
extracted text

Subject: Ecology Meeting Chandigarh - 8 Dec.2002
sh’ste: 16 Nov 2002 04:29:57 -0000

U DicHuf3 J>ii11

<uillciR.jFaduii@fcC'.i u DidiI.COiii>

I o: brahin dutts@hotmail.coin.,, d71,
dsharma^S' wmdston^z' com, devendra swarup@hotmail com,
ap 1966@;ioimail. com, tiwari@yoj, aaandkumarrepbiol@hotmail . com, anilg@sristi. org;
deeoakmanhas@\, asliinoshhalderf®




lc<ise zir.G i..-/jCcL-Igl. for Ecology meeting co be held at
liandigari. o?. c~h Dec.
r.“.3 is f?r your <ir,d infomaticn.

h.--1 EcoMeeli .euer-2.doc ■

Na mo: ncoMeetLetter-2 .doc
Type: Winword rile (ann'lication/msword)

The Earth has enough for everybody's need but notfor anybody's greed.
-Lvlahatma Gandhi

WaGb^ G-wy ©a Geology &

Hateral Resource Conservation______________
St. No.-1, Kamla Colony, Patiala Gate, Nabha- 147201: Ph# 01765 - 524907. Email:

Ecology er

ar:il Resource Conservation Meeting 011 7-3th Nev .al Chandigarh

Respected Madam/Sir,

’’Truth is always bitter”, but you have io lace it today or tomorrow. It is true that the most
prosperous and one of the most resource-rich States of India ’’Punjab’* is on the brink of
Ecological disaster We the people of Punjab and Haryana invite Hie disaster only. By
totally neglecting oil’ rradirional knovvledge system and the classical scientific heritage,
we lost our vision of prosperity and affluence. The vision that has roots in our ecology.
our social systems, our cosmic beliefs and spirituality. The planners, leaders have
fastened a development model on Punjab and Haryana emulating the western
development, mode! without testing it on the touchstone of the Social Model of our own.
The result that was shown al the lime of adoption was prosperity and abundance but in
actual it has led us towards an unprecedented, irreparable cycle of destraction of our
invaluable wealth i.e. natural resources.

We accepted the agricultural pattern, which was totally adverse to our water and
ecological recourse. The new technology, new developmental paradigms, which, we
imported for improvements in the agriculture, have lead to misappropriation, mishandling, embezzlement and violent mis-treatment of the precious treasures of nature.
The biggest affected reason is once the most resource rich Punjab, which has lost its
entire forest, cover, its rich soil, ground water and bio-diversity.

The ground water table in Punjab has recorded an alarming decrease from 15 feet to 100150 feel in general and even more in certain areas in the last two decades. To be more
specific as per the statistics available out of 138 development blocks of Punjab 11
development blocks have been declared as dark zones (a term used to signify that there is
no ground water at all). 72 blocks have been declared as over exploited or gray zones,
which in ether terms moans more than 60% of geographical Punjab is heading towards
desertification. interestingly it is worthwhile to mention here that 30 years ago there was
no dark zone in Punjab. Similarly the situation in I he brother S tale i.e. Hary ana is also not
anv brighter. Out of 108 development blocks of Haryana. 33 have been declared as gray
zones and 8 as dark zones and this constitutes about 40% geographical area of Haryana.
The reason that 1ms led io the situation is not latent, but quite obvious and patent: both the

States led to the green revolution in the Country and hence are the most benefited
• affected by the by-products of green revolution.
As per the scientific* studies ii look about 50,000,000 years for ihe waler io gel
accumulated beneath the earth and we did not lake even 50 years io exhaust the same on
th : name of development and progress. The situation lias confronted us with some
questions, which need io be addressed and answered: What will the lulure generation of
Punjab drink0 Flow the land of five waters will survive without any water? I f we go by
the estimates and the situation docs not improve there will be no ground water left in
Punjab after next 20 years, will Punjab be re-named as Be-aab? Our ignorant Chief
Ministers have been practicing to provide free electricity to ihe Farmers so that they can
use it to lift ihe ground water for irrigation purposes as a popular measure Unfortunately
they are not aware that the electricity can be generated, but can any Chief Minister
generate or create ground water.

On one side is this over exploitation of the ground water on die other side the ground
water re-charging pockets which were available in every village in form of Ponds are
being filled leading to a situation where there is only discharge of ground waler but no re­
charge. We are daily committing sins by filling of village ponds io built Panchayat
Bhawans, Block Development Offices and Comm unity Centers. Our Ministers and
leaders are going to inaugurate these buildings without understanding that these
development buildings are in actual the graves for future generation.
Not only this the developed and progressive agriculture given by the green revolution has
contaminated all the water bodies. The use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides has
polluted the waler resources of Punjab even the ground water in Punjab is contaminated
with Chromium, Selenium and Nitrates.

By blindly imitating the western system we have adopted agro-chemicals, new variety of
seeds. Foreign breed of Cattle, machines and tractors etc. in the name of green revolution
whereas it has taken toll of our native varieties of seeds, cattle breeds, traditional system
ol agriculture and the most importantly our natural resources like water and bio-diversity.
Moreover, the future looks darker, in the age of Globalization, Privatization, and
Piunderization by W.T.O., the loss of natural resources and bio-diversity is going to bo
ignored more.
Kheli Virasat has taken an initiative catalyze a debate and io initiate a constructive
movement in this regard. Accordingly The Working Group on Ecology and Natural
Resource Conservation of .Kheti Virasat is hosting a strategic meeting on Sunday
December G, 2002 on this issue at Chandigarh.
You are invited and requested to participate in this meeting.
Shri Anupam Mishra, Eminent Environmentalist & Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation,
New Delhi: Shri Banwari Ji, Former Editor, Jansatta, Delhi; Waterman of India and
Magsassey Award Winner Shri Rajinder Singh, Ahvar, Rajasthan: Dr. R.N. Athavale,
Emeriius Scientist National Geophysical Research Insiiiuie, Hyderabad; Ur Bajrang Lal
Gunin. Economist: Eminem Agriculture Economist and Acuvist Shri Davinder Sharma;
Environmentalist Slui Ravi Aggerwal: Shri Jagdish Upasane, Associate Ediioi-India


I odavi Shri Ram Dahndur Rai. 'N-.’-s Editor J'msalta.' Shri V Murlidharan Director
Ge aura. i\YKS ana Environmentalist Shri Sudheendra Shanna, have already given iiieir
ronsem tor This meeting.
.Lvcl-ing _or \ chi cooperation and guidance.
Please conFirm your participation al earliest so that the arrangements can be made
accorumgly. Wnh thanks ana warm regards.
Yours irulv
Umendra Dini
Kheti Virasat,
B-36 G-l. D it shad Garden.
Phone 011-2570982
E-mail : urnendradutt^
E-mail '. umeiidiauu£ijti^^ieiiviiasai..coniL

The venue for this meeting will be
Seminar Hal?
C R1 D —(Centre for Research in Rural Industrial De^ elopmeni)
Sector 19 - A, Madhya Marg. Chandigarh.
For de Idil s you can con tact;
Shri Surinder Singh (Assistant Director - Kheti Virasat)
Ph-01887 33795’Mobil 98154-28250
E-mail: surinder_mani;oc
Shri Pankaj Jain, Advocate.
Convenor. Working Group on Ecology <V. Natural Resource Conservation
Kotl*i i No. -87 ■ Sect o r- ?
C handigaih
Phone-0177-7458-- 5 ■ Mobile-98143074 32
ic-maiiipaiik«j jamaGv sc >

ASF 2003

Subject: ASF 2003
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:19:14 +0530
From: Community’ Health Cell <>
To: Niranjana Udumalagala <>
Dear Niranjan,
Greetings from Community Health Cell / Peoples Health Movement!

I have just returned from CK Savar after attending the PHM core group
meetings where ASF, Alma Ata Anniversary and other activities were
discussed. Please could you or Vinay write to Prem John immediately with
some specific details about funding, etc? We are all trying to raise
something as well. Also contact Dr.Bala since HAI-AP could support a
little. Mark copies of all your letters to me. Glad to hear about the 12
meetings on AAA. Where will they be held? Some more details are welcome
so that we can announce it in the next communication.

Best wishes.
avi Narayan

Pl-4 r/ —

11/26/02 4:27 PM

SF 2003 JAN

Subject: ASF 2003 JAN
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:55:10 +0000
From: "Niranjan Udumalagala" <>
Dear Dr.Ravi,
Today morning we had a meeting with PHA group.Participation to ASF is depend
on funds at the moment we are not abel to find funds. I like to know about
the position of funds. If possible let us know by the time 1st week of Dec.
Also we are alredy plannde 12 meeting to next year(one foe each month) about
25 years of ALMA ATA.
with regards,

•TOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*




c /pHr^
wns/ai 10:20 AM

Re.’ ASF Jail 2003

Subject: Re: ASF Jan 2003
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:31:09 +0530
From: Community Health Ceil <>
To: Niranjan Udumalagala <>

Greetings from Community Health Cell!

No news from you. or Vinya about Srilankan participation at ASFHyderabad. We
are all hoping that atleast you, Vinya and Dr.Bala will some how make
it. Have
you written to Prem John - ACHAN? I did not get a copy if you did. We
show all three of you on the programme and made a tentative booking in
CHAI - Guest House at Hyderabad. I had hoped the PHI''! secretariat would
Borne support available. They are unable to do so but I am still hoping
we will
raise something. Till now I have still received a letter or a copy of
what is
the minimum per person to cover the fare etc. Do try and make it

Best wishes,
Ravi Narayan

Niranjan Udumalagala wrote:
> Dear Dr, Raviz
Greeting from Sri Danka.
> ive are meeting on 22nd Nov to disscuse about ASF. I like to know that ASF
> SECPA.TAREA.T able to tund 10 ot Sri Lanken to participate tor ASF. It it is
> possible let me know before 22nd then we will be able to send names of
> participants.
^Bf wi th regards,
> Velo STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FP.EE*
x http•//

pU-n- SwlcoKc--*


1 of 1

12/17/02 4:36 P.M

Subject: ASF
Oiuci Mon. 18 Nov 2902 10:47'39-^0000
Fforn; “Niranj^n 1 Jdumalagala” <udumdagala@.hotmaH.coni>
i OX SOCiiafa cj';VSEti.COlll

-.•re?ci no from Sri L-anka.

.. .,


_r. __ _ Ac:c.

ws are Noting on 72nd Nov to disscuse about ASF. I life to Know tn^-ASF
able to fund 10 of Sri Lankan ro participate tor ASF. If lt i
wicii reoarcio,
\ 1 nA?; i. AN


' wu: Ke; ASF 2003

Sv.bjeth i „G. Ke. AA- 2003
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:57:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Niranjan Udumaiagala <>
V* • cnrharn/Tftvcnl
' V% •
I mm
'W X-' A A.-K

cssacc attached.

Vo you Yahoo *1 ?
h r. re: / /ma

• p ’ i: r.. ya hno . com

Subject: Re: ASF 2003
Date: V/ed. 18 Dec 2002 15:09:25 h-0000
From: ”Prem John” <premjohn9141>

I have sent your note co Ravi and Qasem and toild how important this is.
Contact me in the next few days.

Via rm re^srviS


I. ..

,1 <M i

12 20.02 i 1:06 .-V\i


Subject: For Ravi

Date: Wed, IS Dec 2002 15:06:32+0000
From: ”Prem John’’’ < >
Dear Ravi,
These Sri Lankan contacts are ver-7 firm ones and we need to nurture and
°*>•—^ng<.nen them. As we talked aoout it ^.n S«var, j.u
n*^u really
much for some one from Sri Lanka to come to Hyderabad. Perhaps around Rs.
12,000 perhead - flight Colombo-Madras-Colombo and then train (we need to
book the train). Vinva should get flight Madras-Hyd-Madras also. Another
9, 000 or so. We are looking at a figure of around P.s. 100,000 for Vinya and
fine others or around US$ 2,000. I think it is a good investment and MUST be
made if we are to keep alive our contacts in the region.

Earlier I sent a small plan for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and
Indonesia. Ac a in very small amounts but the benefits are a lot, hopefully! !
if the current budget cannot support these types of small amounts, we should
try and get them elsewhere.

Warm regards,
Pr em

>Prom: Niranjan Udumalagala <uniranjanlk@yahoo. com>
>Subjec.t: ASF 2003
>Date: Hue, 10 Dec 2002 21:43:06 -0800 (PST)

>Dear Prem,
send afeiv e —mans tc Dr. Ravi but th er is no rep>ly.
rf possible try to contact him and asked him send a
reply co me or Dr.vinya about funds.
>with regards,


>Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful, Affordable. Sign up now,
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i of i

12/19 02 lO.-iS AM

’hstei Wed. OS Jan 7003 14:50:55 -0530

;; u;;;.
Health Cell ''eochara@vsnl.ooni>
! n: yinvn <$«rtina’n-<?,eiirekaJK>. vmva Ariyaratne <ssmplanfa,sri.!>

Preeeings icr me i.'m Year irom etc P-IM Secretariat at CMC Bangalore:
we missed you an at rne ASt-rnrough the presence of Niranjan was very
creed and we menaced to. get. Prof. Tisa Vitarana to make a presentation on

^ri^'ary p0iSi'-’r Ca^e Challenge* in Sri Lanka, in the Alma Ata Anniversary
I wish some of you had taken the risk and attended. Believe














participants on /th on my return from Hyderabad, which was a anti
cl'r.s.v. Niran^an and Prc£. Vitarane and others can report back about the

Vc-yim ^xrar-rrs . Or-

in -r,nrh direrbJy with n’A. nr>pA t-n bs

more supportive uf your PI-IM Sri Lanka initiatives and presence in global
ml uiiilxves.

Keep me on the mailing 11sl so that I can keep ox your Sx l

Lankan meetmas and initiatives.

Ravi Narayan
PHI' Secretariat.

Subject: Travel Expenses
Date: Wed 18 Dec 2002 21:53:25 +0600 (GMT)
From: “Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne” <ssmplan($>
To: <>
CC: <>

I am made to underst and that vou have not received this e—mail which was
oeiiu to you on 2 4 tn October. I copy it again below for you information. As
“ have not heard from you since then, T could not proceed with organizing
anything for our participation as a group. However, some of the PHM
participants from Sri Lanka such as Vasudeva Nanayakkara have made their
own individual arrangements to co. There will be around 50 'participants
xxoiii ori Lanka from various organizations who win travel to Hyder abad. At
this point I ain really not sure whether I will be come. It is now
really too late for me to make arrangements to go. I will keep you informed
of any developments from this end.


Dear Dr.Narayan,
This has refeince to your e mail sent to Mr.Neranjan regarding the cost of
travel for 10 Sri Lankan participants to the Asian Social Forum scheduled
to be held in Hydrabad from 2nd-7th January 2003. The total travel cost per
person is approximately US S 255 (return) and Please find attached the cost
b r e a kdown.

> r«vcl cxpciiSvS

jhjCost of travel to Hydrabad India.doc;

Name: Cost of travel to Hydrabad India.doc;
Type: Winword File (application/msword) j
^Encoding: base64


Cost of travel to Hydrabad India (January 2nd -7th, 2003)
(In Sri Lankan Rupees)

Air ticket (.Madras-Colombo return)
Visa fees
Rs. 250
Embarkation tax
Rs. 1,000
Madras - Hyderabad Railway ticket
Rs. 4,000
Transit expenses (Madras)
Rs. 4,000
(I his isfor travelfrom Madras airport to the Railway station and also for expensesfor

lodging during the day-bothways)


(US $ 255 per person)
Total for 10 participants from Sri Lanka US S 2550.00 (two thousand five hundred
and fifty US dollars only)


2 of 2

12/19/02 10:49 AM

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Re: ASF 2003

Subject: Re: ASF 2003
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:31:31 +0600

From: "Vinya Ariyaratne" <>
Dear Ravi,
Many thanks for your kind e-mail and I am really very pleased that the event was a great success. I really am
sorry I was not bale to attend. There is too much on my plate right now and unless I plan well in advance I
just cannot afford to take lime to attend meetings. Right now I am in travelling and as soon as I return to
Colombo we have fixed a meeting to plan this years’ events. I certainly will keep you informed and we
would you to visit Sri Lanka as soon as possible.

With best regards,

>From: Community Health Cell

>To: Vinya , Vinya Ariyaratne
>Subject: ASF 2003
>Datc: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 14:50:55 I0530
>Dear Vinya,
Xjreetings for the New Year from the PHM Secretariat at CHC Bangalore!

>We missed you all at the ASF-through the presence of Niranjan was very
>good and we managed to get Prof. lisa Vitarana to make a presentation on
>Primary Health Care Challenges in Sri Lanka in the Alma Ata Anniversary
reflection. I wish some of you had taken the risk and attended. Believe
or not, I got some confinnation of the support for Sri Lanka
participants on 7th on my return from Hyderabad, which was a anti
>climax. Niranjan and Prof. Vitarane and others can report back about the
>Asia Social Forum events. Do keep in touch directly with me. Hope to be
>more supportive of your PHM-Sri Lanka initiatives and presence in global
>initiatives. Keep me on the mailing list so that I can keep of your Sri
>T ankan meetings and initiatives.
>Best wishes,


>Ravi Narayan
>PHM Secretariat.

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*


1/9/03 11:47 AM

28th February 2002

Dr Ravi Narayan
Community Health Cell
367 Srinivasa Nilaya
Jakkasandra 1st Main -Koramanagala 1st Block
Bangalore 560 034

Dear Sir
It is with a great deal of pleasure and much satisfaction that I write
to congratulate you on your new appointment.I wish you every success
in your future endeavours.

We would like to stay in contact with the People’s Health Movement
We would like to subscribe to the People’s Health Movement to maintain
contact with the network and receive your communication People’s Health
Movement, and to share hard copies.I do not have access to the internet
and eihail services

We are very interested in Booklets,magazines,newsletters produced by
People’s Health Movement.


Please send a copy of a five booklet series which has been brought out by
the PHM India Movement for guiding district and state seminars
1. What Globalization does to peoples health
2. Whatever happened to health for all by 2000AD
3. Making life worth living
4.A world where we matter
5. Confronting commercialization of health care


I have indicated my wish to receive hard copies of any materials produced by
People’s Health Move me nt. Pl ease keep my name permanently for all free
issue to come.I think the completion and forwarding of this letter to
you will serve as a confirmation of my interest in remaining a
free subscriber to the People’s Health Movement publication.



I hope the enclosed information will be favourably considered and my name
will be addedd in your mailing list as accurate and update in the network
I am wishing all of you a he al thy,happy and a better working year 2003
Please send me more informat ion. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

We would appreciate it very much if you could acknowledge receipt of this

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

/ 3/


Mohamed Zarook Zackeriya
31 Mosque Lane
Colombo -03


rh£ PHI



Dear Mohamed Zarook Zackeriva,

Greetings from People’s Health Movemem Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!

1. I am posimg a set of PHM materials as requested.
2. The Indian booklets are being reprinted as they are out of stock. I am sending only
one ol them which wc still have some stock. you can download them Irom our
website (w, or wait till we reprint them.
3. Please be in touch with the Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, who is the FILM country focal
point for Sri Lanka and also Niranjan Udugamagala and Dr.Bala. Their emails
and addresses are enclosed. You can join PHM meetings in your county.
4. I may attend PHM meeting in Colombo on 7th of April. Hope io meet you then.

Apologies for the delay in replying. I was on a PI IM lecture tour in USA till 19lb March.

Best wishes,
l<avi Narayan
PHM S eere i a ria!

Ref: CHC/


March 25. 2003

Mr. Mohamed Zarook Zackeriya
31. Mosque Lane.
Colombo - 03
Sri Lanka
Dear Mohamed Zarook Zackeriya.

Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
1. I am posting a set of PHM materials as requested.
2. The Indian booklets are being reprinted as they are out of slock. I am sending only one of
them which we still have some slock you can download them from our websile
( or wait till we reprint them.
3. Please be in touch with the Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, who is the PHM country focal point for
Sri Lanka and also Niranjan Udugamagala and Dr.Bala. Their emails and addresses are
enclosed. You can join PHM meetings in your county.
4. I may attend PHM meeting in Colombo on 7'11 of April. Hope to meet you then.

Apologies for the delay in replying. I was on a PHM lecture tour in USA till 19<h March

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretarial
P.S: Addresses:

Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne
Executive Director.
Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement,
Sarvodaya Headquarters,
"Damsak Mandira",
98. Rawalawatta Road.
Moraluwa, Sri Lanka.
Tel: 94-1-647159
94-1-655669 (Direct)
Fax: 94-1-656512

Mr. Niranjan Udumalagala
252/1, Galabadawatta,
Sri Lanka,
Tel: 94-1-563051

Page 1 of2

Community Health Cell



Qasem Chowdhury <>
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne <>; Community health cell <>
Monday, March 03, 2003 3:23 PM
PHM Publications

Dear Vinya and Ravi,

Following letter for your information and further follow up.

Best wishes.


Dr. Terence Perera FRCP; DCH
March 2003
Animator, Health and Elders
No. 16 Layards Road
Colombo 5
Sri Lanka


Dear Dr. Perera,
Thanks for your interest in The People's Health Movement Publications. I am
sending you the publications by separate post. Please acknowledge the
receipt. If you want to know about People's Health Movement, kindly contact
our Country' Link Person in Sri Lanka at the following address.
Dr. Vinya S. Ariyaratne
Executive Director,
Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement,
Sarvodaya Headquarters, "Damsak Mandira"
98 Rawatawatta Road, Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
Tel.: 94-1-655255, 655669(dir), 0722-44690 (Mobile),
Fax: 94-1-656512
E-mail: Web:

Please also note that PHM Secretariat recently shifted to India at the
following address. For further information please contact at the new address>

^-Dr. Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretariat


Page 2 of 2

367 Srinivasa Nilaya, Jakkasandra 1st. Main,
1st. Block, Koramangaia,
Bafigalore 560 034, India
Tel.: 91-80-5531518/5525372 Fax: 91-80-5525372
E-mail: Website:

Looking forward for your continuous support towards People's Health Movement.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Qasem Chowdhury
Past Coordinator
PHM Secretariat


Page 1 of2

PHM Secretariat

Dr. Vinya Ariyarafne <ssmpian@sri.ianka net>
PHM Secretariat <>
Tuesday. March 25. 2063 CHC7 AM
Rc: PHM Publications

Dear Ravi.
Thank you for your e-mail. Infact I was desparetly trying io contact you. We are having the Sri
Lanka a seminar on peoples health on 9lh April to co-incide with the world health day. The
poigiamme is in the afternoon from 3.00 6.00 p.m. So it would be ideal if you could come an the
6th or the 7th and leave on the 10th(Wc could have other discussions on the 8th (ic. Hcalh
Resource Centre - Sri jLankaulf Thelma could also come it would be great. She could guide us on
the HRC. We will look after the local board and lodging if you could meet the travel expenses.
Now, Indians do not need visas to visit Sri Lanka. You will get the tourist visa on arrival.

I look forward to haring from.


At 05:08 PM3/24/2003 -^0530, you wrote:


Dear Vinya

Greetings from Peoples Health Movement Secretariat al CHC, Bangalore?

1 just returned from a three week PHM US lecture tour with Thelma and Zafarullah. We covered
several cities and universities at the request pf the PHM US focal points, Hesperian Foundation
and Doctors of Global Health. What news of the PHM Sri Lanka meetings? If the programme has
evolved and you are still keen for me io join the 7ih April meetings (or around that date), please
send the details and letter for visa and other purposes as soon as possible. I have videos, CDs,
slides and OHPs and a mobile exhibition to animate the proceedings but early notice is required
to make necessary plans. Our PHM India National Coordination Committee meeting is in Delhi
on 11th April so if I do make it it will have to be between 6th and 10th April.

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan


Page 1 of 3

PHM Secretariat


PHM Secretariat <;>
<ssmplan@sri. lanka. net>
Monday, March 24, 2003 CHC5 PM
PHM Publications

Dear Vinya

Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
I just returned from a three week PHM - US lecture tour with Thelma and Zafarullah. We covered several
cities and universities at the request pf the PHM - US focal points, Hesperian Foundation and Doctors of
Global Health. What news of the PHM - Sri Lanka meetings? If the programme has evolved and you are
still keen for me to join the 7th April meetings (or around that date), please send the details and letter for
visa and other purposes as soon as possible. I have videos, CDs, slides and OHPs and a mobile
exhibition to animate the proceedings but early notice is required to make necessary plans. Our PHM
India National Coordination Committee meeting is in Delhi on 11th April so if I do make it - it will have to
be between 6th and 10th April.

Await an early reply.

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretariat.
Community Health Cell
#367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

Dear Vinya and Ravi,

Following letter for your information and further follow up.

Best wishes.


Dr. Terence Perera FRCP; DCH
March 2003
Animator, Health and Elders
No. 16 Layards Road
Colombo 5
Sri Lanka


Dear Dr. Perera,

Thanks for your interest in The People's Health Movement Publications. I am

Page 1 of 2

PHM Secretariat

Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM Secretariat < >
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 CHC7 AM
Re: PHM Publications

Dear Ravi,
Thank you for your e-mail. Infact I was desparetly trying to contact you. We are having the Sri
Lanka a seminar on peoples health on 9th April to co-incide with the world health day. The
porgramme is in the afternoon from 3.00 6.00 p.m. So it would be ideal if you could come an the
6th or the 7th and leave on the 10th. We could have other discussions on the 8th (ie. Healh
Resource Centre - Sri Lanka). If Thelma could also come it would be great. She could guide us on
the HRC. We will look after the local board and lodging if you could meet the travel expenses.
Now, Indians do not need visas to visit Sri Lanka. You will get the tourist visa on arrival.
1 look forward to haring from.




Al 05:08 PM 3/24/2003 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Vinya
Greetings from Peoples Health Movement Secretarial at CHC, Bangalore!

1 just returned from a three week PHM US lecture tour with Thelma and Zafarullah. We covered
several cities and universities at the request pf the PHM US focal points, Hesperian Foundation
and Doctors of Global Health. What news of the PHM Sri Lanka meetings? If the programme has
evolved and you are still keen for me to join the 7th April meetings (or around that date), please
send the details and letter for visa and other purposes as soon as possible. I have videos. CDs,
slides and OHPs and a mobile exhibition to animate the proceedings but early notice is required to
make necessary plans. Our PHM India National Coordination Committee meeting is in Delhi on
1 1th April so if I do make it it will have to be between 6th and 10th April.
Await an early reply.
Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretariat.
Community Health Cell
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, 1 Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ala


Page 2 of2
declaration visit
s i ze=2 >
Dear Vinya and Ravi.





vcy'^96 irit-eZTi*X-i'?n’?J (P) Ltd
Krishna Maneru l«i/5.
B&&IEMBA Rcsrzl,

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r-H.w. Sboeva na< <>
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u; mouiing i.'> on die 9th. So you can arrive on the 8th and leave on the 10th.

<i-—r’uauh Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!

‘List a Quick response.

' . ’ :
*.;/!! by 1X172 at 11.50 (Bandaranayike International)
k.wUvMiii ui iu.M0a.rni. And 1 shall lly to Delhi on 10th April by UL191 leaving

r,i;.Vv. .





bi iieu oi . i ia! Geneva and various other request, I would like to
. p- r h'.- y-;nr seminar on 9th or 7th .April? If its 9th, could I arrive
lux', z.; GaUgalui'C ?

dl guide the discussion on Health resource center

PM Nr-



PHM Secretariat


PHM Secretariat <>
Monday, March 31, 2003 6:43 PM
PHM Meeting

Dear Vinya,

Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalorel

Thanks for your communications of 25th March. Just a quick response.

As of now I am booked to arrive on 7th April by UL172 at 11.50 (Bandaranayike International) directly from
Bangalore (leaving at 10.00am). And I shall fly to Delhi on 10th April by UL191 leaving at 1915.

Since I am hard pressed for time in lieu of PHM Geneva and various other request, I would like to reduce the
days if possible. Are you planning your seminar on 9th or 7th April? If its 9th, could I arrive on 8th so that I get
an extra working day in Bangalore?

Thelma will not be able to join the meeting. I shall guide the discussion on Health resource center based on
CHC’s experience on 8th.

Do you think it would be a good idea to call Prem John (since he has been coordinating the Asian process in

Please reply urgently or call me at PHM Secretariat (00-91-80-51280009) or at home (00-91-80-5533064).

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global),
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala


Page 2 of 2

Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit ww>TheMilJiQn.Sign^ture£.amp.aign.Qrg

Paue 1 of2

Main Identity

■^amaiIserver(@nop3 amadaus. nat>
C-Q.z'ir‘l_l ADA/SW/CKII
irx. \r\\& V J !■«<_.
Friday, March 28, 2003 CHC2 PM


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Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore?
Thanks for your communication of 25ul March. Just a quick response.

As of now I am booked to arrive on 7ul April by ULI72 at 11.50 (Bandaranayike
Tnto.-nntinnon UJJVVvI}

xUuk/lTUilxOIltil ,



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10:“ April by ULI91 leaving al 1915pm.

Since I am hard pressed for time in lieu of PHM Geneva and various other request. I
would like lo reduce the days if possible. Are you planning your seminar on 9th or 7th
a__ :tr. vi? ■*.. nth

__ ij t ____•


nth __

npiii. 11 iib y . Cuuiu J ainvc uh o

„__ t ,__ —x..., —„

. r>,_----- 1----- r>

bo mHi 1 gci du caiiu. working u<iv in oougdiuic.'

Thelma will not be able to join the meeting. I shall guide the discussion on Health
resource center based on CHC’s experiences^-) '&L

Do you think it would be a good idea io call Prem John (since he has been coordinating
the Asian process in PHM).
Please reply urgently or call me at PHM Secretariat (00-91-80-51280009) or home (00m on rconnzra\

y i-ou-j j jjvu-t).

Best wishes.
Pnvi 'NJnrpvnn

PHM Secretariat (Global)




Tuesday, April 01, 2003 4:54 PM

: 2287027/28
: 2287029



603 3661499250







UL 172 V




UL 122 V








UL 191 V


11 APR





IC 904





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Page I nF I

PHM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>


Thursday, April OS, 2003 0:11 PM


PHM Meeting - Sri Lanka

Dear Vinya,
Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
This is to confirm that I shall now arrive In Colombo on 8th April Tuesday by UL122 at 12.35 noon from
Chennai and leave for Delhi on 10th April by UL191 at 19.15. Please send me the programme of meetings
and discussions by Monday 7th so that I can bring necessary resource center. I am very keen to meet Dr.
Bala (HAI-ROAP). Hope he will be there. He is on the PHM Steering Committee so there’s lots to
discuss. Also with you all about PHM Geneva meetings etc. I am trying to cover the cost of the travel from
PHM Secretariat’s meager resources. A small contribution may be helpful and symbolic. Looking forward
to our interactions. Will there be some one at the airport to meet me?

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan

Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global),
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit www.TheMillionSignatureCampaign.Qrg



<emailserver@pop3.amadeus. net>
Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:02 AM

: 2287027/28
: 2287029



603 3661499250





9W 3508 M





UL 122 V
















UL 191 V






9W 811 M






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BOEING 737-800






p l-l t-l


Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat


PHM Secretariat <>
bala <ba!>
Monday, April 07, 2003 7:28 PM
PHM - Sri Lanka

Dear Dr. Bala,

Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!

Hope Vinya has informed you that I shall be in Colombo from 8th to 10th. I hope to have a long discussion
with you on PHA/PHM and many related issues. Over the last few months, I have slowly understood the
dynamics, linkages and processes within evolving PHM and I would very much like wise counsel from
some one like you as I start facilitating the process as the new secretariat coordinator. Some of my
earlier mail has not got through and I may have been irregular with replies as I am beginning to handle
over 40-70 emails per day. But I look forward to this opportunity. Also I am very keen that you chair the
May (Saturday) PHM Geneva session on strategy at WCC. Hope to discuss details.

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit
P.S: Just saw your letter. Look forward to meeting you over lunch on the 9th.


PHM Secretariat


hariprem <>
Monday, April 07, 2003 2:46 PM
Ravi Re.Colombo

My dear Ravi,

Have you been in touch with Bala? In more ways than one, he is actually the
father of PHA. Some how I have a feeling that he is beginning to feel left
out. If you have already thought about this and are in communication,
please disregard this. If not, be sure to contact him and involve him.
His e-mail ED:

See you some time tomorrow.






bala <>
Ravi Narayan <>
Vinya (Dr) <>; Joel Fernando <>
Monday, April 07, 2003 10:38 AM

Dear Ravi,

I am delighted that you will be with us this week. It would have been great if Thelma could have joined
We are in the last week for our preparation for a Regional Consultation on WTO/TRIPS Agreement and
Access to Drugs : Appropriate Policy Changes”. 17-19 April. The SARS threat and the last minute to re­
route our participants to avoid Singapore and HK is an added problem.
However we have set ample time for you. We wish to have you, vinya and Joel and any others Vinya
may want to join in the discussion for a Lunch meeting on Wednesday 9th.

Looking forward to seeing you in Colombo.
Kind regards,

Dr Bala
Dr K Balasubramaniam
Advisor and Co-ordinator
Health Action International Asia - Pacific
5, Frankfurt Place, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka
Tel: (94 1) 554353
Fax: (94 1) 554570





PHM Secretariat

Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM Secretariat <>
Friday, April 04, 2003 11:40 AM
Re: PHM Meeting - Sri Lanka

Dear Ravi,
Thank you for your e-mail. I just returned to Colombo after a long trip to the eastern coast of Sri
Now that I have your schedule I will work on the meetings etc. I will also fix up a meeting with
Dr.Bala. I will get back to you before Monday. We too are doing PHM related work with our own
meagre internal resources and will find it difficult to chip in for your travel expences especially at
this late stage. We will look after your local hospitality and we will try our best to do help out next
I will arrange someone from Sarvodaya to meet you at the airport (please look for some one
holding your name after you exit customs area) and bring you to our headquarters.
I look forward to meeting you,

With best regards,


At 06:11 PM 4/3/2003 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Vinya,
Greetings from Peoples Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!

This is to confirm that I shall now arrive in Colombo on 8th April Tuesday by UL122 at 12.35
noon from Chennai and leave for Delhi on 10th April by UL191 at 19.15. Please send me the
torogramme of meetings and discussions by Monday 7th so that I can bring necessary resource
center. I am very keen to meet Dr. Bala (HAI-ROAP). Hope he will be there. He is on the PHM
Steering Committee so theres lots to discuss. Also with you all about PHM Geneva meetings etc. I
am trying to cover the cost of the travel from PHM Secretariats meager resources. A small
contribution may be helpful and symbolic. Looking forward to our interactions. Will there be some
one at the airport to meet me?

Best wishes,
ns = ”um:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />

Ravi Narayan Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global),
#367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala


Page 1 of I


Niranjan Udumalagala <>
Monday, April 07, 2003 11:48 AM
visit of PHM meeting in sri Lanka

Dear DR.Ravi,
Welcome to Sri Lanka.
I will come to the Ariport by the time hl245 and I will say near the post
office. You pass all the procedears and come along the corridor. At the edn
of corridor there will be security garuds. Then Just asked from them where
is the post office.
with regards,

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and gel 2 months FREE*
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P ilrl' 5^


PHM Secretariat

—. tr-szaasasrjg.-''.'x ?gs.------------------------------------ —........ .......... ................................... .................. .............................................................


PHM Secretariat <>
Niranjan Udumalagaia <uduma!>
Tuesday, April 29. 2003 4:34 PM
Re: requestin a letter to get visa

Dear Niranjan.

Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global) at CHC,

I spoke to Manoj of PHM Geneva today and the letter is on its way. Did you
get the letter from PHM Secretariat as well? Have noted the budget! I am
including ii in out fund raising and hope to cover it. But letter from Vinya
is essential. Please also mark all copies of letters to him.
Best wishes.
Bavi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the ’’Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
.Alma Ata
declaration visit www. TheMillionSignatureCampaign. org
----- Original Message-----From: Niranjan Udumalagaia <udumalagala@hotmail. com To: <>
Cc: ' ' Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: requestin a letter to gel visa

> Dear Dr.RavL
> I need a letter to get visa. Embasy is takeing atleasi one week to issue
-• visa. Therfbre I need this

Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat

S u bject:

PHM Secretariat <>
Niranjan Udumalagala < >
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:32 PM
PHM - Geneva 2003 / WHA

Dear Vinya,

Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global) at CHC, Bangalore!

Niranjan has been in touch and I arc glad that he will be able to make it, so that in addition to Bala. PHM Sri Lanka will also be additionally represented. I am raising the fare for one participant from Sri Lanka, but
please send me a letter / email or fax as the PHM country coordinator nominating Niranjan to attend. Also
you wili have to make a short report that he can present on 17tn May on PHM - Sri Lanka and bring whatever
materials you would like to display or distribute from PHM - Sri Lanka sources. Quick action is requested to
ensure procedure.
Thanks for all the hospitality and fellowship during my visit. Hope the October interaction is possible.

Best wishes to you and ail the PHM Sri Lanka contacts.
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
b:367 “Srinivasa Nilaya"
uakkasandra 1st Main, i Block Koramangala
Join the “Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

PHM Secretariat


Niranjan Udumalagala <>
Tuesday, April 29: 2003 11:37 AM
requestin a letter to get visa

Dear Dr.Raxi
1 need a letter io get visa. Embasy is takeing atleast one week to issue
visa. Therfbre I need this letter by the time 2tliMay morning.
My fax number is 0094-1-503148 and the embassy number is 0094-1-695176.
1 am hearwith sending my budget also.

USS 25
USS 10
USS 785

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE/
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/-/ f~t G'vi]

PHM Secretariat

Niranjan Udumalagala <>


Friday, April 25, 2003 11:29 AM

Dear Dr. Ravi,
I am sorry7 our fax machine is out of sendee. Please send to this number
0094-1 -50314Smarten Niranjan /Health center.
with regards.
Niranjan udumalagala

From: "PHM Secretariat" <>
Ko: "Niranjan Udumalagala" <>
•Subject: Re: WHA 2003 GENEVA
>Date: Thu. 24 Apr 2003 19:12:09 +0530
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Received: from ([]) by
■ with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600): Thu. 24 Apr
>2003 20:14:42 -0700
>Received: (qmail 24369 invoked from network); 25 Apr 2003 03:17:56 -0000
>Received: from unknown (HELO p540) ([]) (envelope-sender )
by (qmail-ldap-1.03)
>vvith SMTP
for <udumalagala@hotmail, com>; 25 Apr 2003 03:17:56
>X-Message-Info: JGl’YoW78jEHjJx36Oi8+QlOJDRSDidP
>Message-ID: <00000 lc30ad8$81312080S0a01a8c0@p540>
-■ References: <B AY7-F10sI83yLRbLdv0001431 d@hotmail. com >X-Priority: 3
jX-MSMail-Priority: Normal
-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
>Rei urn-Path:
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Apr 2003 03:14:43.0005 (UTC)
-Dear Niranjan,

>Your fax is not working. Can u pls. provide us with alternative numbers so
>that we can try and send it to u t'row.

>Dr. Ravi Narayan


<"7 I

<a£ VA.


Page 1 of 1

PHM Sgcretanat

PHM Secretariat < >
K Bala <>
Friday. May 02, 2003 12:25 PM

Dear Vinya.

Thanks for the letter. The invitations are being sent and I am confident that we shall raise the travel support
as well. Niranjan has sent me an estimate. Please send a short report on PHM Sriianka which he could
briefly summearise on the 17th and distribute. Also we are trying to give him a slot on the 16th so that he
Jan make a few observations / reflection on war and Health in Sriianka in the session on War / Conflict and
disasterr-Humanitariswj challenges. You could introduce a little about the 'Peace' process at community
level. Bala is already in urogramme on 16th in the 'Acess to Essential druqs' session.
\Nq shall miss you but I am glad that Sriianka is reoresented by Bala and Niranjan.

Best wishes.
Dr. Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

n .



Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM Secretariat <>
Thursday, May 01,2003 1:14 PM
PHM - Geneva 2003/WHA - PHM Sri Lanka Representation

Dear Dr. Narayan.
It is my pleasure to nominate Mr.Niranjan Udumalgala, to represent PHM Sri
Lanka at the PHM Geneva 2003 meetings. He is an active member of the PHM
Ari Lanka group and I would appreciate it very much if the PHM Secretariat
could facilitate his participation by sending an official letter of
invitation and assisting in the travel arrangements.
Your kind cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

With best regards,

v’inya Ariyaratne
Coordinator - PHM Sri Lanka/Execulive Director - Sarvodava

z’Ac-t se.<z


t'LS- '


PHM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat < >
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne <>
K Baia <>
Friday, May 02. 2003 2:31 PM

“’ear Vinya,

Thanks for the letter. The invitations are being sent and I am confident that we shall raise the travel
support as well. Niranjan has sent me an estimate. Please send a short report on PH.M Sri’anka which ne
could briefly summearise on the 2 7th and distribute. Also we are trying to give him a slot on the 16th so
that he car. make a few observations / reflection on war and Health in Sriianka in the session on War /
Conflict and Disaster-Humanitarian challenges. You could introduce a little about the 'Peace' process at
community level . Baia is already in programme on 16th in the 'Acess to Essential drugs1 session.

We shall miss you but: am glad that Sriianka is represented by Bala and Niranjan.

Best wishes.
Dr. Ravi Narayan
Coordinator.. People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya


Niranjan Udumalagala <>
< >
Friday, May 02, 2003 11.30 AM
letter to visa

Dear Dr.Ravi,
Upto today (2nd May) 12.00noon I didn't recive the letter. I am going to the
embassy on Monday,Othenise there Is no time to get visa. Please see wether
they have send the letter io embassy if so asked to send me a copy.
with regards.

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat
S u bj ect:

PHM Secretariat < >
Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
K Bala <>
Friday, May 02, 2003 2:31 PM

)ear Vinya

Thanks for the letter. The invitations are being sent and ! am confident that we shall raise the travel
support as well. Niranian has sent me an estimate. Please send a short report on PHM Srilanka which he
could briefly summearise on the 17th and distribute. Also we are trying to give him a slot on the 16th so
that he car. make a few observations! reflection on war and Health in Srilanka in the session on War /
Conflict and Disaster-Humanitarian challenges. You could introduce a little about the 'Peace1 process at
community level . Bala is already in programme on 16th in the 'Acess to Essential drugs' session.
We snail miss you but I am glad that Srilanka is represented by Bala and Niranjan.
Best wishes.

Dr. Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretsriat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
)oin the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

" x-.


P-- Sec re. • ar: a; <>
-\ican;an Udumalagala <>
Freiay June 20, 2003 4:30 PM
Tx reimburse of air fare

Dear Niranjan.

Greetings from People’s Health Movement Secretarial (Global) al CMC.
The request tor reimbursement from Andy Rutherford in UK has just been sent
and only y.;slerday ;ve received the reimbursements forthose in India via the
CIK -PHM Account Your reimbucsenient vrill come by 25th June or as soon as

How ■ • AT-j - Sri Tanka is going on? did you get the Geneva report? Keep us
1 ini' r es. S ry ’I i’ h 5 in] a,
id others.
Best vT----•<
Ravi Narayan
A.r-L . T ...Repic’s Heald? Movcrncm Sucrctariat(global)
CH< -Bangalore
>367 '‘Srinivasa TTaya”
... ikasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Bangalore-56003 4
Join ihe "Health for all NOW” campaign in die 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata
f -1- : A


reimbursement form mentions 800 US$ for ticket and thi
gi ves Sr; Lankan rupees. Please send immcdiiuly a bid invoice of the
inkervNn and air port taxes. You can fax it to CHC - 91-80-5525372
•—— Original Message----• rom: TR-man (iumatagala tidumalagala@hoi.maiLcom
To: -'■ ■
Sent: Friday. June 20. 2003 1:02 PM
Subject: reimburse of air fare

Dear Dr. Ravi,
I an?
q . i <Tc my air Lae fo othci expeiiccs. if I coukln'i pa -.
to pa]
cl: rgc >f I S 30 for h 3 ii i
> and ifoy ma\ cu; fovui the discount Therefore I shall be much
than LT.’J
youc Id...

. dii math



.. '-c^; Udurna agaia <jdumalagala@hotmaii.oom>
< p r; rn sec@toa c nie c i n d i a net- ■ Jjne 20 2003 1:02 PM
re niburse of air fare

Dear Dr. Ravi.
I am scT
niy air ftre & other expences. If I couldn’t pay
~5d; of June I have U pay surcharge of US S 30 for the ah' ticket
and they may cut down the discount also. Therefore I shall be much thankfill
v‘. y hi ii •..-a could klnd’y look into thi; matter and make arrengmeni io send
tins a.s.a.n.
h . .(

: k. ■.acr,j>di'.cu■

•v/ \ i>\ <: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREI

CHC-PHH Accacuil

^l-^O-5S clS3 ?>

' -V

. Secrets
ohmse c(§ to< c teli i c a e =
?. •• •.jan udjmaiagaia>
wesd-' Ury OS 2003 5:05 PM
P3 Tre;T r. g o;■• 3evocacy

.. .

5: ■ bject.
' •:


• i .

. RM v. AM; •.. 0 L-L•» f cheiley.atS' and
;0ejenbdelapaz@uplink, direoiiy since this b not a PflM secretariat
EsM cPb.r. They may have suggestions. Looking forward m hearing about

th. Dr.DulithaFei nando L I n ent oned s one

liege d pa . . . ■



. ■

• e it

ei since


■. as also plan
me follow q
e PHM resoui
about the tbUc-w up initiatives.
My Mei' .YS'rv*: [.v y'r\';:y/a and Bala

centre. Await the

Dr. Ra-5 Narrycu

3 .'
L'kMt•:>! ;'<’*•!. I b-oc? Koramangah!
’3Join fne T kdb.i . fb; iiD. ?.’< X ' campaign in she Mih annixersaiy year of the
.Alm?, ■•‘y.--.-

' vyyy/hi hL; jficnSigiiuyiT;;/;;.
----- Original Message-----’TM:'..:yT.Ij;
xj •' < plimsec(g?

STjcA: T:cinmg on aMcuiuy

J>ear DR Ravi.
Thank you sending info
the abovt
- am interesting to participate. Are fiietc any
• possibility to ge: a sponsor-duns. V,L are (RDM SM
■ LA2ML; GXTLT) meeting on 5.1. Juiy.Wc will send
com:pi• • ee decis:ci:
■ MG : .y’i'.T.
- Lira-pan

j ).• yr? MT.-o:?



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orne’iriQia riei>
Jc?<04 2003 3:30 DM

training I

2 ixLiidparj. .there any
■ .
t spouse rst i>s. .■ ;
. . .
comtniltee decision

Ptige . ci

PHM Secretariat
Secretariat <;c:'; >
Or ■■ inya Arisratne <>
Ece-na. cs G ^z-ACHAN-Philippines <bdelapaz@up?>;
■ n a • n_ 5; @••. a I ys?J g a n. c rg>
Tnesday Ji2y i~. 2003 12.43 PM
< l.-<-.*.‘j''joczc-7 •„• ■;vCaSiioc participation
7 X;.:

Dear Vinyw


s c;.,..!/.,

»cnr (Global)!

i’hanks ior yom* letter regarding Xishantha Preeihiraj. fhu information about


' up

a . ....
io i
. . .
person at tl
. .
»herc is r-V'S;-)!-‘-.v, «
sure she will do her best You wilt also have
x wwi-; cuwCbg yevr own hinds locally io help build F./EY •• S.i Lanka by
You coukl build il into the PI i.\l Resource ccnicr
cap: dr. ■.'evjGnm.jr;:. perhaps for the ftifviu. Do ••:> mu know what
:e m

• till

Best wBIka

Pnipk-’s Hwdk ?•.invemeni .Sccr.?tariat{globp.i)
CEC~Bang.dc re
■ 367 Srinbasa Xilaya"


Jen) dw ”• w-.hi: Ic-'fH.
campaign in th-:- 25th rrmivcrswy year oi ’iu
Akna ?\iu
' ? ?!
...... CYiginw Message -.....

ssmplan@sri. Ianka. net
' Ci ■. '•■:
■ ;:i phmyec^
;.iCiii: i v:ca\. Ji2\ \ -i, bi.. . •


? A vww:y ■

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Dj:v Rwi.

al if you c

in Ph’iiyphw-.


■ .
■ ■
.....’. the Adovocac


/ ■ .


3;nya Aa;atne <ssmp:an©sri.Ianka. • iet>
Pr:■ Secretariat < phrr sec@toucotelindia. netMonday July 14. 2003 6:33 AM
\c\ ocac
'orksnop ■; articipation

L y c-i; could assisi us in finding support for
tha reethir
h ■ :
■ ;y Frainii g /orksh >
I c :•

r.vr. •:
Se .eject;

2..Tvc. A;yaratne <ssmplan@$ri>
<nain_sj@kaiusugan org>
<phmsec@tc'. chtehndi? net>
\Lrday. .Jj’y 14, 2003 6:33 AM
^pphcat'O'’ far Communicating for advocacy Training workshop

ir Nil
t arn semimg tms eukk e-mail as the Coordinator forPHM Sri Lanka to
supper. ;hv. irrnLalxn of Mr.Nishanlha Preelhiraj who has been an active
member (ALc I'lL.l Sri Lanka team. We have already started an advocacy
. .

'.mimimr:■ m ■. mJ or nammai event in December. MrTreethiraj is the
ewidhi..«}:• :•■'■'
Dcwlopmem Commnnkadcn ; Lit of fkarvedaya and hL
paLidyahori a: your raining would greatly benefit me PHM advocacy work
in Sri Lanka. We
othave finan
>\oak- Ae ercaih’ apperciaLA if you could consider him ibr a possible
schokrship. ¥•:;••• -ond cooperation and assistance in thL regard v ?h he
greatd app:\miamd.
WiL b.r -•. rogai-ds.
Dr. Viny3 Ariya;mine
ILLS .' L\.\
Sri umka. Executive Director - Sai xodaya

'(ft .Vinya S

Execv.iive ‘Director
v<Lv.a SimamaGaixV 'do .cmrm
; • Icadquaoers
’’Damme. XDndhv”
v.L Kc- :ae-avaAa Rrnm •
Sri Lamm.
Tel: >-4^LL:7 -59
94-19-L1-655669 (Direci)

Fax: 94-1656512

e•■■•-'i;. wvvTv.sanodaya^prg

At AT.:


?: 5''

j ou'x

d. Ln?

•.'. A

... •


-••■ '■••••:

•.•’.ra.-a,- •-ssmp'an^’srj anK.b 'io.-*

; . 2^03 5



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2 there an
i high m

Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>
Niranjan Udumalagala <>
Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:48 AM
Re: Asian solidarity meeting on 24-25th sep at chennai

Dear Niranjan,

^petings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

Since we did not get any invitation, we don't know what this Asian
Solidarity Meeting in Chennai is all about. If it is WSF related, write to
Anrit Sengupta ( ) for further details.
Best wishes,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join die "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata
declaration visit
A— Original Message----ra>m: Niranjan Udumalagala <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 4:43 PM
Subject: Asian solidarity meeting on 24-25th sep at chennai

> Dear Dr. Ravi,
> I got an invitation to participate the the above meeting. I like to know
> that PHM officialy going to participate this or not.
> with regards,
> Niranjan

> The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*
> httpy/jom.msmcom/?pagc=features/iunkmafl

f nH'

> Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
> Bangalore-™''4

Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat

Niranjan Udumalagala <>
Tuesday, September 09, 2003 4:43 PM
Asian solidarity meeting on 24-25th sep at chennai

Dear Dr. Ravi,
tot an invitation to participate the the above meeting. I like to know
at PHM officialy going to participate this or not.
with regards,


The new MSN 8 : advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

C . .. C

C . . Cl I C< I■' . i •. -■ - • ; ' ■*

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www.J h •/ ; ..... . ■........... ... n org


^xom/?page=ifeatures featu ...... a



Page 1 of2

PHM - Secretariat

PHM - Secretariat < secretar iat@p h movement. org>
passanna <passanna@haiap,org>
N. B SaroJFni <>
Thursday, December 18, 2003 4:56 PM
Re: HA! Lead Article

Dear Pasanna
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

We are hoping to get around 600 participants to the Health Forum (of these, 400 will be from India and
Bangle dash) I don’t know whether you cans end 600 copies, in. which case we can give it to all the
participants at the time of registration, if that is too much, then send about 200+ and we can work out a more
selective distribution - one for each organization or state, center etc.

:-s ?. re?/ disappointment that Dr. Bala cannot join us. His wisdom and perspectives have always been
appreciated. Please let Vinya or Niranjana know about this, since one of them may come earlier and we will
be sure of the receipt of the copies.
Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
CHC -Bangalore
-•367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
I Block Jakkasandra. I Block Konunangala
B an galore -560034
Tel: 00 91 80 51280009 (Direct)
Fax: 00 91 80 5525372
website: ’,vw.phmovemenLorg
Join the "Health for all, NOW’ campaign in the 25th anniversary year oi’ihe
gUma Ara declaration visit yywyJheMilHon

I — Original Message —
I From: passanna
I To: PHM - Secretariat
’ Senft Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:08 AM
j Subject: Re: HAI Lead Article


I Dear D Ns ra /an
\ My apologies for not writing to you yesterday as soon as i got the second mail with your. corrected version.
\ infect you have proof read it so well that we at HAIAP found it an easy task to sub the copy. Thank you ever
so much again for doing the article for us. You are most welcome to contribute to HA! News if and when
you have articles worthy of sharing with a greater public.

’ Regarding we international Health Forum on the 12 of January, Dr Bala has already written to you about his

However I was made to understand that some others were attending the forum from Sri

! Lank.?. : xri to nave bw conies "eady by then., but then again everything depends on the printer Assuming

1 2 12 03


ou bject:

cassanr:a <passanna@haiap. 01 g>
Fv Secretariat '<>
* aesday December 16. 2003 2 03 AM
Re: HA! Lead Article

Dear Dr Narayan,
apologies for not writing to you yesterday as soon as I got the second mail with your corrected version. In
fac; you have proof read it so well that we at HAIAP found it an easy task to sub the copy. Thank you ever so
much again for doing the article for us. You are most welcome to contribute io HAI News if and when you
have articles worthy of sharing with a greater public.

Regarding the International Health Forum on the 12 of January, Dr Bala has already written to you about his
inavaiiability. However, I was made to understand that some others were attending the forum from Sri Lanka.
I hope to have the copies ready by then, but then again everything depends on the printer. Assuming I get
them ready before the 12th please inform me how many copies you would need (approximately)
Thank you again for everything.
Kind Regards

i — Onginal Message
l From: PHM Secretariat
rSent: Tuesday. December 16, 2003 4:07 AM
i Subject: HA! Lead Article

sZzAe- C<^c-


12 1703

Page 1 of 4

PHM - Secretariat

PH'v- ■ Secretariat <>
passanna <>
Friday. December 19, 2003 5:09 PM
Re: HA’ Lead Article

Dear Pasanna.
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

if you can't get it to Vinya or Niranjan before they leave on the 11th, you could stiii send it to me at the
fol lowing address, before 16th January.
Dr. Ravi Narayan
YMCA international House and Programme Center
Mumbai Central. Mumbai - 40008.
Tel: +91-22-23070601, 23091262

We can distribute :t ;n the WSF - Alma Ata Anniversary workshop though the only problem there would be
hew to decide whom to give among 800 - 1000 people expected. Anyway hope the earlier deadline is
possible. Keep our fingers crossed as they say.
Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
”367 ’’Srinivasa Ni’aya”
I Block Jakkasandra, I Block Koramangala
B angalore- 560034
Td:*00 91 80 51280009 (Direct)
uO 91 80 5525372
website: wvw.phmpyement. org
Join die "Health for all NOW” campaign in the 25th amiivcrsaty year of the
Aima A declaration visit wwvv. TheAjjlhanSjgihatAireCamn

I •— Origins! Message —
; From: passanna
f To: EHM ■ Secretariat
1 Sent Thursday December 18. 2003 8:30 PM
i Subject: Re: HA> Lead Article
I Dear Dr Narayan,
Greetings from Colcmoo.. Sri Lanka!

I received your nN today ! spoke to my printer and requested atleasf 400 copies before the 10th of
January 2u04 He said that he would try nis level best and for the moment we are all optimistic, i shali

12 19 G3

Page .1 of 3

PHM - Secretariat

--------------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------—- ---------- -—


pass’anna <>
PHM - Secretariat <secretariat@phmovement org>
Thursday, December 18 2003 8’30 PM
Re: HAI Lead Article

Dea; Dr Narayan,
Greetings from Colombo, Sri Lanka!

; received your mail today. I spoke to my printer and requested atleast 400 copies before the 10th of January
200< He said that he would try his level best and for the moment we are ail optimistic. I shall speak to
or Dr Yinya Ariyaratne and keep them posted on the matter.
having my fingers crossed and supposing the print gets delayed due to some reason or the other is
^?re any other way in which I could distribute these to the participants?

Apart from this, if I could be of help in any other way please do not hesitate to contact me. We will be closed
for New 'Year from the 25 Dec.-1 Jan. but you could mail me at because i will check
my mail often.
.Many Thanks again,

Kind Regards
Passanna Gunasekera

. ......Original Message
i From: PHM -.Secretariat
•To: oassonna
! Co: N. EL Sarojini
j Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 6:56 AM
^Subject: Re: HAI Lead Article »
Dear Pasanna

Vr-t Cft
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

\j\>e ara hoping to get around 600 participants to the Health Forum (of these 400 will be from India and
Bangladesh). I don i know whether you cans end 600 copies in which case we can give it to ail the
participants ax the time of registration. If that is too much, then send about 200+ and we can work cut a
more selective distribution - one for each organization or state, center etc.

its a rea; disappointment that Dr. Bala cannot join us. His wisdom and perspectives have always been '
appreciated Please let Vinya or Niranjana know about this, since one of them may come earner and we
will be sure of the receipt of the copies

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator. People’s Health Movement Secretarial (Global)

X/O e 6-

/*>-> W c~^y


PHM - Secretariat

PHM - Secretarial <
bala <>
< p re mJ oh n @vs n L n et>
Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5.00 PM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Saia.
Greetings from the PHM Secretariat!

Hope passanna showed you the article i wrote for HAI news - against all odds to try and meet the deadline.
The preparations for the steering group and Health Forum and vVSF are going on in full swing. Hope you
received the communications to trie steering group and the IHF programme. The WSF programme follows
offer Am its -visit here tomorrow
We eagerly await confirmation of your participation and Kamala’s too. When you confirm we shall have
100% attendance for the first time in three years which will be a reord apart from the presence of non steering group inspirators i;*e halfden, Banerji. Antia, hopefully Mohd. Idris. David Legge etc., so please do
consider inspite of your health constrains. We here already booked a very comfortable double room at
^■CA. for you both from 11th to 15th and will extend this if you wish to stay for the first 3 days of the WSF

! think ali our efforts together has helped to revive the PHA sprit again though much more needs to be done
to put PHM on more solid regional foundations and we need your wisdom and sagacity as we tackie these
issues. Tne Indian organizing team wishes to put you in many parts of the programme - chairing, resource
person etc., but your siience has been a little worrying. Please confirm as soon as possible.
i sha’i send the ,taticn for visa purposes etc., was just wailing to get the confirmation of the dates
andwhetner Kamala will accompany you.
Hope the HA! newsletter can also be released at the meeting.
With best wishes from the PHM Secretariat team.

Dr. Ravi Narayan.

P S. Just as this was being sent. Your mail was downloaded A real disappointment but understandable in
jke circumstance get well soon will keep in touch.

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global)


yL < 5~y>n

/ Z.C. ..

L ZXClA^u £> — z^.^.tx^Lo


c^T,Lz£_o /<=




Ua>> A.

fio. !'Le~

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PHM - Secre
-__________________________ ________ ____________________ _ _______________________________



- Secretariat <secre£ariat@phmoven^>
Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>; Niranjan Udumalagala
Tuesday; December IS, 2003 5:04 PM
Mumbai Meeting

Dear Vinya and Nirajana,

There is no news from either of you whether you are joining us for the Health Forurn 14 - 15th and the WSF
health related events 16-19th Jan. 2004. are you getting the communications. You are shown in the
programme but no confirmations. If you are both joining confirm soon. You will be booked with the rest in
YMCA on a first cum first served basis from 13th o 15th. Then we shall find alternative hotel accommodation/
already identifiec.
Is there a group coming to WSF? If so when and how? I met Prof. Tissa Vitarana at GFHR Forum? At
Geneva. He was keen to join the health Forum. He spoke at our Alma Ata anniversary at ASF last yeah
Get in touch whith him please dojoin. The response has ben excellent. Try and raise the air fare and we shall
cover local logistics. Also fare is an emergency though our fund raising is not yet that successful.

"s a disappoinimentthat Bala will not be able to make it forth© IHF - WSF or steering group. Vinya you
could check whether you could be proxy for him and attend Steering goup on 12713th as well?
Ravi Narayan
Cccrd!nator! People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
CHC-Bangs I ore

.12 J 7 03

Page 1 of 1

---------- - ~



community health cell <
< >
Monday, December 15. 2003 4:06 AM
Fw: Mumbai Meeting

Dr. Thelma Narayan,
Coordinator. Community Health Cell
-367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
telefax: +91-080 - 5525372
website: vvww.sochara. org
Join the ’’Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma .Ata declaration
visit \vvy\y. ’ 1 ’heMiJlipnSignaturecampaign. org
..... Original Message......
From: bala
To: Rayl Narayan ; Pf.e»P.Chandran John
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 12:26 PM
Subject: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Prem and Ravi

I wish to inform you that I fell ill and hospitalised and now on iong medical leave. I have been adviced to
keep off work for some time and plan to return to work on 25th January 2004.
I -egret very much I shall not be able to participate in the Mumbai Meeting.

Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne is the national co-ordinator PHM, Sri Lanka ana is making arrangements to send Sri
kankan participants to the Mumbai events.

Kind regards,



Dr K Balasubrarnaniam
Advisor and Co-ordinator
Health Action Internation
5, Level 2, Frankfurt Plade
Colombo 4
Tel: + (94 11)2554^53


E-mail bala@h^a.p,org


vc .



Page 1 of 4

PHM - Secretariat



PHM - Secretariat < >
Dr. Vmya Ariyaratne <>
N. B SaroHni <samasaro@vsn! com>
Thursday. December 18, 2003 5:47 PM
Re. Mumbai Meeting

Dear Vinya,

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
You are now shown as a testimony from Sri L anka on Peace efforts in
conditions of war. Prem will write but please dojoin latest by 13 th. The
rest of the Sri Lankan group for WSF could come on 15lh for 16th
^auguration. If some of them, wish to come for Health Forum, let us know
soon. Prof. Tissa was interested and a Dr. Kumaravettapillai. have they been
in touch? Bangladesh is bringing 200 and we have our hands full!

Best wishes.
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator. People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
C11C -Bangalore
4367 "Srinivasa Niiaya”
I Block Jakkasandra, I Block Koramangala
Tel: 00 9.1 80 51280009 (Direct)
Fax: 00 91 80 5525372
websi te: www. piunoyemenl. org
he "Health fc r 11, NOW” campaign in tl

Page 1 of 1

PHM - Secretariat

Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM - Secretariat <>
Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:35 AM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Ravi

^lany thanks for your e-mail. I was travelling in the "no-e-mail'’
"no-internet" north and cast for Global Fund work as just returned and just
got your message. Please give me 24 hours to reply.
With best regards.


At 17:04 16 12-2003 -0800, you wrote:
' • Dear Vinya and Nirajana,

There is no news from either of you whether you are joining us for the

Page I of I

FHM - Secretariat

.•r~.~rr.-~? rrr.m-r'—r:■ - •


Gunasena JD <>
< se c reta ri at@ p h move men t o rg >

Friday, December 19; 2003 1:31 AM
Flight Delays.


hPlease find below the cost of the ah' ticket for Dr Vinya Ariyaratne
■ Colombo. Bombay ‘Ccionwo by Sri Lankan Airways. Rs 37.000— (Economy class)
- Through Thomas Cook (India) Pvt Ltd.
W. 13. K annangara
- Sarvodava International Division

FHM - Secretariat



Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM - Secretariat < >
<>: <>
Fr-day: December 19: 2003 8:26 AM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Rav'.
We had the PHA 1 Committee Meeting today. The Committee endorsed the
participation of myself. Mi .Vasudeva Nanayakkara, and Alr.Sirimal Peiris. In
addition Prof.Tissa Vitarana will agreed io come for all meetings.
Mr.Vasudeva has already made his own (ravel arrangements. Hence you will
need to sponsor only myself’ SirimaL and Prof.Vitarana and this morning my
e-mail to you the air ticket cost which is US S 390 (Colombo-Bombay)

be om of the country for a week and I will communicate with you or
my return.


At 17:47 1812/2003 -0800. you wrote:
Dear Vinya.

-Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Globa!)!
r-You are now shown as a testimony from Sri Lanka on Peace efforts in
‘-condiiions of war. Prem will write but please do join latest by 13th. Thu
• rest of the Sri Lankan group for WSF could come on 15th for 16th
’ inauguration. If some of them wish to come for Health Forum, let us know
■soon. Prof. Tissa was interested and a Dr. ICumaravettapiilai. have they been
' in touch? Bangladesh is bringing 200 and we have our hands full!

'- Best wishes..

Raw Narayan
-Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
CI IC-Bangalore
>#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
-1 Block Jakkasandra. I Block Koramangala
Tul: 00 91 80 51280009 (Direct)

12 '23 03
Page 1 of 5

•• Secretariat
PHM - Secrets nat <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Dr Vinya Ariyaratne <>
Ti;esday December 23, 2003 4:16 PM
Re. Mumbai .Meeting


Dear Vinya.
Greetings horn PHM Secretarial (Global)!

We can perhaps manage 2 airfares of you (case study on Violence and Peace
efforts - Sri Lanka) and Prof. Tissa. as a C hairperson or speaker in one of
the sessions. Can PILVI - Sri Lanka raise one travel gfant in a spirit of
solidarity for Mr. Sirimal Peiris? What is his background? We know nothing
ft- to be able to consider, including him in the programme. In many
countries. die local FT1M is raising some fares and we are supporting one or
two. Please do consider and explore actively. Your own funders may agree,
since many aie supporimg WSF in solidarity.

Best wishes.

Ravi Narayan
Comdinaior, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Gkfaal;
-367 ’’Srinivasa Mfaya"
i Block .iakkasandra. I BiM Koramangala
Tel: 00 91 80 5128000$ (Direct)
Fax: 90 91 80 5525372
web ?• ‘ t c: wv.-v..pirn o\ -erne t. erg
*oin fne "Health for -:iii X( )Wr campaign in The 25th anniversary year of the
H r

Original Message----From: Dr. ■Vinya Ariyarame ?’ D.: - WcivtarW swv/u-riai'
l c: -Gvxr/ivzt/<.->;.ictk.



Sent: Friday, b .cember 19. 2003 826 AM


riJumbai Mcaing

-■ DearRavj
•• W'pz

.;.hc .- ’H-Jj C ommsdac
I.:<ud li.u
f myself. Mr.Vasudcva Nanayakkara, and Mr.Sirimal Peiris.

*• mld’iio.n Pr*?f. • ?*••??£? Vhcir.ona >•.’<! -rigr^ud to vomt-; «<?r all meetings.

Page 1 of 6

PHM -Secretarjat


PHM - Secretariat <secretariat@phmoyement.ofg>
Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:54 AM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Deai’ Vinya.

Greetings from PI IM Secretariat (Global)!
we have a severe financial crunch and so more than two will be really
difficult. Do follow up every other source possible. Check with Bala and
they may have ideas.
Best wishes,

Ra\i Narayan
Coordinator. People’s Health Movement .Secretarial (Global)
CHC-Bangalore ’
•7367 ‘ Srinivasa NiJaya”
I Block JXfeandra. I Block Koramangala
Bangalore-56903 4
Tel: GO 91 80 51280009 (Direct)
Pax: 00 91 80 5525372
websile: \v \\yyayhmoyemerU.prg
Join the ’’Health for all, NOW” campaign in the 25th an•rM.-rsaiy year of the
Alma Am declaration visn v. wyv/Hieb

- Original Message-----




; n


To: Dr. \Tnya Aiiyamine •
Cc: ■
: Rw. j Narayan wmwenv :;?nhrnc'vincurory


member >2>


SuhGct: Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Virwa.

- i have been informed by the other group that they are finding it difficult

he . ivel expenses. J can find some funds fol foe Hotel. But
will dw PH> • be able to reimburse my airfare.

.-ipiogr-.c ibi this . . \waiting a reply.

• T'am.mva
----- Orig’nzu Mvisage----

Taoc. i ftf’A

PH “1 .■ Sac reiariat
demieft: <>
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne <>
<s!<;malp@eureka.!k>; Ravi Narayan -'secretariat© ph movement. org>
Monday^ December 22, 2003 6:11 PM
Re: Mumbai Meeting


Dear Vinya,

Phare been inlomicd by the other group that they are finding it difficult
to cover the vavel expenses. I can find some funds for the Hotel. But
will the PHM be able io reimburse mv airfare.

for this. =\wa ting a *e ■ y.

----- ( TriAnai 3 lessage-----"’r
D •. Vinya ' ' . ■ ■
To: Pi.aI S cere* a ria • •

• .

• 1





i ■


' ' Ik

Sew.: Saturday. December 20, 2003 12:26 .'Al
Subject: Re: Mumbai Meeting

■- Dear Ravi.
We had the PHM Committee Meeting today. The Committee endorsed the
• pankipatioH of myself, Mr.Vasudeva Nanayakkara, and Mr.Sirimal Peiris.
ad i< 1 CT s < Vi tran
ill agreed to
- Clr.Casudeva has already made his own travel arrangements. Hence you wD
need to sponsor only myself Sirimal. and Prof Xhrarana and this morning
■ office e-mail to you die air ticket cost which is US S 390
• Cole mbo-Bon Aay)
> return.

, I will be ou; of the country for a week and I will communicate with you on
mv return.


. .<1 x
Al 1?: U If. 12'2003 -O&Xf you wrote:

2 3/t2-|c?,


Page 1 of 3

PHM - Secretariat

PHM - Secretariat <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Dr Vinya Ariyaratne <ssmpian@sun7lower.!>
Saturday, December 27 2003 1:41 PM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Vinya.
Thanks for your mail. Hope you have received our last communication with the
latest programme. Practical information and Registration form.

i. We shall provide accommodation for Sirimal. Go ahead and arrange for his
For you and Prof Tissa, it is better if you can buy the tickets
^cheapest apex fares) and we shall reimburse it from our UK account.
The Steeling group meeting is on 12th and 13th and the Forum starts on 14th.
Prof. Tissa could come on 13th and you can come earlier to attend the
Steering Group meeting.
iii. Niranjan lias been in touch. I prasume you will make 4 PHM Sri Lanka
delegates. We are making arrangements for shared accommodation in YMCA,
unless you have alternatives.

Best wishes.
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
I Block Jakkasandra, I Block Koramangala
Tel: 00 91 80 51280009 (Direct)
Fax: 00 91 80 5525372
websit e: mnv. phmovemen t. org
Join the "Health for all. NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata declaration visit wy,w.TheM^

.......Original Message-----From: Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne •'ssinplanr&sunflower.lanka.netTo: PHM - Secretariat <secretariat?<pluno vemen t. org
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 6:30 AM
Subject: Re: .Mumbai Meeting

> Dear Ravi,
■ Thank you for your e-mail. I just returned homv after a 5 day vioit

12'27 03

Page 1 of 2

PHM - Secretariat

Dr Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM - Secretariat <>
Friday. December 26, 2003 6:30 AM
Re: Mumbai Meeting

Dear Ravi.
Thank you for your e-maii. I just returned home after a 5 day visit abroad.
I thought Sirimal is known to you. Sirimal is a retired health education
officer who is coordinating all PHM meetings for me. He participated at PHA|
. Aid if you may recall we had lunch together on the day of your departure, I
He was instrumental in getting the Charter translated into Sinhala and I
kiy mostly on liim to keep the network intact as 1 am extremely occupied
with Sarvodaya responsibilities. I strongly feel that he should participate
both in 1BF and WST. However, I do understand your financial constraints '
and I will somehow raise funds for Sirimal's travel if you could provide
board and lodging for him during the attendance.
As for myself. I will arrive on the 13th and leave on 16th afternoon as I
have another important commitment (The Sarvodaya .Annual National Awards
Ceremony) on Saturday the 17th. I would like to attend the PHM steering
committee meetings on the 13th and would also like to make some proposals
with regard to PI IM Sri Lanka.

Please advice how we should proceed with the tickets for myself and
Prof.Tissa Viatara. Whether we should buy the 2 tickets and gel the
re-imbursement or whether you will arrange for PTA.
With best regards.

Vim a

At 16:16 23/12/2003 -0800. you wrote:
-Dear Vinya,

- Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
We can perhaps manage 2 airfares of you (case study on Violence and Peace
-efforts - Sri Lanka) and Prof. Tissa, as a Chairperson or speaker in one of
the sessions. Can PHM - Sri Lanka raise one travel gram in a spirit of
solidarity' for Mr. Sirimal Peiris? What is his background? We know nothing
-yet io be able io consider, including him in the programme, hi many
-countries. the local PHM is raising some fares and we are supporting one or
two. Please do consider and explore actively. Your own funders may agree.
- since many are supporting WSF in solidarity.
-Best wishes.


1 of 2






PHM - Secretariat < >
U.T.Vitarana <tvitarana@eu reka. 1 k>
N. 8. Sarojini <>;
ph movement. org>; Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne
<ssmp!an@sri. lanka. net>
Tuesday, December 30. 2003 11:48 AM
participation form_IHF.doc; INFORMATION PACKAGE AND REGlSTRATION_2412.doc; ibf
Programmers Dec 2003.doc
Re: IHF invitation

Pear Prof. Tissa,

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)?
• have already confirmed with Vinya, who called me on rhe phone tha.t we
AmU. cover your airfare, if you are not able f? raise it from other
B ire js. You are shown as a panelist in the plenary on Globalization Health
. li esandHealtiiSector lefofm n 14t Januarj 2003,14,30to 16.30hours

and already booked in shared accommodation with Vinya and Nuanjana at YMCA.
D Wails and registration forms are enclosed Please fill up die registration
form (replace the existing sample dan? of Pn>.anna with your details)
urgently and send it hack to us immediacy i ■ complete die logistics.
Besi wishes.

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
"36” "Srinivasa Nilaya”

I Block Jakkasandra, I Block Korainangala
Tel: 00 91 80 51280009 (Direct)
Fax: 00 91 80 5525372
websire: v-ww•.phmpvementorg
Join the "Health for all. NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary y&r of the
• leclarati >n vi
illit nSign tureC
Original Message
From: I \T.Vi‘arana <pnyr<ma^\mrelpLlk T-?: y arojbrig^imoyemcMorg-’
,cyg' Sent. Saturday. December 27. 2003 11.57 AM
Snbied IHF Invitation

- Dear Sam-jink
'• Irani- you for ihc invitation to participate at the 1HF conference. I shidl
.- h j nappy to com? provided you can cover my travel expenses and provide
■ accc mmo- drJion. I shall be glad to make a presentation on the -ubjeui
. g'ojiihsation and health". Please let me Ijiov. the duration A letter m
• im itation by mail would help io gel a visa, i took forwai'd to hearing
• you -joon. With be a wishes to you and Ravi.
• 7..-.iw smv.rc';,.

U.T.Vitarana <>
—----------- ^eoreturi$t@phirteveiHe7^.ofg>
Saturday, December 27. 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: i’HF Invitation

Dear Sarojini.
Thank you for the invitation to participate at the IIIF conference. I shall
be happy to come provided you can cover my travel expenses and provide
accommo- dation. I shall be glad to make a presentation on the subject'
globalisation and health”. Please let me know the duration. A letter of
invitation by mail would help to get a visa. I look forward io hearing from
you soon. With best wishes to you and Ravi.
Yours sincerely.
Tissa Vitarana



e hi<2

Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

Niranjan Udumalagala < >
Tuesday, March 02, 2004 12:08 PM
Workshop on Reproductive Health Advocacy 2004.eml
Fwd: Workshop on Reproductive Health Advocacy 2004

Dear Dr. Ravi / Dr. Prem,
I am hear with sending the details of the above programe. The organisers wants two suitable
persons from India. If you know any body from PHM can send to this. Funds are avilable for this, to
get funds you have to contact UNFPA Indian office.
with regards,

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster.


30th January 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

Workshop on Reproductive Health Advocacy
14th -20th March 2004
We are pleased to call for applications for the above Programme. This International
Workshop will enable participants to learn about the Sri Lanka’s population and RH
Advocacy Programme and will provide an opportunity to share experience and success
stories among the Programme Managers in this region.
We herewith, enclose the detailed brochure for you to have a better understanding on the
uniqueness of the Programme and the Registration Form.

Please let us know if there is any officer from your Institution who would like to
participate in this programme.
Your early response in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne
Executive Director

; • h<;

Page 1 of[


' < WiKR’SHN ' ‘. ?.’• ’ (Dr; ‘ <’jnr.ikru@yahoc.coro>
<3.'-.<2r; >■■•>'...gyc.:< i'•;■.•
•- on msec© roucn ■ e:: nd ;a. net>
S.Jahur?v04 2004 23:57
grav.s 'or ycur visit

S'WOC-'r' ^CCCY *C- P?.'.'-';

<."•■ reecncis •
' he.; .-■ .\?j . .-<•= ;~d the
r.r•.-. he .z- beer slPe to process the v:se i ;-r:et Dr Ravi Narsyarr the oo-ord?nator
G'obol secret?.'a: < c./ c;ies a^o

Hr i^a iconfirm!sth


IlbeabU o reir Durseyourtra

cos ■ 4e Vil be writing formally to you on

.•••/e <ook <cr//aro <o sae-.r-c yo.. soor, in h'iumbaL Please remember to bring any videos you have on the
impacts oT war ano peace n'tseves in RriLan.ka Ws may have t-:me to projectdunno tne *HF and WSr.


■ '22'''

'’PHN - Secrst?.:Ar:,r <>
ViiaraeN <>
Saturday, danuary 03, 2004 16:18
Re’ fHF invitation

' c:
S«- nt:

Dear Prof. Tissa.
Jmcd/g•• P:.m P7."\[ Secretariat (Global)!
Ghd ::: Nar that yor can make it, A day or two extra should not be a
problem. though W roojns arc booked up from .1 5lh night and we have
•Nt rmth : n ;commarranged. Non AC rooms are available till 18th but
'hcix :'.- .; bxw Pl IN I .. HIP' demand on. them. We shall du our best.

Bk-YNg ibruvrd h? yt ur input

Best wishes
K'.’v o
•- n '/ig _iX.; „. r~.-••■-" -~


Frmu: A. 41. VmvamP


.. ■•



Sim: .1 .-.ufsuay. Atnuaiy 01, 2004 i7:21
N'bN ' '<■’■- 1-HF Cm-'imion

• Ocaj' P.C’.i.
. ..
. . .

.• •;

■• du

:•■..... ■ ; , ■


< to stay on a day (


^rcr-iem.N ’.myot; ivgan’ing aemmunodmion -1 ceuN me. for lhm pcru'd.
"rhunk you and best wishes [bi the New Year.

’■.’: (y 3(r id C'3
c;ii’ 14 oil Tissa.

you \'-r(-tc:

A-1 Sc;r •'■■i/.A-I CQk/N.’j!

- .-'■ i-: •

?T........ <•

Mio called m
"■. ih Cn d .
ciirflii'u. il '/Ou «a»0 1101 LUii.J •(? iVii
u.Oiil UliiU’/
7- ..Qt.vr?
■.-> pn.nch-!. in the pk*iwy or GlobrNzatiou

■ j'O’ii'.r..-s a:-<l i f-.-.-f'/ S^cior Ncjunii on Hui jauikiiv 2dw3. 14.30 io 16 A)

. < -.a


"J.T Vita’ans” <tritarana@eureka.!k>
’PHjM - Secretariat” <>
Thursday, January 01, 2004 17:21
participation forrnJHF.doc
Re. HF invte.ton

Dear Ravi.
Am sending the form duly completed. 1 may like to stay on a day oi two
longer in Mumbai. Shah I iry io change my flight accordingly. Will it cause
problems for you regarding accommodation -1 could pay for that period.
Thank vou and best wishes for the Xev. Year.


30 I2'(B -0890. you wrote:
•-Dear Prod Tissx
■ Grcefoigs from ?HM Secreturiar (Global).’
-Three; already con tinned with Yinya, who called mo on the phone that we
■•■ snail v•.;••. er a our (arc. if you are not able io raise it Tom other
■'•sovrccc. Yem r.? shown as a nanGjst in the plenary on Globalization Health
‘ FfoleTs •Walin Sector Reform on 14th January 2003, 14.30 to 16.30 hours
-and already booked in shared accommodation with \ rnya and Xiranjana al YMC \.
- DcWfe s-G rcgbdmdon forms arc euGosed.-Please nil up the vegisiration
- form (replace ibe existing sample data oi Prasanna with your deiabs)
■ iirgeofo’ and send d back lo us imnicdially lo complete the logistics.

■'■Best wishes,

jrRaw NafcSy an
>-36^ ’’Srinivasa Nifoya”
1 Bkvi: Jakkiisundra, I Block Koramangala
•■ -.B a i jy -:u v rc - 5 6( >034
’ Te’: OF 91 SO 51 23G009 (Direct)
- Pax: 00 91 bO 5525372
- websik?: y w■ v;for-w\
-■foil, ..he '’.Heulih 0:r ak. XGW” campaign in foe 25ih ammersmy year of ike
,o.?ma /u?. dedamoon ■••■‘rm AA \\w.Tbcy[

•...... ():i;: n' 01 :• s a ge — - i ‘Oi'b. . i. ■•> Haram* rrii.jfCita G uy.


To: ’sai^ gini :•!)m •
■ .
11.-J7' ,\X/'



Page 1 of 2


‘’UNaJKR’SHNAN --.V. (Dr)'' <unn:kru@yahoo.cdrh>

“Sharmin; Boyle" <>
Tnurscay. January 01. 2004 06:16
3e- invitavon to precess the visa travel costs

uear Prasarins
p'sase note fra fax number of Ms. Sharmini Boyle:

j — Original Message —
■ To: SharrnjJ. Boyle
’ Tc: . • msec.,D_co contoIindianet
• Sent: T’.'ijrsaay. January. 01. 2004 6:07 aM
: Subject:;' ration to process the visa + travel costs

i To: Ms. Sharmini Bovle. Editor, Younq Asia Tele Vision. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

• Copy: PniVl secretariat- with a. request zo print, sign and fax the attachment / invitation to :
1 *94 74-4 19'2 99


■ Ref: Our earlier communications regarding PHM’s request- to you top speak during a
• panel during WSF (Jan 18th) and
make interventions from the floor during the |HF (Jan 14th and 15th)
i Dear Ms. Sharmini Boyle

• Firstly, on behalf of the PHM and its Globa! Secretariat co-ordinator, ! wish io express oui
’ sincere thanks for considering our request despite your busy schedule.
I Secondly, I wish to inform you that I had a discussion with Dr. Ravi Narayan, -ho co, ordinalb of PHM Global secretariat.I.e raised tlsue cf trayel su|>poi that you i a
■ need to come to Mumbai Eventhough the resources for a decentralised and people-based
.. o ren . like . PHM is .
imited, we are \
ke v, that you . . ; : s ;ring
i the
(1) International Health Forum (14:h and 15th January) where v/e would like you
i to make interventions and
to, WSF panbl (sch eduled for Jar 1 St! where we would like you to speak as c.
. panel member.
i w.s'. I -j??

P1 •’ ’’

< f-T • » i < (_-j


■ t i jTtoi.

zein E-iA.lif—

» >•’

bj vif



. ..-V

3 ■ 1? ?0j3
Pa-c I ofj

Paga 1 of1

Main Identity

Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
PHM Secretariat <>; <>: <>;
<>; <>; <>;
< oamz i n ki n @g n. ape. o rg>
Saturday, April 24, 2004 7:52 PM
Re: Fw: NGO Participants to the WHO-NGO Conference in Colombo 27-28 April 2004

Dear Ravi
.Many thanks for your e-mail and the contents noted.
With best regards.



Main identity

PHM Secretariat <>
Monday, April 12, 2004 1:44 PM
Re: Congratulations

Dear Prof. Tissa Vitarana,
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
Congratulations on your entiy to Parliament and your appointment as the
Minister for Science and Technology. We hope that not only PHM Sri Lanka
will now get the benefit of your wisdom and experience and support towards a
people friendly health. social and science policy, but also that PHM will be
able to draw upon your capacity to promote the concerns of the People's
Charter for Health on other UN and international bodies. Recently, the work
towards a Mexican Ministrial Summit of Health Science Finance Miniters
to endorse greater investment for Research in Health ; a WHO commission on
social determinants of Health: and a UNESCAP initiative to work towards a
Primary Health Care oriented Health and Social Policy in country of the
region are all initiatives, which could draw upon your expertise and new
responsibility. PHM offers you our whole hearted support.

Best wishes

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator. People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
-367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main. I Block Kora mangala
Tel: 00 91 (0) 80 51280009 (Direct) Fax: 00 91 (0) 80 25525372
Join the "Health for all, NOW?" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata
declaration visit va\w ■'rheXlillionSignatur
.......Original Message-----From: Dr. Vinya Ariyaratnc < To:>
Cc: ■-secretaina tYZphmovement. org:>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 9:19 PM
Subject: Congratulations

> Dear Sir.

- This is a quick note to congratulate you on your entiy in to the


Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne <>
<tvitarana@eureka. Ik>
<secretariat@phmovement org>
Thursday, April 08, 2004 9:19 PM

Dear Sir,

This is a quick note to congratulate you on your entiy in to the
Parliament. We sincerely hope you will be able to champion, amongst other
things, the cause of a people friendly health policy for Sri Lanka.
Sarvodaya and PHAf Sri Lanka will be there to support you in (his regard.
With best regards.

z</ / Le

f-C. CTV-.


c~- ( I

r /to


Page i of 1


:!Rosemarie Peiris" <sirimaip@sli$etlk>
<ph msec@to u chte 1 in d i a. n et>
Sunday September 05, 2004 11:22 AM








What is Nutrition?

The relation between food and nutrition is inseparable, since it is from food that essential
human nutrients are obtained. Human survival and activity are dependent on our ability to
derive the essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, fat and mineral salts
from the food that is eaten and digested. Where the human body fails to get these nutrients
in the process of food metabolism, the inevitable result will be malnutrition.

Malnutrition in the developing countries is a legacy left to them by the so-called developed
countries. This unwelcome situation has in turn led to the incidence of more diseases,
increased deaths among infants and children and also to a general retardation of intellectual
development in the people. Indeed, malnutrition falls heavily on the poor and the needy, in
so far as malnutrition is the outcome of a tangled process of environmental, socio-economic
and political factors.
The degree of the impact of malnutrition varies from one class of people to another, or from
one country to another, depending on the pattern of their food consumption. One factor that
has a wide bearing on the nutritional levels of a particular people is the type of foods the
people can afford to consume. In the modern world, it is the purchasing power of people
that mostly determine their nutritional levels.

Food the Sri Lankan Culture
Food is the essential factor in appeasing hunger. It is the sine qua non of human survival. It
is the basis of human livelihood. The reports of FAO reveal that out of the world population
in the period 1969-1971, as many as 360 million were subject to severe malnutrition, and
that in the period 1974-1976, as many as 420 million, today's situation is worst than that,
were suffering from malnutrition. Large population segments of the world are today subject
to various diseases, mainly due to the inadequacy of food. In seeking a solution to this
problem, our attention has to be focused not only on food production but on the means of
distribution as well.

Let us first briefly situate the food consumption patterns of Sri Lanka, in their historical
perspective. Shiran Deraniyagala has provided us with a number of historical records
pertaining to the food patterns in ancient Sri Lanka. According to these records, the pre­
historic people in Sri Lanka consumed such food items as vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish or
meat. It is found that pre-historic people living in the coastal belt of Hambantota consumed
a kind of oysters as their food. With the development of irrigated agriculture in Sri Lanka,
vast changes in the food consumption habits took place. Historical evidence shows that Sri
Lanka had a highly developed culture based on food. In fact, cooking was one of the 64 arts
that ancient noblemen had to master in their society. The historical chronicles record that
paddy rice was the staple food of the ancient Sri Lankans. The substitutes for rice were
kurakkan or meneri (millet) which were eaten with curries. The long bean was a popular


food item, also the green pea, gingelly and green gram.
A sumptuous meal included a
variety of items such as rice, vegetables, meat and fish, followed by curd, butter, ghee,
sweetmeats, fruits and finally a chew of betel. It would be interesting to note that even
today the alms offered to the Buddhist monks consist of the same items.

While the Badulla Pillar Edict refers to the huntsmen who earned their livelihood by selling
animal meat, the classical Sinhalese literature refers to the fishermen who lived in villages. It
is recorded that king Dhatusena's favourite meal consisted of chicken curry. Historical
documents pertaining to the period as far back as the 3rd century BC show that the meat of
the deer, wild-boat, peacock, doves and snipes had been popular items of food. There is
evidence to show that the 'people of noble birth' refrained from eating beef. Those people
eating beef were considered as belonging to the 'Chandala Caste', i.e. the scavengers, during
the era of feudalism. The Sinhalese literary glossary "Dhampiya Atuwawa" of the 10th century
AD has the famous expository sentence, namely "Those people, if they eat beef or beat
drums, they are of the drum beaters' caste.

In ancient Sri Lanka, there were separate village settlements for cowherds, known as
'Gopalagama'. The five-fold food items from the cow were the special items that were meant
for Buddhist monks and noblemen. Reference to the drinking of cow milk is scarce, though
there is copious reference to the cooking of milk rice with cow milk in ancient times.

The popular food items were the oil-cake, sweet cake, aggala, munaluwa (sweets from green
gram) jaggery asmee, besides the fruits such as mango, jambu and plaintains. The spices
such as pepper, ginger, saffron and garlic were used in the preparation of food from items of

Influence of Western Culture
The widespread influence of the Western imperialism, in Sri Lanka in the 19th century had a
definite bearing on Sri Lankan food consumption patterns. The Englishmen in this country
had not only to locally grow their favourite vegetables, but even to import them. The quick
imitation of the English diet by the rich natives accelerated the pace of change in the local
consumption patterns. This is how cabbage, beetroot and carrot have come to be popular
food items.
Apart from the foreign vegetables introduced by the new plantation economy, the popular
food habits have also shown up another development. Chilli is an item that has a distinct
place within our spices array.

With the popularization of the so-called up-country vegetables and the extension of their
sales, the consumption of traditional foods like leafy vegetables lost their place. Today, most
of the items that can be purchased in the market are the up-country vegetables and so the
items of leafy vegetables have come to be looked down upon in society. Presently there is a
slight change in the situation.


In recent times, some emerging trends in the food habits of the people have been observed.
Biscuits and chocolates have come to be part of the people's life-style. Specially, with the
ushering in of the open economy after 1977, the coca cola culture in the food habits of the
people has begun to get deeply rooted.
In place of the traditional food items of Sri Lanka, the market is now glutted with items like
sardines and corned beef, sausages, meat balls, cordial drinks like Coca-cola, Fanta, Sprite
have appeared practically in every market. In addition, a concerned attempt is being made
to instill into the public mind that those particular food items advertised over the TV, Radio
and other mass media are the best and the choicest.

Despite these emerging trends in the food consumption patterns, the actual position in regard
to food consumption among the vast majority is far from satisfactory. There is a discernible
attempt by the well-to-do and the middle classes to hitch their food consumption patterns to
the new open economy concept. But the trend in the rural sector is still different. Despite
the pervading urban market influences, the masses find it difficult to purchase their food
commodities at such high prices. People belonging to a particular economic class in the city
of Colombo have now stopped home cooking and have switched over to the practice of
purchasing meal packets. Similarly, the estate workers are in the grip of the local traders and
are compelled to purchase only those items that are available in the estate boutiques.
The traditional Sinhalese culture still looks down upon the habit of beef consumption. A
similar attitude prevails in regard to eating eggs. However, the consumption of fish appears
to have been accepted by society. By and large, the Hindus and the Buddhists refrain from
eating beef. Fish curry is a common food item among the people living along the coastal
belt. But, in the villages of the interior, fish is more expensive and therefore the habit of
eating fish is less commonly found. In the rural home, dried fish has been a favourite food
item, but in view of the prevailing high prices of this item, it is not going out of the diet of the
rural homes. The use of pork as a food item is not yet widespread in Sri Lanka. However,
chicken as a food item is commoner than before.
The results of a socio-economic survey conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics
in 1969/70 covering 9,700 households revealed the percentage of homes with an adequacy of
food was only 43%. The majority of people in Sri Lanka, i.e. 57%, are subject to the
predicament of food inadequacy in the homes. To have a nutritious meal for a day, we must
take five items of food, i.e. vegetables and fruits, added to rice.

Welfare State Policy

After the political independence of Sri Lanka in 1948, the government policy on food was that
of a welfare state. A welfare policy on food has indeed started during the World War II,
when in 1942 essential food-stuffs were rationed and distributed with a view to protecting the
consumer and maintaining fairness in distribution. Subsequent governments that came into
power in the post-independence period consistently tried to reduce or remove the subsidy on
rice. The UNP govt, of 1953 made an attempt to remove the rice subsidy, but retreated


in view of the popular opposition. The UNP govt, of 1965 and the coalition govt, of 1970 took
steps to reduce the subsidy on rice. However, the UNP govt, of 1977 did away with the food
subsidies altogether and introduced instead a novel scheme of food stamps.

In 1978, steps were taken to limit the free food ration to a low income segment of the
consumers only. Under this arrangement roughly 50% of the population claimed free rice.
Under the scheme of food stamps introduced in 1979, the subsidy on food was not only cut
down, but the nature of the subsidy too itself was changed. The scheme of food stamps was
operated as a cash value scheme. The distribution pattern of the food stamps in the Island
is not uniform. The highest percentage of recipients, i.e. 67% is found in the Moneragala
District, and the lowest i.e 20.7% is found in the Nuwara Eliya District. In the Colombo
District, the percentage of food stamps recipients is 26.3%. It would be observed that the
estate workers and the urban workers, who living under difficult economic conditions, have
fallen outside the food stamp scheme. The quantum of the real value of Food Stamps has
been gradually dwindling since the inception of the scheme in September 1979. An
examination of either the Colombo Consumers' Price Index or the Constant Price Index will
bear testimony to it. It is further corroborated by a recent survey on the nutritional intake of
the recipients of food stamps. A study by Tilak Samaranayake on the calorie intake of
children and adults under the Food Stamps Entitlement during the period 1979-1981 has
shown that the levels of calorie intake have since gone down by almost half (40%). It may
therefore be observed that the food consumption levels of the recipients of Food Stamps are
lower than what they were about two years earlier.

What should be evident from the foregoing facts is that the former welfare policy of the
government on food is now dead. As a result, it is the low income segments who are called
upon to bear the brunt of the burden. At present, there is no food stamp scheme. Now 12%
(3,000,000 families) of the Sri Lankan population are entitled to get Samurdhi. That means,
a cut down on the food subsidy.

Food and Commercialism

The food consumption culture in Sri Lanka today follows a completely commercial pattern. It
is the profit motive that dominates the ideology of everybody from the cultivator to the retail
traders. As regards the middleman, on the dwindling income levels of the vegetable growers
at Welimada states : "It would be thus seen that the middlemen are exploiting both the
consumer and the grower, in that they not only expropriate a big chunk of what is paid by
the consumer but also deprive the cultivator of a good proportion of the income that would
otherwise have been due to him".
The Sri Lankan people who now live in a consumer society fine that their purchasing capacity
is governed not only by the availability of food commodities, but also by the price of goods on
the open market. When food distribution takes place on an open market policy the consumer
is left of the mercy of the market.

Page 3 of 5


As shown by a socio-economic survey conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics,
the relative percentage of the expenditure on food within the total home budget in 1970 was
54.7% and in 1973 55.2%. This component of expenditure has risen up to 70.1% in 1980.
In the estate sector, this figure is at 76.7%.

It is clear from these data that the low income groups have to spend a high percentage of
their income on food items. This means that these segments of the population can afford to
spare only a meager amount for expenditure on other basic needs such as health and
education. On the other hand, it is these very segments of the population who spend a
larger portion of their income on food requirements that are also the victims of malnutrition.
Again, it is the low income groups that suffer most from the impact of price inflations. Thus,
the effects of an inflation are such that they keep the high-priced foods of high quality
beyond the reach of the low income segments of the population, who have to confine
themselves to the consumption of cheaper food items only. The fact that the food consumed
is low both in quality and quantity has a direct bearing on the nutritional status of the people,
in addition to their getting further malnourished by being subject to various diseases.
The spiraling cost of living has adversely affected the nutritional status of the people,
particularly in view of the fact that no corresponding pay increase has been granted. The pay
increases in the private sector were minimal and furthermore, the various deceptive methods
adopted by the employers have brought the employees much hardship. No investigation has
been carried out to ascertain the decreasing nutritional status of the employees who were
dismissed from work consequent to the general strike and closure of factories.

It is observed that the government policy reforms in the recent past particularly the
introduction of an open economic policy in lieu of the welfare state policy after 1977, has had
an adverse impact on the nutritional status of the people.
Week ending

Year ago (Avg)

Rice (Rs/Kg)







Vegetables (Rs/Kg)
Ash Plantains



Week ending

Year ago (Avq)





Other Foods (Rs/Kg)

Potatoes (N'Eliya)
Dried Chilles (Imported)
Big Onions (Imported)
Red Onions (Local)

Fish (Rs/Kg)

Ba laya
Paraw (Small)

(Daily News of 21.09.2004)
There has been a total lifting of price controls leaving the fate of the price structure entirely
in the hands of the traders who are now free to dictate the prices. The price levels of most
consumer goods are now so high that they are not within the reach of the average consumer
of the low income groups.
The elimination of food subsidies, coupled with the non-availability of cheap rice rations and
other food items like green grams, dhal, dried fish etc. at concessionary rates has completely
changed the people's meal patterns. The removal of the children's milk foods has a direct
bearing on the child nutrition.
Agriculture is still the mainstay of the majority of people. Despite the recorded high growth
rates in Sri Lanka, the development in the agricultural sector is at a diminishing rate.

Apart from food the following are the other causes that serve as determinants of the
nutritional status in Sri Lanka.

People's economic standing
People's social standing
State policies
Consumption patterns
Consumption beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and practices
Impact of mass media


Nutritional deficiencies in Sri Lanka

The nutritional problems in Sri Lanka is mainly four-fold, viz.

Protein energy malnutrition
Anaemia due to malnutrition (iron deficiency)
Vitamin A deficiency
Iodine deficiency

Protein energy malnutrition

Severe under-nutrition is a common problem in all the Health Regions of the Island, but is
more severe in the up-country areas. It has been observed that protein energy malnutrition
is most prevalent in children during the second year of birth. The causative factor for such
prevalence may be the non-nutritious complimentary foods given to children in place of
breast milk.
The chronic under-nutrition or the lack of proper height for the age is a
condition. This problem is most critical in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, particularly in
the estate sector. The chief factors that have contributed to this condition in the estate
sector are low income and insufficient education. About one million children in Sri Lanka are
suffering from various types of protein calorie malnutrition. This condition is more severe
among the urban poor people, the majority of them being pregnant mothers and children.
In Sri Lanka, the conditions of malnutrition are found in large families of the low income
segments. Often these victims are rehabilitated in the hospitals, but once they return home
the relapses occur, as the socio-economic conditions of the families remain unchanged. A
survey of 850 children admitted to the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for treatment in 1974
confirmed the essential relation between protein calorie malnutrition and the level of family
income (Economic Review, March 1976).
It is a fact that the increase in the individual incomes necessarily leads to an increase in the
nutritional quality of the food consumed, due to a considerable increase in the consumption
of milk foods, meats and fish which provide an increased intake of calcium, iron, Vitamin A
and riboflavin in a form that is easily absorbed. Therefore, it is observed that 20% of those
in the high income segments get the necessary nutrients without much effort, whereas those
in the low income segments may get the nutrients only rarely and minimally.


Nutritional Status of Children (2000)


Height for Age

Weight for Height

Weight for Age

Child's age (in month)
Sector - Colombo Metro
Other Urban







Source : Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
(Annual Health Bulletin - 2001)

Percentage of new born babies with a weight less than 2,500 gm - 16.1%

Anaemia due to malnutrition (iron deficiency)

The chief reason for this condition is the iron deficiency in the human body and is common to
all the age groups, but is more prevalent among pregnant mothers and children of the lower
socio-economic segment. The distribution of the condition is shown below -

Iron Deficiency


10 Yrs.
11-19 yrs.
Re-productive Age (Mothers)
Pregnant Mothers



Anaemia is a causative factor for the increase in maternal mortality and maternal diseases.
In Sri Lanka, generally more than 50% of the pregnant mothers suffer from anaemia, and
this condition in turn contributes to infantile anaemia and infant mortality. It is found that
more cases of maternal anaemia and more maternal deaths have been recorded in Kandy
and Ratnapura districts than in other districts.
The following data will reveal the extent to which anaemia during pregnancy may affect the
health of mothers.

Treatment of Pregnant Mothers in the Hospitals


No. for 1976

No. for 1980






Anaemia during pregnancy




Haemorrage of pregnancy




Complications of pregnancy
other than anaemia




Toxaemia of pregnancy




Sepsis of Child Birth



It may be seen from the data in this table that among the problems of pregnant mothers,
anaemia is in the second place. However, it has to be remembered that many pregnant
mothers other than those entering hospital have attended the maternal clinics for treatment
of anaemia.
Food items such as leafy vegetables, liver, eggs and beef serve as sources of iron. But the
prices of some of these items, viz. beef etc. are such that they are not within the reach of
everybody. On the other hand, the absorption of iron will require Vitamin C.

Vitamin A deficiency
This is also an identified malnutritional problem in Sri Lanka now. The distribution of the
present condition is shown below.
Children (3-36 months)
Pregnant Mothers


33 1/3%


Vitamin A status in Sri Lanka



Cut off point

Night Blindness
Bito spots
Serum Retinal
20 ug/dl
10 ug/dl
Hellen Keller FFQ





Iodine Deficiency
In Sri Lanka, a number of diseases due to iodine deficiency syndrome are found. The most
commonly found condition is the goiter which results from iodine deficiency. But when the
iodine deficiency is viewed from a broader angle, many other forms of mental and physical
debilities resulting from it can be observed. The real tragedy is the case of retardation of
mental development of a human being from the time of the embryo up to adulthood.
In Sri Lanka, the South-West, Sabaragamuwa, Central South and Uva regions have been
identified as iodine deficient regions, where nearly 70% of the population in its highest
density lives.

Certain tests carried out by the Medical Research Institute during the period 1947-1949 have
also shown that iodine deficiency is a condition periodically observed in some parts of Sri
According to the Mahadeva-Shanmuganathan Report of 1967, the highest level of iodine
deficiency are found among the people on the banks of the Kalu and Kelani rivers, in the
Western Province. This report also points out that the iodine deficiency in women is higher
than in men.

The Wilson Report of 1950 has pointed out the existence of iodine deficiency in both the wet
zone and the dry zone. In the latter, it is 6-12% of the population. The chief reasons
attributed for this condition, according to the Report is the low concentration of iodine in the
drinking water and food lacking in iodine content.
According to the findings of a survey conducted by Subramaniam and Deo in 1966 in the
iodine deficient areas, it was found that 12-54% of the school children in different places of
these areas were subject to the iodine deficiency syndrome. In the same areas, 28.6% of
adult males and 43% of the adult females were subject to the condition.

Iodine deficiency is not a condition that is easily detected though it greatly affects the healthy
development of a human from the stage of embryo up to advanced adulthood. Any iodine
deficiency may be reflected in the environment - the soil, water, vegetable and dairy foods.


Iodine deficiency is responsible for most of the abnormalities in the human body. Some
examples are the retardation of normal physical and mental development, abortions and still­
births. A child born to a mother suffering from iodine deficiency syndrome also shows
problems in the thyroid gland, such a child may have various forms of complications varying
from mental retardation, under-development of aptitudes, physical under-development, vocal
and auditory deficiencies and problems in the limbs and nerves.

Unfortunately, most of these health conditions have not been identified as being due to
iodine deficiency. What we often see as iodine deficiency is the outward enlargement of the
thyroid gland. But, the condition of iodine deficiency affects a larger area of human
functioning that appears to the lay eye. Hence, it is time to regard this situation as a health
condition resulting from a socio-economic environment. The responsibility therefore devolves
on the government policy planners to get themselves interested in implementing measures
for the elimination of the problem of iodine deficiency syndrome among the people.

The WHO has taken into consideration the importance of eliminating the iodine deficiency
problem, under their proposals for "Health for All" through Primary Health Care. In a
publication of the South-East Asia Region Committee in 1981, the Control of goiter has been
brought under a co-ordinated programme of Primary Health Care. But a definite action plan
in Sri Lanka is yet to be a reality.
Prevalence of Iodine deficiency distribution (IDD) in Sri Lanka
(Figures in thousands)

Total population

Population at risk

Endemic Goitre

Cretinism and other IDD




Note :



Percentages shown are percentages of total population. "Other IDD" includes
Cretinism and measurably reduced mental functions etc.

Source : UN Demographic year Book 1981/82)
Present situation of Iodine deficiency

Children (3-36 months)
Reproductive age


6% - 32%


Vulnerable Groups

In regard to the nutritional deficiency status in Sri Lanka, three groups are particularly
vulnerable a. Children
b. Plantation Community
c. Women


On the basis of the Year 2000 Demographic Health Survey, 7.8% of the Sri Lanka
population consists of children under four years and 8.5% children under nine years
of age.

Food insufficiency, which is often considered the reason for under-nourishment. It is
not the only reason for child under nourishment. Among the other factors that
contribute to child under-nourishment are •

The incidence of regular attacks of diarrhoea
The presence of parasites in the intestines such as worms
The ignorance of mothers as to how and when to wean the children

Malnourished children easily fall prey to infections, and those children who are often
subject to infections are often malnourished. The chances of malnourished children
falling prey to diarrhea are doubled, and the mortality resulting from the complications
of the weight loss may be around 10%. Several attacks of diarrhea in a single year
may reduce the growth by almost half.

The weight of a normal healthy child at birth doubles in five months, trebles at the
end of one year and quadruples at the end of two years. Where the growth of a child
is retarded due to constant attacks of illnesses, then there is a strong tendency on the
part of the child to be subject to malnutrition. It is, therefore, necessary to instill in
the parents a sense of urgency to ensure that their children grow unretarded during
the first few years of life. This is one reason why the parents have to be motivated to
take interest in the maintenance of child growth charts.
However, in the communities beset with problems such as unemployment, housing
etc. the child growth charts are not going to be of much help, except in the case of
families who can afford sufficient food for their children.
The first sentence in the Charter on Children's Rights adopted by the UN in 1959
reads as follows : "The child should be provided with special care and all the
opportunities and facilities for him to grow into being a healthy and a normal citizen".
Another sentence in the Chart stipulates the child's right to adequate and nourishing


It is unfortunate that while these rights are confined to the Book, malnutrition
continues to devour more and more generations of children. The numbers of
malnourished children have outstripped the number of malnourished elders, so great
is the interdependence between poverty and malnutrition, the effects of which fall
heavily on children.
The Medical Research Institute, Sri Lanka, has on several occasions pronounced
warnings on the increasing trends of Stage Three Malnutrition, which is Acute Protein
Calorie Malnutrition with accompanying side effects such as body wasting and the
retardation of development and of intelligence. In this case, perhaps it may never be
possible to restore the retarded intelligence.


Plantation Community

The estate people of Sri Lanka, who are of Indian origin and considered
agricultural workers, comprising about 5.6% (867,084) of the country's
population. These people are of Indian origin and were brought to Sri Lanka
by the British during the colonial period. The point that concerns us here is
that the health status of the estate workers is very much lower than the
national average. The most common respiratory diseases among these
workers are Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy and Asthma which have resulted
from bad weather conditions, low temperature and congested living.
The pattern of health facilities in different Health Regions of Sri Lanka,
including the plantations has revealed that the health facilities on the
plantations are poor. The number of doctors per 100,000 population on
national levels is 44.8 but the figures for Nuwara Eliya, Badulla and Ratnapura
Districts are 15.9, 34.4 and 32.4 respectively.

Researchers have found that among the estate workers and their families,
health problems like acute anemia, protein calorie malnutrition and chronic
malnutrition are widespread. The comparative health status of estate children
is very low.

Vital Statistics for the Estate Sector - 1997

Infant Mortality Rate
Still Birth Rate
Maternal Mortality Rate -

(per 1000)

The estate workers does not live in a sanitary environment. Some of the line
rooms where they have to live are not fit for human living. They are living in
common houses where the house of a family is only a room measuring
10 'x 12', with a common verandah of 5' or 6' wide.


The average infant mortality rate of Sri Lanka for year 2001 was 12.2 per
1000. However, the figure for Nuwara Eliya District which includes most of
the estates was 20.7. The figures for Badulla and Kandy Districts were 20.9
and 17.3 respectively.

A working mother on an estate is unable to look after her child. The necessary
facilities for breast-feeding that should be there in the interest of both the
mother and the child are lacking throughout the plantations. A suitable place
for a working mother to draw out excess milk during working time is an
essential facility for a mother, but it has not been provided. The lack of this
facility may mean the early drying up of breast-milk and this affects the child
nutrition in the plantations.

Some of the line rooms on the estates have not been provided with separate
latrine facilities. This is one reason why the children in the estates are easy
victims of worm diseases.
Latrine Facilities

No. of Households
Individual Latrines
Shared Latrines
% with Latrines

- 180,489
- 80,399
- 25,876
- 58.9%

While facing all these health hazards, they also have to struggle with a large
number of other socio-cultural problems. Being Hindus by religion, the estate
workers refrain from eating beef and therefore have to depend on fish or dried
fish for their protein requirements.
The estate worker as a consumer is subject to extreme environmental factors,
and is compelled to buy his consumer goods from the boutique close to the
estate and he has no choice in the matter who sells him goods at black-market
prices. This is a vicious situation where the estate community have no
freedom of choice, particularly in the matter of eating food of their own choice,
by virtue of their peculiar position of being at the bottom of the socio­
economic ladder.

Hence, the under-nutritional status in the estate sector may be described as a
position resulting from not only food but also the socio-economic and cultural
inequalities prevailing there.
Nutrition of Women
At the year 2001 census of Sri Lanka, 51% of the population consisted of
women. Some surveys carried out since have clearly demonstrated that Sri
Lanka is facing some problems of the first magnitude concerning women's
nutrition. The conditions of anemia or iron deficiency and iodine deficiency are


found to be more prevalent in women than in men. The findings of a survey
covering 3,000 mothers conducted during the period 1968-70 have shown that
some 72% of them were subject to the condition of iron deficiency, which is
also a general complication in women during pregnancy
(Source : UNICEF Country Programming Exercise for assistance to Sri Lanka
for the period 1984-85)

Several surveys have also proved that the problem of iodine deficiency is more
in women than in men. Among the school going population, 43% of girls and
28.6% of boys were suffering from iodine deficiency. There were reasons why
more females than males were subject to protein energy malnutrition and
vitamin A deficiency. The fact that no data pertaining to this problem are
available does not mean that the problems should be treated lightly.
Looked at from a cultural angle, it is obvious that the Sri Lankan women are
less privileged than men. One significant reason is that the basis of Sri Lankan
families is patriarchal. The working population in Sri Lankan women, of whom
87% are employed in the estate sector and in other lower paid jobs of the
production sector. (Source : "Woman's leadership and decision making".
Background paper of Women's Bureau, Sri Lanka - November 1982).
The rate of unemployment among women is 11.5 while among men is 6.2.
This fact would show that the economic dependence of women is greater.
(Labour Survey - Department of Census & Statistics)
The literacy percentage for men is 92.5% while for women is 87.9%. This is
another indication that the women in Sri Lanka is lagging behind in the sphere
of education too.

What is interesting and pertinent here is that the cultural and social
disadvantages of the Sri Lankan woman is a direct bearing on her food
consumption pattern. One practice prevailing in the Sri Lankan socio-family
structural pattern is that the nutritious meal cooked in a family is first served
to the husband and the male children. The women often take their meals last
of all in the family or after the husband and children have finished theirs. This
itself is a reason why the women get elbowed out in the arena of nutrition.

Often, the women are not sufficiently mindful of the fact that they have to
expend more nutrition in the course of reproduction. In spite of the numerous
educational programmes directed at Nutrition in pregnancy, it cannot be said
that the Sri Lankan women adequately benefit from them. Even working
women rarely show specialty for food consumption during pregnancy.


Religious susceptibilities often play a role in the matter for food consumption
during pregnancy. Even those who normally take eggs would stop taking
them, no sooner the pregnancy starts. The main reason for this practice is to
refrain from killing, in a society dominated by Buddhist concepts of non­
violence and for the people to avoid carnivorous habits of food consumption.

The women who form 25% of the working population are employed mostly in
low-paid jobs. Thus even if they obtain some economic benefits from
employment, their health suffers.
Following are the most common
employment avenues of women -

Tea Plucking
Cinnamon tapping
Coir strings and ropes
Beedi manufacturing
Garment industry

It is essential that lactating mothers should take a special diet and for this
reason some Women's Organisations of Sri Lanka have launched an agitation
for the payment of an extra allowance to lactating mothers who are employed.
A working mother, in addition to her employment has to look after the
domestic front. Besides working, she has to attend to the washing of kitchen
utensils, the home and the garden. The traditional socio-family-cultural
pattern recognizes that these activities are within the sphere of women's
duties. In view of this life pattern of women who enjoy only the minimal
nutritional levels, the tendency is for their nutritional levels to deteriorate

The Sri Lankan women is the first to get up in the family and the last to go to
bed. The following statement by the UNESCO's Executive Director in 1982 will
reveal that the world pattern is similar : "The real heroes of the world
development are not the respective Governments, nor the various
organizations and UN Agencies, but the women who work strenuously for long
hours of the day under the most difficult conditions yet without adequate
benefit, only to fulfill the needs of their families or communities. There is no
commensurate appreciation of their courage and efforts. What they need is
not just praise but justice and assistance".
The facts given in this article are meant to show to what extent the socio­
cultural pattern in the present day Sri Lanka have influenced the nutrition and
food consumption of women.
The medical opinion confirms that the average woman in this country can
manage with an ounce of protein per day. But this quantum needs to be


increased if she is pregnant or lactating. The nutritional levels during pregnancy affect both
the mother and the unborn baby. In 100 ml. of breast-milk the protein content is 1.2 gms.
Since a lactating mother has to produce around 850 ml. of breast-milk, her protein
requirement is about lOgm per day. Therefore a lactating mother's daily diet needs to
include at least this amount of protein.

In a family where the mother is breast-feeding the baby, the mother needs more nutrition
than the father. But what prevails in most homes is the opposite. The Sri Lankan culture
recognizes much more of the food requirements of a father than those of a mother.

It should now be clear to what extent the Sri Lankan woman is subject to 3 impediments economic, dependence, the lack of communication and the under-nutrition - solely due to the
influence of tradition and culture. But it is high time the country realized that it is a national
responsibility to save the Sri Lankan woman at least from the threat of under-nutrition.
Food, nutrition and Social Justice

The views expressed by many nutritionists and social development experts on the question of
world malnutrition are not realistic. Nor do these views disclose the genuine character of the

Those who offer solutions to the problems of malnutrition in their traditional fashion speak of
two chief reasons for malnutrition (a)

The lack of a corresponding increase of food production and
The ignorance on the part of people in regard to food consumption.

As such, their solutions envisage


the control of population growth and
the education on food consumption in accordance with the principles of a
balanced diet.

The negative approach these longstanding programmes may even aggravate the existing
levels of malnutrition by blaming it on human indifference for their failures.
The truth is that not only in Sri Lanka but in the whole world, the vast majority of people do
not get the needed requirements of food for their consumption. But it is also a travesty of
the truth to say that the world cannot produce the quantum of food needed for world

Mr Collin Clark, the former Director of the Institute of Agro-Technology of the Oxford
University says : "If only the existing Agro-techniques were harnessed in the already
developed form different parts of the world, with their arable and usable extents of
agricultural land, it would easily be possible to feed a population even ten times larger than
the present world population".


The present food problem in the world has become acute due to four main factors, viz.

Ability to buy
The adequate distribution pattern
The dependence of food production on profit making enterprises and
The practice of destroying food quotas to maintain price levels.

As for the inequitable distribution pattern, it would worthwhile to note that the quantity of
food consumed by the people of the developed countries is as much as 25 times the quantity
consumed by the people in the developing countries. The annual quantity of food consumed
by an American child is 50 times that of an Indian child. The present food consumption in
North America is as much as 1900 lbs. per head. During the period 1968-1975 the increase
in the quantity of food consumed in the USA is 350 lbs. which is the annual consumption per
head in India.

While we are in a quandary for solutions to the food scarcities, it is no secret to find that in
certain quarters the method of destroying food is resorted to even today with the sole idea of
jacking up prices. The multi-national companies and the European Economic community are
particularly known to employ this method.

In 1968, the USA has paid 4 billion dollars to the farmers just to keep 34 million acres of
arable land from cultivation. Otherwise, there is no doubt that with the produce of these
lands, the food prices in the world market would have come down.
In 1970, Canada destroyed its wheat cultivations and the USA its potato cultivations,
knowing too well that large segments of the world population were starving.

The role of the middleman who operated between the producer and the consumer has only
helped to increase the food prices several fold and to keep the food items beyond the reach
of the low income earners. A case in point is the vegetable growers of Welimada, about
whom the ECONOMIC REVIEW has to say this :
"It would be thus seen that the middlemen are exploiting both the consumer
and the grower, in that they not only appropriate a big chunk of what is paid
by the consumer but deprive cultivator of a good proportion of the income that
would otherwise have been due to him".

The international agencies seem to have a better hold on price manipulations than the local
As in the case of other productions in the world, the food production too is dependent on
private enterprise, a system under which priority is given to the profit earnings rather than to
the consumer needs. This is how the private enterprises are tempted to produce not what is
food for humanity but what is more profitable even though it may be unhealthy for the
people. Numerous examples may be cited from Sri Lanka itself. In the early days,
Hanguranketha was well known for vegetable growing, but later on, the multi-national


companies have started utilizing these lands for tobacco growing. A good portion of land
under the Mahaweli Development Scheme has also been set apart for tobacco growing.

The international situation is far worse. In Columbia, the multi-national companies employ
local farmers to grow carnation flowers for export to the USA, while there is a shortage of
food grain in the country. These multi-national companies are mot interested in growing
flowers which brings a fat profit of 10 million pesos per acre rather than growing wheat which
is so vital for the people and brings only 12,500 pesos per acre.
While millions of people in the Sahel are starving, the French multi-national companies are
growing cotton in order to provide a cheaper production factor for their industries. But they
are not unaware that millions in the Sahel are dying without food.

In certain other countries, while the landless nationals are starving, more and more land are
being brought under other cultivation. For example, the land in India where the staple food
can be grown are utilized for growing cotton and tea, in Gautamala for coffee and cotton, in
Indonesia for rubber, in Mexico for coffee, cotton and sugarcane and in Sri Lanka for tea,
coconut, rubber and tobacco. This situation has enabled the few capitalists in these countries
to live in the lap of luxury while the vast majorities are compelled to live in a world of
malnutrition and social injustice.

There should be an underassessment of the impact of the environment and the bearing of
social, cultural and economic factors on the nutritional levels of people. Likewise, one
cannot deny that social injustices and political policies have an equal bearing on the
determination of the nutritional status of people. In our inquiry into the question of FOOD
AND NUTRITION, we are also naturally reminded of the popular adage that "Health is politics
and politics is health".




It is not only the duty of the State to safeguard the rights of the patients but
also of all the members of the civil society who respect human rights.
Patient Rights should be safeguarded irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity,

political affiliation, and minority status or of disadvantaged groups. From
the worldwide agitations and protests that are being staged it is obvious that
the health sector is in a crisis.

With the advent of privatization the interest shown towards the protecting of

patients rights is becoming negligible. Privatization has caused inequality

and has reduced the health services to that of a sales outlet. In the opinion of
the professionals the responsibility of the State is gradually being eroded.

The right of the patient to consult a medical practitioner of his choice has
been denied by the State health sector. Not only that even his right to know
the details of his illness and the drugs that are being prescribed are being
violated. The main reason for this is the dearth of medical officers in the
government sector and as a result the patients right to a proper diagnosis is

being denied. Due to lack of sufficient and modern diagnostic facilities, like
laboratory equipment, scanning machines etc, in State hospitals the patient’s

health is at stake. Due to the long waiting list for patients anticipating heart
surgery, kidney transplant etc, many patients face death before they get their
opportunity. The drug dispensed to patients is also a matter of concern. The
attitude shown towards HIV and AIDS patients is very regrettable. The
treatment procedures adopted the world over in respect of treating HIV and
AIDS patients has still not commenced is Sri Lanka and this is a clear

violation of their rights. The severe shortage of drugs prevailing in state
hospitals is subjecting the patients to great hardships. In many special clinics
in State hospitals the patients are asked to purchase their quota of drugs from
outside. This affects many patients who suffer from diseases like diabetes,
heart ailment, high blood pressure etc, as they have to take these drugs
continuously throughout their lifetime. The most unfortunate situation is
reported from the maternity wards where a long list of items is handed over

to those who come for delivery. Many poor mothers cannot afford to supply
these and are subjected to ill treatment and humiliation. This would no doubt

force poor mothers to seek home delivery and this would result in increasing
the maternal mortality.


Patient’s rights also should be taken into consideration when developing the

hospital environment and other infra structure facilities. . Many patients
from far and distant places are forced to come to the hospital overnight to
obtain a number for treatment in specialized clinics. These patients should
have minimum basic facilities like toilets. Due to the long queues that
normally prevail patients are greatly distressed and their conditions worsen.
Therefore due consideration should be given to patient’s comforts when

designing the hospital environment and other facilities. This would infact

mean as respect for patient’s rights.
Due to the neglect of patient’s rights day after day the quality of the services
provided by the State sector is on the decline. It is the duty of the
government to investigate into this matter and take remedial measures. If
there has to be any value to the prevailing health statistics the credit should

go to the government health sector.
The situation of patients receiving residential treatment in hospitals is in a
deplorable state. The shortage of staff and the appointment of unsuitable

persons through undue influence have worsened the problem. The
deterioration in hospital administration has further contributed to the
violation of the patient’s rights.
The over crowding in State hospitals is a matter of serious concern. In many

hospitals there are two patients sharing one bed and many more are on the
floor. This gives a good idea of the status of the patient’s rights. In view of
the private sector health facilities the majority of those seeking treatment
from government hospitals are those from the low-income groups and this

has further enabled the violation of patients rights. As those interested in the
protection of patient’s rights it is our duty to safeguard the rights of patients
and specially those o fthe low-income groups.
The conditions of private medical centres have further deteriorated after the
Government medical officers were given permission to engage in private

practice. Large majority of these centres are over crowded, ill ventilated,
lacking in space and are not suitable for patient care or consultation. There

are not even sufficient or satisfactory seating facilities for those who come
for consultation. Toilet facilities are negligible. Little or no privacy is


maintained while examining patients and in recording their medical
histories. Therefore it is very important that these private medical centres be

re-structured taking into consideration the need to safeguard patient rights

even at a very minimum level..

It is no secret that private channeling centres and private medical hospitals,

in many instances, has become money earning business ventures. There is no
fixed charge for consulting a specialist and as a result every specialist fixes
his own amount to his liking. The consultants are never punctual and keep
patients waiting for long hours without any regard for the state of the
patient’s health. From these it is very obvious that the private sector does not
care for the patients rights either. Therefore it is the duty of Governments

committed to safeguarding Human Rights to see that the quality of private
medical service is maintained at acceptable standards and that poor patients
are not exploited.



Page 1 of 1

PHM - Secretariat

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
"Niranjan Udumalagala" <>
Monday, November 29, 2004 5:07 PM
Re: Hello

Dear Niranjan

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
Thanks for your message about the committee. Please mark all your emails to Bala, Vinya and Prem so that everyone who
has strong Sri Lankan contacts are kept in the Communication loop. The Pakistan meeting is not yet finalized. Also when you
refer to ‘committee’, I do not know which committee you mean. Is it PHM Sri Lankan Committee?
It was nice meeting you during your visit to Bangalore. Please convey all updates and information to the PHM Sri Lanka

Best wishes
Ravi Narayan

Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

,!PHM - Secretariat’ <secretariat@phmovementorg>
"Niranjan Udumalagala" <>
Monday, December 06, 2004 5:01 PM
Re: Draft agenda of the 1st South Asian Consultation Meeting LahorePakistanDecember 21 -22,
2004 Lahore

Dear Niranjan

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
No travel support possibilities as yet, so you will have to try sponsorship

from other sources. Ekbal may attend the meeting from India.
Best wishes
Ravi Narayan



Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

"Niranjan Udumalagala" <>
<secretariat@ph movement. org>
Monday, December 06, 2004 8:13 AM
Re: Draft agenda of the 1st South Asian Consultation Meeting LahorePakistanDecember 21 -22,
2004 Lahore

Dear Dr. Ravi,
Thank you sending me the information about South Asian Consultation meeting.
Are there any possibility to get travel support? I am also trying to get
some sponsorship from outside. If there is any possibility pl let me know.
with regards,



nBa,a“ <>
”PHiM Secretariat” <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Monday, May 30, 2005 10:41 AM
Fw: Second international Conference on Undergraduate Medics’ and Pharmacy Education, 19th 23rd September 2005, Kandy - Sri Lanka

— — Original Message
Brom: "Bala" <>
De: "Ravi Narayan" <>
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 10:34 AM
Sub-ect: Second International Conference on Undergraduate Medical and
Pharmacy Education, 19th - 23rd September 2005, Kandy - Sri Lanka
> Dear Ravi,

> We are planning the Second International Conference on Undergraduate

> and Pharmacy Education. I remember you kindly offered to get your Alma
> Mater to host the Consultation for 14 Al AB. But at the last Planning
kieeti > of BIA1AP, the members proposed Sri Lanka as the venue.
> Can you please send us the name of the Dean, St John's? We shall invite

Page 1 of I

Main identity


<premjc$n@vsnl. net>
:‘PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@. ph movement org>
Thursday. January 06, 2005 5:00 PM
Re: e-mail address & new year’s wishes!]

Dear Bala and Ravi.
Il would be goic-d io liave a PHM representative but I am hardly the person even to consider this seeing that I haven't used
estern medicine mysei fur years and have even forgotten the brand names of drugs that I learnt. Ask Mira for a name but
avoid Amitava and Ami t.


1/10 05

Paee 1 of 4

Main Identity
"st.:. .



"PHM - Secretariat" <>
"Bala" <>
"Dr Prem Chandran John" <premi_john@vsnl net>; "Mira Shiva" <mirashiva@yahoo.ccm>
Thursday, January 06, 2005 2:55 PM
Re: e-mail address & new year's wishes!]

Dear Bala

Mira is already involved with DNDI as Patient / Civil Society representative
in India. Is this at Global level? Bernard Pecoul (ex MSP) and Joya Banerji
have also been in touch Prem and 1 are going to be rather busy with PH A 2,
so i do not want to definitely volunteer and leave Prem to make liis own

Best wishes

PHM Secretariat (Global)
No. 359 ("old No. 367)
Srinivasa Nilaya, Jakkasandra 1st Main
1st Block, Koramangala
Bangalore - 560 03'1. India
Te]: *00-91 -80-51280009
Fax: 00-91-80-25525372
Websi te: www.

Original Message---From: "Bala" <>
To: "Prem Chandran John" <>; "PHM Secretariat"
Sent Monday; January 03,2005 4:59 PM
Subject Fw: e-mail address & new year's wishes’]
> Dear Prem and R.avi,
■ I am forwarding a message from Thiru. DNDi is looking for patient
- representative. Patricia Martorell has suggested PHM to nominate a
> person, i would like if one of you will take it up.

Best wishes.

. Bala

Original Message
From: "Thiru Balasubramaniam" <>
To: "bala">
-• Sent: Monday. January 03, 2005 4:50 PM
> Subject: [Fwd: e-mail address & new year's wishes!]

> • Appa,


I 4 05

Pno^ 1 nf 1

Main identic

’Bala" <>
"Prem Chandran John" <>; "PHM Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Monday. January 03. 2005 4:59 PM
Fw: e-mail address & new year's wishesl]

Dear Prem and Ravi,
’• am forwarding a message from Thiru. DNDi is looking for patient
representative Patricia Martorell has suggested PHM io nominate a suitable
person. 1 would like if one of you will take it up.

Best wishes,


CC ft

f this i s at Glob;:




'Bala" <>
’’PHM Secretariat” <secretariat@phmovement. org>
Fnday, January 28, 2005 10:54 AM
Tsunami Update - 11th January.doc
Fw. Regional Mobilization Alert - Communication One

Dear Ravi,

i he 11th update is attached.


...... Original Message
r ro m: PHMSecreta nat
To: Sala
Oc: 'Atnarana (Prof): Joel Fernando ; Si rima I Pieris ; Vinya (Dr); Maria Hamlin Zuniga ;; .Deien
LaPaz . Dr Pr-em Chandran John ; Mira_Shjy_a
Sent: Thursday. January 27, 2005 3:25 PM
Subject: Re- Regional Mobilization Alert - Communication One

:>me th

ief. But

• :.-r

Dear All,

Our sincere thanks for several messages expressing concerns and providing us support, solidarity and
offers of assistance. Several friends and well wishes have requested to be informed of what is happening
and how they and their friends can help our office in providing relief.
One common question many have posed is "We see the CNN and BBC. But what is actually happening
in your country?" Well this is a question I cannot answer since from 26th up till today I have not gone out
of the office or home. Our office is on the second floor and home on the first.
Today I participated in the inaugural relief operational meeting convened by the Consortium of
Humanitarian Agencies (CHA). All International NGOs and several national NGOs working of Tsunami
relief were present. The meetings will be held weekly on Friday mornings. The objective of the meeting
is "A forum to comprehensively access information on all relief efforts currently underway, so that

future activities maybe better planned and coordinated in order to ensure the affected are
provided the necessary immediate care within a framework of long-term assistance and
Updated information will be available on the following key links - web and database:
Centre for National Operations - http://www.
Lanka National Disaster Management Centre -
SAHANA - Database -
CHA Tsunami 2004 Information Centre - htm
The Foundation for Co-existence - Tsunami News Updates -
We have down loaded the latest statistics (slmap.gif) is attached. These will be updated regularly in the
CHA Tsunami 2004 Information Centre website.

Let me brief you on what the country and the NGOs need. There are a few attachments. Please open
them only if you will be interested in them.
1. What is most needed is money. I am pleased to inform you that following e-mail and telephone
communication Sabine Eckart Medico International Germany will be visiting us with a small team
to meet with NG0 partners early next week to make a short term assessment of our needs. I am

arranging her to meet Dr Vinay Ariyaratne from Sarvodaya, Ms Nimalka Fernando of Ruhunu Gammi
Kantha Association and Mr Sarath Fernando of MONLAR. This will be followed a second team which will
visit us on 20th January to make assessment of intermediate and long term needs. We are looking
forward to these visits and follow up activities. In my previous mail I gave you details of three Bank
accounts by these three NGOs. Donations are welcome.


Tsunami orphans.

The estimates on Tuesday 4th January was that a minimum of 300 infants and young children have lost
both their parents. It is feared that the final count may be high.

Specialist NGOs are now developing plans to take care of the orphans. Initial suggestions include the


Legal adoption

2. Sponsoring - a member of orphans have been taken by close relatives, who will need financial
support. Donors will be invited to sponsor these orphans in homes. The present estimate is about Rs
30,000 (US$ 30.00) a month for a minimum of five years.


Setting up orphanages

This week we were informed that several organizations and temples in Canada are interested in
supporting orphanages. This is a good start. Ms Passanna from our office is liaising with the National
NGOs who are working on this. She will give you periodic updates ( Please contact

Work carried out by National NGOs

Several national NGOs are working round the clock. Many persons wanted to know the type of work
carried out by NGOs. Let me give you first one example. Those interested in understanding the type of
activities going on please open attachment (Plan of Action for Emergency Assistance'). This is a 10 page
document which gives "Plan of action for Emergency Assistance and Short Term Relief' by the Movement
for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR).
Those interested in health kindly refer to item 3 on page 2 "Health and Medical Services - Health Service
Trade Union Alliance is already working through Nine mobile Health Units - Each unit has 15 persons
including medical doctors and will work in 30 refugee camps. They are linked with the People's
Movement for Rights of Patients (PMRP) to obtain medical personal and guidance. PMRP is an
associate member of HAIAP.

Please refer to activity 2 "Assets mobile health unit of HSTUA" on pages 6 & 7. This refers to essential
medicines needed for all the 30 camps. Attachments (Drugs Requirement - N & E, South) gives the
details of medicines and quantities requires for refugee camps in Galle, Hambanthota, Jaffna, Kilinochi,
Matara & Mullaitivu in the North, East and South. These are some of the most devastated areas in the
country. Please refer to Attachment (slmap).
4. Items needed by both the Ministry of health and the NGOs are water purification tablets (or chlorine
tablets), Tropical chlorinated lime.
We have requested donations from a few sources. We are waiting to get them. However we may need
more. I shall appreciate if any of you can find a source for donation. Let me know.

Kind regards,

Main Identity

< rav i@ p h mov e ment. o rg>
Friday, March 04, 2005 10:52 AM
Sri Lanka

Dear Ravi,
1. Bala has said that he cannot come for the Madras meeting but has confirmed that he will come to
Bangalore. He didn't know that we had shifted the venue to Bangalore. I have just sent a mail to him.

2. Have you okayed the Newsbrief? (as the name implies it is news that is brief and hence the
shortening). It should be sent off to Qasem, they can print and Qasem can bring it with him when he
comes to Madras.

3.1 think we should attach a Registration form like the one Abe and we did the last time I was in PHM
4.1 am still unable to download any electronic registration form or interactive form.
5. Please persuade arturo to come. The whole point of participatoiy management is that the top person
should actually be expendable. Arturo has managed so far with excellent delegation and therefore should
be able to spare a week for the Steering meeting, including travel. It is an opportune time to review what
is happening in Cuenca. We are largely unaware of it. Maria alone should not be the spokesperson.
6.1 have asked Vinya/Niranjan to arrange a PHM meeting where we can talk to PHM Sri Lanka as well
as intending/potential members about the tsunami.

7. Tomorrow (Saturday) Niranjan is taking me along the coast down south to see first hand what
happened and what is being done. What I hear is that a lot of relief material is getting stolen, has not
reached those who need it, the new regulations are discriminatory to the Tamils in the East and the
North! WE will stay the night in a hotel managed by Niranjan’s friend where I had stayed with Masa
Yamashita twice. Two floors of that were devastated. If you don't hear from me on Monday, it may be
due to another tsunami!

If needed, you can call me on: 0094-11- 255 4353.1 am accessible most of the time, even at night since I
am staying in the guest room of the ofice.

Warm regards
PS. I feel that Niranjan is actually more active in PHM Sri Lanka inspite of his language problem. Also
Sirimal Pieris. I am meeting both this evening. Both are involved in tsunami work also.
I am also meeting Tissa Vitarana, the Minister for Science and Technology and my room mate and
drinking partner at WSF January7 2004.1 would like to ask him to be the Patron/Chairperson for PHM
Sri Lanka after checking with Vinya. Bala and Vinya should be advisors and Sirimal and Niranjan the
chaps who actually do get tilings done.


Page 1 of 1

Page 1 of 1

Ravi Narayan

Tuesday, March 01,2005 10:11 PM

Dear Ravi,

1. Bala wrote earlier asking whether we can postpone the meeting by a couple of days. I said it
would be difficulkt since many people had already confirmed. Today he wrote saying that he would
arrive on the 10th for the Steering group meeting and then leave on the 13th from Madras.
2. You saw the letter from Sureerat? We need to follow it up. I have written asking whether she and
Abdus Sabur together can arrange for a Disaster Preparedness meeting any day between 29-31
3.1 have today cancelled the reservations at the YWC A for the 11th and 12th of April.

I am available on:

0094-11- 255 4353 even during the night as I am staying in the guest room of HAT office.
Warm regards from Sri Lanka (it is much warmer, even than Madrasi)


Dr. Prem Chandran John
10, 32nd Cross Street
Madras 600 090, India
Tel :+91-44-2491 9890
Fax:+91-44-2821 6705
Mobile:+91-98410 08001


-1 of 3

Main Identity

<secretariat@ph movement org>
Monday, March 07, 2005 9:37 AM
For Ravi / Bala

Dear Ravi,

Attached hereis Bala's mail to me. As of now we don't have much material/or have not confirmed
material on item 5,6,7 and 8 though wqe have in the draft form. In fact we should spend time finalising
some of this in Bangalore.
We should do two things: one, we should do an exercise - you,me, Abe, Prasanna etc., during the week
after Easter. Are you easy with the dates the?
Two, we should ask the PHA 2 Secretariat to do a similar exercise and come to Bangalore with it.
In any case, as far as Keynote speakers/Rsesource people etc., are concerned, we MUST finalise now.

I have spoken to Vinya/Sirimal/Niranjan about a meeting on the 12th of PHM members/key contacts in
S.Lanka and potential members.

Best regards,

My dear Prem,
lam looking forward to the meeting in Bangalore. Veiy
much regret it is not in Chennai.
PHA2 will be four months away from the PHM SG
meeting. In my opinion it will be very useful to have
the following information mailed to the participants
or made available to them at the meeting.
1, Names of members of the IOC
2. Names of members of the SG
3. IOC and SG complement each other.However it will be I
good to know the exact or unique functions of these


vis-avis PHA2.
4. Agenda and objec tives of the meeting. This should
be sent to all participants before they arrive.
5. Latest draft agenda of PHA 2 with the following
* Names of keynote speakers confirmed, the topics
they will present and
confirmation of travel grants
* Names of keynote speakers invited but not
suggested topics and possibilities of travel
grants for them
* Confirmed plennaries:

/ , ' ,


- Names of resource persons
5 - Travel grants fur resource pcfSOiis
* Confirmed workshops
- Travel grant secured
6. Participants from countries:
* National PHM coordinators from developing
countries who have contacted either the PHA2 or
PHM Global secretariats requesting information on
registration, accomodation etc:
- Country
- Name of coordinator
-Proposed number of participants
- Travel grant status
7. Information sent by regional coordinators to either
secretariats with detyails of participation from
countries in their respective regions.
8. Details of all confirmed participants including
keynote speakers, resource persons, worksop
facilitators and country participants:

For keynote speakers,resource persons and workshop
^Nationality, gender and preferred language
For countiy participants ony:
* Age, gender and preferred language. This is in
view of the unanimous decision taken by the
first IOC meeting in Sept. 2004 that women
and youth should be given preference.

All these may look a rather long list. But all the
information requested will be in the secretariats.
They need to be compiled into one document.
When this is done, it can be updated biweekly and
circulated. This will make life easy andit will be
possible for one to know at any time the progress.
Please think about this and let me know your views and
comments. Love, Bala

Dr. Prem Chandra n John
10, 32nd Cross Street
Madias 600 090, India
Tel:+91-44-2491 9890
Fax:+91-44-2821 6705


1 of I

Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Friday, March 04, 2005 6:37 PM
Sri Lanka

My dear Ravi,
we have a serious problem with Sri Lanka. Amny complain that they don't hear from us, don't get replies
etc., Vinya is too busy though nice hearted and cooperative. This island, though small, has a good NGO
history of involvement and if we go about it right, with right people willing to give time, we can easily
build up a good PHM here.

I suggest that the PHM secondary conact here is sirimal Peiris. He is knowledgeable, well coimected,
low key. Also Nimajn who is well connected too in other circles.
Seeing the enormity of the destruction and loss of life (they now esttimate 30,000 died, even yesterday
they dug out 29 new bodies), it may be worthwhile calling:

Vinya (
Sirimal (
Nimajan (
Padma Pushpakanthi (

Padma is a woman activist who has done a lot of work in the post tsunami period.
As you know, Bala cannot come for the tsunami meeting but will come for the steering meeting. The
others should be invited for the Madas meeting. Tickets cost barely $200 each. What do you say?

Main Identity

<secretariat@ph movement org>
Friday, March 04, 2005 10:52 AM
Sri Lanka

Dear Ravi,
1. Bala has said that he cannot come for the Madras meeting but has confirmed that he will come to
Bangalore. He didn’t know that we had shifted the venue to Bangalore. I have just sent a mail to him.
2. Have you okayed the Newsbrief? (as the name implies it is news that is brief and hence the
shortening). It should be sent off to Qasem, they can print and Qasem can bring it with him when he
comes to Madras.
3.1 think we should attach a Registration form like the one Abe and we did the last time I was in PHM


4.1 am still unable to download any electronic registration form or interactive form.

5. Please persuade arturo to come. The whole point of participatory management is that the top person
should actually be expendable. Arturo has managed so far with excellent delegation and therefore should
be able to spare a week for the Steering meeting, including travel. It is an opportune time to review what
is happening in Cuenca. We are largely unaware of it. Maria alone should not be the spokesperson.
6.1 have asked Vinya/Niranjan to arrange a PHM meeting where we can talk to PHM Sri Lanka as well
as intending/potential members about the tsunami.

7. Tomorrow (Saturdajz) Niranjan is taking me along the coast down south to see first hand what
happened and what is being done. What I hear is that a lot of relief material is getting stolen, has not
reached those who need it, the new regulations are discriminatory to the Tamils in the East and the
North! WE will stay the night in a hotel managed by Niranjan’s friend where I had stayed with Masa
Yamashita twice. Two floors of that were devastated. If you don’t hear from me on Monday, it may be
due to another tsunami!

If needed, you can call me on: 0094-11- 255 4353.1 am accessible most of the time, CYC” 2!


am staying in the guest room of the ofice.

Warm regards

PS. I feel that Niranjan is actually more active in PHM Sri Lanka inspite of his language problem. Alsp
Sirimal Pieris. I am meeting both this evening. Both are involved in tsunami work also.
I am also meeting Tissa Vitarana, the Minister for Science and Technology and my room mate and
drinking partner at WSF January 2004.1 would like to ask him to be the Patron/Chairperson for PHM ’
Sri Lanka after checking with Vinya. Bala and Vinya should, be advisors and Sirimal and Niranjan the iVl
chaps who actually do get things done.



z Cc



c x.’-'


Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat1' <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:24 PM
Re: Sri Lanka

Dear Ravi,

Unni is not sure whether he can come. Actually he, perhaps, has the most experience, not only with
disasters but with this tsunami in particular. He says at that time he will be involved with choosing his
successor here. But I will try’ and persuade him on Saturday when we will both do the workshop on
Tsunami with Sarvodaya.

Some time back you did a critical piece on logframe approach. CAn you send it to me? Bala wants me to
see it since we are involved in an evaluation of HAI now.
Warm regards,

Pane 1 nf1

Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:56 PM
Re: For Ravi / Bala

My dear Ravi,

Since I hadn’t heard from you I thought you had already left for Chile!

yes, we will do as you suggest.
Tara got her spouse/settlement visa for the UK and leaves 16th March moming.She has specifically told
me to be with her 13-15. A Japanese group of 11 people arrives 16th night and will stay with us till 25th
(Good friday!!) night. I can do one of two things:

1. Put Tara on the meirates flight 16th morning and come to Bangalore but return the same eveing.
(Necessarily will have to fly)2. Or come 28th March.

What do you say?
We had a good meeting with Tissa, the Minister. Unni was there too, at dinner last night. I think he will
come to Cuenca. I asked whether he can come 8-9 April to share his experience but he is tied up.

Saturday we will have a good group including a top journalist who has agreed to come.

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Main Identity

__ ___________________

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:15 PM
Re: For Ravi / Bala

My dear Ravi,

I didn’t know MONLAR but on calling them found out that it is actually headed by an old ACHAN
contact and friend Sarath Fernando. I spoke to him and he is coming to meet me tomorrow forenoon. He
too is involved very much in Tsunami relief. The whole things is a mess and is made messier by the
politicians here. 250 containers are stuck since the Customs want to charge duty on tsunami relief
materials. Now they have relented but want the supplies routed through the government agents! All this
is because JVP, the ultra nationalist (actually BJP type) party' presently in the coalition goveemment,
says NGOs are misusing supplies and are getting supplies for LTTE! I have enough press clippings to
put together a damning report on Sri Lanka. I thought we were bad but these people are infinitely worse!
Regards to all


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Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:21 PM
Re: For Ravi / Bala

Dear Prem
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

We have material on all this and we can easily put it all together post
Easter on 28th and then send it to everyone, who is attending. We can appeal
to steering group members to send this over the next two weeks.
Does Bala know about PHA 2 Watch? All this can become a part of PHA 2
Watch - new sections. Lets discuss when you return.

Best wishes
PS: If you could spend Monday 14th March with us in PHM - Secretariat, we
may get through a lot of this before I leave, including News brief.


Page 1 nf1

Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat” <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:20 PM
Re: For Ravi / Bala

Dear Prem
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

I do not understand this. I have written to Sirimal and Niranjan and Bala
every7 time they have written. Sometimes, on PHA 21 have forwarded it for
action with a copy marked to them. Vinya is elusive, though busy. I do think
the problem is also lack of communication between them.
Regarding inviting them all, we have a lot left over from IHF - WSF Action
Aid grant, so I shall write to John Samuel in Bangkok and see if we can use
it to invite them all.

Incidentally, Medico team - whom I am meeting tomorrow at PHM Secretariat is
keen, we involve a Sri Lankan group (MONLAR), who are also set up a Tsunami
Watch. Do our PHM Sri Lanka friends know them? Get in touch with them before
you leave. By the time you return, we shall have the fund matter sorted out
and we can both send the invitation - 11 th / 12th a little late - but not
too late either.

Best wishes


Page .1 of 1

Mam identity

"PHM - Secretariat'1 <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:18 PM
Re: Sri Lanka

Dear Prem
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

1. Tell Bala and Kamala that a comfortable double room has been booked for
them from 10th to 12th April at Banyan Tree, Bangalore and we are thrilled
that he will join and also chair the steering group. We need his patience,
his calm and his credibility to steer us.
2. Perhaps Niranjan, Sirimal, Vinya, one or more of them should come to the
Tsunami meeting - whoever can give a reflective / critical overview of what
was done - the challenges etc.
3» I have written to Arturo and will follow up in Ecuador next week. I am
sure he will come.
4. When do you return? We need to talk on the phone as soon as possible,
after your return.
5. Hope Unni has agreed to join the Chennai meeting.
6.1 was in Chennai for a day on Monday, chasing the Chilean visa, which is
being processed.

More when we chat later this week.

Best wishes


Pag« 1 of 1

Main Identity


"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
<prernjohn@vsnl. net>
Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:11 PM
Dz>- QrJi i_cii
i \c.

Dear Prem
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

When do you actually leave Colombo? I have at present four agendas for
1. PHM secretariat solidarity I communication building with PHA 2
2. Visa on arrival for as many countries as possible
3. More linkage building and inclusiveness (subtle diplomacy)
4. Efforts to get over language divide (Is it really a problem?) and efforts
to widen the voices to the rest of the world (beyond Maria) tactfully.
On the way, I have a day in Frankfurt following up and tieing up funds for
Tsunami / PHA 2 from Medico and others.
Three days in Chile, meeting Lee and WHO leadership with Fran and Halfdan to
enhance WHO - PHA 2 interaction and also speak to Chilean PHM contacts of

Best wishes
C. TP----------- t----------------------------- „--------- 2„ T?______ 1,P___».

,.K___ 1 J

_____ * P------ T»TT\

t / PTT A O

Pd. ii you hiiuvv any uno in riaiiKiuu - vvnu snuuiu uc niui iui rmvi / rm-k z
purposes, alert them to be in touch with Andreas Wulf and try to meet me.
.Andreas number and address is - Medico International, Obermainanlage 7,
D-60314, Frankfurt am Main, Tel: +49 69 94438-0. Fax: +49 69 436002. Email:

Pace 1 nt 1

Main Identity

________ ________

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:23 PM
Re: Sri Lanka

Dear Prem
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

Perhaps I am getting old - since I cannot remember the critical piece on log
frame, eventhough I am critical of it for movement oriented groups in
particular. When did we discuss it? .Any clues? I could write a few points.
but perhaps you will give me a helpful lead.
Regarding Unni, your approach on Saturday has to be more than a gentle
pressure. Tell him as PHM Disaster circle convener, it will be considered
’dereliction of duty'. He representes PHM circle, PHA 2 IOC, PHM Medica and
Action Aid -Asia and honorary' - chief energiser of PHM events.
I fully appreciate his commitment to the cause, but we need him. Perhaps
more on 8th / 9th rather than 11th / 12th, but actually he has roles in

Peihaps I could call him as well. When and where?

Best wishes


Pane 1 of 1

Main identity

"PHM - Secretariat” <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:44 PM
Re: For Ravi / Bala

Dear Prem

I leave on 16th early morning 2.40 am to Frankfurt (15th night), so it looks
as if vve will not meet. But we can have a long chat on the phone as soon as
you return.
28th / 29th March should anyway be booked for a PHM / SGI Tsunami dialogue
/ PHA 2 discussion, since it will be only a little over a week to the
Chennai / Bangalore events. 16th you could make it to get Abe and Prasanna get started / complete next PHA 2 Watch and Newsbrief. Flight is okay in
your circumstances with guests arriving 16th night. Do get some one to
document the Saturday Tsunami meeting in Colombo for the Watch and also to
our funding partners to show the process of local civil society networking
has begun. You could also write a short overview of the challenges of
humanitarian aid as an objective observer, who hears various versions and
perspectives from different locals - The larger determinants political etc,
could be highlighted.
Tell Unni that he is tied up with PHM / PHA 2 / Tsunami from 8th - 12th. He
must attend at lease one of the two meetings, whichever he consider
important at this stage. PHA 2 IOC are complaining that they are missing his
energetic inputs and I am sure I will hear more during the visit to Cuenca.
Ask him to respond however briefly to my recent communications.

Best wishes



Main Identi

"PHM - Secretariat" <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:49 PM


Re: For Ravi / Bala

Dear Prem
I just completed the dialogue with Medico - they are going io support the
participants from Tsunami affected areas and local costs for the dialogue. I
shall tie it up when I meet medico team and trustees at their office in
Frankfurt on 16th. Send me urgently a proper estimate of inviting Sirimal,
Niranjan, Vinya. Monlar and the women activist - so five from Sri Lanka only
for Tsunami dialogue. It will be good symbolic solidarity. It would be good
to have one government representative, if possible, but should not lead to
too much red tape. Any ideas?
Unni and Bala will be treated in a separate category', since we shall also
estimate the Bangalore visit - 10th to 12th April.

Get the Sri Lankan group to prepare a 20 -30 minute presentation. In the
programme, as you will notice, they are the first country7 to present.
Perhaps Bala and Unni can help them to focus their presentation on
Challenges Initiatives - concerns etc.

Best wishes



Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

"PHM - Secretariat’ <secretariat@phmovementorg>
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:27 PM
Re: Sri Lanka

Dear Ravi,
If needed you can call me anytime here, even at night, except meal times.
0094-11-255 4353.

When do you leave for Chile?
While in Cuenca be sure to meet the travel agent who is the son of (he governor of that state who has
connections with the Indian embassy in Caracas and Bogota.

Also fdoliow up whether Arturo has worked out visa on arrival for south Asian participants. The
governor promised to do this when we met him.
Warm regads
Dr. Prem Chandran John
10, 32nd Cross Street

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Main Identity




Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:52 PM

Mr. Prem Chandran John
Honorary Coordinator
ACHAN and People's Health Movement (PHM)
Besant Nagar, Madras 600 090 , India

Dear Prem:
Thank you for your letter of 17 October towards the settlement of the claim
of Dina Chaudhary. The cheque is sent to the bank realization. The
information will be sent to you again after the realization. Kindly note
that at total claim of USD 5107 of Dina Chaudhary and myself was sent to you
and Ravi Narayan on 1 st August, 2005. Kindly send remaining amount as soon
as possible.

Sincerely yours,
Prof. Mathura. P. Shrestha
Resource Centre for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC)
Bagbazar, P.O.Box: 117, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4243891/4225675
Fax: +977-1-4225675
e-mail: /



"si commuity radio movement" <>
1 r;hm sec" <>
Thursday, November 03, 2005 4:23 PM
Asia pacific community radio meeting

Dear Dr. Ravi,
1 already send several e-mails regarding this but I didn’t get any reply. Could you make arragnrnent to
sent some one to the conferance. This is equqly importent to our work as well.
with regards,

' 1/4./

Critical understaffing Tn^^heSth^wtbrh^T€dt^ed health care formany peoplewhile insecurity and population displacement are affecting patient referrals. Emergency
obstetric care is affected with expectant mothers unable to access appropriate services.
Setbacks in maintaining high immunization rates are feared. Patients suffering from
chronic diseases have difficulty gaining access to specialized treatment.
The focus of the health sector response to date has been on improving access to health
care for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host communities in Kilinochchi,
Mannar, Jaffna, Vavuniya and Mullaitivu. Key areas of aid have included mobile clinics,
distribution of essential drugs, medical equipment, mother-infant and first aid kits and,
bed nets for IDPs and host communities.
Vector control activities and health awareness campaigns have been implemented,
while psychosocial care and mental health care is being offered in Mannar, Batticaloa,
Vavuniya, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu. Training on emergency first aid for health staff
has helped strengthen the referral system for medical emergencies in Jaffna.
If further measures aren't taken, health care will continue to deteriorate and outbreaks
of malaria, dengue, measles and other communicable diseases could occur. There is also
the threat of gender-based violence and increased numbers of people suffering
psychosocial and mental health illnesses.
Health Condition: Pregnancy-related complications annually claim the lives of 585,000
women. Some 99 percent of these deaths take place in developing countries, where
women have a 1 in 8 chance of dying in their lifetime due to pregnancy-related causes,
compared with the 1 in 4,800 chance in Western Europe. In the 1950s, the maternal
mortality ratio in Sri Lanka was estimated at between 500 and 600 per 100,000 births.

Intervention or Program: Beginning in the 1950s, the government of Sri Lanka made
special efforts to extend health services, including critical elements of maternal health
care, through a widespread rural health network. Sri Lanka’s success in reducing maternal
deaths is attributed to widespread access to maternal health care, which is built upon:

a strong health system that provides free services to the entire population,
including in the rural areas;
the professionalization and broad use of midwives;
the systematic use of health information to identify problems and guide decision­
making; and
targeted quality improvements to vulnerable groups.

Impact: Sri Lanka has halved maternal deaths (relative to the number of live births) at
least every 12 years since 1935. This has meant a decline in the maternal mortality ratio
from between 500 and 600 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1950 to 60 per
100,000 today. In Sri Lanka today, skilled practitioners attend to 97 percent of the births,
compared with 30 percent in 1940.
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness: Sri Lanka has spent less on health - and achieved far more
- than most of the countries at similar income levels. In India, for example, the maternal
mortality ratio is more than 400 per 100,000 live births, and spending on health


----------- ; - — 7~


-777-7— - ~■“" ""~~~........... ~

-constitutes over 5 percent of-GNP^-In Sri Lahka,-the ratio is less than one-quarter of-that,—
and the country spends only 3 percent of GNP on health.
The construction of these camps take place by bull-dozing trees and all vegetation and
then setting up the tarpaulin shelter that is provided to the displaced people arriving in
Vavuniya. The shelters built in fact do not adhere to the minimum international standards
in shelter, as described in the SPHERE Humanitarian Charter to which agencies
committed themselves to adhere to.

Taking into account these standards, the majority of the shelters have too little space, too
little ventilation, ceilings are too low and roofs are not made by the ascribed locally
produced and culturally accepted materials (use of cadjun roofs would have been a better
and cheaper option). No one stays in the tent during the day, although that is the time
people want to shelter from the hot sun. At the moment some of these camps have
buildings and trees at the transit sites (these are schools which are converted into camps).
But the purposely built sites like Menik farm hardly have any trees (as said before the
land was cleared by bulldozers to accommodate the IDPs, allowing just a few trees here
and there to remain).
The IDPs cannot leave the area and find a shade to spend the day as they are confined by
barb wire. In the absence of trees and shelter with tarpaulin roofs, the IDPs are left
without proper protection against the sun and heat. It is equally inappropriate during the
rainy season as it was seen in the past few weeks, since the water seeps through the
tarpaulin sheet that is put to the ground and water also leaks through the roofing tarpaulin
into the tent when the rain is heavy.

At the moment WFP is providing 1880 calories consisting of rice, wheat flour, dhal, 20ml
oil and 20g of sugar, which is again below the SPHERE standard and the
WFP/UNHCR/WHO/UNICEF minimal food requirement for emergencies and not
adequate for IDPs who have been underfed and living under extremely stressful
conditions for the past several months. Besides, in the Guiding Principles for
Humanitarian and Development Assistance in Sri Lanka, all agencies have committed
themselves to ‘work in response to the expressed wishes of local communities’ and to
‘respect the dignity of people, their culture, religion and customs’. It is not possible to
make a culturally accepted Sri Lankan meal with the above mentioned food items.
However WFP does provide supplementary food (com, soya blend) as part of their
normal food parcel to families with pregnant women, lactating mothers and children
under 5, but the total amount of Calories in the parcel will not exceed 2100Kcal
(Standard nutritional need for SL according to the Government is 1900Kcal/per/day).
Complementary food baskets have been given by some agencies, but the challenge they
face is to sustain this highly expensive component for such a large number of people over
a long period.

Possibly suchHoWs
frame, they would not need the minimum requirement?
Other Conditions
These are the direct problems in these welfare villages, but things like Chickenpox,
Diarrhea, skin/eye infection, respiration problems which could have been controlled and
stopped are now common and part of the simple package at these welfare centers. Poor
water and hygiene conditions with cramped living conditions have contributed to this.

Privacy is a luxury that is ill-affordable (non-existent). People have to bathe in open
spaces (that is if they are lucky to get enough water). Imagine you and I were asked to
bathe in an open area where everyone can see, especially for women.

The Menik Farm type camps will not be different from the present school camps, which
are not different from Kalimoddai and Sirukandal camps (no freedom of movement for
IDPs and no unrestricted access to humanitarian agencies). Kalimoddai and Sirukandal
camps in Mannar, have been operational for nearly a year and despite vigorous advocacy,
the freedom of movement for civilians remains unresolved, unrestricted access to
humanitarian agencies has not been granted. Finally after living and suffering long-term
in these temporary conditions, the people of Kalimoddai begged an agency to provide
them rigid/ semi-permanent shelters. Is Kalimoddai, a camp where time stood still, a
model for all camps to follow?

So despite the rhetoric, everything looks geared for these IDPs to be held longer than the
claimed 3 months. Many IDPs will remain in the Vavuniya/ Mannar area for a period of 1
to 3 years, until the screening process and de-mining is completed. Some senior
government officials say that IDPs will have to stay in these camps for at least 6 months
to 1 year, in order for the Vanni to be cleared of infiltration and mines. They say a full
clearance must be done and once the Vanni is cleared, the regime will allow these people
to resettle wherever they like. (Let us assume that where they want to settle in have not
been turned into camps for other IDPs or the forces). So the way forward is clear, and
that is forward to nowhere.
There are ‘sympathetic’ Government Ministers, Officials, Diplomats, Ambassadors,
INGOs rushing around in their luxury jeeps and cruisers (Indicators of some crisis? But
when the existence of a humanitarian crisis is downplayed by the Government, one
wonders what they are doing). But the question is how much have they achieved in
improving conditions (other than their own)? All the hotels are full of these people just a
few kilometers away from the ‘welfare centers’. These diplomats and donors are enjoying
luxurious meals in nice hotels and talking about the IDPs’ welfare while the people
whom they talk about do not have proper shelter or food or water.
It makes everyone to wonder whether the humanitarian agencies are exploiting the IDPs’
situation for their own benefit. It could be justified as that it is part of the humanitarian
business. However, it should be noted that the government does not have the money or
resources without the help of these agencies. The government can say or show it in paper

that.^ey^e;prdvidihg -ewiyi^gyfor^e so tailed'Jweifafezcehters, butThe realityt arid -''
ground situation is that it is just a_NATO (No Action Talk Only) scene. Whatever
provided so far are mostly by the international donors, UN agencies arid international
It needs to be mentioned that those few humanitarian agency officials who may want to
actually help these people face a dilemma in terms of assisting these people vs supporting
camps where unlawful detention is practiced. In addition, the regime has been
manipulating agencies (using visas, security clearances and even fabricated negative
media campaigns as tools) to achieve their political purposes and making the working
environment of aid agencies extremely difficult (although the regime states the opposite
in pubic).

Recently some Diplomats were heard saying “IDPs are well fed, well educated and well
looked after. The children are receiving a good education and they lead a life free of
danger in these camps until they are resettled in their villages”. One may wonder which
IDPs they are referring to. We all know that these so called responsible ‘ambassadors’ of
good-will are paid to be mouth pieces of their respective countries that they represent and
these statements are reflections of political/economic agendas of these countries.

Who is responsible for this black hole of displacement, destruction of property and
livelihoods, haplessness and the poor conditions faced by these people? The current
regime and the hypocrites who are applauding the war and looking at blood shed and
IDPs as an inevitable consequence of overcoming terrorism should look in the mirror and
see. They are all living comfortable and selfish lives in the south, serving their own
interest. They who can help do not lift a finger to help those in need, in what they
proclaim is their motherland. They are quick to believe the propaganda of state media
which is nothing more than a lie covered in a thin veil of patriotism. They point fingers at
humanitarian agencies who even with all their imperfections are still keeping these IDPs
Government contradictorily states they have no funds to help these camps and requests
agencies to do everything for these people (except for some land clearance and
community infrastructure done, where it is a known fact that certain ministers and their
relatives made huge earnings); although in state media and with international diplomats
they claim to fully take care of all the needs of IDPs. But one wonders how such a
Government has sufficient funds to look after all the exorbitant needs and demands of
their many ministers, spend on election campaigns and exhibitions such as “Dayata
kirula”. Is the propagation of rhetoric where millions are spent, to meet their political and
personal needs more important than the IDPs?

With the current situation for the camps and the up-coming un-official economic melt­
down, the Government and the aid agencies are not capable to receive another 100150,000 IDPs in the near future. Even for those who are already in the camps, they too
will soon be victims of the ever growing black hole. The light of war victories and
resulting celebrations and propaganda, will do nothing to these people. One wonders






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■■whether there is a single^arty- that actually cares for’these people who have been
subjected to displacement due to war. Neither those who claim to be their liberators or
those who claim to be humanitarian actors, nor those who claim to be their fellow citizens
all who are sitting pretty in the Colombo and other un-affected areas of the country seem
to honestly care.

Sri Lanka suffering from the global crisis, government in denial
by Melani Manel Perera
Women and children are the hardest hit. The endless war between the army and Tamil
rebels is making matters worse; so are decades of waste and corruption which have
crippled the country. Here is an interview with sociologist Sunil Ranasinghe.

Colombo (AsiaNews) — Sri Lanka is not being spared by the worldwide economic crisis.
In an interview with AsiaNews Sri Lankan sociologist Sunil Ranasinghe confirms that the
global recession is having a major impact on the country. In order to continue its war
against Tamil Tiger rebels the government is downplaying the problem, accusing those
who talk about crisis of deceiving the population. In fact “we are in the midst of a social,
economic and political crisis.”

What are the reality and myths of the economic crisis in Sri Lanka?
We are trying to understand the extent, roots and nature of the crisis at the global and
local levels. Academics and activists are trying to interpret a crisis that is spreading like
wildfire, affecting the rich and poor alike. But the Sri Lankan government and the head of
the treasury are saying that there is no economic collapse in the country related to the
global crisis, and are criticising economists and the opposition for deceiving the nation on
this issue.

If that were true why is it that they got the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to give
them a loan? Even children know that we live in one world, affected by the same global
meltdown that is affecting everybody else, with rapidly rising unemployment and

How did Sri Lanka avoid this situation? What kind of dispensation do we have that we
are not affected? The fact of the matter is that when the financial bubble burst the
government asked for a USS 1.9 billion loan to get out of the current economic quandary.
The IMF closed its bureau in Colombo in 2007, saying that no project was planned in Sri
Lanka for the foreseeable future. In fact we are in the midst of a social, economic and
political crisis. No one can get away with inventing political myths in order to carry out a
brutal war against the nation.

Can you explain the present economic situation in Sri Lanka?

In Pecfember.2007Jfofeigncbifency
are down toUSS 1.7 billion, which correspond to three months of imports of food and
basic necessities. In the last few years the government wiped out 45 per cent of the
country’s reserves in war expenditures.
In its latest financial statement the government said it was going to raise 760 million
rupees (USS 7 million) in taxes, on the back of the population. The government is also
expecting some USS 600 million from the Japan international Bank Corporation to
privatise the energy sector. Yet its overdraft on banks and the Bank of Ceylon is for more
than 1.6 billion rupees (or about USS 200 million).
The fact that the president had to call on Sri Lankan expatriates to help out is a sign of the
crisis; it is the government and its backers who are deceiving the population.

How much does the past affect the current crisis?
Since 1980 many state-owned companies have been sold as part of the Structural
Adjustment Program of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. This was
meant to reduce the foreign debts of developing countries accumulated during the
Sri Lanka was among the first in Asia to espouse free market economics. Since 1990 the
government in Colombo has sold about 100 state corporations to private interests.

Corruption has increased as the nation’s wealth and public resources became tools in the
hands of politicians and bureaucrats with total disregard for the interests of the
More than a thousand billion rupees have been wasted this way and people have become

The United States chose to decide their fate in the pursuit of the War on Terror, wasting
USS 35 billion since 9/11. Sri Lanka has increased military spending by billions of
rupees, forgetting that half of the population lives below the poverty line.

Women and children are the hardest hit by the crisis. What can be done to avoid it?
With the war still on we cannot deal with the situation faced by many women. Women
are half of a population of 20 million. One woman in two lives on 200 rupees a day (USS
1.80) and many are poor without access to basic social services, treated like human
garbage, suffering from hunger and malnutrition. About 45 per cent of pregnant women
suffer from anaemia.

Children are not much better off. About 32 per cent are malnourished, and one in three is
under weight.

“Women are victims of the political system and male chauvinism whichviolate their basic rights. They are marginalised by the war and the country’s economic and cultural

Yet they are the heart of the country’s economy. Out of 600,000 people employed in
plantations, half are women who earn about a billion dollars. Out of 280,000 people
working in free trade zones, about 75 per cent are young women, generating about USS 2

All this money has not however freed women from enslavement and social segregation.
In the past 30 years more than 120,000 Sri Lankans have sent home earnings they made
overseas, working as slaves; 65 per cent of them are women, who altogether earn about
USS 2 billion.
Until a few months ago foreign remittances by emigrants were worth more than USS 3
billion; now they are down to USS 1.2 billion.

Who destroyed such a women-based economy, the result of women’s toiling, tears and
Women working in plantation are now sitting in front of their homes watching their
children go hungry, asking themselves who stole the future. More than 16,000 young
female workers have been laid off. What future do they have? More than 10,000 women,
who lost their husbands fighting for the army in the last three years, have given up on
their land because they cannot farm it because of the war. . . .

P H IM. *

S' n



A4 eA I + k s
Health Rights Campaign

The Deteriorated Health Services under
Globalization and Drowsy Government Policies
Success and prosperity of health services in the past totally dependent on
free health services, free education and food subsidies distributed to the
population of Sri Lanka. We should not forget the fact that we are a nation which
had won these rights even before we were liberated from the British. Yet as at
present, it is deplorable that we do not possess these rights of free services any
more and as a result, the health conditions of Sri Lankans are dragged down to a
deteriorated situation.

Since 1977, Sri Lanka accepted an open economy system, privatizing free
government service, thereby neglecting and escaping from the responsibility of
conducting free health services and followed a nude process of making people
scapegoats at the hands of private institutions.
Food subsidies and all beneficial services have been ruthlessly forced to
come to a halt. The wealthy sect and millionaires were encouraged to start
private businesses and health care institutions by granting them massive bank
loans on low interest and tax exemptions.
Eventually, all over Sri Lanka mushroom private hospitals, nursing homes,
private dispensaries and health care institutions have sprung up overnight.
Supporting media reporters played an important role in creating optimistic
opinions in the minds of the general public. Little did the people realized that
they were fooled and taken for a ride by sugar-coated programmes launched by
the government associated and non-government institutions. Still up to date, a
proper supervision over their activities have not been carried out. The permission
granted to government medical practitioners to indulge in private practice may be
the only cause for the deterioration of the health services.
As a consequence,
government quarters of all doctors turned out to be private dispensaries
overnight. This was better seen in remote villages more than in urban areas.
Investigations conducted for 30-25 patients in government hospitals are carried
out for 100-150 in private hospitals. Most doctors openly canvass their private
practices. Most of them associate hand in hand with companies which help in
investigations or diagnoses and as such keep introducing harmful services to the
It is reported that they keep prescribing expensive drugs by their trade
names and also make patients undergo unnecessary investigations.

The war which is continuing for more than three decades is another cause
which has led to the deterioration of the health service's. As a result, present
health data information gathered has turned out to be a myth and found to be
In most occasions, no consideration is given for health data information
received from the Northern and Eastern Provinces and information received are
also liable to challenged for their accuracy. In areas affected by war, no proper
medical care is. received by patients.

The Health Department Bulletin of 2003 (a Bulletin not published ever
since) clearly reflects this deterioration in its data information. There is a great
possibility to slip proper data information in the active war torn areas. The
national ratio of maternal deaths to that of 100,000 live births is 14:3 whereas it
is 23:0 in Jaffna, 27.7 in Killinochchi, 0:0 in Mannar, 0.0 Vavuniya, 0.0 Mullaitiv
and 32:9 in the Batticaloa District. This presentation of health and birth rates
arouses incredibility and challenges the credibility of all other data information
supplied. It is unacceptable that death rates in Vavuniya, Mullativu and Mannar
can be 0:0.

There are 2,523 curative doctors in Colombo District whereas it is 118 in
Jaffna, 5 in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu, 12 in Mannar, 33 in Vavuniya and 98 in
Batticaloa. The number of Medical Officers of Preventive Administrative Services
in the Colombo District are 16 in proportion to 05 in Jaffna, 0 in Killinochchi,
Mullaitivu and Mannar, 2 in Vavuniya and 6 in Batticaloa. Medical Officers of
Health found in Mannar - 01 whilst in Jaffna, Killinochchi. Vavuniya and Mullaitivu
are 02 each and 07 in Batticaloa. As a result, it is evident and non-preventable
that health services are suffering deterioration owing to the influence of the war.
The fact that health authorities neglect and pay no attention to alternative
health care and treatment of the Sri Lankan community also causes another
reason for the deterioration of the health services.
How much ever the Department of Health encourages and drives people
towards western treatment, the faith people have on alternative multi health care
and treatment are not totally eliminated. Alternative multi-health care treatments
are based on ancestral hereditary medical knowledge, ayurvedic research and
practices, astrological beliefs, western research and religious beliefs.

In spite of scientific research of the modern world, the fact that people are
still attracted to indigenous medicine is a good example of their faith in it.
Specially in fractures and serpent bits this is clearly seen;

We do not find people's care projects in Sri Lanka. The health care projects
that we have are built upon funds allocated by UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA etc. and
hence their activities are based on their own necessities.
As such Sri Lankan Health Service has not been able to establish a proper
health service based on the health culture and beliefs of the Sri Lankans. The
issues relevant to our culture are neglected and the Department of Health keeps
launching health care information and messages irrelevant to our culture.
Accordingly, they harm our ancestral health care patterns and the culture.
As a result of this, globalization has made Public Health Inspectors, Family
Health Officers, Health Education Officers the advertising agents or traders of
WHO's messages.
Yet, they have not been able to destroy the faith and
knowledge people have on home remedies.
Lot of foreign exchange is lost
because western medical science is totally dependent upon germ theory. It also
forces people to reject ancestral medical knowledge and methods. This is one of
the bi-products of health education of the Department of Health.

The last and the only effort taken by UNICEF and WHO to avoid western
medical monopoly on the health services was the primary health care. First place
was given to multi-sectoral health treatments in primary health care. It was even
suggested that alternative health care methods should also be used in cases of
small ailments. Unfortunately, with the retirement of Director-General of WHO,
Halfdon Mahalar and the breaking up of the Soviet Russia, the primary health care
programmes came to a grinding halt.
Another reason for the crumbling up of the health’ services may be
described as a consequence of strikes conducted by health employees, making
poor patients the unfortunate victims.
There is no justice in it, as some
employees who receive large sums of money as salaries also resort to striking
action, not for their due professional rights, but for the sole reason of winning
extra unjustifiable demands.

It is unavoidable that this situation will thrust upon the poor unfortunate
patients into more and more misery and sadness.
All these issues make passive influence on people to be driven towards
private medical treatment. The carelessness of some medical employees, sheer
neglect displayed by some of them, lack of proper supervision are some of the
causes which demoralize our health services.

The Central Government and the Provincial Councils keep dodging their
responsibilities to one another at the expense of poor patients.
When the
opposition is in power in a Provincial Council, it is often complained that they are
not allocated enough funds to meet the demands of the- health sector. It is
pathetic that many hospitals in the country suffer such hardships.

The health service of Sri Lanka faces severe problems owing to such
malpractices. Insufficient staff, medicine and equipment are thrust upon the
patients from the frying pan to the fire.
For example, for an cataract eye
operation, a patient is compelled to spend a minimum of about Rsl2,000/-.
Some drugs prescribed by the doctors have to be bought from private
pharmacies. A long list of items is given to pregnant mothers to be brought when
they get admitted to hospitals for child birth.
The hospitals have become
institutions, where only the doctor-nurse services are rendered free of charge.
Drugs are forced to be bought from outside.
The government has promised a
Drugs Policy, but it never seems to become a realty. As there is no legislation to
control the drug trade, they are sold in the open market under several trade
Some doctors use these trade names which forces the patients to buy
expensive drugs in place of less expensive drugs under their generic names. It is
the general opinion that it is beneficial for the doctors and the multi-national
companies when trade names of drugs are used. Even though, with a Drugs
Policy, the cost of drugs may be able to bring down, it will not be a remedy for the
insufficiency of drugs supplied to hospitals. It has been emphasized that an
alternative method has to be put into practice.


The communities of Sri Lanka believe that free health care is one of their
supreme rights. This has been the practice from generation to generation by
subsequent governments. Actually, the government of Sri Lanka is not bound by
legislation to carry it out. As such privatization of health services is being carried
out step by step. Most probably, in time to come, government hospitals may
become health care awareness centers.
In order to avoid this situation, a statement stressing the right of the
people to have free health services should be formulated and included in the
Government Constitution under basic human rights of the people. If such an act
is respected as a responsible government who comes into power would be bound
to accept it honestly. In its failure, a citizen would be entitled to find justice
through court action in order to protect their rights accordingly.

If such a statement is included in the Constitution, it would be compulsory
for any government to make necessary allocations of funds for health care
services so that the citizens will reap the benefits.


20 February 2008


People's Health Movement (PHM) in Sri Lanka with 50 partner organizations has become a strong ?nd
massive organization.

These members include those of various Non-Governmental Organizations,

Professional Organizations, Trade Unions and Political Parties. Within this group, there are health rignts

activists, women rights activists, HIV/AIDS activists and marginalized people activists working together.
PHM has identified its future activities to be carried out under the following four main sectors :(1)

Regional level


District level


National level and


International level

Regional Level


To give an awareness about PHM to their members.


To give an awareness to the relevant community in their member organizations


Maintain a date base and an Information Centre in their respective member organizations


For PHM to liaise with the Health Sector in their various programmes dealing with other sectors


District Level


Identify the organizations which is loyal to PHM objectives


Build-up district level committees with co-ordination of other sensitive groups


Campaigning for health rights

National Level



Empower the health activists at national level


To liaise with the district level activists to bring to the national level process


To carry out protest campaigns, distribute posters and hand-bills with regard to the main health
problems that exist at the time


To continue the struggle for health rights


To launch a News paper on PHM


To launch a PHM-Sri Lanka Website


To co-ordinate with the state sector and continue the co-ordination


To formulate a citizen report regarding health at national level to get the attention of the media

toward PHM.


To maintain an Information Centre at national level.


To propagate alternate health systems among the community.


To establish a people's commission regarding health issues.


To conduct necessary studies and research.

Suggestions for International Level

* «•<


Formulate a Health OrdmaiKe at International level and get it approved by the WHO and UN.


To formulate a method to get more copies of the international newspaper.


To highlight the strength of the member organizations when issuing letters of protests etc.

(Show the membership countries on letter heads, documents etc).

This was formulated by the IPHU Moratuwa - Sri Lanka Group and approved by the PHM.

People's Health Movement Sri Lanka
People's Health Movement Sri Lanka (PHMSL) was launched in the year 2001. The focal point is
Sarvodaya Movement and the National Coordinator is Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, General Secretary of

PHMSL conducts monthly meetings at the Nagarodaya Centre, Colombo. Representatives come
from various Districts of the Island. PHMSL is an organization keenly interested in health rignts
and other health related activities such as the Drug Policy and has published booklets and
leaflets as and when necessary. PHMSL launched a HIV/AIDS Policy to protect the rights of the
People who are Living with HIV (PWLHIV) and has held a few poster campaign for health rights
to create an awareness among people.

Now we are trying to build PHM groups at district level as more organizations are^able to
participate in the PHM network and by this time is saved so as travelling expenses. Recently, a
PHM group was formed in Badulla and its focal point in the Kandy District and its focal point is
Service Civil International. Similarly, initial discussions were held to form a PHM group in the
Moneragala District with the focal point being Uva-Wellassa Women Farmer's Organization. All
these member organizations has had good long term relationship with PHMSL and these groups
will send their representatives to Colombo for the monthly meetings.
In addition, from time to time, PHMSL has sent protest letters and demand letters to various
organizations and we have strongly campaigned to include health rights in the Sri Lanka

Right to Health Campaigning in Sri Lanka
With the advent of Privatization, the interest shown towards protecting patient's rights is

becoming negligible. Privatization has caused inequality and has reduced the health services to
that of a sales outlet.

PHM - Sri Lanka has already commenced campaigning about the right to health.
1. Conducted a Workshop on Right to Health attended by partner organizations and

professional experts. As an outcome of the Workshop, decided to carry out a campaign

to include health right in the Sri Lanka Constitution. Draft of the section to be induced
is as follows :
"This Constitution recognize the right of every citizen of Sri Lanka to have access to free

treatment at the expense of the State to all ailments or medical disorders, he/she may
suffer from and to receive /maintain quality advice/ counseling /education in respect of

preventive measures that needs to be taken against infections or non-infectious


2. PHM- Sri Lanka has submitted a letter to the Hon. President demanding to include
Health Right as a basic right in the Sri Lankan Constitution. The Secretary to the Hon.
President has responded to us by a letter saying that the our request has been
forwarded to the Secretary, Ministry of Constitutional Affairs.

PHM- Sri Lanka has also commenced a social dialogue about the right to health'hnd has

initially done a poster campaign, followed by publishing a leaflet for the information of
the general public.

PHM - Sri Lanka has also organized an awareness campaign

together with the partner organizations and has launched a letter campaign together to

the president to lobby for the amendment of the constitution on health right. The
campaigning is in progress. Seminars on health right were held in Monargala, Badulla,
Negombo, Kegalle, while seminars will be held in Colombo.

PHM Sri Lanka has launched three poster

campaigns for the health rights to build

awareness among the general public.

Drugs Policy

From time to time, steps were taken to draw the attention of the Ministry of Health
about the shortage of drugs in the Government Hospitals and the escalation of price? of

essential drugs in the open market. Lobbying was done to implement the Drugs Policy,

which has been already formulated. Recently, the Ministry of Health took steps to give

instructions to medical personal to write prescriptions using generic names. To this, ihe
PHM- Sri Lanka issued a statement in favour of writing prescriptions using generic

names and appealed the Government not to withdraw its stand.

HIV/AIDS Control Activities

PHM - Sri Lanka conducted a workshop to formulate a policy on HIV/AIDS for ihe

partner organizations. Recently, a policy on HIV/AIDS was launched together with
people who are living with HIV, members of vulnerable groups of sex workers arid some


People's Health Movement was the first organization who gave a chance to the
sex-workers to address their issues on a platform.

Seminar on Health Rights at the Social Forum held in Colombo

Some members of PHM - Sri Lanka participated at a Seminar on Health Rights at the

Social forum held in Colombo at the Viharamahadevi Park.

For Peace
People's Health Movement n Sri Lanka has always advocated a political solution for the

ethnic crisis in Sri Lanka. Most of our organizations have taken necessary steps to create

that vision among the people. Especially, the Sarvodaya Movement has held many
rallies in various parts of the Island for "Peace", but not for "War". Other organizations
have also held seminars and workshops for Peace and to end the War.

Seminars held
The following seminars were held during last ten years;

Anthropological challenges on health


Health and organic farming


Politics of Food and Nutrition


Anthropological views of HIV/AIDS


The present political situation and role of the People's Movements

There were some seminars held with foreign resources. Seminar on Total Health
Participation was held with Prof. Matura Susthra, Health through People's Power was
held with Dr.Ravi Narayan, and After Tsunami and our role with Dr.Prem John.

Launching of Global Health Watch - 02
People's Health Movement while thanking all participants for their presence at this
important event stated that the launching of the Global Health Watch report is being

done in the midst of many health issues faced in Sri Lanka, specially the problems fac ed

due to privatization of the health sector and the on-going north-east war.

Prof. Carlo Fonseka, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, Minister of Science & Technology,

Dr.K.Balasubramanaim of the Health Action Institute and National Coordinator, PHM
and Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, Executive Director of Sarvodaya Movement, , apprised the
audience that this report has been launched in many countries in the world.


People's SAARC Health Panel

The People's SAARC was held on 17th - 19th'July, 2008 at the Viharamahadevi Park in
Colombo - 07, Sri Lanka. People's SAARC Health Panel was a resounding success with

about 150 people attending, the maximum number in any workshop in the People's

SAARC. Mobilization and Coordination was done by Sri Lanka People's Health
Movement. There were Panelists from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. For and

on behalf of PHM Sri Lanka, Professor. Carlo Fonseka presided the Panel and

Mr.Sirimal Pieris spoke about Health and Conflict.
There was a huge participation from Sri Lanka, especially from health activists working
with HIV affected women, sexual minorities, plantation workers etc. All of them

participated during the panel as it was a good forum for them to voice their rights.
Although we look at Sri Lanka as a health model, many issues on conflict and health
especially mental health came out strongly from the gathering.

The Indian women's Charter was appreciated at the workshop and the Sri Lanka

Women's organizations will adopt it and translate it in to Sinhala. The SAARC People's

has included a demand against privatization of health services.

Held two trainings on social Determinants of Health, Sinhala medium and Tamil medium
in Colombo and Kandy. Dr.Prem John participated as a resource person. Held training

on HIV/AIDS with the assistance of International Labour Organization. Now ihe
participants are working as trainers in many parts of the country.

Foreign Trainings, Workshops and Seminars:
Our participants took part of the following events;
People Health Assembly - December, 2000
International Forum for Defence of People's Health - Mumbai, 2004

World Social Forum- 2004

Humanitarian Aid to Community Empowerment - 2005
International Plenary Communicating for Advocacy -2001

Asian Civil Society Meeting - 2005

National People's Health Assembly, II - Bhopal
A short training course on "The Struggle for Health" - Bangalore, 2010

Many of our organizations have dedicated their publications to PHM. Issued articles and

news items Sarvodaya, Janavabodaya, ACHAN, and Monlar, should be mentioned.

PHM Sri Lanka has published some booklets such as Anthropological challenges for

health, Health and organic farming, Anthropological views of HIV/AIDS, Politics of Food
and Nutrition and Concepts of Voluntarism.

During this decade, PHM Sri Lanka is working smoothly and strongly.

We held our

monthly meetings regularly. Many participants attend these meetings, travelling from
far away places. Hence we took a decision to build district level groups in collaborate

with the main organizations. Now we are working with 47 organizations very

satisfactorily and we have courage to build a mass movement with community


People's Health Movement Sri Lanka
People's Health Movement Sri Lanka (PHMSL) was launched in the year 2001. The focal point is
Sarvodaya Movement and the National Coordinator is Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, General Secretary of
PHMSL conducts monthly meetings at the Nagarodaya Centre, Colombo. Representatives come
from various Districts of the Island. PHMSL is an organization keenly interested in health rights
and other health related activities such as the Drug Policy and has published booklets and
leaflets as and when necessary. PHMSL launched a HIV/AIDS Policy to protect the rights of the
People who are Living with HIV (PWLHIV) and has held a few poster campaign for health rights
to create an awareness among people.

Now we are trying to build PHM groups at district level as more organizations are^able to
participate in the PHM network and by this time is saved so as travelling expenses. Recently, a
PHM group was formed in Badulla and its focal point in the Kandy District and its focal point is
Service Civil International. Similarly, initial discussions were held to form a PHM group in ihe
Moneragala District with the focal point being Uva-Wellassa Women Farmer's Organization. All
these member organizations has had good long term relationship with PHMSL and these groups
will send their representatives to Colombo for the monthly meetings.
In addition, from time to time, PHMSL has sent protest letters and demand letters to various
organizations and we have strongly campaigned to include health rights in the Sri Lanka

Right to Health Campaigning in Sri Lanka
With the advent of Privatization, the interest shown towards protecting patient's rights is

becoming negligible. Privatization has caused inequality and has reduced the health sewices to
that of a sales outlet.

PHM - Sri Lanka has already commenced campaigning about the right to health.
1. Conducted a Workshop on Right to Health attended by partner organizations and

professional experts. As an outcome of the Workshop, decided to carry out a campaign

to include health right in the Sri Lanka Constitution. Draft of the section to be induced
is as follows :

"This Constitution recognize the right of every citizen of Sri Lanka to have access to fiee
treatment at the expense of the State to all ailments or medical disorders, he/she may

suffer from and to receive /maintain quality advice/ counseling/education in respect of

preventive measures that needs to be taken against infections or non-infectious


2. PHM- Sri Lanka has submitted a letter to the Hon. President demanding to include

Health Right as a basic right in the Sri Lankan Constitution. The Secretary to the Hon.
President has responded to us by a letter saying that the our request has been
forwarded to the Secretary, Ministry of Constitutional Affairs.


PHM- Sri Lanka has also commenced a social dialogue about the right to health 'bnd has
initially done a poster campaign, followed by publishing a leaflet for the information of
the general public.

PHM - Sri Lanka has also organized an awareness campaign

together with the partner organizations and has launched a letter campaign together to
the president to lobby for the amendment of the constitution on health right. The

campaigning is in progress. Seminars on health right were held in Monargala, Badulla,
Negombo, Kegalle, while seminars will be held in Colombo.


PHM Sri Lanka has launched three poster

campaigns for the health rights to build

awareness among the general public.

Drugs Policy
From time to time, steps were taken to draw the attention of the Ministry of Health

about the shortage of drugs in the Government Hospitals and the escalation of price* of

essential drugs in the open market. Lobbying was done to implement the Drugs Policy,

which has been already formulated. Recently, the Ministry of Health took steps to give

instructions to medical personal to write prescriptions using generic names. To this, ihe
PHM- Sri Lanka issued a statement in favour of writing prescriptions using generic

names and appealed the Government not to withdraw its stand.

HIV/AIDS Control Activities

PHM - Sri Lanka conducted a workshop to formulate a policy on HIV/AIDS for the

partner organizations. Recently, a policy on HIV/AIDS was launched together with
people who are living with HIV, members of vulnerable groups of sex workers and so me


People's Health Movement was the first organization who gave a chance to the
sex-workers to address their issues on a platform.

Seminar on Health Rights at the Social Forum held in Colombo

Some members of PHM - Sri Lanka participated at a Seminar on Health Rights at lhe
Social forum held in Colombo at the Viharamahadevi Park.

For Peace
People's Health Movement n Sri Lanka has always advocated a political solution for the

ethnic crisis in Sri Lanka. Most of our organizations have taken necessary steps to create
that vision among the people. Especially, the Sarvodaya Movement has held many

rallies in various parts of the Island for "Peace", but not for "War". Other organizations
have also held seminars and workshops for Peace and to end the War.

Seminars held
The following seminars were held during last ten years;


Anthropological challenges on health


Health and organic farming


Politics of Food and Nutrition


Anthropological views of HIV/AIDS


The present political situation and role of the People's Movements

There were some seminars held with foreign resources. Seminar on Total Health

Participation was held with Prof. Matura Susthra, Health through People s Power was
held with Dr.Ravi Narayan, and After Tsunami and our role with Dr.Prem John.

Launching of Global Health Watch - 02
People's Health Movement while thanking all participants for their presence at this

important event stated that the launching of the Global Health Watch report is being
done in the midst of many health issues faced in Sri Lanka, specially the problems fac ed

due to privatization of the

health sector and the on-going north-east war.

Prof. Carlo Fonseka, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, Minister of Science & Technology,
Dr.K.Balasubramanaim of the Health Action Institute and National Coordinator, PHM

and Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, Executive Director of Sarvodaya Movement, , apprised the

audience that this report has been launched in many countries in the world.

People's SAARC Health Panel

The People's SAARC was held on 17th - 19th' July, 2008 at the Viharamahadevi Park in
Colombo - 07, Sri Lanka. People's SAARC Health Panel was a resounding success with

about 150 people attending, the maximum number in any workshop in the People's

SAARC. Mobilization and Coordination was done by Sri Lanka People's Health
Movement. There were Panelists from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. For and
on behalf of PHM Sri Lanka, Professor. Carlo Fonseka presided the Panel and

Mr.Sirimal Pieris spoke about Health and Conflict.
There was a huge participation from Sri Lanka, especially from health activists working

with HIV affected women, sexual minorities, plantation workers etc. All of them

participated during the panel as it was a good forum for them to voice their rights.
Although we look at Sri Lanka as a health model, many issues on conflict and health
especially mental health came out strongly from the gathering.

The Indian women's Charter was appreciated at the workshop and the Sri Lanka
Women's organizations will adopt it and translate it in to Sinhala. The SAARC People's
has included a demand against privatization of health services.

Held two trainings on social Determinants of Health, Sinhala medium and Tamil medium
in Colombo and Kandy. Dr.Prem John participated as a resource person. Held training
on HIV/AIDS with the assistance of International Labour Organization. Now ihe
participants are working as trainers in many parts of the country.

Foreign Trainings, Workshops and Seminars:
Our participants took part of the following events;
People Health Assembly - December, 2000
International Forum for Defence of People's Health - Mumbai, 2004

World Social Forum- 2004

Humanitarian Aid to Community Empowerment - 2005
International Plenary Communicating for Advocacy -2001

Asian Civil Society Meeting - 2005

National People's Health Assembly, II - Bhopal
A short training course on "The Struggle for Health" - Bangalore, 2010

Many of our organizations have dedicated their publications to PHM. Issued articles and

news items Sarvodaya, Janavabodaya, ACHAN, and Monlar, should be mentioned.

PHM Sri Lanka has published some booklets such as Anthropological challenges for

health, Health and organic farming, Anthropological views of HIV/AIDS, Politics of Food
and Nutrition and Concepts of Voluntarism.

During this decade, PHM Sri Lanka is working smoothly and strongly.

We held our

monthly meetings regularly. Many participants attend these meetings, travelling from
far away places. Hence we took a decision to build district level groups in collaborate

with the main organizations. Now we are working with 47 organizations very
satisfactorily and we have courage to build a mass movement with community



People's Health Movement (PHM) in Sri Lanka with 50 partner organizations has become a strong a nd
massive organization.

These members include those of various Non-Governmental Organizations,

Professional Organizations, Trade Unions and Political Parties. Within this group, there are health rights
activists, women rights activists, HIV/AIDS activists and marginalized people activists working together.

PHM has identified its future activities to be carried out under the following four main sectors

Regional level


District level


National level and


International level

Regional Level


To give an awareness about PHM to their members.


To give an awareness to the relevant community in their member organizations


Maintain a date base and an Information Centre in their respective member organizations


For PHM to liaise with the Health Sector in their various programmes dealing with other sectors


District Level


Identify the organizations which is loyal to PHM objectives


Build-up district level committees with co-ordination of other sensitive groups


Campaigning for health rights

National Level



Empower the health activists at national level


To liaise with the district level activists to bring to the national level process


To carry out protest campaigns, distribute posters and hand-bills with regard to the main he< Ith
problems that exist at the time


To continue the struggle for health rights


To launch a News paper on PHM


To launch a PHM-Sri Lanka Website


To co-ordinate with the state sector and continue the co-ordination


To formulate a citizen report regarding health at national level to get the attention of the media

toward PHM.


To maintain an Information Centre at national level.

0) To propagate alternate health systems among the community.
(k) To establish a people's commission regarding health issues.

(I) To conduct necessary studies and research.

Suggestions for International Level

ckciv 4 e-4

at International level and get it approved by the WHO and UN.


Formulate a Health


To formulate a method to get more copies of the international newspaper.


To highlight the strength of the member organizations when issuing letters of protests etc.

(Show the membership countries on letter heads, documents etc).

This was formulated by the IPHU Moratuwa - Sri Lanka Group and approved by the PHM.

Position: 568 (7 views)