Samar Khan CHLP 2015-2-FR 83.pdf
- extracted text
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Community Health Learning Programme
A Report on the Community Health Learning
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School of Public Health Equity and Action
building community health
Society for Community Health Awareness Research and Action
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The Breeze...
Reflections of CHLP Journey
Samar Khan
CHIP -2015-16
The Breeze....
Reflections of CHLP Journey
The Pendulum Swing
Pen on the work
Paradigm Shift
The First Touch
India in a Nutshell
The Indian Thali
Dark Clouds
Bon Voyage
Little Things Matters
Ph (chemical Name for Lead)
The Mind.................
Ability Doesn't Discriminate
THE ME and theyou
Homeless Homes.
Camp of wrongs
Community Health
Live with them.
Learn from them.
Love them.
Start with what they know.
Build with what they have.
But with the best leaders, when the work is done,
The task accomplished,...............................................
The people will say 'We have done this ourselves. ”,
Axioms of Community Health
Hopes ain't end yet
Rain in Desert
Floating Hopes- a poem in Flood
The Susceptible
#Suicide.... Its trending....
The Umbrella (Solidarity),
Rainbow- CHLP Fellows
Reflection on Dissemination meet
In A Nutshell
A Tribute to Rohit
Hopes never die
Everywhere will be you
I wasn't alone
Hope ain't lost yet.
Day oflove
No Words Needed
SOCHARA - Batch 2015-16 Calendar
The Annual Meet Phototoons
Annexure (Research)
First of all A Thank to Almighty God for blessing with the opportunity to be a part of the
wonderful journey with the wonderful people.
A special thanks to SOCHARA for allowing me to be a part of the this journey, I came here to
learn about health but along with that I have earned values and ethics which is the most valuable
thing I am taking home, and for this priceless gain I would like to thank Dr. Thelma, Dr.Ravi,
Mohammad ,Kumar, Rahul, Maria, Swami, Victor, Mathew , Prasanna, Jannel, Anusha ,Hari
,Tulsi, Josef, Kamlamma, Vijaya Akka and everyone who was the part of my journey.
Kumar was always there to guide me, throughout my journey; he has helped me to develop
values and ethics and also inspire me to practice them.
1 would like to mention Dr Ravi for helping me to be more creative and for his enthusiastic
support while writing reports and making presentation in my own style.
Ankit, he is the person who have encouraged me to join SOCHARA, it was a tough time for me
and he was the one who helped me a lot to take decision to apply for fellowship.
I would like to thank Dr Vijay Gupta who was my mentor during my field collective, he listened
to me, gave solution to my problems, I am also very grateful to Center for Integrated Team for
helping me during my research and field work, they helped me to reach the virtually hidden
villages through the tough roads.
I am also grateful to Fellows who were the most important part of my journey, I have learned a
lot from them.
The Pendulum Swing
I had an aim, actually I had many aims, I was always swinging between aims, after completing
my graduation I was in void, there were already very few opportunities due to pecuniary draught
so I was ready to take whatever come my way, many sun set and may sunrises passed, clouds
traveled from south to north and time was traveling on its own pace, I was calling it to take rest
and wait for while but it was pacing and running away from me. Time was passing by, I didn’t
know what I am waiting for, I knew only one thing that I am waiting for something.
As always today again sun rises again brought light filled with hopes, News paper were carrying
opportunity along with news, I took that opportunity and landed in Jaipur and it was a Post
Graduation certificate sponsored by a finance firm along with a Job. The education was focused
on money, from T-bills to Debentures, Shares to Insurance, though I did well as I was the 1st
Rank but yet not confident enough to work for “money”.
After the completion of education I joined that financial firm, though I was doing better than the
set benchmarks but their greed was directly proportional to my performance and was increasing
day by day, it was like walking bare feet on thorns as I was not able to suppress my values just to
satisfy the greed. So I quit that job rather than turning myself into a flower without fragrance.
After quitting the job I set my direction towards Information Technology and sailed towards it,
though my ship was directed towards the technology, wind took me to the island of art where I
rediscovered the potentials of pen, started inking emotions.
There was an opportunity to work abroad, I have never been that far from family, and I was not
confident to go in a country where people and place were all alien to me.
^a^e (Ris^
Nothing Can Substitute
Pjperience ”
-Paolo Coelho-
My ship hit the shore of Thailand but stay was not longer then the moon light which was hitting
the shores and making water shining like and diamond.
Ship has sailed back in the other direction and I was again under the same roof I was for twenty
two years.
During all this time I was connected to an organization named “ Karwan-e-Hijaz'’ which mean
the caravan to Hijaz, Hijaz is the old name of Saudi Arab, this organization works with Muslim
youth, organize them , orient them about the right teaching of Islam, Values, Ethics etc. Also
Organize free heath camp for all poor people, for some year it is in passive mode.
However this organization is in passive mode for some years but my association with this
organization and with the people associated with this organization has kindled a light inside me
which has enlightened my insight.
I traveled to the Delhi and joined one profit oriented organization, My work started getting
recognition from the very first day and throughout the tenure of with that organization I was
reprimanded only once and praised numerous times, even by the top management, I was
enjoying that time as every human do and that kindled light was shadowed in the shine of the
moon of corporate, moon has some dark spot in it so do corporate, one fine day I was introduced
to that corporate dark side which lead to my resignation.
After a couple of years I came back to Gwalior, Started working for a soft drink firm.
“cTfie (greatest QCory in
Living Les not in neverfatting,
(But in rising every time vvefatt”
-Nelson Mandela-
Pen on the work
Corruption, it was all over the news, everyone was talking about corruption, I was following
news, following the struggle that those people who were fighting for it was facing, it had inspired
me to write something.
It has been too long, the ink is dry
It is a long go, we had asked, why?
Those who shouted, were killed last night,
Floor has been washed, before the bright,
But this time,
Blood will not go dry,
We are awake,
You can 7 make us cry.
We had to bear,
Your brutality,
But not now
This is the time
To change the time,
To change the road
Where a black heart drives.
We are not afraid ofthe dark,
We can make it bright,
We are the people, who can make all right,
Let s take the first step and take it so far,
Stand up against,
This is the time to war.
Women, every time you go to any news channel or give a look to a news paper, you will find a
lot against women, they are being oppressed in form of female infanticide, honor killing, dowry
killing, sexual and emotional harassment at workplace, at home.
Oppressed 1 am before you,
Can’t you see my demise?
What turned you blind?
Coward, are you?
You bring me here
You made my life drabber
Ami uninvited?
Why did u make my world somber?
Was my love vain?
You loved me, you killed me
You are beyond my ken.
I hate myself
Because I kept silence.
I am in guilt
Because I swallow all violence.
These bricks and wall
Witness of all.
I wish they could talk,
And tell you that how cruel you are.
Paradigm Shift
After coming back to Gwalior finding a good job had become a hard task to perform, some were
was paying very less , some work was not what I wanted. I got an offer from a soft drink
company to work as management information system officer, though the pay was less, I decided
to join.
While working there I face many things which set my heart on fire, and possibly magnify the
humanity in my heart, workers were given very less payment and being asked to do a lot of
work, they were getting handful buck which may cut down if they break any bottle or accidently
open it.
When I joined there I used to argue with labor for being slow, as time passed my inner light
started turning into fire torch, argument became discussion, discussion about how they manage
in such less money. What all 1 had was sympathy which needs to be converted into empathy.
It was my father’s demise which triggered me to quit the job but it was a result of changes which
were happening inside.
Through A friend I went to Center for Integrated Development (CID) and I joined as Document
officer with the responsibility of writing reports of organization’s projects and activities. I am so
sensitive towards people which was reflecting in the discussion I used to have with Ankit, He
suggested me to apply for the fellowship, I went through the website of SOCHARA and was
very motivated to join but there were some obstacles, Bangalore is too far from Gwalior and
after its not been even six months to my father’s demise, so the discussion about fellowship
became cold.
After a month, there were a National Meet at on Maternal and Child Health in Bhopal, organized
by SOCHARA and Common Health, during that period Ankit warmed that fellowship talk again.
Bangalore is far from home but SOCHARA could be the only place where 1 can be what I want
to be, 1 may have stayed at home, continue with what I was doing.
“fl Ship Is Safest at the J-Carbor,
(put that is not where it Suppose to
(Be “
-Narayan Murthy-
Initiative from Ankit ultimately took me to Bangalore and I have joined CHLP, I have joined it a
bit late but the CHLP group which I had joined was like water, I had no difficulties in melting in
with them.
Before the earth could complete its revolution around sun, I was drafted from corporate to social
from money to people, during this transition some lucrative obstacle came my way as a job in
Saudi Arabia and A job in Government, but both of them dint distract me from being entering in
to the realm of values.
After tumbling from here and there, vagrant journey ended at the beginning of a voyage of
discovering the insight in it true means. I brought blank canvas to start from the scratch.
“J-Cou> ctifficitft [ife may seem,
there is aCways something
you can do
and succeed at ”
-Stephen Hawking-
The First Touch
Scores are level, few minutes to go for final whistle, and you enters as a substitute in field,
energy pumping in your legs, noise of crowd have increased your adrenaline, here comes the
pass, you first touch, the first touch define the fate of the match, if it is on the mark, it will boost
confident in your blood, if it is not on the mark, you may end up sitting on the bench in next
Arena is full of audience, cheering to the loudest, you heart is beating even louder, first live
show, your first touch on piano, you have to hit the right note, your first touch will define that
how deep your song will travel.
The first touch to the “Health” I got in Bhopal, The maternal and child health meeting, I met
health, I met people working in health, for health, to health. Though I knew that "prevention is
better than cure , but I never thought that it is a part of Health. There were discussions on
maternal health, women health, anemia, child health, that time I could comment that they are
from the cure perspective, now I can say they were from “Health” perspective. There were
discussions on Public Distribution System, Food Habits, Demographics and Geographic,
Corruption, Acts and Laws. That meeting had helped me to understand heath as whole but not
only the absence of disease.
He entered the field, with confidence pumping in his legs, and the first touch was on the mark,
ball curved in air and top comer, best place to hit, Goal.
Cheers were so loud that he cannot hear his own voice but he could hear his heartbeats, and his
footsteps while coming on stage, he set his finger on some black and on some white and cheers
became loudest as soon as he hit first note.
My first touch to heath was like sail in the Ocean, I was introduced to the enormity of ocean and
the greatness of obstacle of the voyage which is going on since decades towards the destination
“Heath for All”.
"The most difficult thing
is the decision to act,
the rest is mereCy tenacity’’
-Amelia Earhart-
India in a Nutshell
A man, wandering in sand, heartbroken with mirage, searching for an oasis with hope that it is
there, find many people in same outfit as you are will feed you hope of finding the oasis. In this
desert where I was in sand up to knees I find people like me, though there were no destination for
me but the path was clear on which I was walking. The people I met here, they hold my hand,
bring me out of the sand and shared destination and started walking along with me.
SOCHARA is carrying the values with it, which I like most because I was also carrying the same
values by compromising the glare I could have been into.
Warmth of North Karnataka, Energy of North East, Simplicity of Madhya Pradesh, Sweetness of
Orissa, beauty of Kerala, elegance of South Karnataka, elan of Andhra Pradesh, it is India in a
nutshell with joy of Goa, Colors of Ajmer, Liveliness of Delhi and gladden of Tamilnad. All
colors, flavors and spices of India, different from each other but together, carrier of “WE” in real
mean. There were no feelings of contention.
The Indian Thali
Indian Thali, is a food court in a plate, from sweet to sour, tangy to spicy, treat for every taste
bud, the same way Community health learning program was representing the Indian Thali
concept in terms of learning, it have science, art, philosophy, ethics, values, lessons from
villages, villagers, slums, slum dwellers, rural, urban, everything in it to treat you desire of
learning about health as whole.
It is impossiblefor a man to learn what he things he already hnows
-EpictetusBefore reaching here, I had a notion that health is absence of disease, and my imagination used
to travel till hospitals and medicine, doctors and nurses though I had an idea about preventions
but I did not connect it with health. The very first learning I absorbed here was health is not only
absence of disease but social hierarchy, gender, equity, emotions are strongly entrenched in
health. I understood the definition of health by WHO in real means.
"a state of complete physical, mental,
and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
-WHO Constitution-
Dark Clouds
Free Village, A beautiful land, green and blue, walking mile stone by mile stone towards the
prosperity but it wasn't dear to the devil lives in the big city and he was planning to conquer that
village and make all the people his slave, he was planning to take over that village.
On day, Dark clouds rushed over the village and day became darker then night, and with a
mighty roar, cloud busted on that village, everything was under water , villagers were scream
aloud for help, days were passing, villagers were in dilemma whether to stay or try to swim
across the village. Help has come, or the dictator has come as the disguise of help, devil
provided the boat but with condition, they cannot take help from any other then him , they
cannot help themselves, they cannot build with their own money, they cannot sale their goods to
anyone else, they have to take loan from him for every work, they cannot spend on food,
medicine before repaying loans. When in deep crisis, one resorts to all means, so the villagers
agreed and devil releases all water andfilled village with his authoritative air.
Days, Week, Years, Centuries have passed, the oppression continues, people were obeying the
devil because they do not have other way, they do not have steel to build boats, hence they were
presenting themselves to oppress.
A young man and an old man were sitting waiting for their turn to be oppressed started taking,
the young man shared his dream that he was alone walking on sea shore and there were big
house at the shore, small kid with his mother standing and staring the sun set, moon were out but
they were standing there only, kid saw the moon’s reflection in water and started crying for it,
wind started flowing from shore to horizon and took kids wail to the moon, moon started coming
towards kid, seeing moon coming down ocean tried to hug the moon and suddenly everywhere
was the ocean, women and kid went inside the wooden house and that house started dancing on
big waves.
House doesn't float, old man replies, when it was storm last time houses were submerged in
water, because they were holding the earth tight, what if we do not have steel, we have wood, we
will make raft. When he looked up, many people were listening and staring at him with hope and
They build raft and started doing their life as they used to before storm, devil got angry and
brought dark clouds again, villagers were afraid were not hopeless, as it started raining heavily,
they brought their rafts, and started sailing towards the bright.
After the massacre of world wars and not so cold cold war, colonialism was shrunk to the zero,
world was progressing towards the new world, but the capitalist was still curing their notion to
rule over again by camouflaging it with liberalism.
They come up with a term called globalization which was a curse in disguise of blessing, it was a
systematic plan to keep developing as developing and poor as poor but to changed developed as
highly developed and rich as richer. In globalization or corporate lead globalization the money
flows from developing countries to develop countries, for the needs of development the
developing countries are bound to take loan, these loan are comes with conditions which are
bulwark between developing countries and self reliance.
The third world is a new colony for the developed countries, this economic colonization is keep
going again and again, loans are like an endless road in jungle which is circular and third world
is walking with hope to get out of this jungle.
SAP - Structural Adjustment Program, I shall name them “Slaughter All Poor”, this weapon is
dangerous than any weapon of mass destruction, things which are not construct cannot be
destruct SAP spiflicate the construction of developing countries by barring them from
empowering education and health.
The third world is fighting the third world war, A war to become independent from the economic
colonization, and their opponent is stronger than them, equipped with weapon such as World
Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, SAP, Agreement on Agriculture. To fight this
war third world has to shield them with Glocalization, globalization of their strength, build their
strength on what they have, weave their protection shield by what they know.
The word "community" derives from the Old French comunete which comes from the Latin communitas (from
Latin communis, things held in common) - Oxford Dictionary
Community is an emotion, emotion which drives to think as we, live as we, work as we, walk as
we, it bound people together irrespective of caste, religion, language. Indian culture believes in
Vasudev Kutum.bkuiTi which is not a concept but a way of life, living life adhering it makes you a
part of we, part of a family with peace and love. Current world needs to be orient about it to save
the humanity.
CHLP is not only about learning what community isj it is about feeling the community and living
The first thing I have absorbed here is the sense of community, though it was a small
classroom with only twenty people but it was a community sitting and sharing together, it
brought back that feeling of belongingness, belongingness to the each one of us, to India , to
world , belongingness to poor , to ill , to needy , to oppressed and it also enlighten the sense of
responsibility towards the people and encourage the will work for them , with them.
Words alone may not walk long
With emotion they can fly
Alone the aroma less fume
With wind it will go high
Alone wood can 7 stand waves
Make bridge, bring them together and tie
Alone brick alone can’t breath
A wall is more alive
Alone you may afraid of darkness
Together you can bring light
Hold hands be hold the WE
It’s always stronger than I
-IITom can not
(Defeat unitedpeopCe
Equipped with idea
-Fidel Castro-
Community is WE
I belong to where
Where sun comes
Through window
Where trees sings
Songs that rain brings
Where eyes talks
And shares laugh
Where bare feet walk and sharing talks
Where music ofsouls float in air
Winds carry love and care
Where there is no hate, no lie
Where there is No I
Where there is No thee
I belongs to where
There is only WE
Bon Voyage
The definition of health came in 1948, and the health which was defined were too far from the
people, specially marginalized one in developing country, in 1978 at Alma Ata , world met to
decide the destination and pathway for health and “Health for All” was decided as the destination
and pathways was also decided to reach that destination.
HEALTH FOR ALL, A dream, a dream that Alma Ata declaration have filled our eyes with, is
still alive because of the support that Alma Ata declaration has provided to keep this dream alive.
Health for All is the destination where “All” Should reach and “All” can reach their only if “All”
will walk together and opinion of “All” should be conceder while deciding the direction and path
to reach the destination and Alma Ata declaration says that everyone should walk together and
state guide them towards the destination because to reach this destination is the right of “All”.
This voyage towards the Health for All is not easy, there are thousands of obstacle in between
“Health” and “All”. There may be rivers of unacceptability and unavailability which can be
crossed in the boat of traditional health practices, There will be dark roads and to pass these
roads torch of inter-sartorial collaboration should be ignited but to start this voyage map of new
economic order is required. Map and tool to pass obstacle isn’t enough to successfully complete
this journey ,everyone have to walk together with social justice and equity otherwise the
destination will be keep going farther which is actually happening neither the map is being
adhered nor the equity is being practiced. Eight stepping stones has been put into placed into the
river of ill-health but steps are not equal and socially justified which is making travelers fall
every now and then. If first five steps were equal then last two would not be needed and the sixth
one is needed to create earthwork to protect from getting partially wet with water of the ill-health
To complete the journey towards the Health for All the map should be followed and people
should be walk together under the guidance of state to reach the destination safe and
The Alma Ata Declaration, the guideline for all the countries to promote and protect the health of
its people and to cure the disease. Alma Ata is a revolution which brought all the problems of
people together in context of health. It is a mirror which reflects not only the health but overall
Qozz cannot cross the sea mereCy 6y
Standing and looking at the water.
-Rabindranath Tagore-
Little Things Matters
Little things do matter, what if they are little sometime they matter more than the big one. What
you eat it matters and how you eat from where you eat it also matters, you drink water it matters,
from where you drink how you drink is also matters, Commercialization have led agriculture to
the extreme, extreme price, extreme cultivation, extreme use of pesticide, extreme in quantity
and extreme in quality, here quality refers to the toxicant level of pesticide. This pesticide
eventually land into plate, although the quantity isn’t that high but little things matters, this
pesticide causing many mental health related problems. Lead is in the air, toxic element freely
moving in air and intoxicating people, it had done damaged before the recognition of toxic
characteristics, better late than never, it still being used in paint industry. Dr Bruce have
explained the toxic effect of lead on developing brain, he said that lead toxicities making
children more wild and aggressive also decreasing their IQ level as well.
A M (Chemical Name for Lead)
Afternoon was falling in to the arms of evening; blue sky is turning gray as sun is departing, Sun
has become dull but Raju ’sface is shining, he is walking very fast, sweating as if it had rained,
earth seemed revolving fast because he has started running , with the news of happiness in his
hand and smile on his face he stopped in front of a door, he is trying to resemble as setting sun,
"Who is there ", a mild voice penetrated the air as soon as he knocked, he replied in a voice of
lost king but couldn’t hid his victorious smile from his wife, “I got a job!!” he exclaimed in joy.
after the mild rain of tears a rainbow appeared on her face, “where? ” She asked, “In a pain
factory”, they were talking with realizing that they are still standing on door, Raju entered his
wife followed, in happiness she forgot about the bulging doorstep and stumbled, Raju hold her
and said, ” Be care full, you aren’t alone ”, she smiled.
Evening is shrinking into the dark, street lights are on, Raju is walkingfast, very fast, but not on
his usual path, his shadow is becoming larger after each step, he is almost running , his shadow
is following him , he stopped, gasping, he entered into a house, an old lady with a young smile
on her face welcomed him and greeted him “ you have become a father of a boy”, his face
became brighter, he entered the room where his wife was resting and asked “ how are you? ”,
she just moved her face towards child with shyness, rain in her eyes, rainbow on her face, she
was talking to him with eyes and he was replying with eyes, both were now staring at child, love,
joy, pleasure, happiness floating in air.
He earns very little, not able to save, even borrowed for first birthday of his son, in factory he
has a locker where he keep his working cloth, all frustration and anger of work he keep in that
locker before leaving for home every day. His son is started stumbling, day by day he started
holding earth more firmly, as he is growing, responsibility of Raju is also growing. New utensils
for son, he should not eat in this old one, she asked Raju before he left for factory. Evening he
brought an old can ofyellow paint, lets color this old utensils and make them new. Next morning
their son was drinking water in shiny yellow bowl. As time passed this yellow bowl become the
favorite of their son, every time he drink, eat in that bowl only, they were keep renewing it again
and again.
Their son has started going to school, not so brilliant in study but fair in his try to learn. He
looks bit tired today, he put his bag down, removed his show and sat down on floor, slowly
surrendered his body to earth. She brought water in his favorite bowl, he drank all the water as
he was comingfrom desert, he told her, “ you come to our school tomorrow, teacher want to see
you ”, she anxiously asked “what happened? ”, “I don I know she want to see you ”, she took a
deep breath and replied with and interrogative affirmation.
A knock on the door, a gray hair lady looked through her spectacles, and nodded her head in
permission. “He was a good student but his behavior is changing day by day”, she was staring
at floor with deep emotion and fear while she listening to these words of teacher, “ I could not
understand ", she looked at teacher with disquiet. ’’He has become more aggressive, getting
angry on small thing, behaving vary. She could only apologize as she could not understand the
concern of teacher.
It was all mute in that small room, only the eco of slap were floating, Raju was angry and same
time in sorrow, guilt of hitting his child is slowly-slowly replacing the echo of slap, he trying to
push back time and hold himself from hitting, but he cannot do anything, that moment has
engraved in all three hearts, Raju took his son in arms and hold him tightly, guilt is replaced by
care, love is floating in eyes and in air. She bought water in that yellow cup, enough water to
wash the rage from the emotions. Echo, guilt, care, love, water has become the story ofeveryday.
His rage and anger is increasing along with his age, red has become his favorite color as he
started showering his anger on people, he has become the prime targetfor police.
Night was gazing itself in the mirror of silence, suddenly a stone came from the darkness and
broke that mirror, footstep gasping shouting has filled the void, footstep following each other
and shadow following the footsteps. Suddenly a silent and then a knock on door, an old lady
open the door, that man has fell down in her lap, gasping, staring her with half open eyes,
couldn’t tell anything but she understood and looked at the old man standing near, he brought
water in that favorite yellow bowl, she kept that bowl on his lips, he started drinking it and
couldn’t finish his last bowl of water.
He has gone, left only pain, grief, and sorrow in air, some water in bowl and his hand mark on
door, in his favorite color red.
The Mind
Brain is the control panel of whole body, it controls your body’s working, organs , tells you
when it is hot, when it is cool, tells you what is good for health what is not , it enables you to
think and act, and think over acts. It tells you what is factual and what is hypothetical. If you get
some problem, it enables you to draw solutions. But if someone gets some problem with his or
her brain then their life become the bed of thorns. Problem could be neurological or
psychological, the neurological problem is biomedical but psychological problems are mental as
well as social. People with mental problem have to face many issues which cannot be cured by
medicine, only orientation, knowledge, attitude and behavior can mitigate these problem.
Community should be oriented about this issue with information which can easily be absorbed
by community as knowledge and push them towards attitude change, which will reflect in their
behavior. For such orientation we have visited NIMHANS wellness center, where we got to
know that mental illness has a very big horizon that anyone could be a probable of it. Mental
health is an issue which is being treated as orphan and stigma attached to mental health issue
making it more difficult for the people with mental illness.
She was running here and there, screaming the name of her son, her voice is sinking into the
tears, he was nowhere, cannot be found, she fell on her knees, fainted because of crying. People
were staring at her, taking about her, making stories, naming it God’s punishment or demons
effect but no one coming forward to help her, A girl penetrated the circle ofpeople, it seems she
is searching for her only, she sat down there only , put her head in her lap and started rubbing
her hand with fear and anxiety, someone gave her water , she sprinkled on her face and dropped
some in her mouth, she slowly opened her eyes, asked for her son, she gave her assurance of
taking her to her son, she pulled her up, hold her hand and both started walking, the sun and
both women disappeared behind the horizon.
Young boy, getting ready for his collage, he left home with a smile on his face and on her
mother’s face. His sister running behind her requesting him to drop her to her collage, both
started and he dropped her to collage and reached to his collage. His college days are more
good than his school life , he has love, he is doing good in sports, academic , love has
rejuvenated him.
Today is the last day of collage, he is bit emotional, bit happy that he is going o talk to her father
today, today he will ask her handfor marriage.
The room was tensed, there were assumption and speculation were bubbling in his heart,
everything seems stopped, even the time, everyone was waiting for her father to response, soon
her father’s words assassinated all the assumption and speculation and hopes. He is good but his
caste is not good. He came home with dejected heart, his soul somewhere wandering, trying to
search the answer of the question her father has injected. This importance of cast has made all
his abilities impotent.
It was autumn, autumn of his happiness, all the blossoms of his happiness is shedding, days has
become dark, nights have become blind, some time he talk to himself, some time he talks to
walls, some he stammers, some time he stumbles, A wind have shaded blossoms, tears,
happiness, hearts.
A suggestion from his sister agitated his mother, she could only stare her, holding her cheek,
“we will not take him to psychiatric, he is just in sorrow, what ifpeople see , they will call your
brother “mad", they will tease him , tease us , you will be called mad’s sister ,no we will not go ,
he will become fine with the time passed".
This morning they woke up late, everyone was late, the boy even late, door of his room still not
opened, she went to take a look at her son, she could only scream as she opened the door
dreams were hanging, chair were lying on floor, he has left the world, and left some question ,
Ability Doesn’t Discriminate
There are people with some unrivalled abilities, which may fill your heart with astonishment, and
with question how they do it? And people often labeled them as super human. The people with
extraordinary ability do some extraordinary things are labeled as super human but there are
humans with less ability they do extraordinary things and still being labeled as person with
disability which is not true if we consider the struggle they do in their day to day life. They are
not disabled, they are enabled with the ability to dream and with the determination and passion to
make these dream true. They were even equipped with hope which you may not find in every
one of us.
We have visited Association for Person with Disability, there we have seen many children, boys,
girls, men and women, they may be disable for the person who just glance at them, but we have
spent a whole day there and I did not find the sense of being disable in any one of them. This has
brought some words in my mind and I put them together in a form of a poem which may do
justice with the hope and happiness they were carrying.
It’s the dawn
Sun is rising beautiful orange sky
Though I can’t behold the beauty of light
But I can Dream
Birds are singing the welcome song
Winds humming along
Nature's love song
I can 7 hear
But I can Dream
Butterflies flying
From flowers to flowers
Stealing colors from the nature
I can 7 run behind them
But I can Dream
I can Dream
I Dream, I walk along with clouds
Fly with the stars
I behold the beauty ofDream
I can hear nature calling my name
I am living the beauty of life
Living my Dreams through closed eyes
THE ME and the yOU
Social Exclusion
Social exclusion is there since hundreds of years, it is flowing so deep in the shrunken lane of
thoughts and a draught is seen too far in the river of social exclusion instead news papers and
news channels are often flooded with the news of flood in this river of social exclusion. People
are excluded on the base of their religion, language they speak, case, class and cast. Sanitation
worker face the most horrible form of exclusion, book Endless filth has described the condition
of these sanitation worker, which is quiet painful and documentary Lesser Human filled me with
a mixed emotions, anger, sympathy and empathy were flowing from eyes and pen.
Children are being oriented about these people from what they see, they see their parents and
other elders behaving bad with this people and they repeat the same, this issue is as emotional as
social, and the change may be seemed far but it can be brought.
Here is a story about how difficult the life of Sanitation worker is.
The village were very quiet, it before dawn, she has started from her home, with her basket to
work, she is a manual scavenger of this village, her husband also do the same cleaning work, he
everyday go to city and there he swipe roads and come back every evening, sometime he doesn ’t
come when he get extra duty ofcleaning the government hospital. She has a boy who studies in
village school. After finishing her work she was going back home, today she thought to visit
school why her goes, she had no chance to visit school as there is no dry latrine in school
neither the flush latrine. As she passing through the school she found something which she never
thought of, her son was sitting outside the class on floor while other children were sitting inside
on mat. She was bit angry and surprised by the treatment her son was getting but she has no
choice, she cannot afford private school in near city, her son has to continue with the same
behavior ofschool teacher.
She was waiting for her husband to come, that day he did not come in the morning, she became
worried, and after finishing her work she came back to home and set on door step, staring at the
road, waiting for her husband. When sun went to the other part of the word, she saw a shadow
coming, it was her husband, bandage on his hand, wound he often get when works in hospital,
cutform blades usedfor surgical purpose.
They were continuing with their routine life, she is doing head loading, he is going to city for
work and their son sitting outside the class. But her husband is not keeping well; he is losing
weight and also has no stamina to work, one day he picked the bed when he find unable to help
himself. The family income which was already very less has truncated in half and burden of her
husbands’ medicine has increased. After few months, as a very good companion her husband,
she also joined him and the income which was already half turned zero.
Her dream of not letting her son to work in same filth has broken now, to match with the needs
her son has to started working in same filth, her son took the responsibility of her mother, he has
to carry the weight of her parents and filth on his head. 13 year old boy was under the
responsibility which were heavier then the weight ofsun and moon.
Morning is bright but her son's fortune isn’t , he was getting ready for school, he might forget
that he has to go for work today, she called him and told that he don’t have to go school because
he has to work, put his bag down , dragged himself through the lanes of village, carryingfilth on
his head. He could hear the laugh of children, these laugh were hitting him like stones terming
him into sand, it started turning dark , his future and village both, and started raining , he
walked very fast, to save himself but the rain was faster than his legs, rain has diluted the filth,
which has stained his no more school uniform, rain was in village rain was in his eyes.
Poem to ask question about the inhuman behavior towards these people
What is your karma, what is my sin?
You oppressed us, from sire to kin
1 was just born, is it my Crime?
Why this punishment, being me is a sin?
Why you made me walk into grime
I am just being Human, Is it a crime?
You carry pride and I carry filth
I don I cry and you don I feel guilt
Ijust work, is it my crime?
It won 7 kill, why don I you touch me
Your ugly stare always breaches me
Ijust smile, is it a crime?
Red you bleed and I too
Nature shares its air, why don I you
Ijust breathe, Is it a crime?
You and I, both will die
Fire will not divide, not the wood
Not even food
Ijust live, Is it my crime?
Homeless Homes
Migration, It is debatable, hard to say whether it is a problem for the people to live far from their
home, among stranger, in strange language or it is a solution for them to a problem which is they
facing due to lack of rural development and no alternative option if agriculture fails.
When they migrate, they face many problem including social exclusion, they are often become
the suspects for crime which they do not have done, they have live in temporary houses or in
very suffocative circumstances, they work for less wages because they have to get work, and
they have to survive in very less amount of money and have to compromise with the quality and
quantity of the food which leads to the mal nutrition.
They are exposed to the occupational hazards as most of them work in condition which are not
safe, since no proper regulation in unorganized sector, employer always take safety of worker for
granted, there may be some exception.
This story is to highlight the problem migrant worker face.
Sun was so young, so handsome, he is showering his youthfulness upon the world, trees are
cryingfor shed and the young boy leaving the village and going to city, with hope of new hopes.
He wanted to leave early morning but he couldn I sale all of his pots by that time and he has to
lower the price , lowest then he could afford, after selling all the pots he went home and picked
some leftover and started his journey towards the hopes.
His wife staring towards the road where his husband is slowly disappearing, she is staring into
the blurred horizon; in that burning summer her eyes deluged. She doesn I know that their little
son is crying because of starving or because his father is going, he is just crying, all he is know
is crying, he is doing what he knows. She wanted to block his way but all she could do is to hold
her tears in her heart.
He is still wet, sweat flows from his head and tears from his eyes, both met on his chin and left
him alone and met salvation. He boarded the bus which was already full, he was struggling to
even stand, it was hope he was riding on and making him strong to travel like a cattle.
He reached the city, met with one of his friend who took him to the contractor, ” he doesn’t know
any work but he is strong, he can help ”, his friend promoted him. Since he was ready to workfor
less money he was hired. For early days he stared living with his friend in his makeshift
temporary house , late his friend help him to build one for him.
The year has passed he brought his wife along with him, they are working together and earning
more, handful money, makeshift house still they were happy. They were blessed with a girl. A
year passed, this winter is coder than last year they have to keep fire on through the night,
firewood is so costly, his wife is not working, food isn’t affordable as well, their makeshift home
isn 7 able to holdfreeze winds hence they have to keep fire on to remain alive. Winter ended with
a big burden of credit on his head.
“You have learned it very fast, you will work as skilled labor in our next project, you will earn
double of what you are earning”. The contractor told him, he was very happy with the fact that
he will at least get money which will be enough. “ where the new project is going to start? ” he
asked to contractor and his answer made him feel like there is no earth beneath his feet, made
him speechless, he was stunned standing and contractor passed.
He came home, he don I know what to tell, what to not tell, his wife understood his heart and
asked about his anxiety, he told her about new project, ” that’s really good”, yes it is good but
and he paused there were very deep silence , he broke it and told that new project is being
started where you and I am standing.
Poetry to reflect the plight of urban poor
I belong to here, where I am a stranger.
It was a dulcet dream, now a nightmare.
It is all dark beneath the glare.
You brought bricks and built walls
Thousands nest siegedfor few malls
How regime could be so unfair
Every day we have to dig well
Few lie every day, we have to tell
It slays heart, when a ravenous child stares
More hunger but less food
Empty vessel, grain devoid
Children hungry, mother cooks water
Jungles still there, but now dead
Everyone runs behind the bread
World look at us, without a favor
Disease rains and disease grow
All over grot, where to go
Terror crawling at the bottom ofglitter
Humans missing, here are only devils
Line blurred between good and evil
Peace has gone, wail all over
-IIPoetry to reflect the struggle of Migrant worker
Thousands miles away
From the sand of river
Which flows from his village
He is not thirsty or he is
May Be
On top of tallest
Life he risks while work
Wind always whispers
You have some dreams to protect
He is not afraid or he is
May Be
He Built many house
But not his own
Tattered walls on hanging anchors
All weather comes in without knocking
He is not worried or he is
May Be
Handful of bucks
After sweat and bleed
Many stomachs to feed
With halffilled stomach
He is not hungry or he is
May Be
A single penny to gain
He bared a lot ofpain
Stammer in talk, stumble in walk
He is not sad or he is
May be
A poem reflecting the plight of poor
Justfew pieces of wood
And handful of rice
Many empty stomachs
And brimmed hunger
A small bowl offood
And brobdingnagian vice
Many empty heart
And human slaughter
A big tree of deep root
And a rapid rise
Many empty pockets
And colossus beggar
The great unwashed stood
And a unremitting poise
Many empty words
And endless stammer
The hungry iron boot
And a lot of empty shoes
Many empty roads
Andfew traveler
Camp of wrongs
Bilaspur sterilization Camp
In Bilaspur sterilization camp, 83 women undergone the surgery, 13 of them died due to medical
negligence, 72 were hospitalized, this incident have raised many question, why always women
pushed for sterilization, why not men, why medical system could be so irresponsible, why such a
big crime of using unsterilized tool were committed by a doctor.
In Bilaspur camp all the women were between 20 to 30, which is quit young to be sterilize, what
motivated them to undergo this surgery, certainly the stipend they were going to paid by
government after sterilization. Young mother have died, their children will be waiting for her
that evening.
Here is a poem which unfolding the emotion of children they left at home.
For me,
She would be coming back.
For me, goodfuture she had to buy,
She went to get some money
Some sweet she had to buy, for me.
For me,
She walked on path ofpain
She stepped into tent ofslain
She embraces ail beyond her ken
For me.
White coat’s knife did banter
They pierce her sinless venter
She dint wailjust a mute tear
For me.
For me,
She knew she is a poor
She knew there would be dour
She knew they will not hear, she dint scream
For me
For me,
She will come
She would be coming
She would be shining above my head
She will call me while woolgather
She will smile among the stars, just for me
Community Health
Community health is a process of attaining the state of Health for the community, by the
community. The little poem by Lao Tzu has the essence of community health
“Go to the people.
Live with them.
Learn from them.
Love them.
Start with what they know.
Build with what they have.
But with the best leaders, when the work is done,
The task accomplished,
The people will say 'We have done this ourselves. ”
Community heath cannot be achieved by sitting far from community by assuming what their
problem could be and what could be the solution, the community heath can be achieved by going
to the community, by becoming a part of that community, as a member of community you will
be enabled to identify the issue lying there, but if you identify issue while just being there, the
issue will be different, as the issue lying there, the solution are also lying there, you need to
identify the solution and resources to build the solution.
Community health is an art to enabling and empowering people
and making them believe that change is not far; change can be acquired with determination.
Community health is also a science to understand the problem and applying the appropriate
solution to the problem.
Community health is like rain cycle, water evaporate from earth and it
becomes cloud and when the cloud become cool enough the rain fell upon earth, same in
community health the demand of health rises from people and elevates through a channel, when
it is recognized the services fell upon to the people. To raise the water from earth it takes a lot of
heat, the same way warmth of believe in change should be generated among the people so that
their words can be raised.
To accomplish something there should be goals, and answers to all How to? question and ability
to answer all how to question which are not plan, it takes two thing to become able to answer one
is knowledge and other thing is confidante to use that knowledge to answer.
It is wise to persuade people to do things
dindma^e them thinhjt was their own idea.
-Nelson Mandela-
Axioms of Community Health
No education can substitute the learning of an experience, learning of experience are not
something you have to think about, it is something which is always there with you, from an
experience you may lose something but what you earn is wisdom. Axioms of community health
is the extract of a rich experience, it is the zest of community health, answer to all how to
question of community health and also a framework to support the structure of community
health, there are ten axioms of community health, in a chronological order of my understanding.
Building equity and empowering community beyond social conflicts
Promoting and enhancing the sense of community
Building decentralized democracy at community and team level
Rights and responsibilities
Confronting the biomedical model with new attitudes skills and approaches
Confronting the existing super structure of medical / health care to be more people and
community oriented
A new vision of health and health care and not a professional package of illness
An effort to build a system in which Health for All can become a reality
Autonomy over health
Integration of health and development activities
Through this story I am trying to reflect the some axiom
Some hundred kilometer from the town at right had side a small path go to a village which is
quite isolated because the path which leads to this village is full of obstacles and it is very hard
to reach to that village even ifyou walk. Some indigenous people with some non indigenous lives
in that place where all the house are built with hay and mud and needs to be repaired before
every rainy season though earth and sky both are dry since years but hopes comes every year in
June and they nourish their hopes day by day until its June again. The houses of indigenous
people are far from the house of other people and one house is very far from both the settlings
which belong to a family which is considered untouchable. Every now a then some walks in dry
dust on that stumbled path in both direction just to earn bread and to feed their families who
waits with bright eyes until it evening and they dream until its dawn. The path which connects
this village to be too difficult for medicine to reach but it was never difficult for illness to reach
there not even now.
It is too dry in village; the only hand pump is fighting with the draught because it is so deep in
the heart of mother earth although villagers say due to the worship and offering they made to the
village god is the reason of the long life of this hand pump “what so ever the reason, water is
coming that the important thing", one of village most educated person told, he can read but
cannot write.
The villager have less to eat, less to drink, and very less water to invest in their hygiene there for
the disease always wander in small dry lanes of village knocks every door and have almost
visited every home even the far one , problem doesn’t discriminate between people, solution
does. People also discriminate, they don’t know why they do but they do, consider them
untouchable without even touching them how they know that touching them is not good.
The only man, who could read also have to cross that stumbled path, some time he even get hurt
also other people of village also get hurt because pain doesn’t discriminate, he was walking back
fast because it is about to dark, suddenly he stumbled and fell down and the food he was
carrying also fell down, he got up, rubbing his knees, checking how deep he has hurt, and his
hurt became deeper when he realized that food has spoiled in dust, he has lost the track of time
because time has stoppedfor him, he is not bothered about dark because he know night is going
to be darker than passed one.
He reached home empty stomach, empty hand, empty because he don’t have words to consol
himself and his family, all slept with empty stomach, he did not, he got up early and started
searching for shovel, shovel which used to be their best friend during the green days now lying
somewhere waiting for rain so that it can see green and blue again, he found it, he took shovel
and went to the path and started digging the odd lumps, villages were passing through some
were laughing, some were sympathizing but no one stopped to think that what he is actually
doing. The man from the that isolated house started his journey to city, when he saw that man he
stopped andfor looked at that man for a while and asked him to help, first that man ignored him
but when man offered his help again other man replied since he is untouchable he don’t want to
take help from him, man replied, ” my touch will decrease your work and increase your
determination”, the other man looked and accepted his help, now both of them have started
working , since they have to earn also to feed their families, they have started to alternate. Few
days passed like this, only laugh sympathy they were getting from the other people. One sunny
day, both decide to work together, and the help were already waiting for them, Some indigenous
men were already there to help, that day they have worked more than they did in past week,
when they went back to village, the man who was started this work have not finished, he churned
his thought whole night and next morning he went to know every door, rubbing his feet on earth
throughout the day inviting each and everyone at the end of village and start of that path way,
people came but to go to city not to listen to him. Next day when people came there, they have
found a red painted stone and a scented stick at the start of the road, that man who were waiting
there already started talking, he said he had a dream that this deity came to his dream and told
him that prosperity find it difficult to reach the village as this pathway is not good, repair it. The
idea had worked and he started getting help from everyone, and the news didn’t take time to
reach the authority and under some scheme they have got a road to their village but most
impotently they have got the sense of unity. It became easy for them to go and come back from
the city and works more, since there was road the ANM have started coming to the village.
School teacher started to come. Anganwadi started gettingfacilities and because offood they get
at Anganwadi and school children have started to come. Village health and sanitation committee
become active, that incident have made them believe that change can be happen.
One evening before sunset a woman went for defecation, to the place where everyone go, she
saw something which se have not seen before in the dark , too mayflies were sitting on faeces
she came back home and started cooking food, she again saw flies sitting on food, it reminds her
of what she had seen before. Dawn, all women came together and started going for defecation,
she also joined them, and told about flies, she said that, ” we can cover faeces with dust so that
flies will not sit on it and will not make our food dirty”, they did the same, early morning when
man find that, they did the same. Over the time they have realized that they are not having
diarrhea as often as they used to and they were able to find the connection of it with covering
faeces with dust, they have understood that hygiene can prevent illness; they all discussed it in
VHSC and decided to take the issue to next level to askfor water and sanitation facility.
The village has become a community now, they have started believing that their problem can be
solved; all they need is to stand together and askfor their right.
India is a country with more than 6 lac villages with diversity which make it very difficult to
work for any welfare program to work efficiently and effectively and Geographic oddness makes
it more difficult. Health services are among the basic needs of people and it must reach all the
people of country that what Alma Ata declaration presses upon, Health for ALL. It also presses
upon the participation of community into the planning and action which is very vital for the
successful implementation of program, implementation of promises.
It was late but not late enough to bring NRHM into action to make Health for ALL dream a
reality. NRHM brought communitization; empower community to participate and make them
participate into the planning and action for their health. To exercise communitization NRHM
introduced many tools such as Village Health and Sanitation Committee, ASHA, Rogi Kalyan
Samiti etc
ASHA, Accredited Social Health Activist, as a part of the process of communitization NR.HM
introduced ASHA, a women from the local community empowered through a set of training and
given responsibility if promoting health in village. Because ASHA is from the same soil and
drink same water, health promotion become very effective and efficient. This is the
communitization of Health Promotion. Since ASHA is belongs to community her responsibility
is communitized and this has made it so effective that ASHA has become the life line of the
These waves are flowing from the tree of NRHM and flowing through all comers and covering
various important health issues under their shadow and giving light to the people who were
crawling into the darkness and was suffering for the light.
ASHA is the action for communitization and for every action there should be a plan so that
action would not go in blind direction and there should not be any gap between action and plan,
in order to make it happen a committee was formed and all the member of these committee are
from the soil only and know very well that how much water their soil need and how much
fertilizer and when it really need it and they know when to saw the seeds and when to harvest the
This committee builds the path on which ASHA can walk and reach the destination of Health for
All for her village.
Formation of such committees and ASHA doesn’t represent the communitization, empower
them, ignite the candle of responsibility inside them and make them think and work accordingly.
I, YOU, WE makes the community
I, I have to wake up and rise
I have to blow the horn, I have to be wise
I have to call, all of YOU
YOU have to stand together
YOU have to be there, No Matter
YOU have to bring Integration
I and YOU have to be WE
WE have to carry responsibility
Hey! I YOU and WE
It is our community
Let’s make it clean and healthy
It is our duty
Let’s raise our words and actions
Helping ourselves is “communitization
She was very young, studying only in high school when she was married and she became a
mother before becoming a voter and her husband left her as soon as she became the mother of
three girls, and it was a catastrophe for her, she did not know what to do, she kept thinking and
cryingfor days, her daughters also cried seeing their mother in tears, gloomy days were passing,
since morning see starts staring at the door with hope that he will come back , every day ends
with ending hopes the food also ending, money she never had much in her hand. She isn’t crying
today because she is angry but her daughters are crying because they are hungry, she doesn 7
want her daughters to cry because of hunger hence she stepped out of her house, probably this is
the first time she is alone, she is walking in the shrunk street, she could feel the penetrating
eyes, probably people knew that there is no one to protect her, that small street is not ending
today when she want it to end soon , in past when she used to come back with her husband she
used to wish that street never last so that she do not have to face the beating of her husband, she
kept walking and asking people that from where she can get bus t o her village, she stepped in
bus, she was feared whether she have enough money for ticket, bus started, her heartbeat started
syncing with bus noise, she was thinking what if her husband came back today, what if my
parents would not be there in village, what if her parents ask for the reason, conductor voice
pulled her out of her thoughts, “where? ”, she was mute, staring at conductor, “how much for
Vijaynagar” she asked in a lower voice conductor barely heard that, she was waiting for
conductor’s answer as he is going to give verdict whether she should go or not, “40 rupee” ,
she gave what she had in her hand, when conductor counting she was looking at him with fear,
its 34 only”, “ I have only this
conductor looked at her and gave ticket.
Everyone was looking at her, this is the first time she is coming alone, she stepped in her house,
and as soon as she saw her mother she started crying, there was a dead silence after listening to
her, her father, mother both were staring her with wet eyes and anger for her husband in their
heart, her father kept his hand on her head, it was enough to pull all the fear and anxiety out of
her heart.
It was a meeting in village, health department officials have come, ASHA for this village is
required, they were talking to the panchayat member, there were no eligible candidate for it, her
father stood up and told about her daughter, some of the villagers were agree some of were not
agree, they were saying how she will be able to do justice with responsibility when she have
three daughter of her own to look after, some were saying that she have got married and living
m city how she can become ASHA for this village. Her father said she is going to live in this
village only. The official asks about the education ofher, and declared her ASHA for the village.
She has to go for training but she is worried about her daughters, her mother
comforts her that she will take care of her daughters, though her mother was there but her half
sense were there at home, there were moment when she wanted to quit but she completed it for
her daughters only, she was very much relived after the training as she will be with her
daughters all the time.
She is now the ASHA, the hope for her village, hope for her daughters, she found it difficult in
start but slowly she became habitual of it but she was always uncomfortable during meetings
when she was always asked about how many family planning she has done, she even doesn Jt like
when she was forced to do family planning cases but she was working very interestingly to take
women for institutionalize delivery andfor immunization because she was finding it easy.
pregnant lady was in her second last week, she went to her when her husband was there, her
husband denied for institutional delivery , he was afraid that her wife will be sterilize without
consent, she said that she will go with her wife and also told about the women who became
pregnant after institutional delivery. It was 2am when women was having labor pain she went to
her house and called ambulance, she accompanied her in the ambulance, ambulance met with
accident when it was only reached half, she got injured and pregnant women also got hurt but
she was not feeling it because the pain she was having had the all attention of her mind. She
crawled to the pregnant lady, and told her everything is fine, she then crawled to check driver,
he was not animated, she called on emergency number and informed about the situation, she was
unconscious when ambulance reached.
When she woke up, she was having plaster on her both leg, she have got fracture in both leg, as
soon as she saw nurse she asked for the pregnant women, nurse informed her that woman and
her child both are fine though women have got many wound because of accident, she took a deep
breath, now she couldfeel pain in her both leg
Hopes ain’t end yet
Morning, as sweet as it could be with a cup of mom made tea and breakfast, sun is coming out
of his nightlong hiding behind that green brown mountain stars and moon have gone to a foreign
trip, children are getting readyfor the school,people going back home from their morning walk,
some children in dirty clothes with a big plastic sack on their back , walking very fast, these
starts are going back to join their fellow stars who already left before sun rise , these stars are
going back home , they have to rush otherwise they will be late for school,
Some beautiful butterflies flying into the dark and dry desert, sand on their wings
made their color somber, tiered offlying among the thorns. These beautiful butterflies had to
struggle since they have come out of their cocoon, you barely find a flower in this desert but you
will find a lot of butterflies searchingfor flower with no hopelessness.
These children wake up before the rooster; wash their eyes pick
their empty sack to collect plastic waste and a stick with a magnet tied at the bottom of that stick
to collect small iron pieces from the soil .they have to go back to home before sunrise with
enough material. Their tiny income adds some weight to the handful income of their parents.
These Butterflies deserve blossom , someone have to blossom this desert
for them , someone have to help these butterflies to make this desert beautiful , someone have
make this desert beautiful for these butterflies.
Children are running fast today their bags are much lighter in weight yet
heavy to run with; today they went far to fill their sack as there were very less to collect, might
be the municipal corporation waste collecting vehicle came early today, their cloths are wet in
sweat, everyone is gasping, placed their sack in a corner and rushed to hand pump to take bath.
A gardener woke up from the sleep and planted
some roses among the thorns, A small lamp to enlighten the dark desert. Butterflies with all their
bright colors, flying, flying towards the garden
In clean clothes, school bag on back, combed hair, eclipsed moons of
morning are now shining bright as afternoon sun. Once not aware about the alphabets now able
to read and write, paint too, painting rainbow of their thoughts on the canvas of their dreams
which is larger than the sky.
Though the canvas is larger than the sky but they have got enough colors
to make their future colorful but someone have to draw outline to help them out. Someone have
to make their color strong enough to fight the tempest.
Someone, Many, a lot of have helping these children, they need a lot more,
A lot more will join hands to complete the masterpiece the philanthropist have dreamed off.
Rain in Desert
Vijaypura, 30km from Shivpuri, A left turn on AB road will take you to a village connected with
road, from that village a kachcha road will take you to the Vijaypura. A small village, a
settlement of Sahariya tribe but other cast also lives on the outskirt of village.
A young man of desert decided to migrate to some other place where he will not have to die of
thirst; he set on his camel and left for an unknown destination.
Vijaypura have many small children but there is no Anganwadi to guide these children’s growth
in right way, a woman was hired as Anganwadi worker but there were no building to operate it.
After a long journey he was still in the desert, it was very hot out in desert, He was unable to
walk, even his camel tired of walking. He has no energy left in him, was not able to hold the rope
of camel, dragging himself, his eyes is almost closed, he is not even able to watch mirage.
She is having many difficulties to run the center, with her will to help the children she is coping
with the circumstances. At the dinner she shared her problem with her husband, he was very
tired because he is not getting her help in farm yet listened carefully to her.
A drop of water falls on his face, he came out of his unconsciousness, sky was dark and roaring,
dry and green leaves producing a soulful music ofjoy, wind was touching his heart, he was
almost wet in drizzle and suddenly his joy evaporated in the heat ofsun, he came out of a wet
dream to dry reality, worriedly lookedfor his camel but it wasn "t there.
Next morning she found her husband is knitting a roof with hay and wood, are you building itfor
our cattle, No, for Anganwadi, he replied without looking at her, but you have to go to farm to
water the corps, I have done it early morning. Here it is, your roof is ready, let fs go to build
walls. By the evening, the temporary Anganwadi was ready.
He followed the almost dissolvedfootmarks of his camel, or he supposed small sand dunes as
footmark but he was following, with hopes of camel and desire of water he was running. Luckily
he found his camel near a very small oasis, big enough to save his life.
10 days passed, she has not received her payment, she had to stop helping her husband in farm
because she wanted to run Anganwadi and convinced her husbandfor the little monetary help
she is going to do with her payment, she was very worried, her husband dint askfor money yet
but she supposed to give it to him before he ask. 1 dint get the payment yet, she told to her
husband, he said don’t worry I am there and left for the farm.
He found the hopes and desire together, but this is not forever, the oasis is too small to depend
upon it and too big to leave it, in few days, oasis dried. After mourningfor not saving water for
journey, he stood and left to search the ocean.
Crops are good, her husband is earning good but she is worried. Her husband came backfrom
city after selling corps with good amount of money and gives it to her without realizing that she
is home today. He might have not seen empty Anganwadi while entering the house. He asked as
soon as he realized why Anganwadi is closed. Didn’t getfood to distribute there for children are
not coming since 3 days.
Leaving so many marks on the chest of desert he reached the dead end, all hopes and desire died
seeing a sky high wall, a waterfall startedflowingfrom his eyes, after so many days of hell walk
he got nothing, he lift his face and screamed, his voice echoed, he screamed again , again a
voice came back behindfrom the wall but it was not his voice.
Her husband got upset after knowing that children did not get anythingfrom three days, their
families are poor, children must be starving we should do something, he picked his cell and
dialed the number of supervisor, he got an upset answer from upset voice. What happened she
asked him as soon as he finished call, it’s not comingfrom center, and even he does not have
anything in store? He picked moneyfrom her hand and said we will run this Anganwadi.
He somehow climbed the wall and saw many people are behind the wall, he came down and
asked why did you build this wall, it’s a dam, a young man answered, he was curiously thinking
, “why dam in desert ”, clouds roared, and rain started, he was almost wet and got the answer
of the question he dint even asked.
It’s been eight month she is running Anganwadi without any payment. Her husband is also
contributing with his whole heart.
name is munni, T
am a saharitja
We is «nj
far faotn here,do
not- have any public
-H<rc is
no AnyvMidi in our
saharana, and no ant
Correa, >75 dis+ribu-H
tv+ri-Hon food ^rom
is ow saharona
childrens arc
wC li< in
small hu4s v< build
v/i-Hi our own hands
in every faJuu’anawe keve shaJe
/sdl Bsngla, men gafherd there
women <re not allowed
and -Hitn
dts>ribu+e nu+ri-Hen^
■Hiey 8-hw+td a nu-M-Kon
rehab center j’or mal nourished su-^linOvt* evenxlay
-Kmes a dairror our j
ehik^n ear* 4n M%
axd «a> J-aod ha^ikj , aaai
-H<(j »A1 b«ea«*
Hi, Mynameischhotu
I hve in Gwalior
lam tOyearold
niome ,1 segregate this ma
terial, my sisters help me in
( I go to dumpyard with my
>— friends everyday
kv >
M^take ths waste
and My friends pick J
doient like this work
but she love to help me/
r I don't go to
dumpyard, i go toy/, »*|
r All girls in our area
weave carpets
Y Sometime I also
help my sister
She likes to
weave carpet
We study here N
.and also play many
k .useful games
friend's sisters dont
I fell on a
M ‘tjfe
* bracken glass bottol In dumpyard,alot of my blood drained in waste
• they r°ii
One day few people
came to meet us and
they also met with our
parents and asked
them not to send us
on work, they are now
providing us free
education and free
health checkup
and medicine also
we also learn
we go to school, we leam, we play
we dont go to dumpyard, we dont roll bidi
we dont weave carpet
The Chennai flood
No one realized when the whole city was under water, it was a sudden rage of nature or slow
greed of human, people are confused to whom they should complain, nature or government,
walking in water up to the waist was quite difficult and rain have started again, only the roof of
cars are visible, and in some place water level was even higher, people can see river, deep river
flowing through their streets, they can only wait and they are waiting, but it seems river have
forget its way andflowing through streets.
He is watching water flowing through his house, hopefully children and wife are not in
city, but he is helpless to contact them and tell them that he is alive, phone is not working, no
electricity, he can’t go out and look for help, water is flowing very near to the balcony of his
house, drinking water is about to over, he is surrounded by water but there is very less water to
drink, food has already over last night, he had to eat rotten apple, that’s the only thing was there
to eat, this habitat has turned into a dessert of water, everywhere is water, no sign of oasis.
Today he have nothing to eat, few drop of water he could collectedfrom each and every
bottle from home, he drop that water directly into his throat , he is standing in his balcony
hoping for rain, he is already surrounded by water but he had no other way to get water.
Something shining far in water, now he could even here the voice of human, after long time he
had seen human, as the boat came near he recognized that man, he is the man who used to come
to collect waste, he is the one who always been the victim of his anger, some time for not picking
the waste, some time for picking the waste without asking, some time to touch his car sometime
asking for tip.
He recollected the day when he was goingfor office when the guy come to pick waste and
asked for some tip, requesting for few bucks only, he said his little daughter has asked for ice
cream, he want just few bucks so that he can buy one for his daughter, ” you get salary from
government then why should I give you any tip? ”, “Sir, salary is very less, we manage with that
salary with very difficulties “, his request have started sounding like beg , he gave him twenty
bucks with the warning that if he ask again he will complaint about him.
Sahab! he suddenly realize that he is not sleeping nor he is in dream, he is really
standing in front of him , giving his hand to him, (< Come , I will take you to safe place ”, a hand
which he used to consider untouchable is there to save his life , the hand which was sent back
empty many times, the hand which used to pick waste from his house , that hand is savior now, it
was savior even before, the indirect savior is now standing in front of him as a direct savior , he
hold his hand and stepped into the boat, the temporary boat, a wooden block tied upon two tube
of some big vehicle , strong enough to save life . “Sahab, water “ he couldn’t understand that
was he asking for water or offering water, the only difference was water bottle in his hand, he
looked at his face then took bottle and started drinking water, today he got water from the
person he had denied several time, even asked to bring his own glass or disposal to drink water.
His life is saved by someone who was not even considered to shake hands, it may have not
changed his beliefs but it raised some question in his heart, he disappeared with his new friend,
their common water bottle and some question in their hearts.
Floating Hopes- a poem in Flood
Clouds, ambling on the sky
Carrying some dark pain in their heart
They hollered loud in nature's Arms
Swaying all over around
As a mother run for her lost child
Shedding tears on their brothers
All dream were deluging
And all the dwellings
Not to be sunk
Eyes were swimming
Nights couldn 't sleep
Days couldn 7 breathe
Promises sinking we could only see
We will get some hands
We will get some hopes
We will get hopes
Which can float.
The Susceptible
Non communicable disease are strongly linked to the lifestyle of the people, this story is a try to
show highlight the link.
Sun rising in the east, sun light is landing in his small lawn, penetrating trough tree, he woke up
with the song of birds, he sleeps every night but I do not sleep because I am his heart, I have to
thump and pump nonstop to help him live, but I wonder why he is not helping me. He woke up
and came out in lawn, looked up at the tree which refining the sun light and came back, he
brushed his teeth, shave his beard, took bath and came into the veranda and sat on his chair, this
chair is his only companion now, since morning to evening he sit on this chair only, beside chair
there is a small chair on which tea and food is delivered on time, timely service than any foreign
food merchant which are mushroomed in the city which are selling treat fir tongue and poison
for me.
He finished his morning tea and lit his first cigarette, he always start with one cigarette with a
promise to his wife that it is his last, and the day ends with many promises and sometime burned
fingers, she might be watching him breaking promises or might not, I am inside his chest I don’t
know about the other world he often think of, when she was alive , she was the bulwark between
him and smoke, when she was there he never broke his promise, he had promised her father that
he will not leave her in any circumstances, he did not, he was there in black and white time, he
was there till her touch become rime, he knew it before that companionship will not beforever or
may not last few years, he knew she was suffering and he offer his hand to become her strength,
on medicine she had spent some beautiful years with him, but she had to go and she left, since
then this chair is his companion and cigarette to measure time.
He broke his first promise and did new, smoke offirst cigarette still around, second one have
started adding in it, this smoke always hurts me, Ifeel like it squeezing me trying to bring life out
of me, but I am strong enough to survive this but how long, I often tell him that it is not goodfor
him but he don’t listen to me , he only listen to his brain, intelligence is the virtue of brain but
sometime it take very silly decision, every day I ask him to go for a walk but he doesn’t, brain
stops him by telling that he is old and walking and jogging is for young people to remain fit, he
should take rest, I am not as old as he is , even he is not old, it is the smoke which have made
brain fool that he is old. Once I have told brain that cigarette is danger for you, me and him, it
has written over the packet itself, brain told the warning is to mandatory according to the law
but people doesn’t die because of cigarette, they die because human are not immortal, neither
you nor I. I always insist brain to lead him to leave cigarette but they both feel much attached to
Sometime I feel like taking rest foi some time and sleep but 1 cannot, even if I want. One day
there were no smoke, no tea, it s all fresh air, and the and bright, I asked brain where we are, it
replied that we are in hospital because I had slept, but I did not, he angrily said yes you did, I
did not sleep, I might fell unconscious because of smoke, yes Ifell unconscious, I told brain that
it was because of cigarette, he wasn’t agree until the doctor asked to stop smoking.
Next morning, he did not get up from bed but he leaned towards the right side of bed, picked a
cigarette, he noticed the warning on pack, he turned over the pack and lit cigarette with a
promise to break.
Non communicable disease are the second burden which India is carrying, it has become the
major issue since the globalization of food and mechanization of work, in earlier times women
used to do all house hold work manually, small distance was traveled by walk, there were no or
less fancy ready to eat food with less nutrition value were in diet, these changes has happened
gradually and have made a big difference.
Tobacco, the silent killer, it kills people slowly and easily got away from the blame of being a
killer by those who are suffering and by those who are queuing up on the smoke zone in MNC
offices, at the kiosk and at the corner of every street whether a slum or a middle class settlement.
There is a warning on packs of tobacco product which are being either only seen by seller or
#Suicide.... Its trending
We accept Globalization because it was trending, we accept chemical fertilizers because they
were trending, we accept genetically modified seeds because they were trending, we accept
commercial corps because they were trending, and all this trend have started a new trend among
our farmers; suicide and its trending very high, though the news are being tried to suppress about
this trend but social media is strong to bring out every trend and spread information about the
suicide trend.
Why this trend become so prevalent? When we accept globalization be have accept the terms and
condition which were in favor of the one who steering it, and these has lead to the suppression of
the one who should be elevate and elevation on those who should remain on the level where they
are to reduce the gap, they have put amplifier named free market, SAP, AOA etc. between rich
and poor to amplify the gap.
Farmers, the feeder were forced to be the wealth generator for the MNCs, chemical fertilizers are
being used which are gradually reducing the fertility of land and pesticide which are being used
killing pest, farmers and people who eating that food. Seeds which they have to buy are very
costly then the seeds they used to use, they cannot preserve seed from their harvest because the
seeds which they are buying are terminating seeds, the excessive use ot natural gases by the
world has resulted in global warming and climate change which have led to the uncertainty of
weather, farmers who are depended on rain are in dilemma that when to saw, which to saw, often
they end up with fail crop and huge burden of loan and it has become a loop, government often
announce the relief packages which are not enough and there is no assurance about how much of
that relief cross the border of corruption, all these power push farmer into the deep and dark well,
in this conditions they either use rope which they have used to tie their ox , or their '‘Gamchha
a long scarf which they have used to wipe sweat from forehead while working on farms or
pesticide which they have used to cure crops to kill themselves.
Reflections on the documentary “I want my father bacK'.
Why Suicide?
Why you in hurry?
Wipe your eyes
There is no flurry
Why you want to burn your wings
You have endless sky to fly
Yet, you have not been to that high
So much ado, why?
Your son crawl
You have to make him walk
He will run behind, wearing a smile
Why you want him to squall
So much ado, why?
Your daughter's eyes shine
She giggles as breeze meet wind chime
Hopes are in gestation, don’t infanticide
She will hug you in bright bridle dress
So much ado, why?
After a discussion with Magimai about the widow mother who are prone to suicide.
The Umbrella (Solidarity)
/ cini an old black umbrella, with a hole on tny chest, I am with a cobbler since my last owner
had thrown me in dustbin, he picked me, repaired my arms and since then i am his only
companion in his quest of earning bread and butter for his family, his family is his old sick wife
,living in a temporary hut since their son asked them to leave house .
The old cobbler , having tea , as soon as he took last sip his wife gave him 2 chapatti she made
last night,wrapped in apiece of cloths gobbler smiles , picked me in his left hand and picked his
toolbox and we left for today’s struggle to earn bread and butter.
his hut is not so far from the road where he always setup his temporary workshop, on the way to
shop he always speaks his heart to me , "I am not getting much customer , should I change the
location , I might get new customer but what about the old once , someone who knows that I sit
here will come on that place ,what if I won’t get new customer ,i will lost old once too , what if
some other cobbler occupy my place after, no this place is nice ,near , and i can h walk much , I
have grown old
we reached, place his toolbox in front, sat on an old torn mat, I opened my arms and took him
into shade , and the wait starts , a long wait . “manufactures have increased the quality if the
shoes, even the local once ", he told me.
he is staring the shoes of every person walking from there, " if I see torn shoe I myself will
ask them to get it repaired, I will charge half of my labor " he suggested to himself.
sun is shining, so bright, cobbler shifted to his right as my shadow is tilted, its 4pm haven 7 got
any customer , chapattis waiting for cobbler and cobbler is waiting for customer , finally he
pulled that small clothe bag out of his pockets ,open it, he picked the chapattis out, ,a small
piece of dry mango pickle hidden inside the fold of chapatti, he ate a one and tied one piece of
pickle in that piece of cloth.
it's almost dark , I am lying besides cobbler , "last five minutes then we will leave for home ",
while he was telling me this ,we both saw a thin young man in dirty clothes coming , stumbling
,due to dark or due to his torn shoe, "would you like to get your shoe sole fixed ?”, cobbler
almost yelled, "I can’t ", "i will charge 10Rs only ", "I don’t have 10Rs","ok give me just five
bucks ", "if i would have 5rs I won’t be hungry ", dead silence , cobbler was lost into his thought
, "Come here" , asked the cobbler ,guy came to cobbler , "give me your shoe ” the young guy
stares at cobbler , looked into his eyes and gave the shoe to cobbler ,cobbler gave him the
chapatti and pickle ,now they are talking with their eyes , while that young guy eating cobbler
repaired the shoe ,the guy exchange the shoe with the piece of cloth which is empty now , only
the aroma ofpickle is left.
The guy put on the shoe and left, he is walking slowly, but not stumbling now, wonder the
stumbling was due to the empty stomach or due the torn shoe.
He left; he left a smile on cobblers face and a pleasure in his heart.
Community Health Learning Program
I have stepped into the social sector with the background of various technologies and little bit of
art, after the birth of my will to learn more I caught the wonderful opportunity to learn in CHLP,
I came with the notion that I will get the organized knowledge regarding health which is required
to work, but CHLP is not about only learning community health, it is about humanizing thoughts
and injecting values in soul. It feed your thoughts, it feed your soul, it nourishes emotion and
change sympathy into empathy.
Health for all, the dream which is there since 1978,1 wasn’t aware about it before coming here, I
knew where Alma Ata is but I did not know the significance of that place, Health for is a vision,
a destination that world has set in 1978, and willed to reach it by 2000AD but in 2000AD the
destination seemed far, there were many reason behind it, one was the lack of will and excess of
greed among the one who should have facilitate the journey. Efforts which were done were not
appropriate to build the wall between social, mental, physical, spiritual illness and social, mental,
physical, spiritual illness wellbeing, and to ask for the rights of being protected thousands of feet
were on street and words were in air and created a layer of revolution beneath the ozone.
SOCHARA was among the voices which were floating above India to inspire and aspire people
to stand for Health; they have recognized the gaps and innovate CHLP to produce building
blocks to bridge the gap. It does not only produce Community Health worker or Scholar activist,
it develops the sense of responsibility towards people.
CHLP is a learning program with no boundaries; here we get endless sky to fly, a canvas where
we can draw what we want with colors of our choice, we can write with our own words. A friend
always there to guide and help in difficulties. No bars no walls, the boundaries are beyond the
CHLP have made me a mirror, I can shine and reflect.
©o not findfault
lFind (Remedy.
-Henry Ford-
Rainbow- CHLP Fellows
I am a rainbow
You are a rainbow
We are a rainbow
Sands and thorns all over shattered
People crawling in desert, no one bothered
For bleeding knees and glint eyes
We are a rainbow.
When rain of notion fell upon
We threw our umbrellas and ran along
All black and white washed
We are a rainbow.
Dead rivers are alive again
Flowing through eyes, carrying pain
Behind the dark clouds
We are a rainbow
Let fs make it green, red, yellow
Building blocks of health, we the fellow
Let’s lead to Health for All, Make people follow
We are a rainbow
Dream ofHealth will crow
Nothing lastforever, pain or rue
We will bring Indigo, Orange, violet and blue
We are a rainbow
Tfe only person
‘You are destined to become
Is the person
You decided to be.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
Reflection on Dissemination meet
To serve the people "We have to remain young!!” These words are not as simple as they are
looking, to remain young while being young is not something which can seek your attention but
someone with silver hair and a beautiful face with sea waves and eyes like rising sun on the
Eastern Ghats remains young then its someone you should look upon, young in the sense of their
will, desire, notion everything is young and enthusiasm holding them together. There are a lot of
such young people who are living around us and representing a different kind of human who
never get tired, they are the bridge in between two generation because they represent the older
generation but still young.
Young people from the current generation who volitionally came to serve people must remain
young even when their face becomes the reflection of Indian Ocean. Their Idea, will and
enthusiasm must remain young and silent. Silent to listen, listen to the call of help which is in the
air always, listen and work and let work indemnify words.
To remain young, a lot need to be learn from the people who are still young and carrying the sun
in their eyes and ocean on their face, we was fortunate enough to meet such young people under
the one roof and it all happened under the shadow of SOCHARA. Two wonderful day of
learning opportunity had come to us and I am looking forward to learn the art of remain young.
A lot of experience was gathered under the one roof and knowledge was floating in the air and it
was up on us to grab it and keep it in forever.
There was a necessity of discussing ethics as we are among the people and protecting their rights
and autonomy is our duty and being ethical menace being responsible towards the people which
cannot be taught but we have to develop it by catching it from the people who practice their
responsibilities towards people and it was a great opportunity to catch such leanings.
Health, which has brought these people together under one roof, Health for all is the motive for
which all are putting their efforts in. Health for All has become a dream which has not been
become true even after so much effort and there are many reasons behind this and political will is
one of them.
There is no draught of ideas yet rain of will is yet to fall upon and wash the dust of corruption
from the eye of the people who do not want to behold the truth.
(Be a goocf Cistener
Tour ears witf never get you in trouble.
-Frank Tyger-
In A Nutshell
One line Stories
He fell down, no body laughed, only he smiled.
It had rained; every leaf of every tree was shining.
The only bus was too full, the old lady entered into an empty bus.
The blind man fell down; he collected all his money and got up.
He led both in right way, his shadow and his soul
A paper ball hit on back of teacher, when he looked back, a boy was already standing.
He is on his way to India, to cast his vote.
After casting his vote, he headed bank for pension.
There is no rain this year, he opened his tube well for everyone.
A Tribute to Rohit
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
pan y^ftksa esa ;s dg jgk gq
dqN cfUn'ks vHkh Hkh Ig jgk gwj
bu cafn'kksa ds ikj tkuk Fkk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fyfkrk
vHkh rks dye us vka[k [kksyh Fkh
nqfu;k dSIh gS ;s tkuk Fkk
dqN cksyuk Fkk eq>s ml dye Is
fny fe;u D;k gS ;s crkuk Fkk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
;s jkS'kuh tks lfn;ksa Is v;ka gS
bu flrkjksa ds ikj Hkh ,d tgkj gS
mu cqyafnvksa Is vkxs eq>s tkuk Fkk
mu jks'kfu;ks dks t+ehu ij ykuk Fkk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
vHkh ckfd gS jksVhvksa ij bart+kj dh jaxr
vHkh ckfd gS is'kkuh ij fnu Hkj dh esgur
vHkh ckfd gS gkFkks eSa ;dhu dh deh
cl esjs eu dks le>kuk Fkk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
tks fy[kk oks dkQh gS
yfltksa dk leanj fQj Hkh ckfd gS
tks VwVh df r;k fdukjs ij caekh gSa
mllgsa ikj yxkuk Fkk
vHkh eSa FkksM+k vkSj fy[krk
Hopes never die
Iksprk gwj dh pyrh jgs Qtnxh
py jgh gS rks fQj ;s ek;wlh D;wj gS
cPpksa dh vka[ks Hkjh vkSj isV [kyh gS
[kqyh gqA vkjfkksa esa ;s csgks’kh D;wj gS
vkokt+ djks vkSj fgyk nks cqfu;kn&,&t+kfye
t+qYe gks jgk gS rks ;s Ijxks’kh D;wj gS
jst+k&jst+k feydj curk gS igkM+
bUksQkd gS rks fQj ;s ek;wlh D;wj gS
A reflection on current situation
This poem is the extract of what I have learned here about schizophrenia and the thoughts
triggered when Dr. Thelma shared an incident about a person who has scared a woman in
koramngla but he was not trying to attack or afraid her, that woman called on helpline number of
Bangalore police, and later that person was recognized as veterinary doctor who was suffering
from schizophrenia.
D;k rqeus eq>s ns[kk ;gkj] eSa vHkh rks ;gE Fkk
vHkh vHkh rks xqtjk Fkk ;gkj Is] ;s ns[kks dneks ds fu'kka
eSa fey twu rks eq>s crkuk uke ysdj cqykuk
ekj ns[krh gksxh jkLrk esjk cgqr nsj gqA ?kj gS tkuk
esjs f[kykSus eq>s <w<rs esjs ihNs ihNs vk;s Fks
u tkus dgkj [kks x, ] Fkd dj dgE Iks x,
rqe vius Is eq>s yx jgs ] D;ksa vkAus Is rd jgs
cgkj rks t+jk vkuk ] dqN dgkfu;ka rqEgs gS Iquuk
Ic u tkus D;wj eq>s MkaVrs ]u tkus D;wj eq> Is Hkkxrs
u tkus D;wj gwj eSa d+Sn esa ]eq>s vktkn gS gks tkuk
dksA fu esjs IkFk] u idM+us dks dksA gkFk
Mj cgqr yx jgk gSJrqe IkFk esjs vkuk
eq>s ;kn cgqr gs esjh vk jgh] vkj[kksa esa cnyh gS Nk jgh
cl vkSj vc u eq>s #ykuk] vjeksjk gks jgk gS ?kj tkuk
A poetry that reflect the positive and negative of today’s world
jaxr cktkjksa dh ekwfey yxus yxsxh
ut+js >qdk dj tc pyus yxsaxs yksx
mEehn j[kuk vc cl cstk dh ckr gS
cqXt+ ekj cki Is Hkh j[kus yxs gSa yksx
efjvrS Hkh vc Nqik dj fudyuk
ekSr esa Hkh ekSdk rkdus yxs gSa yksx
u tkus [kqn dks D;k le> cSBs gSa
xqLls Is vleku rkdus yxs gSa yksx
vkj[kksa ds vkAus vc dqN cksyrs ugE
lax Ihus eSa vc j[kus yxs gSa yksx
Fkds gq, eqlkfQjksa dks Hkh ywV ysrs gSa
[kat+j jksfV;ks esa j[kus yxs gSa yksx
vleku Is ekSr cjlrh gS ckj ckj
D;k das vleku ij j[kus yxs gSa yksx
QkSyknh tathjs VwV tkrh gSa vc b'kkjksa Is
vudgh c8Vu ij ;dhu j[kus yxs gSa yksx
rM+i dj pjkx ty mBs gSa fQj Is
cnydj fQj Is cnyus yxs gSa yksx
vHkh Vjeksjk ugE gqvk gS bl xyh esa
njoktksa ij fQj Is fn;k j[kus yxs gSa yksx
Everywhere will be you
Like what you do
Love what you do
Then there will be no fall andflaws
Everywhere will be you
Behold, You can behold beyond the vision
Listen, You can listen beyond the silence
Feel, and you will be alive again
Everywhere will be you
No one but you can
You can go beyond the sky
Believe, You can fly
Everywhere will be you
Listen to heartfrom heart
Behold the heartfrom heart
Talk to heart looking into eyes
Everywhere will be you
This poem I have written after a very motivating session with Magimai
Trying, not to break them anymore.
I will make them alive, I will live them forever.
A smile forever, a love forever.
All this pain and sorrow won't lastforever.
Can 7 lastforever.
Hope ain't ended, hope ain't lost yet.
This poem I have written to motivate myself in 2011 when I was kind of dejected with the
pendulum swing I was going through, Now I find it more relative to me as now I am among the
millions of eyes who are dreaming Health for All and 1 have to keep hopes alive.
Day of love
When Dawn of blues came
Shadows ofsorrow put me into dark
You came as autumn of love
Trees gave up their leaves
Glare ofyour love reaches my heart.
Sun ofyour love illuminated my life.
You turned me out of the darkness
You ignited love in my heart
My life was smoldering in loneliness
Darkness, loneliness, you put both of them apart
You are in my heart.
Your scent is floating around
I am floating in the time
Your fragrance is divine, taking me to you
Our souls within and love is around
It's Day of our love, its day of love
You are in me, I am you
All I has vanished, its only we
We have dissolved in love
Only scent of love is around.
Divine is me, divine is thy, divine is day of love
You are in me.
Spiritual Health we Indian have added to the definition of health, and it is true that to attain the
physical, social, and mental health spiritual health should be attain, this poem I have written to
spiritually heal myself. The day of love is the day of meeting of soul and God.
;s mnklh dSIh gS
;s xqy'ku ohjku D;wj ];s mnklh dSIh gS
Ip cksyus okyksa dks ;s Qkalh dSIh gS
D;wj mtkM+ jgs ifjans [kqn vkfk;kus vius
;s [kkSQ D;wj ;s cngoklh dSIh gS
gSjrtnk gS vkt vQlkuk fuxkj [kqn
dye dks dRy djrh ;s dgkuh dSIh gS
;wj rks jkst VwVrs g8a rkjs gtkj
bUksgkn VwVk ;s gSokuh dSIh gS
tgkj [ksyk djrs Fks cPps jkst
ogka dfczLrku Ih ohjkuh dSIh gS
blllku gh blllku dk nq'eu gS
vQlksl Ikn vQlksl ;s ftanxkuh dSIh gS
This poem is my reflection on Kashmir and Palestine, I have written it in 2011, now it is very
relative to circumstances occurring in India day by day.
No Words Needed
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SOCHARA - Batch 2015-16 Calendar
’Son Dion .Toe.-U)cd
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
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The Annual Meet Phototoons
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Alumni, Mentors ord
Bissemination Workshop
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Best of luck!! ("
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build communi
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was happy when a
girl from CHIP ,
presented in Hindi
equality for
learning process
if someone says
This is my land
How could you own me X.
I belong to nature
XJ |
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U \ Shifting paradigms
I wanted to be a bird
To fly across the sky
But bird can be caged
Therefore I became wind
I wanted to be a fish
To swim across the seas
Fish can be caught
Therefore I became ocean
I wanted to be a candle
To omit the dark
Candle can be ceased
Therefore I became sun
I wanted to be a song
To be sing by all
But song can be forget
Therefore I became rhythm
I wanted to be a tree
To stand tall and strong
Tree can be unearthed
Therefore I became jungle
I wanted to be notion
To reside in hearts
Notion can be faded
Therefore I became emotion
I wanted to be a shelter
To let everyone retreat
But whole world is myfamily
Therefore I became sky
I wanted to be a destination
To host the flag of win
But the journey never lasts
Therefore I became guide
Etymological point of view expresses that the word ‘Saharia’ is the combination of two
independent words like “Sa’ (companion) and ‘Haria’ (tiger) which mean companion of
tiger. The most common view is that the present designation of tribe name is said to given by
some Muslim rulers (probably by Ruler of Shahabad) who found them residing in the jungle: the
Arabic word ’Sahara’ means ’desert’ or ’wilderness’.
Saharia are found mainly in Gwalior, Shivpuri, Morena, Guna district of Madhya Pradesh.
Saharia lives in cluster of houses called k‘Saharana". The houses of Saharia are mainly built of
stone, use mud as adhesive and roofs are mainly of stone slabs, this particular type of house is
called 'Tator".
Prevalence of tobacco and alcohol is very high, due to this exposure males in general and
females in particular consume tobacco as well as alcohol which have caused tribe to suffer with
many diseases.
The main disease found among Saharia tribe is Pulmonary Tuberculosis, TB mainly affecting
males of tribe but also seen among women(l). The prevalence of Sputum positive pulmonary
tuberculosis was 12.7/1000 (2)
Prevalence of tobacco and alcohol is very high, due to this exposure males in general and
females in particular consume tobacco as well as alcohol which have caused tribe to suffer with
many diseases.
The main disease found among Saharia tribe is Pulmonary Tuberculosis, TB mainly affecting
males of tribe but also seen among women(l). The prevalence of Sputum positive pulmonary
tuberculosis was 12.7/1000 (2)
Saharia are prone to many communicable diseases therefor the study was plan to document
health practices of Saharia and understand their perception of health depend upon the
documented actions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in its 1948
constitution as ”a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity. (7)
As the WHO defined health is a state of complete physical, mental and social Well-Being, while
wellbeing is defined as '"The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy” (8)
So with reference of above two definitions we can say Health is a state of physical, mental,
social comforts. If a personal is comfortable in all these aspects can be refer as a healthy person.
A new definition of wellbeing as the balance point between an individual’s resource pool and the
challenges faced (9).
From the above definition of wellbeing it can be said that wellbeing menace having enough
resources to face the challenges comes in life, challenge can be physical, social, mental and
economic if the person have enough resources to address these process can be said that he is in
state of wellbeing, and if a person is in state of social, physical and mental wellbeing can be
referred as healthy.
Perception of Sahariya tribe will be understood through this study and the perception will be
compared with the actual health status of Sahariya tribe in context of above definition.
Research Question:What is the Perception ofSahariya tribe about health and what action do they take
to maintain their health?
Aim: To understand their perception of health and health related
1. To assess the Socio-Economic status of Sahariya Tribe.
2. To Document the action taken to maintain health by Sahariya
3. To document specific action taken for preventing illnesses.
This research study is done by using qualitative and quantitative research to persuade the
objective of the research, to assess the socio economic status of the participant quantitative
method is used and to document the action qualitative method is used. In quantitative method
survey questioner is used as tool to collect the data and kuppuswami scale is used to analyze the
socio economic status of participants. To document the action taken to maintain health and
prevent disease qualitative method is used with the help of In-depth interview guideline and
thematic analysis is done.It was a cross sectional study descriptively done; in a specific time
period in Vijaypura village in Kolaras block of Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh. The
population of Vijaypura is about 700. The sample size for survey was 25 and for In-depth
interview was 10, for survey systematic random sampling was suppose to done but that village
was suffering draught and due to migration very less people were there , researcher could only
done 22 survey and 9 in-depth.
Data Collection
Study has three objectives and to pursue objectives Survey and in-depth interview method was
used. As per the objective and aim of study data collection tool was designed, to collect data for
the first objective i.e. socio-economic status assessment, a survey questionnaire was designed
and survey was done with it. To collect the qualitative data; In-depth interview guideline was
prepared and data was collected in the form of filed notes.
The quantitative data was analyzed using Excel and to assess socio economic status data was put
into the Kuppuswami scale updated according to the current economic and social circumstances.
For qualitative data thematic analysis was done.
Ethical Issues
Consent is taken before data collection, few denied to give signature on consent form hence they
were not included in study. All the data is encrypted as anonymous and the details of participants
are not disclosed with anyone.
The first objective of the study is to assess socio economic status of the participant for that the
collected data was put into the Kuppuswami scale.
Charts below is showing the results
Daily Wages
Chart 1: Occupation
Chart 2: Income
Read & Write
Read Only
Chart 3: Literacy
Semi Pacca
Chart 4 : Housing
Socio- Economic Status
Upper lower
Lower Class
Chart 5: Socio-Economic Status
Knowledge of Health welfare scheme
Chart 6: Knowledge of Health welfare Scheme
Care Seeking
36% Male
100% of
64% Female
Info Graph 1: Care Seeking
45% of
Lower Class
i.e. 10
food -5
22 ’
Lower Class '
Lower Class
to Doctor-1
Hygiene and
Healthy food -7
Hygiene -2
Hygiene and
Healthy food -7
Info Graph 2: Action to prevent Disease
Sahariya used to be the hunter-gatherer but over the time there occupation has changed, in the
context of research area the major participants were daily wages worker, during the data
collection it was hard to find people because most of them have migrated to nearest city for work
or they were in nearest tow n to work. Chart 1 is showing the occupation details.
The chart 2 is showing the income of last 60 days, which is quiet low and most of them are
illiterate Chart 3. 81% of participant was living in the Kachcha type of houses (Chart 4)
The socio economic status using kuppuswami scale is 41% of the participants are in upper lower
and 59% are in lower class and the reason for the difference between two class is not income but
the occupation and literacy.
Care seeking behavior of participant were not that diverse as only nine percent of them were
using Government facilities while 86% of them were using the private, in context of the private
service, there were only informal providers who situated at nearby village, 5% i.e. only one
participant was using home remedy. As shown in Info Graph 1 all the participants of upper lower
section were only using the private available service. They go the private informal provider
because it is near as they said, they also said that they go to private doctor because of the friendly
behavior of the doctor, one participant said that,” we go to that doctor because his medicine suits
Action to taken by participant to prevent disease is explained in info graph 2, there were total 22
surveys done from which 13 were in lower class and 9 were in upper lower class, 7 from the each
class said they eat healthy food and maintain hygiene to prevent disease while 5 from the lower
class said they eat health food and 2 from upper lower class said they only practice hygiene.
Understanding of Health
To document the understanding of health of participant, in-depth interview were conducted, most
of the participant said that absence of disease is health. One participant said that if he is weak
and unable to work that menace he is unhealthy while some other participant said that "'a person
who can eat without any problem , who is perform his day to day task properly is said to be
healthy" and he further added that if he is not ill. One participant told he doesn't know what he
should tell while another kept quiet and dint describe his understanding of health.
Understanding of Hygiene and Sanitation
Understanding of hygiene and sanitation of the participants were same, all of them said that
hygiene and sanitation keep disease away, one participant said that if they do not keep
surroundings clean there will be stagnant water which will lead to mosquito bread and could
cause malaria, one other participant said that if they do not maintain sanitation then fly will
spread the diseases. For personal hygiene all of them said that they do take bath daily and wash
hand before meal and after defecation, although there was total open defecation. Most participant
state that they use ashes or clay to wash hands. Only one participant mentioned about oral
hygiene he said he use Neem tree stick to clean my teeth.
Action to prevent Disease
Most of the participant state eating healthy food as their action, to prevent disease; they said they
also practice the hygiene and sanitation, one participant said that, ”what we will do we don’t
know anything , panchayat have done fogging to kill mosquito” .One other participants said f
We also pul mosquito net even after the fogging'. Another participant said that they manage
drainage of waste water to prevent disease.
Disease Occur in Last two month
Many participants have suffered of malaria, one has said that he has suffering from asthma
though he was smoking that time, one participant said that he haven’t faced any problem in last
two month but then his wife spoke and told he has suffered from fever. One has said he is
suffering of diarrhea.
Knowledge of Illness
Only two of the participant who suffered malaria knew the reason and only one knew the
symptoms. One participant said that her daughter in law suffered of extreme cough after the
sterilization. One who had diarrhea said that he is having this problem because he often eat
One participant said on the prescription of nearby doctor he went for the blood test, after blood
test doctor said he is suffering from the 44Bone Fever"
First Reaction and Action
The reaction to illness was diverse as per the nature of illness, one participant said for chest pain
they first did the fomentation before visiting the doctor, another said for cough they have used
turmeric powder and salt, one participant said also mentioned about the food they used to give to
their daughter in law after she went through sterilization 44 -we used to give her Lapti (a petite
made of Milk, Sugar, -wheat flour) ’’.one women said she first went to ASHA and took pills from
him for fever then she went to private doctor.
Most of the participants have seek care from informal private provider and said their experience
was good as the doctor were friendly however those who have visited the government facility
was not happy with the experience they have got, one participants said that he went to the nearest
Community Health Centre where he was admitted for malaria but he dint get the bed and was on
the Boor. Another participant said that he visited to the doctor (Informal Provider) he gave some
medicine which gave temperately relief so he went to the nearest Primary Health Centre where
he has given medicine without any diagnosis since he wasn’t getting any relief he went to a
private hospital in Guna district where he went through the diagnose process and he has been
told that he has caught asthma.
Participants were either from the lower class or from the upper lower class and the difference
between two class was not the income hence income for both class were low ( Chart 2). The
expenditure occurred during past one year was quiet high for them one said he had spent about
20000 including bus and taxi fare and he is indebted due to this. One said to take care of his and
his daughter in law’s illness they have to spent ISOOORs. Only 6 knew about the health welfare
scheme and only one have accessed it. Due to the high expenditure all of them were under debt,
many people have taken loan and repaying by working for them.
The study was done to find the answer for the question; what is the Perception of Sahariya tribe
about health and what action do they take to maintain their health?
As per the definition by a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity while as per the findings of the study they have
defined health as the absence of the illness. They said they do practice hygiene and sanitation butg
as observed there were total open defecation however there were no toilets but they were goinglj
for open defecation to the place which is very near to the village. They were aware about how
malaria is being spread and where the mosquito breeds but there were stagnant water even inside
the house.
Most of the participants were either smoking or chewing tobacco. There were knowledge but it
wasn’t reflecting in their attitude and behavior.
Another question is about the health welfare scheme, since there is heath welfare scheme for
Sahariya tribe but only few of the participant knew about it and only one have utilized it being a
tribe they are entitled to several benefits, for education there are hostel for their children almost
all the eligible children were in hostel in other districts, they utilizing the benefits of education
schemes but they either don’t know about the health schemes or they are not utilizing it.
Reason behind not utilizing the scheme could be that they are preferred to go to the nearest
informal provider, these informal provider are practicing allopathic medicine without any
authority to use it and can be labels as quack but the participants were referring them as doctor,
no one have used any local term for these quack such as “Jhhola Chhap” or “Bangali”. These
quacks cither from their village or in the nearby village, participants said that they visit them
because they are near and their behavior is good and they give attention to them, no one have cite
any economic reason to visit them.
In Madhya Pradesh ASHA have given the responsibility to take of some illness with the help of
provided 16 types of medicine which is being kept at Anganwadi and anganwadi is also being
referred as
Gram Arogya Kendra but no one apart from one woman have utilized this facility
while ASHA is from the same village and always available.
Local health tradition, Sahariya earlier used to live in forest as the hunter gatherer and their
health care was the local healih tradition since they have been living in villages and their
livelihood has changed from forest product to agriculture and daily wages they are now
depended on the available heath care system however some of them has mentioned about the
home remedy which are quite common, no one have said that they used local health tradition,
one participant said that he know
how he can cure his illness with local health tradition but he
said rather than going to forest and searching for herb he go to doctor in nearby village.
Livelihood is a social determinant of health, the livelihood of Sahariya tribe has totally changed
over the time after the change of their habitation, they have started doing agriculture as they have
given land by government, those who have not confirmable with agriculture have sold their land
and other who were doing agriculture they are now in dilemma whether to stay back or to go
nearby town in search of work as there were no proper rain since last three years and they have
to buy water for irrigation. Most of them are working as daily wage worker in farms of other big
farmer and some time they get a part of harvest as wage. 81% of the participants were registered
under the MNREGA but 77% of the registered participants have not got work for more than a
This study has brought out the perception of the tribe about health and the difference between the
knowledge attitude and behavior also have put light on the other aspect which are linked with the
Because the prevalence of various communicable disease is high among Sahariya (2), the study
was done to document the action and understand the perception of Sahariya tribe about health.
As per the finding there is a gap between knowledge and action. The gap between the perception
and action can be bridge however it will take time. The knowledge is there with them the change
needs to be done in the behavior which will take time. The aim of the study is find out the health
related perception and action of Sahariya tribe, as per the perception concern they perceive
health as the absence of illness only however they know the significance of hygiene and
sanitation and they said they do practice the personal hygiene but environmental hygiene was
missing as the open defecation was very near and there were stagnant water even inside the
Since there no toilets the deification is have to be in open as Sahariya are poor cannot built the
toilet own their own as most of them were already under debt due to medical expenses, they
should be mobilized about
the Swachchh Bharat Mission so that it can be utilized. For
healthcare they are entitled for many benefits which should be mobilized.
In tribes the local health tradition used to be their primary care system but in context of study are
it wasn't seen, it should be revitalized in order to provide self sufficiency to them which they Had
| before.
The problem of livelihood is also exist as there is no rain and daily wages are not good enough
some time they get only a part of harvest as their wage , MNR.EGA should be mobilized to
ensure at least some form of livelihood for them.
Rao VG, Gopi PG, Bhat J, Selvakumar N, Yadav R, Tiwari B, et al. Pulmonary tuberculosis: a
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Kapoor S, Tyagi R, Saluja K, Chaturvedi A, Kapoor A. Nutritional profile and socio-economic
status of Saharia, a primitive tribe of India. OAJ. 2009:6:58-63.
4. Sharma PR. Tiwari PK. Health status of Sahariya tribe of central India. Rural Remote
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Community Health Learning Programme is the third phase
of the Community Health Fellowship Scheme (2012-2015)
and is supported by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai and
International Development Research Centre, Canada.
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