster and conflict. In solidarity with your struggles to
reestablish democracy and pro human rights environment in your country.
Best wishes,
avi Narayan
PHM Secretar
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Subject: [Fwd: ASF - JSA]
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 11:17:47 1ST
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I shall send my paper on ’Conflict transformation in Nepal’s context’,
although I will not be able to attend.. Please distribute the paper to the
Forum participants.
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PHM Secretariat
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PHM Secretariat <>
Mathura P Shrestha < math ura@ health net.>
Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:02 PM
Re: PHA-Exchange> Baghdad diaries Belgian doctors
Dear Mathuraji,
Greetings ftom People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
We have been getting all your mails including the last one to Dr. Beider. In spite of your deep involvement in the Profcmocracy movement, which is so crucial to ‘Health of Nepal’, how is PHM progressing in Nepal and what are your
JRns for the Alina Ata Anniversary year? As the new coordinator of the PHM Global Secretariat, are there any ways that
I can support you in your plans and initiatives? I have just returned from Sri Lanka after attending their PHM public
meetings on 9th April (for WHO day) and also had discussions on a PHM Resource Center they want to set up for Sri
Lanka. We are ai! using the strategic opportunity of the next World Health Assembly in Geneva (starting from 19l May)
to organize a PHM Geneva event on 16t51 and 17rl1 of May at World Council of Churches. Have you received the
communications? Can one person from PHM - Nepal attend? Since your are so busy, can you depute someone who can
report on PHM - Nepal and the Nepal situation? Let me know soon since I will have to try and raise some travel support
unless you can find a local sponsor or some funds yourself to cover the travel. With World Social Fonim moving to
Mumbai in January 2004, we must keep closer in touch to ensure your presence there. We met many Nepali groups in
Hyderabad at the ASF in January 2003, who knew you well:
With best wishes,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariatfglobal)
»67 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit
— Original Message —
From: Mathura P Shrestha
To: Bert De Beider
Cc: Thomas Achard ; Dr Svetlana Akimova (PhD); PH ECT , WORT-FM Community Radio ; anna
dehavenon : David E. Kapell; Prof. Arun and Jamuna Sayami ; Dr, Upendra Devkota ; Dr. Bhogendra
Sharma : Ian Harper: np ; gael@mpsxorn.Jip ; SBe_ac.h@cpjxrg : Manasarowar; Bert De
I Beider; Dr. Mahesh Maskey ; ;; Stephen Mikesell ; paras mani
j Stephen Bezruchka : South-South Solidarity ; VHAI;
i Sent: i uesday, April 08, 2003 6:39 AM
j Subject: Re: PHA-Exchange> Baghdad diaries Belgian doctors
^2. till
MatrtUra P Shrestha <>
Bert De Beider <>
Thomas Achard <>; Dr Svetlana Akimova (PhD)
<>; PHECT <>; WORT-FM Community Radio
<>; anna dehavenon <>; David E. Kapell
<>; Prof. Arun and Jamuna Sayami <>; Dr.
Upendra Devkota <>; Dr. Bhogendra Sharma
<>; Ian Harper <>; <>;
<>; <>; Manasarowar <>;
Bert De Beider <>; Dr. Mahesh Maskey
<>; <>; <>; Stephen
Mikesell <>; paras mani <>; Stephen
Bezruchka <>; South-South Solidarity
Tuesday, April 08, 2003 6:39 AM
Re: PHA-Exchange> Baghdad diaries Belgian doctors
Dear Dr. Beider
I hope that you have already recovered from diarrhea and fever. We all commend you and your team to stand by the side of
the people in need. People of Iraq is unjustly attacked and Iraq being systematically destroyed. I hope that the cause for
which you are risking your lives and time and senses you are donning to the people of Iraq and for humanity will not be lost.
Your contribution will knock the conscience of the world and inspire the people to stand against unjust aggression and
belligerence for generations to come.
j^hura P. Shrestha
wfsident, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nepal.
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PHM Secretariat <>
Mathura P Shrestha <>
Tuesday. May 27. 2003 5:00 PM
Re: PHA-Exchange> Civ;! action for democracy and retrogression
Dear Math u raj i.
Greet ngs
Peoo'e's Health Movement Secretariat (Global) at CHC, Sangalore!
We missed you at the PHM Geneva meetings and the World Health Assembly - where 75 PHM delegates
£rom 32 countries participated. We hope you can join us at the World Social Forum in Mumbai, January 2004
ana c ’ t‘-e next PecAe s Health Assembly at Porto Alegre.. Brazil in July 2004. We are in complete solidarity
s;.n your pro-democracy and pro-peace efforts and we hope you and your campaign colleagues can join us
a; one or coin of mese events so that we can express our solidarity with ail your significant efforts. Please
seno us names and emails of ali those of your colieagues who should be put on PHM - mail and PHM
Excnange so that they are in touch with PHM initiatives and events.
in soilaamy.
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator. People s Health Movement Secretariat/global)
#367 ’Srinivasa Nilava”
Jakhtsar dra 1st Mam. I Block Koramangala
? .
Bangalorc*-563 034
Join th-.? 'Health for all. NOW” campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the .Alma Ata
:•v '•••:<■;
: — Original Message
’ Fruvv Mathura P Shrestha
■ 7c: John Lc-retz Andy Kanter. ; Shyam Teeqla ; idpd2QQ1@yahoo.corn : Tipu Sultan
i P_C._Kurye Community Education Centre
\ Sent: -Wednesday May 21. 2003 3:07 PM
! Subject: PHA-Exchange> Civil action for democracy and retrogression
■ Dear A 4
i N’GO Federation of Nepal having more than 2200 NGOs and CBOs as its affiliates/members and 17 Human
; P.nn'S organizct'cns of Nepal participated today at the interaction program in N’GO Federation buiicing..
’ ;
imandu c . '.he social roles of oiv:l societies on the monitoring of human rights violation, monitoring of
t peace p:ocess and dialogue including follow-ups on code of conducts, ana our response to the United
, Peoples Movement for democracy, progress, human rights and against political retrogression. The
; cc.rcer-;.7.,:-;.' /as developed on the following aspects:
'i ■vr ’>n.ncip:e role of die civil societies and human rights activists is to present ourselves betbrn
e ;; pie 2 co a
;el eq i and watcl
o defei
d( mocrac
ci il rights ai
'/ • :N p.' 7pt;’s 'Tf-ivemcnt and peace dialogue as aspects of same purpose. AVe must expo?. .../ji-.a d.e NuNm pLm > :.f tuiauuiorizcd elements not i'daitd to dialogue but up io iou iiiu
• •••„■’?nr,.;7 of'Mlogue and peace.
. \ . p ...N ’•< cinpov ■../-7. io be concerned ;:oolh n.;d to dLuui -.he people’s luovcmcnt
ren uuscssion renefion. •’<»!' n-'/’c.: nui for p'Ogw-Mw.- sociopo!th ;a* chamu:$.
'■ a:
Mathura P Shrestha <>
John Loretz <jloret£>; Andy Kanter <A'>:
<>; Shyam Teegia <>; <>;
Tipu S';!tar. <stsultan@hotrnail.corn>; Dr. Kunze < >; Community
Education Centre <cec@sltnet.!k>
Wednesday, May 2"', 2003 3:07 PM
PHA-Exchange> Civil action for democracy and retrogression
Dear All
' eration of Nepa < ing more than 220.0 NGOs and CBOs as its affiliates/members and 17 Human
Rights organ nations of Nepai participated today at the interaction program in NGO Federation building,
Kathmandu on the social roles of civil societies on the monitoring of human rights violation, monitoring of
peace process and dialogue including follow-ups on code of conducts, and our response to the United
Peoples Movement for democracy, progress, human rights and against political retrogression. The
ocnss-nsLS was developed or the following aspects: .
The principle role of the civil societies and human rights activists is to present ourselves before
. s : eople as conscience keepers and watclk
. 3fen<
ocracy, civil rights and social
2. ’■ take eople’sinovement and peace lialogue as aspects of same purpose. Wemu t expose and
uounwr ihe bidden ploys of unauthorized elements not related io dialogue but up io foil the
outcomes of dialogue and peace.
5. fwOpie should be empowered io be concerned about and io direct [he people’s movement against
retrcgression/reaction. for peace and for progressive sociopolitical changes.
roPowing decisions were made unanimously:
co idemnthe Royal decree of October 4, 2002 as nnc mstitutiohj llegal and acti< naiy.
2. -fol: support to rhe peace dialogue and discourage breakdown by any.
3. To monitor the dialogue for successful outcomes/ conflict transformation and resolution.
1- To migrate struggle for peace and united peoples’ movement for democracy, peace, human
rights, progress and against retrogression.
5. To search actively the progressive resolution of the present crisis.
Tne gemm also decided to organize a mass hunger strike and peaceful, silem demonslrahoo mmoi
(22 ?■ 22003 j from 2.00-5.00PM in front cf Democracy Wall (The place will be known -is
Dv.y. v mey Avenue hereaftw and as .Ratna park). This will be followed by a peaceful rally around the
•] ?/r ..jw/w'. TTlowing 6 slogans were approved for the demonstration and rally by the group.
Page 2 of 2
e above version is translated (by me) form the Nepali.
dissermnate tiis. Al: are requested to participate in tomorrow's demonstration and rally.
Vith regards.
-lathura P. Sh-estha
HA-Exchange hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in ;Africa
o post, wife to:
vw-vv. lists, listinfo/pha-exohange
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L-AUC’JST y 2QQ3 <:3.2 PM
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Tuesday duly 22. 2003 8 2? AM
Exchange'- We a-re ccmmitlsd to rescue ceasefire and diclogueprocssses in x:eoa‘
sr:. out c. summon sense. Maoists :oc nave provoked quite often though much less compared to the
sc :•-■
;sm. .o- democratic or constituiionai) initiated misac ventures. Chauvinists in the
dont nave wisdom, abiiity or capacity ;.o fight off Maoists but they probably tend to bank on
7 /: money* vreign military aid or icons as any corrupt henchmen in mh’ng class do in any part of
’er. •.odd :-h>•!-.:.■ n .-ights groups me sM! cprimisdc to save the okdogue process are becoming active
tment to previously
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Page 1 of 1
PHM Secretariat
PHM Secretariat <>
Sanjeeb Sapkota <>
Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:28 PM
From PHM Secretariat
Dear Sanjeeb,
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
Double congratulations on completing your MPH and being accepted for Epidemiology training in CDC.
You can visit the CHC website and the PHM website to get an
update on all our activities. Since April 2003, I am full time coordinator of the PHM Global Secretariat,
which moved from GK Savar, Bangladesh to CHC, Bangalore in January 2003. Dr. Qasem (GK) and I were
coordinators for 3 months and then I took over fully.
Since April 2003, CHC has also started a new Community Health Fellowship scheme whereby 4
undergraduates and 2 postgraduates can spend 6 months and one year respectively with CHC gaining
skills / capacity in Community Health. It’s a month each at the beginning and the end with CHC and rest of
the time with one of the NGO involved with CHC in the scheme (for field level experience). If you had not
joined CDC, you could have considered joining me for a year as Technical Officer of PHM Secretariat to
help me organize the International Health Forum (14th / 15th January 2004) at Mumbai and the second
People’s Health Assembly at Porto Alegre, Brazil in July 2004.
However while you are in the USA, you can be an active member of PHM - USA and their circles.
Zafrullah, Thelma and I spent 3-weeks in USA at the request of PHM - USA, visiting 10 cities and 6
universities, giving formal I informal sessions on PHM and the Charter. PHM - USA has now picked up.
Get in touch with Sarah Shannon of Hesperian Foundation ( for details.
We look forward to keeping in touch with you and perhaps see you in Mumbai and or Porto Alegre. Will you
be visiting Nepal before that? Are you in touch with IFMSA? We lost contact after the Geneva meeting in
2002. But I believe there has been a change again. Please put us in touch with them so that I can plan
workshops with IFMSA at Mumbai and Porto Alegre. Will you help? Do respond soon.
Best wishes from both of us and the PHM Secretariat team,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit
w<ain lucnuiy
'’Community Health Cell" <>
Sunday, August 10, 2003 7 27 PM
Regards nom /Atlanta
Dear Dr. Ravi and Dr. Thelma.
I hope this message finds you well. Let inc start with the good nows that I h;
been accepted for two vears training programme in epidemiology in CDC.
■AJ.lan'.a. With -.his training I hope be a good epidemiologist.
I have icccuiiy couiplcicu
my MPH from University ofKnonio Finland. T would soon send you
. -•j-.,.
J wish to be undated ot activities ot communitv cell and also
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Page 1 of2
PHM Secretariat
Mathura P Shrestha <mathura@HEALTHNET.ORG.NP>
Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:36 AM
Mathura P Shrestha.vcf
PHA-Exchange> Masked Security Personnel Yet another examples of grosshuman rights violence.
Dear All
At about 11 AM on the 9th September, 2003 succession of loud knocks from the front door of Daman Nath Dhungana
terrified the family and neighbors. When Mr. Dhungan's son opened the door one masked plainclothes army personnel
accompanied by several unmasked plainclothes army personnel forced themselves in and declared that they have come to
search the house and its contents. They didn't have search warrant or any identity. 'However, one could easily detect they
were from army personnel from the army vests and other clothing that were visible' - said Mr. Dhungana. As Mr.
Dhungana had severe bout of Acute Peptic Ulcer Syndrome with high fever and sleeping with an advise of bed rest from
his doctors, Mrs. Bhuwan Dhungana, wife of Mr. Daman Nath Dhungana came downstairs and gave the identity of Mr.
Dhungana who had presided the first democratically elected parliament following the 1990 People's Movement for
Democracy, an active member of 1990 Constitution Drafting Commission, one of the important facilitator during the both
Dialogue for peace between the government and the Maoists and the one who have been active for the cause of democracy
and human rights since 1950 revolution. 'Why you want to search the house of such a high profile public figure?', she
asked. 'It is the order, and we will search all rooms, including the bed rooms, scrutinize all suspicious papers and articles,
and seize any thing that will be necessary' - said the army personnel. Mrs. Bhuwan Dhungana then said that Mr. Dhungana
is ill with fever and sleeping. He should not be awakened or disturbed. Apparently they agreed and proceed to search the
house starting from the bedroom of Mr. Dhungana. However with the light and noise Mr. Dhungana woke up and ask for
identity and of course search warrant. They identified as army personnel but failed to produce search warrant. They
ransacked all cupboards and all corners of the room. Even the notebooks and papers under his pillow were searched and
contents scrutinized. Following this they searched every thing in the house. They got hold a draft of Mr. Dhungana's
article in the library and asked several questions to Mr. Dhungana in rather a harsh tone, 'Why he wrote such article?' She
replied that the article was already public and duly published in journals and daily papers. After that the security personnel
searched neighborhood. 'Compared to rough behavior that could be inferred from loud knocks, voices with slurs', said Mr.
Dhungana, 'the army personnel presented themselves in my house in a much civilized manner'.
Earlier, another active democrat since 1950 revolution and ardent human rights activist, Miss Shanta Shrestha, 70 years of
age, was searched in the middle of night by the similarly masked army personnel and abducted without any warrants or
even explanations. Her whereabouts and condition are not known yet. Army has not made her arrest or abduction public.
There are too many human rights violation from the state side. Even the independent inquiry commission set by National
Human Rights Commission (NHRC) found the Doramba massacre in Ramechhap was unalled for and murder after the
arrest of unarmed Maoists assembled for a meeting during the ceasefire. NHRC document totally refutes the versions of
the army and the government broadcasted in TV and radio or printed in media as government statement.
Maoists too are engaged in gross human rights violation with several cases of abductions, torture and brutal killings of
unarmed persons.
I hope that the solidarity and organized voice of the civil societies, human rights activists and thinking population over
Nepal and the world against such atrocities, uncivilized behaviors and human rights violation will ultimately book these
perpetuers against humanities, and force both the state party and the Maoists to shed their barbarism and revive the
ceasefire and peace talk again. I also hope that both the government and the Maoists will take the Timetable set in the
People's Plan of August 9 during the national conference ofNGOs and civil societies on conflict transformation and
peace. They have got to come to senses. Let all of continue to voice for human rights and social justice.
I also hope that the political process in Nepal will discard retrogation and restore democracy.
Professor Mathura P. Shrestha
Page 1 of 1
PHM Secretariat
Mathura P Shrestha <>
Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:02 PM
PHA-Exchange> Re: Nepal Urgent Action - whereabouts of Shanta Shrestha
Dear All
Shanta Shrestha was released today at early hours. She was kept in Chhauni Military Barrack for 19 days blindfolded all the time
and interrogated several times. Yesterday late at night she was taken to Gausala Police station in a military van and the police later
took her to her home and released. Many thanks to your concent solidarity and protests on behalf of missing and unlawfully
detained persons, and against the human rights violations, abduction and torture of unarmed and innocent civilians by both state
and Maoist parties. The fate of oilier detained/abducted personnel is not known yet.
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Main Identity
Mathura P Shrestha <>
Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:35 AM
Mathura P Shrestha.vcf
PHA-Exchange> Congratulation India
Dear Prem, Hari, Alok and All
1 wish that the new and upcoming government of India will not fall in the trap, as in the past, of "glittering development
model" prescribed by the West and MNCs to suit their own purpose at the expense of the peoples and nations in the so
called developing world. I also hope that the leaders in the new government will see through the mistakes of the past
governments including those of Congress and BJP. Development can not be a product of a rat race of'expert' or
'technocrat' Pandits who see 'stars' or alien models or market rhetoric but not the ground realities upon which they stand
and have to stand. Now is the time that they learn from the past mistakes of patch works in political and economic
maneuvering but manage holistically with determination to bring about political, economic, social and cultural
transformation to benefit All without distinction of any attributes or discrimination against any. Now is the time for any
government to stop to prescribe, under any pretext, a process that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
I venture to write this as I think that India has to govern not only its peoples and places along with their development
needs and problems but also its image. We in neighboring countries have a lot of expectations as well as fears from it.
Mathura P. Shrestha
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
To post, write to:
Page 1 of 1
:'PHM-Secretariat" <seoretariat@ph>
Friday, September 03, 2004 5:31 PM
Dear Unni
PHM Secretariat (Global)!
Did you see Mathuraji's communication on PHM Exchange about People's
Constitution? 1 am copying my reply to you. If you can meet him, we could
think of sending out a press release supporting this idea. But please
consult him if tliis would be useful in any way to the process and building
Inr-.-rnauonal visibility toil; Try and get him to suggest a PHM contact
point locally, who can be more easily contacted by email. He is too involved
in titis large process
Best wishes
---- Original Message
9/ ?> 04
"PHM-Secretafiat" <>; <, August 31, 2004 5.49 PM
Dear Ravi and Preru
Greetings from a politically hot Katiunan’du, Nepal!
• am in Bangalore definitely on 6th and 7th.
Prem, how about 6th OR 7th ?
PHM-Secretoriat <wrote:
• Dear Prem. Unni
- Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global):
We need to meet at PHM Secretariat, .iugentiy before
14 L->-
cvn ?
/4e_ co
Page > or z
"Mathura P Shrestha" <>
Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:18 PM
Mathura P Shrestha.vcf; New Constitution for Nepal.rtf
PHA-Exchange> New constitution for peace in Nepal and People'sparticipation in its
Dear All
Kindly peruse the following document. Any comment or advice is welcome. I have also attached the document.
With regards.
WrMmg a New ComsftilMiioiiii feir NejpaD:
PeopEes ParUDeipatSoin in CSte Process
Mathura P. Shrestha
Professor and Chair of Physicians for Social Responsibility Nepal (PSRN) and Coordinator of Civic Solidarity for Peace (CSPeace)
Almost all recognizable political parties, groups and individuals are now convinced that a new constitution is to be
rewritten anew to replace the existing one to solve the present conflict with its political, socioeconomic and cultural
transformation. The flaws in the existing constitution are mainly related to its discriminatory and unchangeable
provisions amounting to bar political progression. Constitutional Assembly (CA) or parliamentary process with
referendum is suggested or voiced to formulate the new constitution. The CPN (Maoists) have clarified their position that
although the CA is not their purpose for which they v/aged armed resurrection they are ready to come down to CA as a
principle bottom-line for conflict resolution by dialogue. Although the Nepal’s government and other major political
parties have not put their bottom-lines explicitly they are ready to discuss on CA along with other possible alternatives.
Many of them have even made public statements that they are ready to accept CA if that would solve the current conflict
and bring about a lasting peace.
Whatever the precess of constitution development, following eight basic tenets are to be followed and implemented to
guarantee the sovereign rights of the people and democracy particularly the participatory democracy:
respites’ parCacfipaUfioira an the deveHopBirewt of constatnaifloin!.
People need to own the constitution by their free will. In the present context of Nepal prescribed document from any
quarter can not be suitable for such ownership. Too many prescribed provisions with overt protection of vested interests
of dominant classes have directly and indirectly eroded peoples' livelihood and interests in too many different ways and
for so many centuries in the past. People have every right to participate in the development of the constitution including
the process of its research and need assessments, drafting and interactive dialogue towards its maturation, ratification and
public endorsement, implementation procedures, follow ups and ongoing legal reformation including rewriting of it,
protection of it, and interpret wholly and part of it. The final say about and on it should be reserved with the peoples by
way of referendum. People also need to participate in the development of laws, bylaws, and normative and behavioral
culture according to the spirit of the new constitution so developed by the people.
The question, how these be realized, may appear difficult or even impractical. But it is the political and social or moral
responsibility of ail concerned including the state party to assure inclusive public participation in the constitution
development, it is the obligation of the state and all concerned players (stakeholder) to develop a system together that
would empower and motivate all peoples of all region and class, including ethnic minorities and indigenous population,
women, deprived, socially excluded, madhesis, dalits, disabled, to participate in it. following steps are suggested:
Political decision on constitution assembly or the parliament empowered to write constitution by two-third
majority followed by public ratification through a referendum. Either way, representation of all peoples of al!
region and class, including ethnic minorities and indigenous population, women, deprived, socially excluded,
madhesis, dalits and disabled must be assured politically, and explicitly.
Development of people-oriented, transparent constitution and legal information system dedicated to keep the
Page 1 of 1
"Mathura P Shrestha" <>
"PHM-Secretariat" <>
Monday, September 06, 2004 9:05 PM
Re: PHA-Exchange> New constitution for peace in Nepal and People’sparticipation in its
Dear Ravi Narayan
Thank you for the comments to my paper. I have just sent a new edited version. I shall have to reedit again, you comments are acceptable
to me. It is a great encouragement to have your comments. Thanks again.
— Original Message
From: PHM
9/7 04
Page 1 of 1
'PHM-Secretariat” -secretariat® ph movement .org>
"Mathura P Shrestha” <>
Friday, September 03, 2004 3:59 PM
Re: PHA-Exchange> New constitution for peace in Nepal and People'sparticipation in its
Dear Mathuraji
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
I just finished reading through your mail on ‘Writing a New Constitution for Nepal - A People’s participation in the
process' which was on the PHM Exchange on 28l}1 August.
it was a very inspiring. comprehensive and significant document capturing all the major concerns of the PHM in the
context of the Social Economic - Political - Cultural realities ofNepal.
Just a few thoughts came to mind as I read through the steps suggested.
Somewhere perhaps the words 'plurality' or 1 multicultural diversity' needs to be mentioned because cultural
mndanienlaiism often linked to narrower definitions of nationalism prevent the acceptance of plurality and are
the cause of so much ‘tension' and “Irate offensives’ in our region.
Should you mention youth as a separate group, not only because as a group they are beginning to be alienated
by today's socio-economic processes but also because they continue to feel inadequately represented in
governance (Item 1. pl).
Should we talk about empowering people to exercise their constitutional rights and responsibilities (Item 7,
Should we- include constitutional protection against exploitation from global capitalism including globalization
and multinational companies and also
rade_ AgrctjueMs
5, P2)?
When mentioning solving their problems (item 4. P2), should wc mention ‘Gbildrer? and Yontb-RUhts' here9
Also perhaps * aged'9
In the context of indigenous people and ethnic minorities in forest areas etc and their rights, should we use the
word “access io nature resourceY'. winch is often curbed by so called developmental activities?
Finally in lw para on principles of International humanitarian laws, declarations and conventions, should you
include Am&.aJteQ
Ln item 8, Para2, is ‘rebel’ rhe right word? h has different connotations. Perhaps the wording ’firganizs’ against
injustice and oppression may be more apt and prevent being stereotyped.
All the best in your efforts
In solidarity
Ravi Narayan
i — Original Message —
9 3 04
Page I of 1
"Sunil Deepak" <>
<>; <>
Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:16 PM
I: Cuenca participants from Nepal
Dear friends from PHM secretariate,
For your information, enclosed you will find a message from WATCH Nepal regarding the two
Nepalese participants being sponsored by AIFO/Italy for PHA2 in Cuenca.
As you can see from the message, they are planning to organise a meeting of CBO and NGOs involved
in health related activities as preparation for Cuenca. We would appreciate if you can give them a hand
in making contacts with other PHM persons in Nepal and by sharing information about similar processes
in India. We would also appreciate if Mr. Narayan Kaji can also be informed any significant preparatory
meetings in the region.
Thanks in advance and best wishes,
Page I of2
"Sunil Deepak" <>
<>; <>
Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:16 PM
I: Cuenca participants from Nepal
----- Messaggio originals—
to WATCH []
marted! 3 maggio 2005 15.46
Sunil Deepak
Re: R: WATCH participation in PHA-2 Cuenca Ecuador
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan Virus Wall.
:J; x x .•»: x x
Dear Sunilji
Sorry to hear about sad news from Pakistan. It is like a loss of a very near and dear family member.
’ was busy with doing org. assessment of irrigation federation and I am going to Rupandehi to attend an
assembly of PLWHA organization and prepare for national level sex workers organization. We are also
planning to have a national level network or federation of rural women’s organization sometime this
year, may be in September. Following upon our e-mail I am sending the information about me and
Sohorati Tharu. Good news she has got her passport;
Name: MRs. Soharatiya Devi Tharuni
Surname: Tharuni
Date of Birth: 23.04.1943
Passport No. 2557124
Date of issue: 24.04.2005
Date of Expiry: 23.04.2015
Name: Narayan Kaji Shrestha
Surname: Shrestha
Passport No.: 1973324
Date of Issue: 13.11.2003
Date ofExpiry: 12.11.2013
1 have asked our travel agency to book the flight but I have not got any confirmation. I will try today and
let you know. I have heard that it is possible to get visa from Delhi but I need to know how, otherwise I
will request you. I have contacted some people who had participated in the first assembly and who are
taking part subsequently. They promised to invite in their meeting last week but did not happen. I will
contact them after I come back from Rupandehi. Do you think it will be good idea to organize somekind
of interactions with CBOs and NGos who are involved in people's health? Please advise us. Thank you
very much.
Page 2 of2
With Highest Regards;
At 10:46 AM 4/20/05 +0200, you wrote:
Dear Kaji ji,
Greetings from Bologna. Regarding the participation of two
representatives of WATCH (you and a person from a women
federation) in the second People's Health Assembly (PHA-2), we
need the following information as soon as possible:
I. Full name and surname of two persons as given in passport, date
of birth, passport number, date of issue of passport, date of expiry
of passport
2. Ask confirmation to your travel agency if you can ask for visa
from Ecuador embassy in India or in Thailand, if it is not possible,
please inform us so that we ask Government of Ecuador to get visa
for you on arrival (so that a confirmation letter to allow you to
board the flight for Ecuador will be sent to you before your
departure from Nepal)
3. Your flight details and date and time of arrival and departure in
Ecuador. Please make the bookings with your travel agency.
Flights can be through Europe (KLM or Air France) or be through
India/Brazil. The international airport closest to Cuenca is
Guayaquil. If flights to Guayaquil are difficult ask for Quito
International airport. Book your flights so that you arrive in
Cuenca on 16th July and leave Cuenca on 23 July.
From Guyanaquil it is possible to get bus to Cuenca and journey
time is about 4 hours. From Quito also it is possible to get bus to
Cuenca and journey time is 11 hours.
Inform us about the cost of the air-ticket.
4. Programme of the Cuenca:
(a) Take a look at the programme of Cuenca assembly at the PHA2
webpage and at the PHM webpage - if there are other workshops or sessions
in which you would like the WATCH representative to have a role,
please Set me know.
(b ) If persons from Rpendehi or Chaimalle or Okhaldunga want to
prepare any special poster, song, banner, etc. for PHA 2 please
inform me about it because during PHA2 there will many parallel
activities for such activities.
Thanks and looking forward to hear from you very soon,
20 April 2005
rage £
< p remJ oh n @vsn i. net>
Thursday, May 12, 2C05 2:38 PM
Re: nepal update
?Zy dear Shanta,
As of now we are asking all participants to bear the cost of their accommodatiopn and food at PEA 2
(unlike in ?HA 1), also of course, their travel. That is why we encourage everyone to approach local
international agencies such as Actionaid and Oxfam. Appropriate accommodation will be booked and
we will inform you closer to date.
Warm regards,
Main Identity
"PHM - Secretariat" <>
<pre_john@vsnl net>; <>; <>
Monday, July 11, 2005 11:45 AM
PHA 2 - Nepal delegation
Mr. Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretariat (Global).
Dear Ravi Narayan:
As per your e-mail dated July 05, 2005 subject PHA-2 Nepal Delegation, Professor Mathura P Shrestha and Ms.
Dina Chaudhan age 23, Community Health worker belonging to Tharu indigenous community active in health of
deprived Musahar community in Udayapur district will be attending PHA II. Dr. Mathura is National Coordinator of
People's Health National Coordination Committee. Nepal. Their passport details will be sent to you by
tomorrow or day after tomorrow Kindly arrange accommodation for them.
Because of lack of time tickets will be purchased here Kindly reimburse their tickets to Nepal's team leader
Professor Mathura P Shrestha there. Please also kindly send official invitation letter for visa and other purposes
Professor Mathura likes to present a paper on Health of Peoples, Democracy and Conflict. Kindly find an
appropriate slot for presentation.
With best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Shanta Lail Mui mi
General Secretary
People's Health National Coordination Committee, Nepal
Secretariat: Resource Centre for Primary Health Care
Bagbazar. P.O.Box: 117, Kathmandu, Nepal,
lek +977-1-4243891, Tel/ Fax: +977-1-4225675
e-mail: or
Page 1 of 3
Main Identity
"mathura shrestha" <>
recipient list not shown:>
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:03 PM
Struggle for democracy
Deai* All
Please disseminate the article pasted.
Civic Societies’ struggle for democracy
Mathura P. Shrestha
Today's daily paper of Nepal, Samacharpatra of Tuesday, August 23, 2005 (Page 4), had an apt cartoon
in which Democracy is shown tightly stuffed into a closed glass bottle and a cuffed royal hand holding
the bottle to exhibit a king's 'democracy'. The king's commitment to democracy is as obvious as that.
The monarchy has exhibited its true character, its obsoleteness. It has proclaimed its own
incompatibility to democracy, peace and people's wellbeing. Unfortunately, the attitude of Nepal's king
is shared directly or indirectly by a few who still believe that the monarchy can be civilized. The
tendency is indirectly propagating obsolete paradigms of guided democracy and condition of forced
peace (by defeating insurgency). The forced peace is synonymous to an inert or dead peace that only
subjugates the people to fatalism and a culture of silence or nonresistance. Such peace even if possible
militarily is more dangerous, traumatic or counterproductive than an armed conflict. Moreover, a
military solution of the present conflict in Nepal is impossible. Even if the military will grow 20 times,
qualitatively and quantitatively, it will not be able to defeat the Maoist's so called 'People's War'.
Similarly the Maoists will not be able to defeat the king's military even if it will grow by 20 times.
The political party leaders are shying away from the reality comprehended by the people. People want to
see the political parties reformed and changed to responsible and non-corrupt parties. The leaders do not
venture to oblige these for the fear of being replaced by younger and more competent, militant cadres.
They continue to do so in spite of mass desertion of their honest cadres.
The king is cashing on this mood of the people and party cadres and has now regressed 'to punish
political parties'. Fie deliberately suppress the rights of the people to be informed that the people, only
the people, have a right to punish or vote out the political parties. No other person has that right, even in
the name of the people.
The present civic societies' struggle is complex and needs to have many roles or purposes. It can't afford
to be limited to a single track strategy. Nor it can behave like the struggle of political parties to usurp
power. Following 12 roles for the struggle are suggested. I invite comments. The struggle aims:
To strengthen political struggle for democracy of 7-party coalition rather than try to replace or
provide alternative to their movements. But civil societies refuse to be co-opted by the parties in
the colition - singly or jointly. The civil societies also reserve their rights to serve as watchdogs in
favor of peoples and even to criticize any deviating political parties away from the interests and
domains of peoples.
To help Nepali consciousness to develop and mature to actively defend democracy, their
sovereign rights including political, social, economic and cultural rights. They must be empowered
to participate in the struggle for democracy and to assert all of their rights. They must learn to love
politics and fight to keep politics in people's domains. They must also learn to participate actively
in the politics, socio-cultural movements and economic activities, starting from their localities then
extending to national and global ones. This way they would be able to control and monitor
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political parties and state structures.
To develop networks of struggle as non-formal and loosely-structured to promote participatory
democracy, flexibility, and collective but united leadership until a total democracy and peace are
To project leadership of young women and men from all ethnic groups including deprived and
socially excluded communities, Dalits, Madheshis, disabled, and the poor. This should mean that
the senior activists would participate as advisors and promoters, albeit actively. This would send a
strong message to political parties sticking to septuagenarian leaders and ways of thinking.
To demonstrate active voluntarism and independently feasible self-sustenance without financial
aids from foreign donors and agencies.
To involve widest possible ranges of civil societies and human rights organizations that are
strongly advocating democracy, people's sovereignty, human rights, multiculturalism, biodiversity,
eco-harmony, equity, social justice and people's dignity as well as strongly campaigning against
regression and autocracy.
To encourage a new way of thinking and behaving among the peoples for a culture of violencefree world, multiculturalism, biodiversity, eco-harmony, equity, social justice and people's dignity
without guilt complexes and without economic or social exploitations. Organized voices of
peoples should be made much more powerful than guns or bullets.
To diversify the present struggle to include peoples from all cultures and walks of life
quantitatively as well as qualitatively. The struggle is to be spread countrywide. It should grow
with cultural parameters of all sections of the peoples, and with professional and ethical
responsibility of participating peoples in the struggle. Mind set attitudes promoting color and
aspect blindness, authoritarian traits, nontransparent or irresponsible behaviors and anti-people
despotism will be discouraged.
To transform the armed conflict to a lasting and meaningful peace by:
Investigating and analyzing root causes of the conflict to address its transformation
Reinstating democracy, parliament and representative government. The dialogue with the
Maoist is not possible or productive without these.
Transforming the state and societies politically, socially, economically and culturally
Restructuring the state and governance to inclusive, participatory, representative, democratic
and decentralized structures and powers to ensure dignity and rights to self determination of all
Developing a new people's constitution through an elected Constitutional Assembly to
guarantee people-first concept, and peoples' sovereignty their political, social, economic and
cultural rights
Having dialogue between conflicting parties (democratically elected government and the
Maoists) mediated and facilitated by national civil societies. UN systems, international
governments and agencies, International civil societies have roles as guarantors to assure
implementations of peace accords following such dialogue
Promoting dialogue and joint actions between the 7-Party Coalition and the Maoists for
democracy, peace and development with equity and social justice
] 0. To manage information systems through all possible networks, media hubs, websites and WEBBLOGGs to facilitate people's access to information about their struggle locally, nationally and
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11. To promote, enhance and manage international solidarity to optimize the struggle to democracy
12. To promote international concerns and dialogue on Nepal's democracy along with the
international condemnation of the king's despotism, totalitartism, autocracy and ruthless
Yen, Tuesday-, August 23, 2005
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Main Identity
"mathura shrestha" <>
recipient list not shown:>
Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:50 PM
Threats ao assasins
Power-politics of assassins
Mathura P. Shrestha
[President, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nepal (PSRN); and Coordinator of Civic Solidarity for
Peace (CsPeace)]
Most in ruling class who degenerated into dominance cult either get themselves lost in piped dreams of
absurdities or keep engaged in subjugating human goods “C politics, religion, culture, socio-economy
and products of civilizations "C in their own terms in a fashion of' Might is right'. They aspire or even
tend to conspire to force the rest of the people of the world to remain either subservient to them or silent
on their misdeeds and mischief perpetuated to continue their misrule. One such person, Mr. Pat
Robertson, recently crossed limits of his social, professional and ethical responsibilities and ordered
American operatives including CIA to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves. He did not
hesitate to misuse his broadcasting media for the purpose. He was unconcerned when the colonialists,
imperialists and global capitalists, particularly the US, continued to plunder and exploit Venezuela and
other South American countries for more than a century forcing an overwhelming majority there to
remain insultingly poor "C bellow the absolute poverty line. He was also unconcerned when
international neo-liberals misused IFIs to accelerate disparity between the rich and poor in the name of
globalization and monopoly of rich and powerfill in global power-politics.
All human rights defenders and advocates of democracy, social justice and peace should condemn such
traits, professing a power-politics of assassinations. Humans have suffered too much for too long by
such cult to subjugate unequal relations between peoples and within nations.
I also appeal all the peoples of the world to bring politics back to domains of peoples to recreate a just
world without fear ”C that is, without violence, war, terror, torture, exploitation and oppression. The
oppressors and oligarchic petty bourgeois misused and monopolized politics far too long. Even today
they try to misinterpret politics and discourage common people to remain away from politics. To remain
aloof from politics is to submit the self as subservient or dominated. Such condition of disenchantment
is against the philosophy and principle of human freedom and human rights. All human rights defenders
and advocates of democracy, equity, social justice and peace should encourage all peoples to love
politics. Peoples are to be motivated to participate actively in political, social, economic and cultural
activities and affairs in their localities, countries and the world. It is their indelible right to monitor and
intervene affairs of states to rectify. This way the peoples will control the world to be civilized with
equitable and social justice. This way they will really be able to celebrate a world of diversity, ecoharmony and multiculturalism, and make individual talents and resources flourish progressively and
dynamically. This way, we will be able to create another world “C a world without corruption, without
exploitations and without self-centered speculations.
In the face of unbridled global power turning itself an international policeman of nations the countries
and peoples all over the world should remain united to project united voice and actions for democracy,
integrity of nations, human rights, human sovereignty, international understandings between peoples,
and addressals of people's problems, especially focusing those of the poor, deprived and socially
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excluded populations, indigenous and ethnic minorities, disabled and women. I hope that all countries in
Latin America will be united to resist such insanity dragged as residuals from colonial mentality.
, Thursday, August 25, 2005
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Main Identity
"mathura shrestha" <>
<recipient list not shown:>
Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:54 PM
My response to commentators
My response to some comments and questions
Mathura P. Shrestha
Thanks to concerned persons for several comments and questions through e-mail and telephone on my 2
papers e-transmitted on 26 August.
About historic decision of CPN (UML) on Democratic Republic Nepal
Mi*. PS, AS and BK:'I agree you that CPN (UML) has taken historic, courageous and appropriate
decision to go democratic republic and struggle uncompromisingly against the king's regression during
its current Central Committee Meeting. I also agree that this will increase CPN - UML'spolitical
credibility in leaps and bounds. But are you sure that the party's top leaders will take that decision by
hearts and minds and be genuinely committed to the decision? How one becomes ensured that the
decision is not one among the 'formality only types' to patch up the crisis resulting from the distrust of
leaders among the party cadres?'
A. I hope you will voice the legitimate concern to CPN (UML) leadership directly or through their
cadres. But I am optimistic. The party is advocating People's democracy, democratic republicanism and
multiparty people's democracy all the while from its inception. These terminologies are synonym of
republican democracy with no place for monarchy including ceremonial or constitutional monarchy.
They compromised in the tri-party understanding during 1990 people's revolution only as temporary
political solution. The understanding is now non-operative as the king betrayed the constitution, the
understandings and all democratic norms to go absolute monarchy and autocracy. CPN (UML) and its
leaders can't go back from the historic decision. If a few goes back they will only put them towards a
rapidly declining political oblivion. I am confident that all leaders and cadres of the party will not only
be committed to the decision but will struggle onward for the same very sincerely. Each and every
leader in the party knows that if they would not they would be overstepped by other party cadres just as
obsolete ideas are swept away and replaced by the new with the political storms. I am confident that the
party leadership will thus will move forward united and with further more political and social
commitments towards the republican democracy. At least they are politically mature to be that visionary.
On NC and NC (D)
Ms. DM: How could you suspect NC or NC (D) who in history always fought, including two armed
insurgences, for democracy?
A. First of all I do not suspect the wisdom of NC or NC (D) leaders. But honestly, you, I and all people
know that the people, country and their parties themselves suffered setbacks related to their
shortsightedness. Examples of such shortsightedness are many. To mention a few: (a) NC internalized
Delhi Tri-Party compromise of 1950 even if the party was (deliberately) excluded from the negotiation
processes between Rana rulers, the king Tribhuvana and Mr. Nehru; and NC was not even made party to
sign the resulting accord, (b) It disbanded its Liberation Army that fought so bravely and sacrificed
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immeasurably to bring democracy to the success soon after it participated in the interim government in
1950. (c) In 1957/58 it compromised with the then king to change demand of Constitutional Assembly
to mere parliamentary system, (d) In 1061/62 it withdrew armed rebellion unilaterally because of IndiaChina war without much political dialogue between and among its cadres or peoples, (e) In 1958 it came
up with so called theory of conjoined neck of the king and the party that did so harm to the party and the
people, (f) During the aftermath of 1990 revolution the party did so little when it could do so much due
to the party’s failure to take the people to confidence, (g) Now the leadership appear so fuzzy on the
question of republican democracy even after so many betrayals from the monarchy and even after such
strong demandTjom its cadres and peoples. The party leaders should take its history as mirror to correct
itself and to grox^The party should generate trust of it among the people by courageously making
answers to above Cjxfestions public. I just warned the people on the news and rumors on 'under-carpet
dealings' to reinstate ffi^parliament when almost everybody in Nepal is struggling for the reinstatement.
I only cautioned the parties to avoid under-carpet dealings and not to make it the future party battle
ground to satisfy regressive forces. NC or NC (D) should make people their constituency and not the
shade-loving forces in the palace. Lastly, the reinstatement of the parliament is demanded by People, 7party coalition and civil societies to put democracy back into its track, to dismantle all extraconstitutional structures and activities, to punish the culprits of regression, to put army and all
constitutional bodies under the parliament, to open legislative processes to develop a new constitution
through an elected Constitutional Assembly, and to declare ceasefire and to complete other legislative
formalities to open and successfully conclude a political/peace dialogue with the Maoists, formation of
an interim government including the Maoists and further transformations of political, social, economic
and cultural conditions of the country including restructuring of the state for the meaningful and lasting
peace. Remember that the parliament need to be re-invoked to solve the current problems resulting from
regression and the armed conflict but NOT to have a status quo or to legitimize the king's regression.
On civil society’s movement
Ms. DA, ABS and Mr. KKC: Can civic society's movement succeed without political struggle? Are not
you making another new party after some success? Flow you avoidforeign influence and dolor ized
culture from civic societies? Are you trying to bring about split in civic society movement?
A. Please refer to my article entitled, 'Civic societies' struggle for democracy' e-transmitted to you and
others on 23 August. The 12-point proposition in that article should sufficiently answer questions except
the last two. The split in the civic societies is out of question. First of all it is a rainbow revolution
incorporating all society of all colors except protagonists of regression, feudal royalists and mafia style
vigilante Mandales. Secondly it is loosely structured to make it inclusive and participatory. Thirdly, it is
^^multi-centric with initiatives with so many civil society networks independently or in cooperation with
other networks in so many different points and places and in so many different ways. One structure,
single place or one way of doing things are out of question to achieve such a big struggle against
regressed monarchy, feudalism, social injustices, deprivations, inequity and for complete democracy
with people with real sovereign powers. What is important is that all organizations cooperate and
support one another in coordinated and united for unity of purpose - to strengthen political movement
against regression, and or republican democracy, equity and socials justice with transparent and
accountable political, social, economic and cultural transformations for people's sovereign rights and
peace. The civil societies are not corrupt organizations as are government and private bureaucracy are or
as the splitist forces under cover hype. Every dollar or any foreign currency received by networks
participating in the struggle is accounted by multiple and independent agencies. The development goods
and rights advocacy reach all sections of countries and societies where government agencies and private
corporate structures are not able to reach. Those who pretend to be free of dollar are not actually free.
They may even muster more dollars under the carpet with their specifically construed pocket-NGOs
(Some NGOs may be restricted to their pockets in unaccounted secrecy without visible programs but
Page 3 of 3
with only nicely bond reports submitted only to donors). They are creating myths about NGOs to bring
about split in civil societies' movements deliberately or as subservient to the regression directly or
indirectly. I warned the possibility of such narrow minded hypes pursed by de facto operator(s) of the
king's regression - 'Secret service commandos to eliminate forces against the regressed monarchy' - a
few months back (March 3). Kindly refer to that document.
[The names of commentators are changed, and abbreviated accordingly for security reason. The comments arc amalgamated without
modifying the intention or spirit of the commentators. Henceforth I request the commentators to be specific and limit a comment on one
topic within 4 lines. However they are free to include as many topics as possible.]
Yen. Sunday. August 28. 2005
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people informed. Prospects and risk of any contested provision should be provided honestly and comprehensibly.
The system should include resource centers judicially spread over the terrain and easily accessible to the people
of all parts and groups.
Collection, processing and dissemination of people's opinion, suggestions and concerns of the people through the
collecting-booths judicially distributed throughout the country.
Distribution of drafts of constitution to ail the peoples with request for collective interactions and feed backs.
Formal and informal interactive programs throughout the country up to village levels to refine the draft.
Development of assured structures and setups for a free and fair election of representation body for writing the
constitution. People should be informed at regular intervals on the progress in the constitution drafts and final
introduction of socially responsible civic education in the schools from the primary level and in all non-formal
education programs to empower people to exercise constitutional rights including the participation in its
Essence and substance of the constitution should guarantee supreme power to the people - sovereign rights of the
people and constitutional recognition that 'people is the source of political and state power, and country's history,
culture, civilization and norms.
The constitution should reflect the spirit and principles of international humanitarian laws, declarations and
conventions, especially UDHR, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1976 and its
optional protocols of 1976 and 1991; and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(ICESCR) 1976.
It should be reflective of ground! realities including political, social, economic and! cultural states and embody
aspirations of the people, and thus appeal their hearts and minds in solving their problems particularly those of
socially displaced, women, ethnic minorities and indigenous people, madhesis, dalits and disabled.
Constitutional protection from externa! interventions, aggressions and! encroachments, and! exploitation from
global capitalism including globalization and multinational companies.
it should 'ce progressive with constitutional protection from retrogression by the reactionary rulers. This should
commit to uplift socially displaced resulting from centuries of misrule, exploitation and segregation out of a hate
culture to degrade the disempowered. Therefore it should celebrate diversity, and explicitly be anti-feudal, anti
colonialist and anti hegemony.
It should guarantee rights of all to basic needls - (a) food and nutrition, (b) shelter with decent housing, (c)
protective clothing, (d) education to empower informed decision and creativity, (e) health including safe water
and sanitation, (f) security including social security, (g) clean and healthy environment, (h) productive
employment with adequate remuneration, (i) social identity with social relations, (?) Participation in local and
national sociopolitical activities, (k) recreation and cultural interaction, and (1) human rights.
It should incorporate rights to dissent and/or even to rebel against injustice and oppression.
Kathmandu, August 28,2004
PHA-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
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Our solidarity to struggling peoples of Ecuador
Mathura P. Shrestha
President, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nepal (PSRN); and Coordinator of Civic
Solidarity for Peace (CSPeace)
It is encouraging to learn that a dialogue between the struggling people and the
government of Ecuador is being held to solve the problems. I hope that political
wisdom will prevail among all parties concerned and the national problems of
Ecuador will be solved with equitable and social justice so that all people will win
along with parties on the table. 1 also hope that the victims will be adequately
compensated. Ecuador with so much natural and human resources deserves to provide
better, healthier, and wealthier lives for the common people. The need is to have a
political determination and socially responsible commitments towards the people. I
hope that the government will take the side of the struggling peoples, especially the
indigenous population, the poor, women and socially excluded sections, and of social
justice rather than multinational companies, global capitalism and exploiting classes
that forced the country with unnatural and unacceptable disparities among the
peoples. The rich became irresponsibly richer and the poor poorer.
The social injustices and disparities are the greatest threats to peace, security, health
and wellbeing of the peoples in the nation, region and the world. Colonial legacies
that destroyed national capacity along with socio-cultural resources and identity are to
be destroyed by taking the people in confidence and with participatory democracy and
empowerment of the peoples. 1 also hope that the people and government of Ecuador
will together be able to prevent plunder of natural resources, environmental
degradation, mafia like subjugators, new kind of biochemical warfare in a name of
‘Plan Colombia”, drug trafficking, globalization and NAFTA. I also hope that the
dialogue will be successfully concluded and implemented.
Let all concerned be sincere towards the wellbeing of the people of Ecuador. Our
moral support and solidarity are with the people of Ecuador!
Yen, Nepal: Monday, August 22, 2005
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Main Identity
"mathura shrestha" <>
recipient list not shown:>
Monday, August 29, 2005 9:12 PM
Bravo congress leadership
Historic decision of Nepali Congress
Mathura P. Shrestha
Today's decision of NC central committee to remove the word of constitutional monarchy from its
constitution is a historic landmark. This is positive response of the party to the surging will of the people
from all walks of life and of overwhelming majority of NC cadres. I am sure that the party's convention
will adopt it unanimously. Some traditional persons showed their reservation as unnecessary move. That
is natural. I am sure that they will hear voices of the peoples, their cadres and their own voices of
conscience in a day or two and will support the change whole heartedly. Similarly, some are not
satisfied as the change was not as explicit as democratic republicanism. I think that they too can
celebrate the change as their victory. Democratic republicanism is automatically implied after the
removal of constitutional monarchy from the constitution and because of the strongly committed mood
of majority of the people and their cadres to support democratic republic. The people and cadres will
interpret the positively at decisive moment. No fraction will be able to retreat from the historic decision.
I congratulate the NC leadership for the brave stand in the crucial hours of the struggle for the
Yen. Monday. August 29. 2005
Page 1 of 1
Main Identity
"Claudio" < >
"pha-exchange" <>
Saturday, September 03, 2005 6:05 PM
PHA-Exchange> Golden opportunity for peace in Nepal - Maoists deciareceasefire!
From: mathura shrestha
People of Nepal thank the CPN (Maoist)
Mathura P. Shrestha
Coordinator of Civic Solidatity for Peace (CSPeace); and President of PSR, Nepal
1 thank the leadership of CPN (Maoists) for declaring a three-month long ceasefire in response to the
wishes of the people from all walks of life, Seven Political Party Coalition now struggling for
democracy, and national and international civil societies. In fact all people of Nepal thank the Maoists
for the wise and courageous decision. On behalf of CSPeace, its member networks and all the people of
Nepal appeal the Nepal's military and security forces to respond the Maoists' offer positively. I also
earnestly appeal the king to take the opportunity positively to retreat from the present regression to
democracy and reinstate the dissolved parliament for the formation of the representative government
that would legally and credibly negotiate with the Maoists within a week. I hope that no force will dare
to be stupid to break the proposed ceasefire declaration. Unfortunately, I can't request the present
government as it is not legal or constitutional, and it has no credibility or legal authority to participate in
peace dialogue with the Maoists.
6-h I6
Page 1 of 1
Main Identity
"Claudio" <>
"pha-exchange" <>
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:23 AM
PHA-Exchange> Fw: Idiosyncrasy and an obsolute monarchy
From: mathura shrestha
Ruler's idiosyncrasy and irrelevant monarchy
The king who scuttled himself away from all bounds of reason and the nation’s constitution has failed
He tried once more to stifle media and press with a hope to keep the people in continued state of
misinformation and disinformation out of only 'made available slugs' blared from the state
controlled media. Fearful of informed people, and those who have faith in the power of reason and
capable to take informed decisions he naturally wants to put peoples in perpetual darkness and
oblivious to current political, social and cultural events in the country and the world. We need to,
and we can throw away the current ordinance on media.
The king declared local and parliamentary election to maintain his grip on power. All without any
exception know that a fair and free election is not possible without a representative government
responsible to the people and without solving the present armed conflict politically. All major
political parties would boycott an April election.
The king deliberately tried to sabotage the unilateral ceasefire by the Maoists several times by
indiscriminate killings of unarmed personnel, pseudo-encounters and murders after arrest of
alleged Maoists. He is playing the dangerous game although a large number of security personnel
are not in a real mood to fight. Instead, they want negotiated peace.
A journalist, Maheswor Pahari died in police custody and the cause of the death was declared
as.... AIDS.
Now is the time to wake up and struggle for democracy. If we agitate massively we can show the world
how a dictator is thrown out of power peacefully. The coming struggle will once again prove the power
of peace and united people.
Yen, Tuesday, October 18, 2005
PPI A-Exchange is hosted on Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
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"mathura shrestha" <>
<recipient list not shown:>
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:59 AM
Idiosyncrasy and an obsolute monarchy
Dear All
I am sorry to remain silent for so many day’s after I returnedfrom the 1CJ meeting in Delhi as I xvas down with quite a
serious bronchitis and asthma. The illness was related to poor hygiene of Cosmic Airways and closure of ventilation system
for a long time even though all passengers were seated before it flew from Delhi to Kathmandu. The reason given was
because of the budget airline, although the price tag of the purchased ticket (in Kathmandu) was about 50% more than the Al
flight from Kathmandu to Delhi. The neglect of consumer rights is a common practice in the current corruption ridden
autocratic systems in Nepal, especially in the airline espoused by the kingfrom behind the curtain.
Meanwhile many things happened that would not occur in normal circumstances where rule of law would prevail. Kindly
disseminate the following article.
With regards
Mathura P. Shrestha
Page I of
Main Identity
"Naveen" <>
"PHM - Secretariat" <>; "CHC" <>
Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:35 PM
Info on new public health school in Nepal
From: "maniparas" <>
Subject: New Public Health School or another Public Health school for Elite
Nepal is launching a new Public Health School in east Nepal with
technical support of WHO.Institute of Medicine has its long experiences
of producing MPH.This country is lucky to have plenty of Public Health
Graduate from US A,Thailand concentrated in Kathmandu valley .New one is
away from Kathmandu but at to see its impact in Practice.Wish good luck
to this Institution.
Page 1 of2
"X Bals" <kba!>
< ? H M_Steen ng__Grou o_C2-03@yshoogrou ds. corn>
Monday, November 28, 2005 12:02 PM
Re: [PKM_Steering_Group_02-03]
My dear Frem,
Please convey our best wishes to Ravi Our prayers are
with him. His exercise tolerance test was normal and
did not reveal any discomfort or ECG changes. And yet
his arteries were blocked. His collaterals would have
taken over perhaps.
incidentally i did not get the original mail from you.
I came to know about it from Qasem's response to you.
We called on your mobile on 25th to wish Maya and
Vince, it was engaged every time.
Cur love to all at home. Bala
— Qasem Chowdhury <> wrote:
> Dear Prem,
> Thanks for this news. It is good to hear that he is
> recovering well.
> 1 do not know whether Ravi is reading his email or
> net. Please pass
> or. all good wishes from us. I am sure that he will
> make an excellent
> recovery.
> Our best wishes to him and to you.
> Qasem
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by Mail Scanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
> Grameen CyberNet Ltd.
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