PHM _24_AID_1_SUDHA.pdf
- extracted text
place a want ad with AID-India
Subject: place a want ad with AID-India
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:35:05 +0500
From: Ravi & Aravinda <>
To: Abhigam Collective <>,,
Pete Bakos <>, ”M. Balaji Sampath and K. Kalpana” <>,
CEHAT <>, Community Health Cell <>
We will have a volunteer recruitment and placement service at our AID-India
stall at the upcoming Panchgani conference. Are you looking for volunteers
from a city background? If so, please send your requirements in the
following format. Sample ads follow.
Duration of stay:
Languages required:
Skills required:
Work to be done:
Minimum 2 weeks
Communication (oral and written)
Survey villagers on health conditions, write report
Duration of stay:
Languages required:
Skills required:
Work to be done:
write report
6 "months
Hindi or English
Arithmetic, basic data analysis, medical knowledge prefers
Compile statistics from medical records of a hospital,
Duration of stay:
Languages required:
Skills required:
Work to be done:
Minimum 3 months
Tamil preferred, English ok ■>
Communication, counseling / medical knowledge a plus
Wide range of work pertaining to community based village
screening and treatment program
Anywhe re
Duration of stay:
As long as it takes
Languages required:
English, and at least 1-2 Indian languages
Skills required:
Ecology, Geology, Environmental Science - research and
data* analysis
Develop a technique to find out the groundwater stored by
Work to be done:
different kinds of forests
Duration of stay:
Languages required:
Skills required:
Work to be done:
Visakha District, Andhra
Minimum 1 month
Communication, artistic skill preferred, team-spirit
Village meetings for constructive work & savings
Association for India's Development
research, direct action^advocacy, and fundraising for just,
equitable, sustainable development for life and livelihood
vikas chahiye. vinash nahin.
12/20/00 10:04 AM
Subject: Greetings
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 14:24:32 +0530
From; Community Health Cell <>
Organization: Community Health Cell
Dear Aravinda & Ravi,
Greetings from CHC. The postal address address is enclosed. Also a New
Year letter from CHC. We are glad to be known in NBA/AID circles as
Lalit’s parents.
He was quite thrilled to know that Medhahehn
recognised us in this capacity. The millenium camp at Domkhedi has been
a life-time stimulus for him as he moves towards a vocation in Biology /
Ecology direction.
The November issue of Health Action magazine was a collation of the key
events, declarations and initiatives in Community Health in India which
we edited. It may be a good background for all of you who wish to/have
orientation / training in Community Health. Ygu can get copies-from
them in Secunderabad. Write to Dr. Mani Kalliath (email : of CHAI.
Glad to know that you are in touch
with CEHAT. Abhay, Anant and others are doing excellent work. All the
best in your work.
Best wishes,
PS: A CHC team member Mr. Nagarajan who left us for a job in Papua New
Guinea is returning after many years to Bangalore end of next year. We
have asked him to get in touch with you all as a returning NRI since one
of his options is looking at energy problems in India and appropriate
Ravi. Narayan.
SA—M -e
Subject: helio
Date: Sai. 23 Dec 2000 00:05:10 +0500
From: Ravi & Aravinda <>
To: Community Health Cell <>
Dear Ravi Narayanji,
it was very nice to meet you in Calcutta. We are thinking seriously about
taking training in community health from CEHAT, and building our resources
(from zero!) in this direction.
I did not realize then that you are Lalit’s father. Small world after all!
May we have your postal address?
Association for India’s Development
research, direct action, advocacy, and fundraising for just,
equitable, sustainable development for life and livelihood
vikas chahiye. vinash nahin.
Date; Thu, 07 Jim 2001 17:18:54 +0530
From: Community Health Cell <sochara@v.^>
Organization. Community Health Cell
Dear Neha,
The Association for India's Development (AID) is a group which was
initiated by Indian students in the USA 10 years ago. .Many of thorn were
engineers and computer science post graduates. AID now has 25 chapters
in different universities in the USA and 3 chapters in India primarily
with AIDers who have returned to India. Some of them have changed track
and opted for full time development work. AID-US chapters raise funds
and currently support about 100 projects in India. Though aprocess of
interaction with groups / individuals they are themselves Cj+ouffi ng>frf
BKclr social and political understanding. I was recently at their tenth
anniversary ^unference and was greatly impressed by their energy and
openness. ’Some of them have been included in the PHA process. It would
be useful for mfc members to be in touch with them.
ft.”’ ' he prompt response.
i j r. T h e 1 ma Na raya n,
Community Health Cell.
From the MFC bulletin editor
” ' ’ /'b-hi
-■ -
Jte: Tue, o JunzuOi
55 0530------From: ”neha madln alia” <u ’ ??>
,>, <>
CC: "CHC - Xavi auu Tiicmia* ^suuhara@vsnLcom>
Dear friends,
I heard from Thelma Narayan that you would be interested in receiving the Medico Friend Circle Bulletin. Thank you for your interest We
would be delighted ifyou would like to subscribe to the bulletin, . The bulletin is a bimonthly and has a mix of informative articles, debates.
on several issues and news about MFC members’ activities.
The editorial office is Bombay from where the bulletin is posted.
C/o Neha Madhiwalla
B/3 Fariyas,
143 August Kranti Marg
The subscription has to be sent to the registered office in Pune
Medico Friend Circle
11, Archana Apartments,
163 SolapurRoad, Hadapsar,
Pune – 411028.
The subscription rates for U.S based readers is as follows - annual membership -15 dollars, life membership -150 dollars
To give you an idea of the kind of articles printed, I have attached some of the articles published in the past issues of last’year.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Warm regards,
anil gumber.doc
Type: Winword File (application/msword)
: Encoding: base64
Name: 01-01-MFCB-Editorial
iV]01-01-MFCB-Editorial (l).rtfj
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[’.?]Blindness in India.doc
Name: Blindness in India.doc
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Rr Prom the MFC bulletin editor
Subject: Re: From the MFC bulletin editor
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 12:15:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kirankumar Vissa <>
To: neha madhiwalla <>,
CC: CHC - Ravi and Thelma <>
Dear Neha
Thanks a lot. for your email and for the articles you forwarded.
T am certainly interested ir subscribing to the bulletin. T wil
i ha ii .< yo u
—•- neha madhiwalla <> wrote:
> Dear friends.
W T heard from Thelma Narayan that you would be interested ir ^eceivin^ the
> *-<.3200 iuT-uGno ourole
rnanx you nor your muerest • ivo wouj.c? 1g
> delighted if you wourd like to subscribe to the bulletin. The bulletin is a
> bimonthly and has a mix of informative articles, debates on several issues
> and news about MFC members' activities.
> The editorial office is Bombay from where the bulletin is posted-
s C/o Neha Madhiwalla
> B/3 Fariyas,
>143 August Kranti Marg
> Mumbai 400036
> The subscription ha*- to be sent to the registered office in Pune
> Medico Friend Circle
> 11, Archaea Apartments,
> 1 du S0-i.apur Hoad, Maoapsar,
> Pune — 411028.
The* subscription rates for U.S based' readers is as follows - annual
> membership - 15 dollars, life membership - 150 dollars
> To give you an idea of the kind of articles printed, 1 have attached sozr;G of
> the articles puhlishcd in the past issues of last year.
> Hoping to hear from you soon.
> Warm regards,
> Meha Madhiwalla
> ATTACHMEHr part 2 application/msword name^anil gumber.doc
ATTACHMENT part 3 application/msword name=01-01-MFCB-Editorial (1).rtf
6/18/01 10:09 AM
Repayment for ticket from NY to Washington
Subject: Re: Repayment for ticket from NY to Washington
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 02:31:07 -0300
From: "Kirankumar Vissa" <>
To:**'Community Health Cell” <>, "Jo Maher" <>
CC: "Jitin Singhal" <>
Dear Thelma,
Sorry I was out of town and could not catch up on the email. Sure, we will
settle the expenses part with Jo Maher and CAFOD-UK directly. Thanks
again for your time and everything. Hope to visit CHC on my next trip to
Ki ran
Dear Jo Maher,
Could you please let me know in whose name the check should be payable to,
^nd the address to mail it to?
B*so, we would be able to send a check in US dollars. Would that be fine
with you?
As soon as we hear from you, we can send the money over.
Ki ran
-------- Original Message-------From: Community Health Cell <>
To: Kirankumar Vissa < >; Jo Maher <>
Date: Thursday, June 07, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: Re:Payment for ticket from NY to Washington
>Dear Ki ran and Jo
>1 saw the note from Jo Maher from CAFOD-UK regarding the cost of the
>flight from New York to Washington. Would it be possible for both of
>vpu to settle it directly as to how the amount should be paid, which
>be easier than involving me. If there are still difficulties let me
>With best wishes
>Thelma Narayan
Do You Yahoo’?
Get your free address at
6/18/01 10:10 AM
Something for AID, Bangalore to think about(Regd. the ani-polluti on drive)..
Subject: Something for AD), Bangalore to think about(Regd. the ani-polluti on drive) ..
Date: Thu. 21 Jun 2001 18:49:44 +0530
From: Pallavi Nhgarnj 2,- com
Hi RaviNarayan,
am Pallavi, volunteer of AIDBangalore• I working for Aspect Development
got your email-id from Mashood Kandy who happens to be colleague here.
Take a look at the below matter.
Forwarded by Pallavi Nagaraj/APAC/i2Tech on 01-06-21 18:47
"Raj agopalan,
<Ma shood_Kandy@ i>,
<laxman.raj agopalan@,,>
<laxman• rajagopalanGmtel. com>,
"Rajagopalan, Laxman"
madhulikaOl Sisyahoo. com,
"’'" <meerak@infy .com>,
01-06-21 11:55
^allavi naaara_; ^i2. com sharat^ouest—india. com,
3UKUMAR3@mfy. com, ushankarGmf y. com,
vanic_shetty@yahoo. com,
<gururaj_ torviGyahoo. com>,
"'keerti_torvi@yahoo .com'"
” 'na_ga@hotmail . com' ’’
<na>, "’jos’"
k j o s_>,
“ 5 spadubidriisoresis. com' " <spadubidri@oresis com>,
"Nag, Prantik K"
<prantik.k.nag@intel. com>
Something for AID,
Bangalore to think about(Regd. the
ani-polluti on drive) ..
Ur AID’ers and Friends:
If you remember., sometime back I had sent out a draft that we(Muthu and
myself) had made in response and in support of a PIL that was filed in the
Bangalore high court to reduce pollution in the citv.
jm* t-•?
uro had
planner to send this out individually, but later this took the form of a
signature campaign(due to logistical nightmares..! guess). This campaign
was initiated within the company and in the end we were able to muster more
than 250 signatures that supported the memorandum which we submitted to the
presiding judge in the high court. If we had more time we could've gotten
more attestations and we could've made a stronger impact. The author of the
1 of 3
6/22/01 10:40 AM
Something for AID. Bangalore to think aboutfRegd. the ani-polluti on drive)..
original article which appeared in Times Of India(May 26th) was very
interested in our signature campaign and eventually wrote about it in
TOI(June 20th) to our utter surprise(article is attached with the mail)
The point I am crying to make is that we(AID) c(sh)ould get involved in
such public interest campaigns which could get us some much needed
publicity. Not only that .. at least that way as citizens of this city we
should participate(as an org.) m such campaigns to make this city more
livable. Kanak Hirani(the author) is a great contact we could use to
highlight our activities. For. eg. I don’t know if the press gave
adequate/any coverage to the anti-tobacco campaign initiated by the
CHC(Community Health Cell). It’d be great if we participate in any future
campaign with CHC and let Kanak know about it in advance., and if she could
do a piece in TOI about it there will be nothing like it. The more people
hear about any campaign, the more they are going be aware and the more
oarticipation/involvement we are qoinq to get from them.
As a follow up to the anti-pollution drive, there will be a public hearing
on this matter where the public will be given a chance to say voice out
their opinions in court. I think it is a great forum for us to participate.
I will let you know when the public hearings will be scheduled and it’d be
great if you all show up.
P.S: Could someone forward this mail to Dr.Ravi Narayan (CHC).
•it-kit-kit'k'it'k'k-k'it'it'k'k-klc'k'kit-k-k-k'k'k'if'k-k'k-x'k-k ’it’x'k'k'k'k'k-it'k’k-k'k'k-ick'k-x'k-k'k-kie'kit'k’k
[Intel staff do their bit for clean air
By Kanak Hirani
BANGALORE: Most corporates like taking up social causes. But here’s one
company that has gone a step ahead.
A PIL filed against high levels of pollution has inspired employees of
Intel, Bangalore lo start a signature campaign.
Muthukumar Kalyan and Laxman P.ajagopalan made the first draft of the letter
and a campaign was initiated in the company. Here are some of the
suggestions that the Intel employees made in their representation that was
written on June 18:
"We are very concerned about the adverse effects of pollution (both noise
and air) on rhe city of Bangalore, its citizens and the environment. It is
very alarming to note that the levels of pollution are increasing by the
day. The day is not far when the city could become one of the most polluted
cities in the world, if appropriate steps are not taken. If we are to build
and maintain the image of the city as a garden city and a hi-tech city we
should take action now. It is time that we, the citizens of Bangalore, do
something to change the situation.
We request that the following actions be taken:
2 of 3
6/22/01 10:40 AM
Something for AID, Bangalore to think aboutfRegct, the ani-polluti on drive)..
* Phase out all two-stroke vehicles over a period of time, say two years,
since these contribute the most to pollution. The owners of the two-stroke
vehicles should be provided conversion kits to four-stroke vehicles if
possible, otherwise, there should be an exchange programme.
* Penalise the drivers/ovmers of autorickshaws/trucks/lorries/buses who use
adulterated petrol, kerosene, diesel etc. Towards this end, the traffic
police should be equipped with pollution monitoring devices that should
help identify the polluting vehicles. Also, checks/raids should be
conducted on petrol bunks that sell adulterated petrol and action must be
taken to bring the culprits to book.
* Enforce European/Californian standards for emission control levels of
diesel and petrol cars. Use of unleaded petrol must be encouraged. Use of
diesel vehicles should be discouraged.
* Convert ail public transportation buses to use CNG (Compressed Natural
Gas), as they have done in Delhi. In fact, we should go one step further,
and require all lorries/trucks/buses that ply in the city to use CNG. *
* Direct the city government of Bangalore and the state government of
Karnataka to build a Mass Rapid Transit System that serves all parts of the
cit”. It is a
that a citw that labels itself the ^Silicon Plateau11
has no decent public transportation system.
* Direct the Bangalore City Corporation and the public not to burn leaves
and garbage. Such actions should be made punishable, either by a fine
and/or community work. The BCC should deploy more garbage collection
vehicles co collect the garbage. Leaves and other wood waste should be
collected separately and converted to mulch.
* Take measures to improve the drainage and waste disposal system in the
city. A good part of soil and land pollution can be attributed to the lack
of an effective waste disposal mechanism. This infrastructure should needs
vast improvement.
* Penalise/Punish individuals and industries that dump garbage and ’
effluents into storm water drains, lakes, and other natural resources.
There is much more we can do to reduce pollution levels in Bangalore, but
these should give us a good start. We realise that controlling pollution is
not a one-way street. All of us must be involved in this effort. The public
can participate by better ^a^ r'ta-’^ing their vehicles, car—pooling to work,
making effective use of the public transportation system etc.
Subject: Kanga’ore: Saturday Fast and March for Peace
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:58:57 -0530
From: Mashood Kandyiiii.coin
To: :■_■ o-.'iud.'t?,'
. .r you vce n,:.n Bangalore, please pass on the message to friends and
r ~ 1 ? t i v e s i n B an g a 1 ? r e’
organises "rsst fcr Peace" tt condemn communal violence and Government
the gathering for as long
mong vour rami’
in Bangalore
va H
J.J ’ •’ <r "•’<• : • •• '■ J ■ • J J -- .’.1 -> *■ ■ •• ■ -I ' • - ~ p
’ . .-i r- >• ■' '•■ •■,
n ■ • •>•
c-.' l:;. ■'.■•c-t’. zei.r,
i'le de—berate be!n. v l: ?; < j "...e gi rein an-nt
failing “•? prc~ecr its citizens, an--: in encouraging violence, is utterly
recrehe -.s ii. M •
I diet not speak cut
as n
. C mi mnist.
e-sy can-e for "he trade
j sts
I did no- speak out
ause I •■’?s not a Oracle unionist.
)Z <l> O
■ — — w *■ • VI .• ..'C _ O L t fl ~ "2 »» S
rio - dio 2: •" speak nil
ause I was not a Jew.
n cr-.ay :ar-? for the CorranunisT.s
- Pastor Martin Nienoller
vlwfclier.doc •
Name: satflier.doc
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Fast fer Peace ami
‘ u' ;/ MMgYhf
:yy ^amion^ i March 9, 2002 - Sam to 3pm
••- '■■ kkirCft M'. ■ ?
• ( .. Qg-Y ,-
- y:
-''d y> -gY
C-OgggiO g;gg-T o; YY-gY.
' ? ■; : gj; YyY; .< o.
distressed by the flames of communal violence burning in
Gujarat, several groups and individuals world-wide have
come together calling for peace and communal harmony.
The groups are appealing to all individuals and
associations who have been troubled by the recent
happenings to take a stand against communal violence.
Seeking inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi, these groups
are encouraging people (health-permitting) all over the
world to participate in a one-day fast for peace and
communal harmony, in Bangalore, volunteers of the
Association for India's Development are gathering for a
fast and sho w of solidarity to end violence and promote
communal harmony across India.
!?i rst ! hoy caiflG for tho Jow
ana i did rot spook out
because: I was rot. a Jew.
PclS* C!_
Then '.ley couie for* ij-q Coinca Moj t i n
Hi pallet
rmd J did rot speak out
because. 1 v.-as rot a Comrnunl S I. <
Then they -.:arnc for the trade unionists
and .1 did rot speak out
because i was rot a trade r.n i oi .ist..
P':l.ndr<inot 1Then they came for inc
e’.y Gc»?’ -j'. ;; ;j13
and there was ro ore left
to speak out for rne.
Where llie mind is without fear and the head is; held high
Where knov/ledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
Ely narrow domestic wails
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where; tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has r ot lest its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake
«■ We dncerdys+;3rc4he snciXch ct the peoptevyhohcvsbeari affected bythe vic ence
« We strcngtyccrdeTii ths vident cjl.s and the aoticns of Ihoss vdio incitedthem.
d! are welcome and encouraged to participate for as long
as your time permits, if you cannot fast, please join us to
show solidarity or light a candle at home. Please register
yourself at IdtP.'/ddiddr^idinpia vrgjfastjprpeace and
consider lighting a candie if you cannot fast and, signing
an online tetter to the PM of India and the CM of Gujarat.
♦ We tells'/.! that peace aid ?.amrn\ smew its div’Jse communities should be the basis
for India, end the stirring up ci pcs 5:0ns again s? .•suc.-l i harmony is ttiG biggest dfesenXce to
the pecpl e the ccunh y end hum? nit/.
.. Vanvcf us Max; toa
gg-i ,
volii.ikdr-mjL no? -p'olit association with cn-q^ers across the < :h. rd i
tteit if sock*/.IK.Wat^
us can survive.
emfK wcr Inclia’s rurrJ and urban poor through interventions in
Ji'.--., borihc tx si vear A' Dms also supperted cxiensr.-e run-. I a; o
enccura^ng vidence, is
Vfashoo.t n^iaikpl;y/hoUna;!.ccni
____ ___________ .Ciirui_n‘iULWiklimdj:o:LLLT^84522Ml<j3----------------
Subject: From AID
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 01:48:20 -0800 (PST)
From: nagini prasad <>
Dear Dr Ravi,
3/9/02 9:33 AM
Mashood said he had spoken to you this morning
regarding an event tomorrow. Please find details of
the event below and please feel free to pass it on to
others. I do hope you can make it for sometime.
AID - Bangalore
Association For India’s Development - Bangalore
organises "Fast for Peace" to condemn communal
violence and Government
inaction as part of a world-wide Peace and Communal
Harmony week
Date: March 09, 2002, Saturday
Time: 8:00am to 3pm (all are welcome to join the
gathering for as long
as you can)
Place: Cubbon Park
Please come to the Bal Bhavan entrance
Please sign up at the campaign website and also
consider sending a
a letter to Government officials and the National
Human Rihts Commission
htq^Vwww. aidind.1 a . org/fastforpeace
and spread the word among your family, friends and
colleagues in
If you cannot fast, please still join us for as long
as you can and
perhaps bring a candle to light in a show of
solidarity. We are fasting the
whole day but will be at Cubbon Park from 8am-3pm.
Following this we will join a March for Communal
Peace(organisen by a
coalition of Bangalore organisations) beginning at
KanLeerva Stadium (opposite Mallya Hospital and
Titfanys Restaruran) , walking through Presidency Road
and St. Marks Road and ending at Police Grounds.
Shabana Azmi and others will be speaking after the
The appeal:
*We sincerely share the anguish of the people who have
3/9/02 9:34 AM
affected by the violence.
*We strongly condemn the violent acts and the actions
those who incited them.
*We believe that peace and harmony among its diverse
communities should be the basis for India, and the
stirring up of passions against such harmony is the
biggest disservice to the people, the country and
*Many of us might belong to a minority community in
countries or regions we live in, and we are aware that
if society does not promote peace and harmony and
prevent violence, few of us can survive.
*We believe that the government is responsible for
peace for all its citizens, and the deliberate
behavior of the
government in failing to protect its citizens, and in
encouraging violence, is utterly reprehensible.
Any questions or suggestions please send email to
Masood ( or 98450 72353
Guru ( i 1 . com) or 9845/ 941 03
Looking forward Lo see you all lhere,
AID - Bangalore Chapter Volunteers
Post Script:
First they came for the Jews
and 1 did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Ther^they came for the trade unionists
and^^ did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
- Pastor Martin Niemdller
Do You Yahoo!?
Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world’s greaLesL free email!■com/
3/9/02 9:34 AM
vi. Intern* application
Dare: rri, i ? Mar 2002 18:48:10tO53O
From: Mashnod Kandy#? i? corn
x v. SOCiiclF<1'j,x. VSiU.COjui
t they Coin be placed with CHC or elsewhere
THanks for veur response. I am attachina my resume.
As for languages, unfortunatley it is just english
F .-< T' rn n
grants tor tunemg
tiie south: bangalore.
3/16/02 9:34 AN
>Hi J use me.
>Could you send me vour CV?
> Also,.the following information:
>Where m Ind.-'a would you like to work?
£-■ -us_-i.oi an urban or rura^. pla</C?
>Are there any specific 'preferences an what you want
>work on...with children, is teaching in schools OK,
< jUZZyliiSihuy . COil. ati> W£Ote 2
>> My name is Justine memaine. i am in my final year
z’x' OJ.X itiOiitiis ctiiu wuulu xiKe co vQxUiiceer in xndia.
» Couia you please ten me who you tninK would oe
>> interested m taking me as a volunteer tor six
>> months. I have references and a lot of work
F> experience with dis-advantaged children and
3/16/02 9:34 AM
Object: Resume - Rani
J>ate: Mon. 18 Mar 2002 14:23:50-0530
' rom:
Community health cell <>
Dear Ravi.
sending resume of Rani Shankar. Other details i’ll check with her and let you know.
Rani Theresa Shankar
3 IS Davie Road, Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 933-0707
i.ajii shd'ikai ffvdhou.euiH
Ijjersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Candidate for Masters in Public Health. Expected graduation May 2003.
L^Putment of Maternal and Child Health. Maternal and Child Health Bureau Traineeship. Professional Development
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Bachelor of Arts. June 1998. Major in Biolog}/ with background in
Anthropology and Health Policy Lucretia Mott Fellowship.
East Mecklenburg lEgh School, Charlotte, NC. Graduated in top 2 % of class, June 1994. National Honor Society
Field Interviewer, Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition (PIN) Study, Carolina Population Center, Chapel Hili, NC.
Telephone inrerriewer for study investigating effects of stress, physical activity, nutrition, and infection in preterm
pregnancy Jan 2002-present.
Marketing Coordinator, Einhorn Yaffee Prescott, Architecture and Engineering, Boston, MA. Coordinated rhe
production of marketing materials, including proposals, graphic design, and. press releases. Campaign chairperson for
Way Fund Drive. Summer 2000-Summer 2001
^Bjor Clinic Assistant, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Boston, MA. Lead clinic Assistant and
contraceptive counselor in rhe gynecology service. Trained and oriented new clinic assistants, compiled and presented
clinic statistics, organized and conducted monthly clinic assistant meetings, medical assistant to medical director’s
consult clinic, managed schedules, stocking, and triaged facility and patient flow issues. Peer-awarded Samuel Clark,
MD Award for Excellence in Clinical Service. Fall 1998- Summer 2000.
Teaching Intern, Summerbridge San Francisco, University High School, San Francisco, CA. Taught French to 7th-9th
graders al summer enrichment program for academically motivated public school students. Planned and lead daily
lessons, all school meetings, and cultural field trips. Organized the occupational field trip day, when students visited
businesses and organizations in the community. Summer 1998.
Research Assistant. National Institutes of Health, Clinical Center. Diagnostic Radiology Department, Bethesda. MD.
Research assistant for study that used computed tomographical measutements to investigate side effects of an HIV
protease inhibitor. Wrote and presented a paper at Poster Day. Co-authored paper, “Visceral abdominal-fat
accumulation associated, with the use of indinavir". The Lancet March 21. 1998. Summer 1997.
Clinical Research .Assistant, Neighborhood Health Center, Charlotte, NC.
-Interviewer for a public health survey. Interviewed patients on perceptions of health care deliver}’ in the community.
Survey results were considered in the planninc for new, community-oricntcd primary care centers in the Carolinas
Healthcare System. Summer 1995.
-Researched and evaluated the pre-natal clinical pathway for 30 obstetric patients. Summer 1995.
3-19-02 8:45 A.Xi
Rani Theresa Shankar
p. 2
1 AC Birthpartners. Starting work, as a doula (labor assistant) in the Labor and Delivery Department of L'NC Hospital
currently seeking DON.X (Doulas of North America) certification. January 2002- present.
Reach out and Read Volunteer. Pediatrics Department. Somerville Hospital.. Somerville. MA. Read books to children
in waiting area. Literacy program grants free books to children at their annual check up. Fall 2000.
Intern. Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Somerville, MA. Worked with webmistress in developing and
updating links to resources at Spring 2000.
Swarthmore Foundation Grant Recipient. Awarded binding to work with the Delaware County Teenage Pregnancy
Prevention Program at the Wellness Center, a school based health clinic in Chester, PA. Collaborated with peer leaders
in the development of a video to accompany the middle school health curriculum in the Chester School System.
Involved in the planning, scripting, filming, production, and editing of the video. Spring 1998.
Coh.!.mm ■_ Hospital for Women, Washington, DC. MedASurg and Post-Partum units. Assisted in transporting and
di^rargmg patients, setting up patient rooms, responding to patient calls, and serving as a courier for the Hospital
p^Pnacy and Laboratory Summer 1997.
Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC. Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. Assisted nurses in care of patients
in administration and distributing meals and supplies. Summer 1997.
Carolinas Medical Center, Emergency Department, Charlotte, NC. Worked alongside patient care representatives in
administration in triage area. Summer 1996.
Columnist, Platinum Magazine, Bodywise column. Freelance writer of health articles for Boston women's magazine.
Topics included the introduction of new contraceptive methods, eating disorder awareness and domestic violence
prevention. Fall 2000-Spring 2001.
Senior class officer. Swarthmore College. Elected representative of senior class to organize senior activities and
fundraising, 1997-98. Class secretary. Compile and write alumni notes in college bulletin. 1998-present.
^^uainiance Sexual Assault Prevention Facilitator. Lead workshops dealing with issues of sexual assault prevention
^^firsi year students, 1997.
Varsity Women's Tennis Team. Swarthmore College. Captain, singles and doubles player in Division HI intercollegiate
competition. 1994-98, centennial conference team title, 1995.
hit ei national travel, conversational French, independent films, music, photography, fashion, painting, sewing, biking,
plants and tennis.
Dear Dr. Ravi,
i am forwarding Prasanna's email id.
He is aware of your visit
may write to him with details.
thanks and regards,
Prasanna Subramanya Saligram
Buschhausener Strasse, 84
46049 Oberhausen
Tel. 00 49 (0)208 8575 209
Mobile: 00 49 (0)170 8867714
1 of 1
4/25/02 4:04 PM
Jdbangalore] Final Report of ReliefRehab Efforts of PRL, Ahmedabad Group (fwd)
Subject: [aid bangs lore] Final Report of ReliePRehab Efforts of PRL, Ahmedabad Group (fwd)
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 12:37:42 +0530
Reply-To: aidbangalore@yahoogroups. com
This is a report i got from Dr. Raghavan. Some of us who have donated money towards this might be interested
for the details.
Dear all,
This is the fifth and final report of the relief efforts of the staff and
^tudents of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) at Ahmedabad.
“ the past few months
we had been channeling our money through other groups to support various
relief and rehabilitation efforts and we have now spent the money that we
had collected. We thank all of you who have supported us in this venture and
we hope that a lasting peace shall someday return to Gujarat.
October 28, 2002
There are a few camps left in Ahmedabad but many people in Ahmedabad
have now returned to their homes and are trying to rebuild their lives.
In some areas people are still afraid to return to their original dwellings.
Sporadic incidences of violence occur occassionally and people are
fearful whenever major incidents occur, such as the Rath Yatra and the
Akshardham attack, that there could be trouble again.
In the last few months we have continued to support rebuilding of homes in
some areas. We donated Rs. 1,00,000 to the Manav Seva Samaj Trust of the
Vatwa area to help build homes for those who could not return to their
^•riginal dwellings out of fear. With Prakriti we continued to support Jan
^^^ Manch to rebuild homes in Salat Nagar. As you may recall, Salat
Nagar is a community of Muslims and Hindus who collectively resisted the
rioters and all of whose homes were destroyed. A sum of Rs. 64,000 was
provided in addition to the amount of Rs. 1,50,000 that we had provided
earlier and mentioned in our previous report.
In June there was an outbreak of jaundice in some of the camps. Citizens’
Initiative was providing people in the camps with additional nutritional
food such as buttermilk, watermelon, etc. to help those in the camps.
We provided Rs. 48,000 to partially cover some of these expenses.
The annual Jagannath Rath Yatra has on occassion led to communal violence
in Ahmedabad. This time many people who had left the relief camps returned
to them for a few days apprehending a possible outbreak of violence. We
provided Rs. 5000 to Action Aid India to purchase firewood for cooking for
the camps.
(Incidentally, the Rath Yatra did pass off peacefully.)
An activist from Vatwa approached us for assistance in purchasing notebooks
for schoolchildren of both communities who had been affected by the riots.
In manv cases these children had not lost their homes but
their parents were unable to buy them the books because they were
impoverished as they could not go to work during the riots . We provided
Rs. 14,500 for this purpose.
10/31/02 3:05 PM
'^galore] Final Report of ReliefRehab Efforts of PRL, Ahmedabad Group (fwd)
A young jnan in Juhapura, Sajjid, had started an NGO called Unity Welfare Trust
which provided riot victims with handcarts and sewing machines. After
an initial grace period the
re.cepiftnr.s were to pay back Rs. 10-15 per day towards the cost of the
handcart or sewing machine. After they had paid back a reasonable fraction
01 the cost Lhe remainder of the cost was written off by Unity. Unity was
also running sewing classes in conjunction with Gurjari to train women in
embroidery. With Prakriti we supported Unity with Rs. 25,000.
Juhapura is a Muslim dominated area of Ahmedabad. There is a community of
Hindu sweepers who live there and who had fled their homes during the
violence. After they returned to their homes there was a need for food
and with Prakriti we provided food worth Rs. 13,000 for the 65
families there
with Prakriti, we have also provided Rs. 9000 for a school set up
to provide non-formal education to riot affected children in Kasai ki chali, a
locality in the Behrampura area of Ahmedabad. The school organises
various activities for the children. The project is under the
stewardship of Ajay Raina, a filmmaker.
fihe Baroda based NGO, Sahaj, had been working with Shanti Abhiyan and
RrCL, Baroda to prevent the spread of violence during the riots.
They were also providing livelihood assistance, providing books and
paying fees for schoolchildren whose parents could no longer afford to do
so, and purchasing household items to those who were restarting their
homes. We provided them Rs. 10,000.
Once again, thank you for your all your support and assistance.
With best regards,
Raqhu Ranqarajan.
The other members of the Gujarat Relief Fund were
Angom Dilip Singh, Arul Laxminarayan; Jitesh Bhatt, Jitendra Parikh,
Ishwar Prajapati, Rishikesh Vaidya, Kaushar Sanchawala
and R. Sankaranarayanan.
10/31/02 3:05 PM
Final Report of ReliefTRehab Efforts of PRL, Ahmedabad Group (fwd)
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
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10/31/02 3:05 PM
Subject: J$A - AS1
Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 16-18:34 +0530
From: Community Health Cell <sochara@vsnl.coiii>
To: prasanna
Mr.Chander said he nad sene you trie write up. We are sending that to you
once again now.
With respect to specific areas of CHC's collaboration with AID
volunteers we will discuss and uet back to vou.
\T<iina< Annnol I?
r-1 OOOI OO L'E|\J A T
- UlAllVt 1 XlXllLCGil IwjjUlL 4.UUi~V4 A .1-1 N1 U-7.CiW
• i''-d Annual Report 2001-02 FINAL.doc,
Type: winword File (appiicalioninsword)
'Encoding: hase64
h JO
11'13/02 4:19 PM
idbangalore] Lavanya*s performance
Subject: [aidbangalore] La vanya's performance
Date; Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:01:00 +0530
To; aidba-ng.aloT'^|,
Dear Aiders,
Aider Lavanya is performing a play “Bhavana” on stage tomorrow. This is In support of an Organisation called
Sudattha who works towards adoption.
Let us al! be there and support her and the cause !. Tickets (Rs. 50,100,150) will be available at venue.
If you need to book tickets in advance call me or prasanna. Program starts at 7.00 pm, you need to be there
bit early if you are buying the tickets at the venue.
see you there !
Aii the best Lavanya i
November 8. 2002 - Bhavana at 7
Tata Auditorium
A production for Sudatta - an organisation that works towards the goa! of adoption. It is a very sensitive issue and is being
handled in two pads.
Part 1 - Hamsa Molly is doing a dance piece with poetry - Classical Style
Pad 2 - the play is with the children of the Sudatta families and is integrating with the Chrysallis Theatre Company. Is A
danse drama through movement, that has Indian Classical and fusion music. The play is constructed on 6 Rasaas
•.Sorrow, Compassion, Courage, Amazement, Love, Happiness
It will be creative theatre and will involve script, lyrics and words with movement and imagery
.Ask what you can do for India 1
Association xor India’s Development
Bangalore chapter.
of 1
11/8/02 11:08 AM
Subject: Ke: JSA - ASF
Date: Mon. 11 Nov 2002 23:53:00 -0800 (PST)
i’om: Prasanna Saligram ■^prasanna_aid(^yahoo.coijj>
To: Community Health Cell <>
Dear Nir. Gopinath'Srinidhi/Chander.
I am replying to this mail as an acknowledgement of the mail that was sent by u and to confirm that this is my
e-mail address.
1 or 2 things at the first glance. I will forward this mail to my group members and get back to u. Is the deadline of
18th verv strict as we r havmp our weekly meetins onlv this weekend I wd request u for a little bit more time
Also I am still waiting for a general writeup from Mr. Chander on CHC's present activities and also it would be
good if CHC can identify* specific areas in which AID volunteers can support m PHM activities that could help us
to prepare the agenda for the Dec 1st meeting.
Community Health Cell <> wrote:
CHC Society Members /
Associates. November
Dear Prasanna and Friends,
Greetings from Community Health Cell.
Enclosed a preliminary7 intimation of the Asia Social Forum event in
Hyderabad from 2 — 7th January 2003 and the Jana Swasthya Abhivan’s
evolving contribution to it. CHC will be playing an active role in the
JSA - ASF event and organizing
The seminar on Environment and Health and three workshops on
Taking the Peoples Health Movement Forward.
Alma Ata Anniversary reflection
Towards a tobacco free world.
We will also be contributing or participating in many of the other
sessions / events particularly
c) The seminar on Right to Health Care moving from idea to reality;
f) A cross country audit of externally funded Health Sector reform;
o) War conflict and Disaster building People Action for Heal th.
We invite you or your team members to join the CHC team in this
significant intersectoral event. Ad! participants are requested to
cover as much of their own travel to Hyderabad and be ready to cover
basic costs of local stay at very subsidised rates. We are raising
funds to support some of these costs if feasible.
11/13/02 9:57 AM
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 170
28 Nov 2002 14:40:41 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India’s Development Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Workshop on Public health movement by CHC on Dec 1, MUST READ
From: Prasanna Saligram <>
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:37:33 -0800 (PSI)
From: Prasanna Saligram <>
Subject: Workshop on Public health movement by CHC on Dec 1, MUST READ
Hi all of u,
I am attaching the agenda(CHC_Workshop_0112_agenda.doc) that has been chalked out
with Dr. Ravi Narayan, Chander and others of the community health cell (CHC) for the
halfday workshop on the Public Health Movement (PHM) on Sunday the 1st of Dec. The
deadline to send any suggestions on the same is Friday 1 pm. after which the agenda will
be frozen. Hope I am giving u people enough tune for the same.
Also I sincerely hope that all of us take some time out to participate in this workshop
which is a learning process for all of us about PHM. Pls. make it a point to attend the
same as our CHC friends are taking extra effort to come on Sunday just for tills
workshop. Sometime back in the CSH we had discussed about moving into newer areas
of activities. The cooperation with CHC falls perfectly in line with the same. Also as u
would all find out this will be- an extension of the "Joy of learning” activities we r at
present very actively and committedly doing. It would be nice if each one sends a mail to
me confirming her/his participation. Also those who could possibly hv problems locating
the place can pls. contact cither myself, Guru or Mashoodf?) for the directions.
Dr. Ravi Narayan and other friends at CHC,
I hope this is in conformity with the discussions I had with u on mon and wed. Any
deviations pls. convey to me.
P.S. Sorry for the repetition in ur mailbox bcos of aidbangalore and aidbangcore.
[Tills message contained attachments]
Awl) < Cc^\
<3 ko-J-hoO ! I‘ to
Af^V-Q J .
e: (aidbangalore] Digest Number 170
Subject: Re: [aidbangalore] Digest Number 170
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 11:56:34 +0530
Hi Srinidhi,
i am attaching the word doc. Please let us know if u are able to view it.
Name: CHC Workshop O 112_agenda.doc *
J |;$CHCWorkshopOl12 agenda.docf
Type: Winword File (application/msword)f
^Encoding: base64
Conducted by Community health CellfCHC)
: 01.12.2002
: Community health Cell
367, Srinivasa Nilaya,
Jakkasandra 1st Main,
1st Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore - 560 034.
Ph: 080-5531518
Fax: 080-5525372
0900 hrs
0900- 0930hrs
0930-1045 hrs
1045-1100 hrs
a) Action points for the cooperation between CHC and AID in
the campaigns against Smoking, alcohol, malaria,
health internet, women’s health and empowerment to be
presented by Mr. Chander, Mr. Rajendran, Mr.Gopinathan
and others
1100-1200 hrs
1200-1230 hrs
b) Action points for cooperation between CHC and AID in the
running of the PHM international secretariat by Dr. Ravi Narayan
c) Action points for cooperation between CHC and AID in the
building up of the PHM website by Dr. Ravi Narayan
1230-1300 hrs
1300-1330 hrs
Note: All are requested to be present at the venue at least 15 min before the
scheduled start to facilitate the punctual start of the program
Conducted by Community health Cell(CHC)
: 01.12.2002
: 9 AM to 2 PM
: Community health Cell
367, Srinivasa Nilaya,
Jakkasandra 1st Main,
1st Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore - 560 034.
Ph: 080-5531518
Fax: 080-5525372
0900 hrs
0900- 0930hrs
0930-1045 hrs
1045-1100 hrs
a) Action points for the cooperation between CHC and AID in
the campaigns against Smoking, alcohol, malaria,
health internet, women’s health and empowerment to be
presented by Mr. Chander, Mr. Rajendran, Mr.Gopinathan
and others
1100-1200 hrs
1200-1230 hrs
b) Action points for cooperation between CHC and AID in the
running of the PHM international secretariat by Dr. Ravi Narayan
c) Action points for cooperation between CHC and AID in the
building up of the PHM website by Dr. Ravi Narayan
1230-1300 hrs
1300-1330 hrs
Note: All are requested to be present at the venue at least 15 min before the
scheduled start to facilitate the punctual start of the program
Seminar: History of Ideas at NIAS (13 Dec) (fwd)
Subject: Seminar: History of Ideas at NIAS (13 Dec) (fwd)
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 14:00:07 +0530 (1ST)
From: "A. Deva Raju, NIAS" < >
To: Institutions — BHARATIYA VIDYA Bhavan <>,
Centre for Study of Cui & Soc <>, Coffee Board <>,
Community Health Cell <>, Dr G Venkatesh <>.
Gangarams Book < >3 HID Forum-Tina Koshy <>,
HMB <>, 11MB LIB <>,
UMB Placement Centre <>, ISEC <>,
Indian Academy of Science <>,
Indian Academy of Science <>,
Indian Council for Cultural Relaitons <>,
Indian Instt of Informn Tech <>, Indian Instt of Mgmt < >.
Indian Instt of Plantation Mgt <>,
"Indira Gandhi N Open Usity" <>, Infosys <>,
Institute for Social & Eco Change <>,
Instt for Youth & Devlpmnt <>, Instt of Fine Arts <ifabang@blr. in>,
International College of Sei Infmn <>, JNC <>,
Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium <>, KIMS <>.
"N.A.L." <>, NAAC < >,
NCBS <>, NCBS <>,
NIMHANS <academic@nimhans. kar.nic. in>,
National Aeronautical Laboratory <>,
National Law School <>, Nrityagram <>,
Prasthuta <prasthu@tcjas. sere. iisc. emet. in>,
Richmond Fellowship Society <>,
SapnaBook House <>, TIFR <>,, Sri S G Sreekanteswara Swamy <>,,,
CC: DrM GNarasimhan < >
------------------ Forwarded message -----------------Date: Tuo, 3 Dec 2002 13:55:26 4-0530 (1ST)
From: ’’A. Deva Raju, NIAS” <adr@hamsadvarii . sere. iisc.erueL. in>
To: To All at IISc <>
Jkubject: Seminar: History of Ideas at NIAS (13 Dec)
Seminar on the History of Ideas
The "dea of chaos
Dare & Dare:
Friday, 13 December 2002
5.00 P.M.
JRD Tata Auditorium
11Sc Campus
All are cordially invited
12/4/02 10.48 AM
Agpirnar: History of Ideas st NIAS (13 Doc) (fwd)
••■r«o talk will discuss the ’chaotic’ history of ths idea of chaos. This
history has two distinct streams. One is the narrative of the applied
sei enr.i sr.s (mostly in physics, bur. also in engineering, biology and
economics) and the other is the story of mathematicians.
The two streams
occasionally influenced each oilier bul most followers of one of Lhe paths
were ignorant of the achievements of the other tor a long time. Coming to
the present time, it seems that we are about to end a chapter in this
history whose title might have been : ’Isn’t it wonderful, everything is
chaotic?’ and we have just begun a chapter called ’So, how does it affect
my day to day work?’ The interaction of the idea with other disciplines
and its possible growth in the future will be discussed.
About the speaker:
Prof Prabhakar Vaidya, Head of the Mathematical Modelling Unit at NIAS,
had earlier worked at Lockheed and Boeing and taught at Purdue and
Washington State Universities. Currently his research work involves
nonlinear dynamics and chaos, cryptography, nonlinear signal analysis and
image processing.
Tea/Coffee: 4.30 P.M.
NIAS and RRI are organizing a monthly seminar on the History of Ideas,
meeting usually on the second Friday of every month. The organizing
committee consists of R L Kapur, N Kumar, R Narasiniha, M G Narasimhan
2 of 2
12/4/02 10.48 AM
tUubsngaloic] Digest Number 174
Subject: [aidbangaiore] Digest Number 174
Date: 7 Dec 2002 18:36:23 -0000
From: aidbangalore@.yahoogroups.corii
Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
[Fwd: [pha-ncc] PHM media coverage during the World Ayurvedic Congress:::::Zafrul.
From: Community Health Cell <>
Re: Greenpeace
From: lavanya_devdas&i
[Fwd: Seminar: History of Ideas at NIAS (13 Dec) (fwd)]
From: Community Health Cell <>
Rally for peace - dec 6
From: Senthil S <senthilsos|3vahoo. com>
Wed. 04 Dec 2002 11:25:03 +0530
Community Health Cell <>
[Fwd: [pha-ncc] PHM media coverage during the World Ayurvedic Congress:::::Zafrul.
[This message contained attachmentsj
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:04:03 +0530
Re: Greenpeace
Some people had expressed queries of what Greenpeace has been doing m
Please look at the link below.
£)) Q >3
Lavanya Devdas
12/02/02 11:41 AM
12/9/02 11:09 AM
laidbaiigalorel Digest Number 174
Sridhar Kondusamy/APAC/i2Tech0i2Tech, Somendra Patti/AJ?AC/i2Tech@i2Tech,
Sanjoov Sahu/APAC/i2Tcch0i2Toch, Arvind 2\.rora/APAC/i2Toch0i2Toch, Karan
carina.basu®, ,, Swaminatnan. JothimanilShoneywell .com, Badrish,, sachin,,,,, Gitanjali_
Venkatraman0i2 . com Swaminathan. JothimaniShone'^well. coni
Hi folk’s,
I think" we need to listen to the silent unheard voices...and why not
become members of the Greenpeace and strengthen our resolve to fight
against the ruthless hegemony of power!!!
I have become a member and have a friend in the Greenpeace who would help
you’ll interested souls become members too!
Do let me know...and lets echo in One Voice for a better, greener world...
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs
solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
^^ht tp: //www. greenoeace. or1
to our tomorrow.
[This message contained attachments]
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 14:43:51 +0530
Community Health Cell <>
LFwd: Seminar: History of Ideas at NIAS (13 Dec)
(This message contained attachments]
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 05:22:04 -0800 (PST)
Senthil S < >
Rally for peace - dec G
Tommorrow we have a book release/rally starting from
Mysore Bank Circle, Majestic at 3.45 p.m.
y.-.ny groups in Banglaore like Pedestrian
Viniuchaiia are part of Lhe effort.
2 uf3
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 174
1279-02 11.09 AM
The idea of the rally is ’Hate Hurts and Harmony
- t“cy aro V1?0 fusing
^aba Budangiri and communal situation in
‘3 h i kama gal u r t own .
FuCL Report of the issue:
nctp: / /
A Rcdiff Article:
..■— c : //.rodite, com/election/1999/sep/07jearna.hem
Rightist view of the issue
http://www.hvk. org/articles/1298/0045.html
http: //vr.^.hvk. org/articles/1298/0044 .html
Do you Yahoo 11
Yahoo! Mail Pius - Powerrul. Affordable. Sign up now.
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; of 3
12/9/02 11:09 AM
Date: Thu. 28 Nov 2002 09:11:04 +0530
From: ’’willy" <>
• aman biradari: festival for peace 2002 in Ahmedabad (december 3-6)
• Concerned Citizens Tribunal - Gujarat 2002: An inquiry into the carnage in Gujara
• PETITION: Seeking Justice for Sexual Violence against Indian Women In the Gujarat Massacres
GUJARAT CARNAGE (*A40*): November 28
aman biradari
WF 3-6 December
Justice for all - Peace forever
Rediscover the essence of our CULTURE - Let us unite to celebrate PLURALITY
aman biradari
The ultimate goal of the festival Is to create peace in the hearts, homes, communities, and all sections of Ahmedabad
The Festival for Peace 2002 will involve eminent national artists like Shubha Mudgal, Gundecha Brothers, Amreshwar
Dhaneshwar, Children’s Play by Sanskar Rang Toli of NSD directed by Dr. Mohan Agashe, Street plays across the city by
eminent drama groups of national repute, painting festival and exhibition, consultations on various contemporary issues
and an artists' convention They will express through their art and views to influence the citizens of Ahmedabad to
celebrate peace & harmony.
The festival is being organized under the auspices of AMAN BIRADARI [PEACE COMMUNITY] a
platform of over 500 cultural artistes, organizations and individuals all over India seeking to attain
peace & harmony in Indian society by celebrating diversity.
^AMAN BIRADARI seeks to provide a cultural initiative to peace efforts, mobilise the youth to creatively respond to societal
issues, and support the people's resistance to the oppressive and violent forces active in society.
This festival seeks to launch the peace platform.
This is what we want to do. This is our passion and we hope that you will join us in our efforts with your
as well
as your financial contributions.
aman biradari
A9/4, Sahajanand Towers. Jivraj Park, Ahmedabad 380 051.
Phone : 91-79-681 5484, 682 0088
e-mail: aman
A brief note about the artistes:
Bom into a musically dedicated family, Shubha Mudgal has been trained by some of the finest musicians and musicologists <3^
in India. Trained by Pandit Ram Ashreya Jha in Allahabad, form whom she still receives instruction, Shubha later moved to
, J
Delhi where she received the guidance of Pandit Vinaya Chandra Maudgalya and Pandit Vasant Thakar. She went onto
11/2S/02 2:01 PM
lea? styl!Stic.techniques from well-know maestros Pandit Jitendra Abhisheki and Pandit Kumar Gandharva. She also
received training in thumri from Smt Naina Devi and is thus one of the most versatile and popular performers of the new
generation of Hindustani musicians.
in addition to being a performer, Shubha has also won recognition as a composer. Her repertoire of medieval mystic and
Sufi poetry includes rarely heard texts from the Vaishnava Pushti-marg poets, as well as the Nirguna poetry of Kabir,
Namdev. Amir Khusrau, Nathpanthi poets and other Sufiana poetry.
Shubha Mudgal is accompanied on the tabla by Aneesh Pradhan, a disciple of tabla maestro Pt. Mikhil Ghosh.
Amarendra Dhaneshwar is a well-known journalist, media person, writer on music and a musician. He is indeed a multi faceted personality. An activist and a commentator, he has established himself as a public figure whose views & music are
worth listening to. As an activist he has suffered a long jail term during the dreaded emergency of 1975.
He is a trained vocalis and has received rigorous training from Ms Neela Bhagwat who is acknowledged as an outstanding
singer from the authentic Gwalior gharana. Dhaneshwar has performed at"maior centers like Dadar Matunga Cultural
Center, Bharat Bhawan, Satyajit Ray Institute, Shantipur Music Festival and Karnataka Sangha. His voice and'music was
used for Kumar Shahani’s film 'Var Var Vari’ and also for the Century City Exhibition held in Tate Modern Art Gallery in
London. He has also toured U.K., France, Germany, Holland and Italy. He is a trustee of 'Khayal Trust1 and 'Madhu Limaye
Smriti Nyas’.Sudhir Nayaka disciple of Pt. Tulsidas Borkar and Pt. Jitendra Abhisheki, accompanies her on the harmonium.
Umakant and Ramakant Gundecha are one of India’s leading exponents of the Dhrupad style of music. They are among
the most active young performers of Dhrupad in Indian and international circuits. After the Dagger Brothers, it is the
Gundecha Brothers who have brought Dhrupad to the forefront on the concert platform. Bom in Ujjain in Central India, both
were initiated into music by their parents.
Gundecha Brothers received conventional university education and learned the Dhrupad vocal art under the renowned
Dhrupad vocalist Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagger and also with Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagger [the distinguished performer of
Rudra Veena] in Dhrupad Kendra Bhopal.
The Gundecha Brothers have sung great Hindi poetry by Tulsidas, Kabir. Padmakar, Nirala in Dhrupad style and have also
composed music for several documentaries, cassettes, CDs. and have sung for many television channels in India and
have been broadcast on Bntish, U.S., German and French radio as well.
Akhilesh Gundecha has learned Pakhawaj playing form Pandit Shrikant Mishra and Raja Chhatrapati Singh Ju Deo. He is
regularly featured on Radio and Television. He is doing Ph.D. on Raja Chhatrapati Singh Ju Deo.
A children's play by Sanskar Rang Toll of NSD New Delhi
A group of children has grown together in a school. It’s a multi-religion cosmopolitan group of children hailing the urban
families . One day the city is rocked with riots. Children are rescued back home by parents irrespective of who belongs to
which religion. When the school reopens, the children of the cosmopolitan return slowly. But it is not the same any more.
They, too start getting divided over the recently acquired religious identity and hatred thereof. Ultimately they decide to
refrain from fighting and remain together. But their parents are of the opinion that this is a childish idea. The children jointly
stage a unique kind of protest. The parents agree to reconsider their decision of separating them. It is a small but significant
winter the children and also for the spirit of communal harmony.
Sanskaar Rang Toll [T.I.E.Co.] of National School of Drama was established on October 16, 1989 and is one of the
important educational resources in the country The Toli consists of a group of actor-teachers working with and performing
for children on regular basis. The plays for children are creative and participatory, Specially designed and prepared for
children of different age groups to create awareness and encourage children to raise questions, make decisions and adopt
theatrical skills as an alternative.
Programme Schedule
of 6
11/28/02 2:01 PM
09-12am Painting Fe-stival
for kids on PEACE
3 ’
10-12am Consultation
on Changing Nature of Nation
State under Globalization and the
Fascist Threat
6-9pm Film: Schindler's List
Fun Republic
9:30-11 pmMusical Concert
Town Hall
By Shubha Mudgal
10-12am Consultation
Fun Republic
on Future of People's Politics
6-9pm Film: 1947 Earth
9:30-11pm Children's Play
by Sanskar Rang Toli of NSD
Fun Republic
Tagore Hall
on Identity Politics and
6-9pm Film: Bombay
9:30-11 pmMusical Concert
by Arnarendia Dhaneshwar
Fri 10-12am Consultation
on Communal Fascism and
Artists’ Convention
Film: Fiza
9:30-11 pmMusical Concert
by Gundecha Brothers
Fun Republic
Town Hall
Fun Republic
Town Hall
Street-plays will be performed in various parts of the
city by the following cultural groups of national repute.
(1) Fade In, Ahmedabad
(2) Shock Troop, Kerala
(3) Parivartan, Baroda
(4) Aahvan Natya Manch, Bombay
(5) Vikas Jyot, Baroda
(6) Chhattisgarh Muktl Morcha
(7) Theatre Media Center (TMC), Ahmedabad
(8) Loknaad, Ahmedabad
(9) Pedestrian Pictures, Bangalore
^Pseiected Paintings from the kid’s painting festival will be exhibited at
various festival-venues between 3-6 December
Painting. Festival & Exhibition
Over 500 school children will participate in the painting festival as part of the Festival for Peace 2002. We hope that with
their pure and unadulterated imaginations - they will show us the way to peace, equality and civility. Selected works will be
exhibited during and after festival at various venues.
Movie Shows
Cinema as an art form leaves lasting impressions with its vivid images in our conscious. That’s one reason we will be
showing one movie daily at Fun Republic during the festival. Schindler’s List by Steven Spielberg, 1947 Earth by Deepa
Mehta, Bombay by Mani Rathnam & Fiza by Khalid Mohamed are few movies that certainly rise above the run-of-the-mill
cinema. They deal with the basic existential issues of all human beings. Craving for PEACE during the worst historical
moments is at the core in these films.
Supported bv
Ahmedabad Community Foundation, AMAN SAMUDAY, Bangalore Initiative for Peace, Behavioural
3 of 6
11/28/02 2:01 PM
Festival Hosting Committee
Mahashweta Devi (writer/activist), Harsh Wander (activist), Romila Thapar (historian), Saeed Mirza (film maker), Mallika
Sarabhai (dancer/actress), Kumudini Lakhia (dancer), Kailash Pandya (theater personality), Ganesh Devi (academician),
Haku Shah (painter), Raju Barot (actor), Rajesh Mehta (entrepreneur) and many more.
Concerned Citizens Tribunal - Gujarat 2002: An inquiry into the carnage in Gujarat
Volume I
Crime against Humanity
Incidents and Evidence
Volume II
Crime against Humanity
Findings and Recommendations
PETITION: Seeking Justice for Sexual Violence against Indian Women in the Gujarat Massacres
We, the citizens of India, find the Home Minister LK Advanis statement that ‘rape should be punished
by death’ misleading, shocking and insincere, in view of the following:
His party’s consistent refusal to provide even preliminary justice to thousands of gang rape
victims in Gujarat, crimes which were organized and perpetrated by his party workers/ people he
supports including Chief Minister Modi( provided a clean chit by Mr Advani himself)
The statement of the head of the National Commission for Women, Smt Pumima Advani,
appointed by his party, that ‘rapes are commonplace’ and therefore even preliminary justice and filing
of FIRs was not ‘allowed’ by his government and its representatives the Gujarat state government.
The statement of his NDA government’s convenor and then Defence minister George
Fernandes: that ‘rape has been happening for 50 years’ and Shri Advani’s steady support of it.
Please find attached the petition signed over the last 6 months, which has been seeking justice
for the sexual violence victims of Gujrat - justice which has still not been provided with a single rapist’s
arrest and prosecution. The three basic demands for justice made by the country wide appeals of
Indian women have still NOT BEEN MET.
This therefore proves Mr.Advani’s statement as insincere, insulting and demeaning to the dignity of
Indian women.
List of 4000+ Signatures available upon request.
Lehar sethi zaidi<>
Original Petition Seeking Justice for Sexual Violence against Indian Women in the Gujarat Massacres
Who is India’s Defence Minister really defending?
As citizens of India and especially women citizens of India, the Defense Minister George Fernandes’s
shocking statement in parliament and the NDA government’s support of it has outraged and agonized
us. His statement (Hindustan Times, May 5th 2002.):
Television cameras captured the moment when the Defence Minister of India spoke as the Defence
Minister of criminals who had perpetrated grotesque acts of violence against women and children in
Gujarat. He said in his speech in Parliament during the debate on Gujarat under Rule 184, "A woman
with her womb cut open and her foetus torn out, women raped, we have heard these stories for 50
\ of 6
11/28/02 2;05 PM
We as Indian women and citizens are amazed at this callous denial of humanity and life to hundreds of
women victims of brutal sexual and physical violence. In a situation where hundreds of women victims
are not even able to file HRs and bring perpetrators to justice, the Defense Minister’s statement
comes as a body blow to the dignity and hope for justice for Indian women. His dismissive and
contemptuous attitude and utterances directed at the victims and activists seeking justice exemplifies
the non-condemnation of the brutalities committed upon the women, which characterizes the
insensitivity that prevails in the hallways of national and state power. These actions and utterances
becomes an endorsement of these crimes against humanity and should be treated as his accepting
these horrendous assaults as non-criminal. it violates every tenet in the UN declaration of Human
rights and the National Policy on Women.
We the Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain and all other women of all the faiths that call India home
demand an immediate apology from the Defense Minister. Failing which we demand his ouster from
the government. We cannot trust such a regressive and insensitive individual with our personal and
national security.
And as part of a wider struggle for the restoration of the rule of law and Constitution in Gujarat we
stand in camaraderie with women’s organisations throughout India, who will be observing May 13 as a
day of solidarity with the women victims of Gujarat. We support their three demands which are:
- Immediate filing of FIRs in cases of sexual assault and violence against women and arrest of al!
those named;
- The institution of special courts with a time-bound mandate in all such cases;
- Rehabilitation measures specifically designed for families rendered female headed because male
members were killed.
We urge all citizens and especially our women citizens to join in raising this voice for those weeping
women of Gujarat who lost so much more than words can ever convey. Let rhetoric give way to
Full investigation reports as well as all the messages of Gujarat Development can be
viewed/downloaded from the FILES section (gujaratcarnage folder) of this egroup at:\/ELOPMENT
For daily news updates & citizens initiatives in post riots Gujarat Check:;nks/insaf.htm
(Ail updates on GUJARAT DEVELOPMENT can be viewed at:
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5 of 6
11/28/02 2:05 PM
r as in ipj
11.2 i2 iv;3S A
Pi ID-
^r.guiorej Aiuwuiicing ’’AlD-hidia Conference*’ - December
> 0 in ov 71 )i )7 i <S ■ i»/ ’06
O'? .1 ri
C: [Fwd: Dr.Ravi's talk at Oracle]
Subject: Re: |Fwd: Dr.Ravi’s talk at Oracle]
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 16:10:07 +0530
From: Arvind Rajaram <>
Organization: Server Technologies - Oracle India
Dear Dr.,
Yes. I meant Dec 6th 4PM.
I will net a confirmation from HR tonight or by tomorrow before noon.
Will send you the final confirmation and other details then.
Arvind Rajaram wrote:
Dr. Ravi is ready/
> It would be better if you could let me know your decision by the end of today.
> r nrefer the nollcv of fixed dates for arranoina the talk can be exempted
> since wc have everything from the speaker's side ready.
P)l D
> —
> Thanks,
> Ar vi n d.
p .
> Subject: Dr.Ravi's talk at Oracle
> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 15:26:38 f0530
> From: Community Health Cell <>
> To:
> Dear Aravind,
Greetings from Community Health Cell!
> The invitaion template is completed and sent. I thought I suggested December 6th at 4}
> Dr.Ravi Narayan
> Tonic:
a) "Peoples Health in People's Hands: Ts that possible
b) " Health: beyond Doctors, Drugs and Hospitals"
c) " what the Doctor should have told you,..?" Confe
■ 1 o£2
> pate:
December 6, 2002, 4pm
> venue:
5th floor, Oracle Technology Park, India Development Center, 3, Bannerghatta
12/5/02 10:33 AM
Re: fFwd: Dr.Ravi’s talk at Oracle]
Tue, 03 Dec 2002 17:06:42 +0530
Arvind Rajaram <>
Organization: Server Technologies - Oracle India
I have confirmed the date and timing with HR. It is on.
We prefer: “ What the Doctor should have told you...?” Confessions of a Medical
I will talk to you on Thu night about other details (getting here etc.)
Arvind Rajaram wrote:
> Dear Dr.,
> Yes. I meant Dec 6th 4PM.
> I will get a confirmation from UR tonight or by tomorrow before noon.
> Will send you the final confirmation and other details then.
> Thanks,
> Arvind.
> Arvind Rajaram wrote:
> > Dr.Ravi is ready!
> > It would be better if you could let me know your decision by the end of today.
> > I prefer the policy of fixed dates for arranging the talk can be exempted
> > since we have everything from the speaker’s side ready.
> > Thanks,
> > Arvind.
> > Subject: Dr.Ravi’s talk at Oracle
> > Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 15:26:38 +0530
faidbangalore] Digest Number 175
Subject: [aidbangalore] Digest Number 175
Date; 12 Dec 2002 18:04:57 -0000
Ask: what you can do for India ’
Association for India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
Register for Aid India conference - Important
From: ma shood_kandy@i
Tobacco Meeting
From: Community Health Cell <>
PHM - ASF Bangalore Dialogue - December 17th 2002
From: Community Health Cell <>
Tue, 10 Doc 2002 17:10:59 s-0530
mashood_kandy@i2. com
Register for Aid India conference - Important
Hi Bangalore Aiders,
Please spend sometime to register yourself for the conference. This will
help us to get an idea of number of
participants and to make the arrangements accordingly.. our strength in
Bangalore is around 70 now,
and we hope to see the same number in the website soon
Also, spread
the word among your friends and contacts.
See below some of the sessions which got confirmed. I am sure these will
be of great help in educating ourselves
on various social issues.
1. Bonded Labour and Dalits - Mr. Kiran Kamal Prasad, Secretary, Jeevika
2. A talk by Sandeep Pandey - Dr. Sandeep Pandey, Ex Profressor of IIT
Kanpur, Winner of 2002 Ramon Magsaysay Award, Founder of "Asha"
3. psycho-social ramifications - Gujarat aftermath - Prof. Babu Mathew (National Law schoo.
4. Corporate social responsibility - Mr. Dinod Singh, Founder - Dridge-IT
5. Dowry and Domestic Violence - Vimochana
Dear Friends,
The Bangalore chapter of Association for India’s Development Lakes immense pleasure in ann<
India conference at Bangalore. The main focus is to share rhe experiences
(good practices and learnings) of various
chapters from India and abroad. The conference is open to you, your
friends, relatives, people and NGos you know.
aid India is now working on a large number of projects,
some important lessons
have been learnt on organizing ourselves.
We are now at a stage where things will grow and grow very fast. This
1 of 3
12/13/02 10:02 AM
fadbangalore] Digest Number 175
conference will be an important point and it will set the
agenda for the future. In addition to sharing the good practices, taking
stock and setting agenda for the next year, few open
sessions/talks on interesting topics have been arranged which we hope will
attract new volunteer-base to AID.
Please register for the conference at the earliest :
Also, recommend your friends and relatives in India to register.
We will be updating the conference session information at this website, as
and when it gets confirmed.
best wishes,
Aid Bangalore Team
[This message contained attachments]
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:35:08 +0530
Community Health Cell <>
Tobacco Meeting
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Community Health Cell!
Hope some of you may be able to attend the meeting for which the
invitation is enclosed.
[This message contained attachments]
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 18:39:23 +0530
From: Community Health Cell <>
Subject: PHM - ASF Bangalore Dialogue - December 17th 2002
[This message contained attachments]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
2 uf3
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 175
12/13/02 10:02 AM
laidbarigalor^j O*£,cst Number 176
Subject: [aid bangalore] Digest Number 176
Date: 18 Dec 2002 12:56:55 -0000
To: aidbangalore@yahoogroups. com
Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India’s Development
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Fwd : Rolo of Philanthropy in Primary Education - by ES Ramamurthy
From: mashood_kandy@i
2. accommodating conference attendees.
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham”>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:26:03 +0530
From: mashood
Subject: Fwd : Role of Philanthropy in Primary Education
by ES Ramamurthy
Subject: summary of talk on the Role of Philanthropy in Primary Education
Rolo of Philanthropy in Primary Education
Mr. ES Ramamurthy
11:00 AM, December 8 (Sunday)
St. Joseph’s Indian High School
More details about Sikshana’s work is at
hrtp://www.s i kshana,org/
ht_tp: //www. deccanherald. com/deccanherald/j_ulyl4/at6.htm
Dr. Ramamurthy of Sikshana spoke on the role of Philanthropy in
education, sikshana works in 7 government schools in south Bangalore
currently in improving the educational standards.
As opposed to individual philanthropy, 'groups’ should focus their
attention on systemic reform.
Aj i. efforts should be geared towards improving the learning levels o
children. In govt schools, the bars are* set very low. Even ’children
who 'pass’ the examinations and secure a reasonably good percentage
of marks might have abysmal learning levels. Things are bad enough
that children have no clue as to what they should do to become what
thev dearly want to become.
It is important to delve on why this is so, given that most of the
teachers m these schools do get a good pay and come m with good’
Teachers do give several excuses why this is so. For instance, they
give an excuse that they are not allowed to teach English in early
classes by the state education dept. Upon inquiry, Sikshana found
that this was no- more than a mere guideline and there was sufficient
flexibility to allow teachers to do a variety of things, including
teaching of English. So English is now being taught in early classes
12/18/02 6:4S PM
a.lke 1 lOrailcS ai'C typically nOh—0X1Stent in the govt 3ChOO13,
and where they do exist, the type of books -are totally inappropriate.
What is more, they are .<ept under lock and key. Teachers give the
excuse that the bocks are kept locked up because if they are damaged,
the cost would be recovered from the teacher’s salary! The
commissioner of education again rubbished this contention, in the
schools Sikshana works in, children are encouraoed to play and
O X p C 2? * * ^TIC *11 Wi ~ **" — C C OTID U t C X* S
Empathy with the children is important. Having things like benches
and unirorms is very secondary. Most govt spending on education goes
into misplaced prioririties. Currently spends money on giving 2 sets
of uniforms to children. You break the system, and then spend crores
of rupees to bring the children who drop out back in through programs
like Chinnara Angala. You should concentrate on fixing the system
first and retaining the children. Dropouts happen if parents and
children perceive it is not in their interest co continue.
Sikshana, tor instance, gets the teachers to go through a 1 day TQM
program. It is very well adapted to the specific background of
teachers and they are asked
What are the things they are proud of
What arc tho thd ”-gs thoy want to do
Motivating the teachers is very important. Let teachers not be
satisfied with
of the children meeting the benchmark. Challenge
them to get 90% of the children cross the benchmark, and chat too, a
year earlier than conventional govt school standards dictate.
Focus of learning levels only. Filter out the non-essentials. The
intervention efforts taken up should ensure that tho child doos not
feel alienated or from or ashamed of its own community at the end of
For instance, NCERT has a book on low cost teaching aids for primary
schools which costs only Rs. 90/-. Make teachers make teaching aids
from local resources (instead of buying them).
empowerment for the children. Sikshana puts up photograph of the
children with tne best results on tne notice board giving a kind or
recognition and positive reinforcement. From a child’s point of view,
is a big deal if you give them a prize that is worth a few rupees.
.bout 1000 schools
in South
Id in
which have improved
ning levels might be a better strategy.
Empowerment, along with financial empowerment, is very important in a
decentralized setup. Recently the notion of DSMC?School Development
Monitoring Committee has been introduced. To be an SDMC member, your
child should be studying there. So the members of the SDMC have a
stake in ensuring tho functioning of the school.
It is common for people and organizations to take up niche areas like
handicapped children, instead or concentrating on the mainstream
system because it is non-glamorous and mind-boggling. Keep away from
niche areas, because they are already taken care of.
:e Asha, with their
:us on making a den
n. There is an urg<
ds should be taken
r base and volunteer profile
system «.-I ot- b Q r e f i r m •’ 11
12/18/02 6:48 PM
[oidbsug^®^ •
Nuinbcr 176
U*• Is there hone for improving the govt school system.
rnztor looking at a sample sizo of 50 teachers, I don’t think that the
vea^iiers are incompetent. In less than an year of Sikshana’s
involvement, now the same teachers are teaching overtime without even
asiemg ror overtime P«y- - hours talking to ths teachers was all that
was required to turn their previous mentality and thought process
upside down.
Q. What is the t'roe of support that the govt extends to these efforts
to "'mo^'ovc
crovt school s
Ans. Tne govt of Karnataka is one of the more progressive govts in
the country on this count. The commissioner for education attends
review meetinqs called by Sikshana and we have very good access to
the govt. Organizations like the zAkshara Foundation have also
received good cooperation from the govt
You have to recognize that bureaucracy doesn’t STOP you from doing
things to improve the system, if you wish to. So one should not take
inaction on the around as being an excuse for abandoning tne govl.
school system.
. Q. Can wo ask the NGOs who are currently running private
initiatives to instead work with the govt
Ans. Sure. But we also have to keep in mind that several private
Schools have a vested interest in staving private. They have a vested
interest in keeping the learning levels in the govt schools low.
Q. "What is the type of money that is spent on these improvement
Ans. Very nominal. Small amounts of money (Rs. 500/- pm ) as grants
for miscellaneous expenses like chalk, boards, etc, can go a long way
in improving the learning levels. The teachers don’t have to approach
the aovt introducing delays for every small thing.
Ir we inherit a 1000 teachers in a corporate setup, I should xirst
try to improve productivity of those people before asking for more.
Sikshana employs extra teachers in those schools where they are
genuinely needed. These salaries dont exceed the market rate.
Teachers are encouraged to get training to improve their skill base.
do a oood job of teaching for the time they work in these schools,
and then move on if they want to pursue opportunities that pay more.
^^[This message contained attachments]
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:25:53 +0000
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Subject: accommodating conference attendees.
Groups is subject to http: / /docs. yanoo. com/into/
12/18/02 7:21 PM
Subject: You are invited
Sun... 22 Dec 2002 11:00:57 -0800 (PST)
rtoni: Prasanna Saligram <>
To: Vasan.Seshadri@trmitv.oxford, ac. uk. \rENKATPK@iiil’.coin,,
vmavmk/'& iiiiim com Yl-IemanthfS)novel!.com savitha, savita.rao&
Dear Friends.
AID Bangalore chapter is proud to announce the hosting of the annual AIT) conference from 27th of Dec to®29th
of Dec 2002.
We all believe in the spirit of Volunteerism and here is the time to act on it. Volunteer your two minutes time to
register ur participation in the conference.
1. Register yourself and your friends for the conference. Visit: www, bangalore. U will also find
further details like the venue, agenda, registration procedures etc., in this website.
jk If you would like to avail a place of stay for the people who are attending the conference, please send a mail to
And thats not enough Listen to Radio Citi FM, you might hear about AID conference and the related talks.
Hope to hear from each one of you this time !,
Pls. find enclosed a brief write up about the sessions that are proposed during the conf. I request u to pls. confirm
ui oarticipation thro’ the online registration process available. If it hv problems accessing the website or witn tne
reservation, pls. get in touch with me cither thro: e-mail or by calling me at 3229747 / 3305156 with all the
necesc-arv details
Hope to get an early response from u.
Aid Bangalore Team
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12 23-02 1.34 PM
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m ihe brave, new world of the 21st century, as we venture io unthinkable terrains, ii is lime io
pause and ask our selves a few critical questions. How much has the world changed before us?
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win is it uwi uiC wuhu uuuiluU&> tO De an uimapuv piauc:
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this world a better place to live in?
Association for India's Development (AID) is a non-profit, voluntary organization that supports
NGOs in Indk'.
ATT') nnrririnn1r»c in pniiitqhlp. nnd ind
prnnnniir ^nd pmnrnnnipntr.1
development in India. AID endeavors to bring about social change in diverse areas from literacy
nrimarv health, nronioting rural enterprises, micro-credit to women’s empowerment.
AID believes in Gandhi's words of ”Be the change what you wish to see”. The crusade is to
spread brotherhood. 1larmony and social justice, as much as to give a voice to the unheard and
the oppressed. The mirage of an ideal society may be just an illusion, but the crusade of AID for
a new world is forever alive and burning.
You get a chance to be with like-minded peoole from all walks of lite at the AU) Anima!
Conference a! ihe Indian Social Insliinie, 24. Benson Hoad. Benson Town. Bangalore on ihe
27 io 28ih of Dec 2G02.
Eminent personalities like Sanoecp Pandcy and others would be deliberating on social issues,
ranging front the threat of the nuclear bomb and communalism, gender. Dalit issues.
Furthermore. we will be taking stock of the accomplishments from AID Chapters across the
globe, and what needs to be achieved going forward.
Come l>e a part of this conference and join hands m our endeavor. Please get your family and
friends and make this program a success.
Hope io see you there,
Visit us at: for details and directions the venue.
Association for India's peyelQgnientlAA^.
in the event of
: i
j i
Presented by
Dowry and domestic violence
; i6:00-17:30 Dec 28, 02
Donna Fernandez - Virnochana
Workshop on "Joy of Learning"
‘ 19:00-20:30 Dec 28, 02
I Dr. Balaji Sampath
Bonded Labour and Dalits
: 09:30-11:00 Dec 29, 02
■ Ki ran Kamal Prasad
11:15-13:15 Dec 29, 02
j Dr. Sandeep Pandey
. A Talk by Sandeep Pandey
-_ _ .. ____ _____________ - - -• Prnf Rahn MAthpw and
Zif, oz --------j-IIDr. R. Srinivasa Murthy__________ T
-ti; Binod Singh, Founder - BridgelT
16:30-18:30 Dec 29, 02
Corporate social responsibility
■ Abzz.: Speakers;
around Karnataka for the lastl! 17 years, mostly to protest an® defend the rights of women
: victimised for down/ and domestic violence.
1 1
Dr, Basaii Sampath. : State-level coordinator of the Tamil ffedu Science forum and State
convener of Tamil Nadu for the National Health campaign. After graduating with a Ph.D.
full-time career. He has beenjjthe inspiration for the majority $f AID volunteers.
.r-,-f- JGran^Secr^aoz-aEEUI^
. Drc Sandeep Pandey - Social activist, ASHA Founder and Madsaysay Awardee - Year 2002.
Prof. Bab^ Ma chew is a legal academic and is associated with the people's movements. He
is the reoistrar of the National Law School of India. University,
“------------- ■------- r------------ ---- --------------------- ---------------------------------- .
R--Sri -
- ■ ”™
psychosocial issues of disasters. He was the chief editor of the #Wor/£? He&ftn Report- j
2oor (
Binod Singh - Founder BridgelT is taking initiative in bridging the gap between the worlds
of mentally, physically and socially challenged section of the society and the IT industry'
The Association for India's Development (AID) is committed to the cause of alleviating
poverty in India iMeasuring pi ogress through the yardsticks of self-reliance,. people's
involvement and volunteerism.
Address'. 24, Benson Road, Benson Town,
Bangalore 560046. Phone: 3536960, 3536189, 3536360, and 3536364. For directions visit
h tip ://w
For more information about the talks contact: Prasanna - 322 9747, Guru 6685341
Association for Indians Development (AID)
In the event of
AW Xndici Annual Conference 2002
Talk by Dr. Sandeep Pandey
Magsaysay Award winner - Year 2002 talks on the issues concerning India
. The Ramon Magsaysay Awards Foundation has recognized Dr.Sandeep Pandey by awarding hirn *
this year’s Magsaysay Award in the "Emergent Leadership" category.
The awards committee's citation ends with these words - "In electing Sandeep Pandey to receive j
; 2002 Ramon Magsaysay Awardfor Emergent Leadership, the board of trustees recognizes the
empowering example of his commitment to the transformation ofIndia's marginalized poor ”
11:15 to 3.3:15.
DAYE: Sunday December 29, 2002.
' VENUE: Indian Social Institute (Directions below).
1 Admission is free,
: About Sandeep Pandey:
Sandeep did his mechanical engineering in 1982-86. He pursued his PhD in control theory at
; the University of California, Berkeley, where he lived for six years. While still a graduate 1
I student in rhe United States, Pandey began what would become many years of service to ;
f the cause of education. Along with two of his friends, he founded Asha for Edacatkm,
i which in the decade since has raised over a million dollars for education projects in India,
. After a brief period as a university instructor, Sandeep Pandey decided to devote his i
energies entirely to his activist causes.
The Association for India's Development (AID) is committed to the cause of alleviating
i poverty in India measuring progress through the yardsticks of self-reliance, people’s
■ involvement and volunteerism.
Venue; Indian Social Institute, Bangalore, Address: 24. Benson Road. Benson Town.
Bangalore 560046. Phone: 3536960, 3536189, 3536360, and 3536364. For directions visit
h ttp: //www. a i d India, o rg /b a n g a! o re
For more information about the talks contact: Prasanna - 322 9747, Guru 668 5341
v. ,
umber 181
Subject: (aid bangalore] Digest dumber 181
Date: 31 Dee 2002 13:16:44 -0000
£ rom: aidbangaiore@yahoogwups.coni
To: aidbangalore@yahoogroups. coni
Association tor India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
1. Volunteer Opportunity
From: "India Literacy Project” <>
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:42:23 f0530
"India Literacy Project" <ilp-india£>
Volunteer Opportunity
Nikhil Rao <> from Christel House is looking tor
volunteers to help on Saturdays. The information below gives details
Christel House as well as
me vcj.unt.eer reciuiremenus.
Tour freinds/volunteers can directly contact Nikhil Rao.
Welcome to Christel House!
The mission of Chi is Lei House is to help orphaned, abandoned and
underprivileged children break the cycle of covert'7 and to make them self sufficient and contributing members of our society. Our uniqueness lies in
nnr rakmg on tnrai rAspnnsibi1 ify of Avery child coming to Christel House.
In addition to a holistic education, the school also provides the children
with physical and emotional health care and a. nutritional programme for the
~r'e they are in school. We have an eminent panel of doctors & psychiatrists
helping us with the children, over and above our team oz qualified and
trained teachers.
Founded by Christel DeHaan in 1998. Christel House India was started by Ms.
Shukla Bose in Bangalore on 16th July 2001. Beginning with a fairly good
number of 320 students, today it is 450 students strong. The education
imparted here is in English and follows the 1CSE Syllabus, with emphasis on
Experiential Education. At present Christel House has classes starting from
LKG - Class TV and will add one grade each year. At Christel House we have a
dream - a drcam to create a future for the deprived child. It may bo utopia
today but we are determined Lo make it a reality tomorrow.
Am 8
On Saturdays we run an enrichment programme, which consists mainly of
1/2/03 10.39 AM
laKfoangalorel Digest Number 181
SALr"~—--ricular activities, such as: music, drama, sports, dance and nature
are -looking for volunteers who will be able to engage the children during
tne Saturdays, and contribute something from their area of expertise.
commi r.menr. is essential, ar. least for 3-4 months ar a rime. This way we can
ensure that the students got your continuous guidance.
Co-curricular activities are an important and integral part of education in
Ciiristei house. Some of the objectives are:
-to keep the child’s ability for imagination and creativity alive.
-to impart various skills.
to take on different kinds of challenges.
-to cultivate desired capabilities and talents.
-to give them a freedom of expression (which can be therapeutic)
-for physical growth
-to cultivate an aesthetic sense.
-get them to appreciate different art forms and cultures.
-to inculcate discipline and rigor in different activities.
-to develop inter-personal and intra- personal relationships.
-to expose them to the ’outside worldfield trips)
-to expose them to the natural world.(field trips).
-to integrate cc-curriculum into the academic subjects.
We work from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturdays. We begin the year on the 2nd
^pf January and close end April. Looking forward to meeting you.
Our school is located near Hebbal and for more information please visit us
CONTACT: Christel house at 3539147, 3532984
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
2 of 2
1/2/03 10:39 AM
aidbangalore] Digest Number 187
Subject: [aidbangalore] Digest Number 187
Date: 14 Jan 2003 14:03:35 -0000
Fro m: aidbangalore@yahoogroups. com
Ask what you can do for India ’
Association for India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
Tuition Classes
From: ’’India Literacy Project" <>
Re: Tuition Classes
From: "India Literacy Project" <>
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:10:50 +0530
"India Literacy Project" <iip—>
Tuition Classes
urgently Need committed, consistent volunteers for Tuition Classes in
Srirampuram Area for
a Free Tuition Center.
Classes 1 thru 10: About 150 students.
Tamil Medium; Kannada Medium; English medium students; all from the low
income group families in the Sreerampuram locality.
Timings : 4:30 p.m to 9:00 p.m. every day; including Saturday.
^Those interested please call (3546426) or e-mail : for
more details.
Ravi & Sindhu
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:05:27 +0530
"India Literacy Project" <>
Re: Tuition Classes
Dear Mashood,
Thanks for the response
It it on the Okalipurom-Srecrampuram Main Road - very close to Majestic
Railway Station.
No. 30, 7th Cross, 5th Main Road, Ambedkarnagar, Srirampuram, Bangalore - 21
1 of 2
1/16/03 10:21 AM
Digest Number 187
1. Take the road that runs between Bangalore City Railway
Station and the Bus Stand
z. Go Past Bangalore City Station; Under the Railway Bridge;
(You will pass the 2nd entrance to the Railway Station, Shatabdi booking
3. Take a left at the junction (You will notice a church on the opposite
ot the Road)
4. Co under the 2nd bridge.
5. There is a signal here. Take a rt here- and you are on the OkalipuramSraerampuram main Road. About 1.5 kms from here,
you will notice a small two story (Ground + 1) structure to the left- named
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Free Tuition Association.
One word of caution:
The center is small - 2 floors- not very well organized. Wo have boon trying
work with him to group the classes.
Call up and I will give you a background. Tel 3546426
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
1/16/03 10:21 AM
Subject: [aidbangalore] Digest Number 186
Hate: 13 Jan 2003 13:29:02 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
Association tor "’'n^'* a’s Develo^m^n^Bangalore Chapter.
There are 5 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Tution classes...ASHA conference
From: Senthil S <>
2. Drought did not cause starvation deaths and rains cant end it
From: Senthil S <>
3. What Sainath spoke at AID conference in College Park, 2001 : With Q&A
From: Senthil S <senthilscs@yahoo .com>
4. Re: Drought did not cause starvation deaths and rains cant end it
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
5. photo exhibition and talk by P.Sainath - Details
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 21:30:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Senthil S <>
Subject: Tution cl asses ... ASHA conference
tfution classes in slums is a good thing...even if its
"one person...if he/she can go regu]arly...then we will
have lot of now activity and volunteers for this...
Otherwise the ASHA conference was good it gave us a
chance to meet some of the groups who are really doing
'a '
BGVS for example is doing a wonderful job with
govermnet primary shcool teachers... these
teachers...basically Kannada teachers...who did not
have the privillege of English education... are doing
wonderful things like night sky watching with
telescope , a science magaxine which reaches a lot of
children and teachers... lot of publication...etc
Pi I D &
ay/t/qli i -ABACUS a Bombay based group has made good
-a1 science material and manuals for the same...we
arfi rrying r.o buy r-ne ki r. ana r.ry it our. as an
CXpCrimcnt in our schools and see how it works...
’J offi
1/14/03 10:16 AM
laidbBigalore] Digest Number 186
Prasanna Saligram <prasanna> wrote:
Hi all of u,
> I think after having jumped from one conf to the
> other we in AID B'lore should now concentrate our
> energies on taking forward the momentum and the
> energies generated before and during the conf. For
> this T hv made some notes as to the activities that
> hv to be taken up immediately. All the others r
> invited to contribute their ideas.
> The activities listed below r the follow up on the
> conf;
> 1. Writing a thanking letter to all the
> participated/invited speakers during the conf (I can
> volunteer). We r already somewhat late in doing
> thSs.
2. Fine tune the minutes of the conf and then send
> the summary of the conf to AID news (some sort of
> info is already passed onto THIS MONTH IN AID
> magazine). Also use this material for the
> preparation of the conf, proceedings in the form of
> a nook (we hv a very good of Guru who can do
> the same).
> 3. Write a follow-up letter to all the registered
> participants during the conf in the form of a
> newsletter. Ask them if they r interested in joining
> the e gruop if so,then see to it that they join.
> 4. Editing of the video and the developing of the
> photographs
> 5. Look into the pledge form and then follow-up on
> rno sama
> 6. Final settlement oi the accounts
> 7. Finalisation of a meeting place for our CSH (
> Balaf i Kutty has done some preliminary work on
same we need to follow it up) . This is very imp as I
> am being constantly encountered with questions from
> new people as to where and when we meet. So Mashood
> pls. prepare a covering letter (on the lines of the
> letter we had prepared for 131) requesting the
> concerned Principal to grant us a place to meet. One
> more 1 has r.o be prepared for r.he Sr.. Joseph's
> college(Sunita's) which is also near Divyasrcc.
> «, Updation of the website as Arvind has mentioned
> (volunteered:-)). We can even upload all the CSH
> minutes, conf photos (if possible video), conf
> proceedings etc., onto the website
y. yjc reg some of the long term activities. I think we
i' need to take up the following
> 1. We in AID B'lore hv committed to take up the
faidbanggjore] Digest Number 186
1/14/03 10:16 AM
’ 2®lvTS*e^ter activities more seriously. So
abu/Mashood to look into that urgently
-L hv been attending meetings conducted Joy
> various people like CMC, RGvS^AShA ere. , some of rhe
> grassroots organisations r getting to know our
> activities. Our visibility has increased. So people
-s r trying to explore the ways in which we cd work
> with them.
hv been aprcached by groups which r
> working in the slums etc. r to help them. So in the
> my informal discussions with Mashood, Senthil and
> Peeyush some ideas hv come up. we can explore areas
> in which we can work with those grassroots
> organisations ( since we dont hv the grassroots
> presence). For eg. We can in the initial stages go
> every weekend to these slums/areas etc., and take
> tut ion classes for the kids (like Taramani
> experiment) and slowly we can expand the same to
> Identifying some volunteers in those areas and train
> them on the "joy of learning" etc., Since these orgs
> hv some grassroot level activities we can start at a
> later stage the Self help groups and then slowly try
> and start other programs like health, environment
> etc., 1 hope this is clear.
b> 3. For activity 2 to happen we need more volunteers
> than the current group. So we need to arrange talks
> m the companies (like Aravi ndan did in Oracle) and
> colleges r.o ar.r.racr. vol unveers. After that, we can
> tag each of these volunteer groups with the
> respective activities of A.ctivity 2. This helps
> solve one of our dilemnas tor volunteer
> mobilisation. The most common guestion we ask
> whenever we think of volunteer generation is what to
> do with the new volunteers. We dont hv enough work
> to load them etc., T hope this plan of action solves
> some of the dilemnas facing us.
> I now hope everyone contributes his/her ideas for
> this discussion.
> Prasanna
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•lessage: z.
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 04:27:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Senthil S <>
'3 of 6
1/14/03 10:16 AM
'faidfcangalorel Digest Number 186
Subject: Drought did not cause starvation deaths and rains cant end it
------- t
Sainar.n is Bangalore r.’nis weekend.
Here is an excerpt (quick reading) and the link to the
article (detailed reading) "Poor and the Permanent
Drought" by Sainath. .htm
"Drought did not cause the food crisis. Rainfall will
not end it. Drought, alas, is a normal, recurrent
feature of climate. Its nature varies vastly by
region. But it is still a feature of almost all
climatic zones. With sense and planning, we can decide
how much of a disaster it becomes. Drought is the
^season the media get to flaunt their social
^^ronscience. But that farmer staring wistfully at the
sky must have a crick m his neck by now from holding
that pose so long for so many insistent camera
There’s lent'7 the media can do if the'7 wish to. Bor
one, don’t just cover drought. Cover deprivation. Stop
treating the countryside as some homogenous entity and
look deeper at the crisis, class-wise. Look at how
policy has spurred inequality. How 1L has seen the
growth of hunger in the weakest sections of society.
How do we explain their worsening state even in years
when there is no drought? Many of the questions we ask
people in the countryside about corruption, relief
work and implementation would fetch largely the same
answers at any other time of the year. Not just during
the drought. There are problems in the countryside
that haven’t a hope in hell of being solved with
"relief work".
^fcstop assuming that, somehow, the basic policies are
okay. That it’s corruption that foils them. The big
corruption is in the policy. A set of policies that
savaged the livelihoods of the poor during the 1990s.
As Prof. Utsa Patnaik points out: "In the year 2001,
the availability of cereals in the country dropped to
an all-time low of less chan 143 kg per head. That of
pulses fell to below 10 kg." The last time we saw such
levels, "was just before World War II, in the hungry
1930s of colonial times. And again, briefly for two
years during the food crisis of the mid-1960s. An
average family of five members consumed 114 kg less of
foodgrain" than they did in the early 1990s - " a
massive decline".
There’s the big story. You can find it reflected in
tens of millions of poor households. Try getting them
to tell their story, not just the one about drought.
MojsnvzhilQ/ it’s vital to see that real food for work
programmes get going. Not by cheating people on the
cash component. But by paying them two-thirds of the
wages in grain and the rest in cash. There is an
4 of <5
1/14/03 10:28 AM
[aidbangalorel Digest Number 186
’ ur9ent need to crack down on profiteering in the sale
of water. There’s also a desperate need to help people
---Ye their livestock survive by getting fodder to
tuem. The media, too, could play a role by forcing
governmenr.s to act in those direcr.ions. Tt would be a
shame if the arrival of some rains just washed those
issues away. For, as my friend Shankar Singh in
Rajasthan put it to me last year: "In the homes of the
poor, there is always drought
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Mon, 13 Jan 2003 04:30:54 -0000 (PST)
Senthil S <>
What Sainath spoke at AID conference in College Park, 2001 : With Q&A
This is the speech Nagini was referring to in her
previous mails 1 guess.
As a freelance journalist, P. Sainath has spent the
last 9 years in rural arcs, covering a number of
topics related Lo development - casLe, poverty,
agriculture, etc. He spends between 200 and 250 days
of each year in the villages he chronicles. Royalties
from the sale of his book Everybody Loves a Good
Drought are used entirely to promote rural journalism,
so that people in the villages can tell their own
unfilterod stories. The following notes are excerpted
from his talk at the Association for India’s
Development (AID)’ s annual meeting in College Park,
Maryland in late May 2001. Excerpts from the Q & A
session following the talk are also included. talks/psainath.htm
Do vou Yahoo !'?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:08:36 +0000
"gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Re: Drought did not cause starvation deaths and rains cant end it
•This message is not in displayable format]
5 of 6
^bangalore] Digest Number 186
1/14/03 10:28 AM
nessaqe: 5
13 Jan 2003 13:13:23 +0000
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Subject: photo exhibition and Lalk by P.Sainath - Details
[Thio message is not in displayable format]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
1/14/03 10:28 AM
ib&ngfilorel Digest Number 190
Subject: [aidbangalorcj Digest Number 190
Date: 20 Jan 2003 12:25:23 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
•*-rx v
Tprli o • c
Clidpt&i." .
Thexe is 1 message in this issue.
Tonics in this diaest:
Sc - an exhibition of photos by P. Sainath
From: Aravinda i Ravi <>
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 12:18:26 +0500
From: Aravinda £ Ravi ^aid$^
Subject: xISc — an exhibition of photos by P. Sainath
CONCERN presents
• •*■**•*• •-* — — KIHDV
* -A- «W W. AW .».«W WfiMVU
k • AW. «
an exhibition of photographs by
Date — 20th January, Monday.
Venue — Choksi Hall, IIoC
(Line - ii :30am - 7pm
The photos, based on the theme of Women 6 Work in Rural India, shot in ten
states across the country by Mr. P. Sainath, show the astonishing labour
that puui women put in eveiy day ox their lives and the gigantic — yet
unacknowledged — contribution they make to the national economy. A
contribution worth, literally, billions of dollars. Each of ten panels
deals with different kinds of work that women do. Th© text details the
scope, significance and centrality of that labour to the Indian economy,
particularly to agriculture.
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Cl rdJ -
1/21/03 10:13 AM
'bangalore] Digest Number 189
Subject: [aidbangalorej Digest Number 189
Date: 19 Jan 2003 12:59:42 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India*s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
lA-Exchange> " TIME TO DO A REALITY CH...rto alegre, Brazil: 18th January 2003)
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Volunteer Opportunity: Media and IT support for national tour. A chance to
From: Aravinda & Ravi <>
Original Message
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 14:43:46 +0500
Aravinda & Ravi <>
Volunteer Opportunity: Media and IT support for national tour. A chance to
Volunteer Opportunity: Media and IT support for national tour.
travel throughout India!
A chance to
Movements of farmers, fishworkers, craftspeople, working classes and
natural resource based communities including women, adivsasis, and dalits
throughout India have struggled for years and decades to uphold their
rights to resources and livelihood, to protect the natural environment, and
to steer the country away from the destructive development path that
threatens to erode their life support base. In 2003 the National Alliance
of Peoples Movements will hold a series of public meetings to rally the
pople of this country around today’s pressing issues of social, economic
nd environmental justice and forge a path towards an alternative political
force that can carry forward the aspirations of the people for living
democracy and sustainable and equitable development and against
destruction, against communalization, and against the concentration of
power and resources under the regime of globalisation.
The tour will begin on Republic Day, 26 January, in Palakkad where people
are struggling for water rights against exploitation by the Coca-Cola
Factory. It will continue for 64 days throughout 20 states of India, and
conclude at the end of March in Ayodhya, the flashpoint of escalating
communal tensions. Throughout the tour senior activists, social workers
and scholars, and NAPM conveners including Aruna Roy, Thomas Kocherry,
Sandeep Pandey, and Medha Patkar, will address the gatherings and plan
strategies with local groups for strengthening the peoples’ agenda and
making our voices effective in the long journey ahead.
Meetings are being organized with gusto, travel by bus and train is being
worked our. for every leg of rhe journey. Citizen’s groups, students’
committees and affected people’s movements arc organising, documenting,
campaigning Lo raise issues in the strongest, most effective way. To best
utilize the momentum of the tour and the information gathered at every
halt, we need volunteers who can help to:
idbangalore] Digest Number 189
Create a website for the movement, facilitating greater publicity,
participation and follow-up. Maintain the website with updates which will
be regularly emailed.
zCreate and maintain a system for collecting and maintaining addresses,
petition letters, and other pertinent information of each and every person
and organisation that attends the meetings at each halt.
Staff the control rooms of various centers, particularly Mumbai, to
disseminate information on demand throughout the tour.
Take part in the tour (all or part), take photographs / video, interview
local activists, record public speeches, create news stories and human
interest features to be circulated in various print and audio-visual media.
Collect songs, poetry, posters and other creative media of resistance
A-ExchiageS "MMETOJK)
Seazil: TfhH January 200$) tour.
Those who are part of the tour for longer stretches may also be called
upon to present slideshows, or take part in meetings on the invitation of
local colleges.
1/21/03 9:39 AM
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a nationwide appeal for
democracy, to hear the voices of people all over India.
If you would like
to volunteer, please reply with
Name, address, phone, email
at daces you are available
at work you would like to do
>From where you would like to work / in what states of the tour you would
like to join.
— Aravinda
Kerala Jan 26-Jan 29
Geo (0484) 426506
Tamil Nadu Jan 30 -Feb 3
Gabriele (0452) 605134
Karnataka Feb 4
Balkrishnan (080) 3392354
Maharashtra Feb 7 - Feb 13
Ulka Mahajan 9869232478
Chattisgarh Feb 14-15
Binayak Sen (0771) 2422875
Andhra Pradesh Feb 16-20
Chennaiah 9848132018
Orissa Feb 21-23
Lingraj (06646) 231 029
West Bengal Feb 24-28
Sukhendu da (033) 2241 9263
Assam Mar 1 - 5
Vishwanath (0326) 330640
Madhya Pradesh Mar 6-8
Sunil (07572) 72171
Maharashtra Mar 9
Ulka Mahajan 9869232478
^fcjjarat Mar 10-12
Swati (02640) 220629
Rajasthan Mar 13-16
Sawai Singh (0141) 2552870
Delhi Mar 17
Rajendra Ravi (011) 2394 5609
Haryana Mar 18-23
Devendra Yadav (01274) 225963
Uttaranchal & UP Mar 24-30
Arundhati (0522) 2347365
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
1/21/03 9:40 AM
•dbangalore) Digest Number 191
Subject: laid bangalore] Digest IN umber 191
l>ate: 21 Jan 2003 12:23:28 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
Association tor India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham” <>
2. Fwd : Asian Social Forum 2003- Reflections
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 04:25:14 10000
"gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
http.: //www. infochangcindia. org/indox.jsp
[This message is not in displayable format]
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:15:10 +0530
Fwd : A.sian Social Forum 2003- Reflections
An Asian Resistance to Economic and Militaristic Globalization
Alternative Future: A Work in Progress
The Asian Social Forum (ASF) was personally a very overwhelming
which was beautifully conceived and conceptualized. To see 15,000 people
diverse backgrounds of grassroots social movements, people’s organizations
WGOs out in the open showing their resistance to Corporate Globalization
Their were women,
dal its,
activists’, academics, writers, performers, trade unionists’, filmmakers
and the
list can go on who we saw at the Nizam Grounds, Hyderabad from the 2nd ?
1/22/03 9:51 AM
ibangalore] Digest Number 191
January 2003 expressing their concern, discomfort and outrage in various
to the impacts of the neo-liberal policies. It was a celebration, a mela
of the
spirit. of solidarity.
ihe ASF although grounded in Asia and in the movements which have grown in
region against the neo-liberal paradigm, against exclusion, and for the
imperatives of equality, people centered development, global justice,
security and human rights, is part of the world movement and resistance
wh i ch
took a physical form in the World Social Forum where in 2001 and 2002,
tens of
thousands of people gathered in Porto Alegre, for the 1st and 2nd Annual
Worl d
Social Forum, titled ” Another World is Possible”. The ASF was an Asian
expression of the same movement co carry forward the process of popular’
consensus building towards a world that works for all.
The overarching theme of every conference, seminar, and workshop at the
j-, the
®lic Forum and the Youth Camp was offering alternatives and showing the
towards ’Another Asia is Possible*. A world, which is based on economic
gender equality, secular democracy, environmental sustainability and
A visit to the Youth Camp was very inspiring and a dialogue with Lysa,
Camp Coordinator, revealed that 13 Asian countries and 19 states of India
represented. Although the number was nowhere near to what they had
expected but
was nevertheless commendable as the youth, which was there, had purely
come on
their own with no financial support. They were high in energy and spirit
of the fact that they did at times felt neglected by the ASF.
A reflection on the seminars on the theme of Peace and Security ? most of
were poorly attended, including the ones organized by Focus, inspite of
distributing the flyers and posters and putting up banners all around and
in the
3 most spoken languages. The delegates were more interested in attending
workshops dealing directly with globalization and privatization and
based on justice and equality. What is important for us is to understand
linkages between corporate and militaristic globalization and take it down
lhe grassroots and social movements, or else we will lose half Lhe battle.
A valid criticism of the Forum is that it was too India Centric but with a
Bangladeshi and Nepalese contingent, which then makes it more centered
South Asia and also within India it was the South and the West which was
v. galore] Digest Number 191
1/22/03 9:51 AM
, during the Forum did talk about logistical disconnect, more
about the physical distances between seminar venues and also
main venue and the simultaneous translations, which could happen in
organized at this magnitude, but what is significant is to learn and be
able lo
connect better tor even bigger events.
«iiat was particularly upsetting about the event was the loss of Hussain’s
painting and the media projection of the same in which it is being
referred to
as an international racket. We need to handle it with great care so that
movement does not lose the support of the artists’ fraternity in its fight
against globalization.
To conclude, T would like to say that the ASF was a very exhilarating
and only a beginning of massive mass mobilization and movement against
globalization. It is here to stay and only increase in its size and
Focus on the Global South
^^dia Programme
Jrd Floor, Premises No. 11
Vi] White House No.l,
Rajaj Wadi,
Station Road,
Santacruz West,
Mumbai - 400 054.
Tel: +91 22 2605 3664 / 2600 6025
Fax; +91 22 26033664
Email: focusind&
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1/22/03 9:51 AM
dbangalorel Dig^ Number 192
Subject: |aidbangalorc] Digest Number 192
Date: 22 Jan 2003 12:16:17 -0000
Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this diaest:
From: Aravinda i Ravi <aid@vsnl.coiu>
Sandeep Pandey goes to court/ to fast on Mayawathi birthday
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham” <mguru@hotmail. com>
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 17:47:00 1*0500
Aravinda & Ravi
<a i di?vsnl . com>
Response to the National Tour of People's Movements, which is named "DESH
BACHAO, DESH BANAO" has been pleasantly motivating and following is a faq
as well as an important CORRECTION to rhe schedule:
Indeed the tour covers
Bihar & Jharkhand from Mar 3 5 halting in Muzaffarpur, Ranchi & Dhanbad.
^Llunteer Opportunity: Media and IT support for national tour.
A chance to
throughout India!
Movements of farmers, fishworkers, craftspeople, working classes and
natural resource based communities including women, adivsasis, and dalits
throuahout India have struaaled for years and decades to uphold their
rights rn rosnnrros and livelihood,
to protect the natural environment,
to steer the country away from the destructive development path that
threatens to erode their life support base.
In 2003 the National Alliance
of Peoples Movements will hold a series of public meetings to rally the
people of this country around today's pressing issues of social, economic
and environmental justice and forge a path towards an alternative political
force that can carry forward the aspirations of the people for living
democracy and sustainable and equitable development and against
destruction, against communalization, and against the concentration of
Dower and resources under the regime of globalisation.
The tour will begin on Republic Day, 26 January, in Palakkad where people
sr.ruggl ing for water rights against exploitation by the Coca-Cola
It will continue for 64 days throughout 20 states of India, and
conclude at the end of March in Ayodhya, the flashpoint of escalating
s. Throughout the tour senior activists, social workers
communal ten
and scho1a rs and NAPM conveners including Aruna Roy, Thomas Kocherry,
aidbangalorel Digest Number 192
Sandeep Pandey, and Medha Patkar, will address the gatherings and plan
strategies with local groups for strengthening the peoples’ agenda and
ma---—g our voices effective in the long journey ahead.
Meetings are being organized with gusto,
by bus and train
is being
worked cut for every log of the journey. Citizen’s groups, students’
committees and affected people’s movements are organising, documenting,
campaigning to raise issues in the strongest, most effective way. To best
utilize the momentum of the tour and the information gathered at every
halt, we need volunteers who can help to:
1. Create a website for the movement, facilitating greater publicity,
participation and follow-up. Maintain the website with updates which will
be regularly emailed.
2. Create and maintain a system for collecting and maintaining addresses,
petition letters, and other pertinent information of each and every person
and organisation that attends rhe meetings at each halt.
3. Staff the control rooms of various centers, particularly Mumbai, to
disseminate information on demand throughout the tour.
4. Take part in the tour (all or part), take photographs / video, interview
local activists, record public speeches, create news stories and human
interest features to be circulated in various print and audio-visual media.
Collect songs, poetry, posters and other creative media of resistance
•ed by local organisations at each halt in the tour.
6. PAINT on demand during the tour — posters, banners, etc.
7. Those who are part of the tour for longer stretches may also be called
upon to present slideshows, or take part in meetings on the invitation of
j.ocai colleges.
Don’t miss this opportunity to bo part of a nationwide appeal for
democracy, to hear the voices of people all over India.
If you would like
to volunteer, please reply with
Name, address, phone, email
What dates you are available
What work you would like to do
>From where you would like to work / in what states of the tour you would
like to join.
— Aravmda
a i di?vsnl . com
WBsala Jan 26-Jan 29
Geo (0484) 426506
Tamil Nadu Jan 30 -Feb 3
Gabriele (0452) 605134
/''Karnataka Feb 4 — 6
Balkrishnan (080) 3392354
Maharashtra Feb 7 - Feb 13
Ulka Mahajan 9869232478
Chattisgarh Feb 14-15
Binayak Sen (0771) 2422875
Andhra Pradesh Feb 16-20
Chennaiah 9848132018
Orissa Feb 21-23
Lingraj (06646) 231 029
West Bengal Feb 24 — 28
Sukhendu da (033) 2241 9263
Assam Mar 1 -2
Vishwanath (0326) 330640
Bihar & Jharkhand Mar 3-5
Vishwanar.h (0326) 330640
Madhya Pradesh Mar 6-8
Sunil (07572) 72171
Maharashtra Mar 9
Ulka Mahajan 9869232476
^u^arat Mar 10—12
Swati (02640) 220629
Rajasthan Mar
Sawai Singh (0141) 2552878
Rajendra Ravi (Oil) 2394 5609
Delhi Mar li
Dcvcndra Yadav (01274) 225963
Haryana Mar 18—23
Uttaranchal & UP Mar 24-30
Arundhati (0522) 2347365
1. What about travel, meals & stay?
1/23/03 11:22 AM
[baiig^or^ digest Number 192
All are ksing arranged locally, will be very basic, roughing it all the way
• with^ut reservations and with expenses shared and fundraising for the same
taxing place as part of the tour.
Though budget is meagre, the experience
136 enriching.
2. What if I want to work in the control room in Mumbai?
We are making slaying arrangements for volunteers working in the Mumbai
control room. You will be responsible for your own meals.
3. Can 1 join rhe tour in rhe middle?
Of course! Call the contact point where you plan to join the tour.
*. What should I bring with me?
Have a bedsheet, water bottle, flashlight and emergency kit. Some dry
foods may be useful it you aren't used to late meals. Keep a diary where
vou can note all important information. Have some basic supplies for the
kind nf work you plan to do — e.g.
have enough paper,
films, floppy disks, etc depending on the kind of media in which you arc
working. There will be one portable computer with the Lour most of the
In places where supplies are available, one can assess and restock
as needed.
Message: 2
Wed, 77 Jan 2003 04:11 :31 +0000
From: ”gurumoorthy mathrubootham” <>
Subject: Sandeep Pandey goes to court/ to fast on Mayawathi birthday
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1/23/03 11:22 AM
\ umber 194
Subject: [aidbangalorc] Digest IS umber 194
J>ate: 24 Jan 2003 12:25:23 -0000
* rorn:
To: aidbangalore@yahoogroups . com
?iSk what you can do for India !
Association tor India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
1 message in this
r com
got done just before a group meeting
R <>
. <aravindan_r@yahoo .com>
things get done just before a group meeting
Ya, the work is not 100% done. But, still..
email your suggestions to me.
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vahon! Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
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1/27/03 1:11 PM
Jbangalore] Digest
dumber 193
Subject: (aidbangalorcj Digest Number 193
Bate: 23 Jan 2003 12:19:40 -0000
£ rom:
Ask what you can do for India !
Association tor India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Coinunity service hour(CSH) meeting ( /AID meeting)
From: Prasanna Saligram <>
2. Re: Coinunity service hour(CSH) meeting ( AID meeting)
From: Senthil S <>
3. mailing list software?
From: Aravinda & Ravi <>
4. Last week’s P.Sainath exhibition covered in ’The Hindu’
From: "gurumoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 03:44:10 -0800 (PST)
Prasanna Saligram <>
Comunity service hour(CSH) meeting ( AID meeting)
6 >
Hi all or u,
^ter sufficiently recovering from the hectic activity of the conferences it is time we
I hope everyone takes the time aspect seriously and let us run the agenda in the tighte:
1. Jov of learning activities update- Peeyush, Suman, Senthil, harish and group - 15 mi)
2. ASHA Conference report- Senthil. Peeyush, Mashood,Prasanna etc., - 15 mins
Strategics for the tic-up with ASHA, ILP and other requests that r coming up - 15 mi)
Conference follow-up- all of us. Nothing has been done on this except for the report
Kandili visit- Prasanna- 10 mins
Newsletter issues- Prasanna and Babu, There r lot of new members in the aidbangalore
IISc, JNCASR followup ( these 2 groups r in the formative stage and we need to evolv<
Sainath’s exhibition report and learnings- 10 mins
Others (Members pls contribute ur agenda items in advance and specify the time neodec
1/24/03 11:08 AM
?ls. dont get confused with the terms like "joy of learning" and Kandili visit. Kandili
-hanks in advance,
"it is better to light a candle than complain about the darkness". Join AID India, visr
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(This message contained attachments]
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 21:27:25 -0800 (PST)
Senthil S <>
Re: Comunity service hour(CSH) meeting ( AID meeting)
Hi ,
I wanted to discuss "watching 30 mt videos in CSH" this will need b mts
----- Prasanna Saligram <> wrote:
> Hi all of u,
> After sufficiently recovering from the hectic
> Acriviry or rhe conferences it is time we get back
> to cur regular activities. Jtfe hv been doing hectic
j^activities even after the conf ( ASHA Conf,
9sainath’s exhibition etc.,) but not in the
> structured way. In that direction a CSH is going to
> be held on Friday the 24th of Jan 2003 at 6.30 pm (
> As sat morning we hv joy of learning and evening is
> the first day with ILF tutions and Sunday some of us
> r going to Kandili) . The venue will be in the
> vicinity of Divyasree chambers ( Near Hockey stadium
> and Richmond circle). Ealaji Kutty is trying to
> contact the principal of his school for a possible
> classroom for us r.o meet and rhe principal has
> agreed in principle. He had asked for seme basic
> documents reg AID and it shd be through. In case we
> dont get the permission within Saturday then we can
> meet in the nearby park. I hope nobody has any
> objection to this.
> I hope everyone takes the time aspect seriously and
> let us run the agenda in the tightest possible way
> so that there Is not too much dragging of the CSH.
THE MEETINC . The agenda thought out for now is
1/24/03 11:08 AM
of learning activities update- Peeyush,, senthil, harish and group - 15 mins.
ASHA Conference report- Senr.hi'i.
> Mashocd, Prasanna etc. , - 15 mins
Strategies tor the tie-up with ASHA, IIP and
> other requests that r coining up - 15 mins.
> 4. Conference follow up all of us. Nothing has been
> done on this except for the report that has been
> sent to "This month in AID". I hv prepared a draft
> of the thanking letter that has to be sent to all
> the registered/pledged participants and other issues
> like accounts etc.,- 20 mins ( Dabu, Gokul,
> 3.
> Aradhana, fihhij1rr
Can somebody pls.
work out the
> accunts finally and present it we need to raise some
> money for the activists'1 B'lore visit expenses etc.)
> 5. Kandili visit- Prasanna- 10 mins
> 6. Newsletter issues- Prasanna and Babu, There r lot
>of new members in the aidbangalore yahoogroup and
the only way to sustain their interest wd be to
> update them about the activities that r happening. >10 mins
> 7. IISc, JNCASH followup ( these 2 groups r in the
> famative stage and we need to evolve a strategy for
> the same. -10 mins
> 8. Sainath' s exhibition report and learnings- 10
> 9. Others (Members pls contribute ur agenda items in
> advance and specify the time needed for the same)
> Newcomers,
> Pls. dont get confused with the terms like "joy of
> learning" and Kandili visit. Kandili is our health
> program and Joy of learning is our education
^program. The rest u will understand when u make it
" to the meeting. In case u find it difficult to get
> to the venue pls. call 98860 00541 they wd be able
> to guide u.
> Thanks in advance,
> Prasanna
> "It is better to light a candle than complain about
> the darkness”. Join AID India, visit
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus
if 4
idbanaalGrel Digest Number 193
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1/24/03 11:08 AM
I'anooj Nia-ii
Plus - Powfirfnl .
Sign up now.
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Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:28:16 +0500
Aravinda & Ravi <>
mailing list software?
Hi folks,
HELP — we are going to create a mailing list database for NAPM and enter
all the addresses collected int eh course of the tour. Currently we have
some addresses on paper which we will first enter. We are planning to
start by using excel till we figure out what mailing list software would be
most appropriate to use.
It should be very easy to use, sort, print, etc
entries should be categorizable by state, organisational affiliation,
and perhaps 2-3 other catoegories by which one might sort before sending a
particular mailing. It should preferably compatible with excel so that
people who dent have the specific software can still read the files. does
such a software exist?
dBoinq that you can offer guidance.
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:18:35 :0000
"gurnmoorthy mathrubootham" <>
Subject: Last ’week’s P.Sainath exhibition covered in ’The Hindu’
is not in displayable format]
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1/24/03 11.OS AM
Page 1 of3
Community Health Cell
< >
Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:55 PM
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 199
Ask what you can do for India I
Association for India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
From: "Aravinda / Ravi" <>
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 22:22:58 +0530
From: "Aravinda / Ravi" <>
Narmada Control Authority (NCA) Director Afroz Ahmed is in Mumbai to
meet Kurduar, the Grievance Redressal Authority of Maharashtra. This
consultation is taking place in the context of consideration to raise
the height of Sardar Sarovar (to 110 m, though may "settle" for 100m)
despite clear and abundant evidence that rehabilitation has not been
completed for even 90m - affected families and the submergence without
rehabilitation we all witnessed in the recent monsoon.
With a new Chief Minister and cabinet in Maharashtra, the village
representatives have come to Mumbai to meet with various government
officials in the past few days to brief them on the situation. While
the Maharashtra Task Force Committee report, submitted on September
13, states that more than 1000 families remain to be resettled at the
95 and more than 1700 families remain to be resettled at the 1000 m
level, the recently released "Action Taken Report" of January 2003
gives the patently false declaration that only S4 families remained to
be rehabilitated at the 100 m level and that all have been allotted
(ex-partee) land. When Afroz Ahmed went to Taloda to check on these
cases lie found that most were false. Nevertheless the fact that he is
meeting with Kurdukar tomorrow does not bode well, as such meetings
Page 2 of 3
are held only for NCA to grant clearance to raising the height of the
IMMEDIATELY all of us must send a clear message that:
1. The Action Taken Report is incorrect and must be withdrawn
2. The Maharashtra Task Force Report, which is scheduled to be
presented in the cabinet soon, must be fully considered and followed
through, and rehabilitation must be allotted according to the
provisions of the Narmada Tribunal for all affected families
Today let us send as many faxes as possible to Maharashtra CM.
Tomorrow or next day we wiii do the same io NCA Chairman Gopai Reddy
and Madhya Pradesh CM Dig Vijay Singh
*"Please fax by 11:00 am (LATEST) Tuesday morning (Mumbai time) to
Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde
Mantralaya, Mumbai
Maharashtra 400032
FAX (022) 2202 9214
Honourable Sushilkumar Shinde ji,
Extremely concerned about the tribal people of the Narmada Valley, we
would urgently like to call your attention to the current
life-and-death situation being faced by families affected by the
Sardar Sarovar Project. Government of Maharashtra has appointed a
Task Force to make an accurate assessment of families affected by the
Sardar Sarovar Dam, and found that more than 1000 families were yet to
be rehabilitated at the 95 m level and that more than 1700 families
would be affected if the dam height went to 100 m. This report was
submitted by the Task Force to the Government in September and the
Government has assured the people that it will proceed according to
the facts as stated. The Cabinet is to discuss this report very soon,
and see that each and even/ affected family is provided with proper
rehabiiiiaiion according io the iaw.
Meanwhile we have learned that, in total disregard for this process,
the latest Action Taken Report states that only 64 families remained
to be rehabilitated and that all have been allotted land. This is
patently false according to the findings of the Maharashtra Task Force
and furthermore Narmada Control Authority Director Afroz Ahmed found
through ground-level verification that the claimed rehabilitation was
in fact not done. Furthermore we have all seen with our own eyes that
in the recent monsoon the tribal families in Maharashtra as well as
Madhya Pradesh suffered submergence without rehabilitation, as
accepted by Government of Mharashtra which agreed to award Rs. 37
Page 3 of 3
lakhs in compensation for lost homos and crops.
Ws $s concerned citizens demand therefore that
the Action Taken Report be immediatiey withdrawn
and thai the Report of the Task Force be duly discussed in the Cabinet
and followed up
and that until full rehabiltiation is provided for all the affected
families there be no consideration of further construction on the
Sardar Sarovar Project.
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Community Health Cell
<aidbangaiore@yahoogroups. com>
Thursday, February 06, 2003 4:42 PM
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 200
Ask what you can do for India I
Association for India's Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Terry Fox run for Cancer research
From: "Jayant Balraj Madavi" <>
Message; 1
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 00:04:28 -0700
From: "Jayant Balraj Madavi" < >
Subject: Terry Fox run for Cancer research
Hi All,
The Annual Terry Fox Run is being held in Bangalore this year on 9th
February 2003 Sunday. The event is held every year in several cities
around the world with a view to create awareness and also to raise
funds. Please note that all the funds raised from the Bangalore Event
will be used for cancer research in BANGALORE.
- Jayant
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Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 05:47.24 -OcOO (PST)
Subject: [aidbangaiore] Kandhll! visit and followup
.-.-C riancalore will cre~ au.idance/cor.sulr:ina rrom Balaii Sarioa~h whenever
See che oossibijiry of sending ra.w materials from Bangalore instead of
fe-:r=.r r.-> resume the income generation activities like, making
’•.--c-h’n 1 i'li'.e'
. ^hovr.ener.-?.
-u48_J 538 iu9_49827_i942__i 723_0_2S80__56i 7__3849052400&'Y f= i5535&inc=25&order-do\vn<S2/15703
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Community Health Cel!
•^aicibangalorefQyahoogroups com>
Sunday, rpbnjp-ry 16 2003 -c 12 PM
[aidbancaiore; Digest Number 201
^cdbcnqrJore.^ychooqroups . com>
Ask what you can do for India I
Association for India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Kandhili visit and followup
From: A.ravindan H < >
Message 1
Date: Sai,
Feb 2003 05:47:?4 -0000 (PST)
From: Aravindan R <>
Subject: Kandhili visit and followup
Four volunteers from Bangalore visited the Kandhili block of TNSF
(Tamilnadu Science Forum) on Jan 26th.
After a week, AID Bangalore team met and came up with the following
a ct»o n j te m s/deci si o n s.
$//D /3
Prsssnna fors.-anns sir! t<F will coordinate the
’SuOport activities of AiO Bangalore to Kandhili block ot i NSF’.
He will also take additional responsibility of understanding the
current issues in health program (arogya iyakkam) and resolving the issues.
Gokui‘ Jangs @ • will coordinate the effort of understanding
the current issues in running SHGs and work towards the betterment of
the c’jrreni
impodaf't aspect is io firid oul if there is any difference in
the methoenfogy foilo-.wd hy Malar
2 18z03
rage i oi2
A.’D Bangalore will get guidance/consulting from Balaji Sampath whenever
>rrc-m new on, atieast one volunteer wiii visit Kandhiii block twice a month
for few more months.
== Income generation activities:
- mitiaiiy to come up with a short term solution / bootstrapping.
- Think about long term income generation ideas by promoting
’rural enterprises'.
See the possibility of sending raw materials from Bangalore instead of
from Madras to resume the income generation activities like making
’’washing biue: etc.
== Sponsor village volunteer meet:
- AID Bangalore will fund Rs. 1500 for each meet io be held every 2 months
- initially this support will be for 3 meets.
In the mean time, try to see the possibility of getting support from
the local community to fund Rs1500 after 3 meets.
- Try to invite district level coordinator / Kalpana or somebody
knowledgeable in health and micro credit.
— Sponsoring bicycles for full time volunteers:
- See whether we could get 2 cycles donated by AID Bangalore volunteers.
Otherwise, buy them 2 bicycles from Thirupathur when the volunteers
visit there.
== Saiary for fun time volunteers
- Work with TNSF for giving/reimbursing travel expenditure *in addition to*
the 500 Rs salary.
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Thursday, April 03, 2003 3:03 AM
[aidbangalore] Digest Number 215
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Ask what you can do for India !
Association for India’s Development
Bangalore Chapter.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Fwd: Re: [no-to-war] Fw: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
From: "Malini Shankar" <>
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:56:55 +0530
From: "Malini Shankar" < in>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [no-to-war] Fw: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
Someone please give me the phone number of Prasanna Saligram please !
Malini Shankar
Environmental Journalist /
Nature photographer
" Amrutha" #1/1 Police Station Road
Bangalore 560 004
Tel: +91 / 80 / 667 7090
Mobile: +91 / 80 / 98451 22056
e mail:
----- Original Message-----From: Prasanna Saligram
Page 2 of 16
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:00 PM
Subject: [aidbangalore] Fwd: Re: [no-to-war] Fw: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
Anasuya Sengupta < > wrote:
"ParvathiMenon- frontline”
CC: "IraqBangaloreYahoog"
From: "Anasuya Sengupta"
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 20:39:55 +0530
Subject: Re: [no-to-war] Fw: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
Unni and other friends,
I think we should combine rallies/protest demos with the call for lights outside homes on April
12th. This would mean that we have enough time to mobilise for both (and communications on
both at the same time will help) and those who cannot be part of the rallies - including in rural
homes - can express protest as simply as possible. We should also really work on colleges’
participation, if some of them have finished with exams.
just my sense of what would be the easiest way to mobilise.
best wishes, anasuya
----- Original Message-----From: UNNIKRISHNAN PV (Dr)
To: BabumathewProf.; ParvathiMenon- frontline
Cc: IraqBangaloreYahoog
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:07 AM
Subject: [no-to-war] Fw: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
There is a global protest scheduled for April 12th. please read the
following. This is FYI>
Dr. Unnikrishnan PV , India
E-mail:; Ph (m): +91 (0) 98450 91319
Read the latest on the campaign to stop the war at:
----- Original Message-----From: C.R.Bijoy <>
Page 3 of 16
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: Re: April 12 worldwide protest
> March 31, 2003
Warmest greetings of solidarity!
We acknowledge the positive and encouraging responses
> from you and many groups in the Asia Pacific to the call of
> ILPS-Philippine Chapter for a region-wide mobilization on April 9
> against the immoral, illegal, unjust war of the US against the
> people of Iraq.
However, events in the world today are indeed rapidly
> developing.
There is now a call from leading organizations of
> International A.N.S.W.E.R (US) and STOP WAR (London) for
So that we can be one with many more people in
> registering our mightiest, loudest, and most militant protest, we
> in the ILPS-Philippine Chapter inform our friends and network in
> the region to that the Asia Pacific-wide anti-war protests set for
> April 9 have been moved to April 12 to coincide with the global
> mass actions.
Together with Africa, North and South America and Europe,
> the people of Asia Pacific shall also march, rally and protest on
> April 12 to compel US President George Bush and his cohorts to
We hope that we could mobilize hundreds of thousands, if
> not millions, in our region. But if your group or country cannot
> mobilize on April 12, we suggest that you mount small but symbolic
> propaganda action could highlight your unity wth the global
> protests.
Please email us at april9@pilneLcom regarding your
> participation on April 12. You may later check the website
> for updates.
Looking forward to your reply in the soonest time
> possible.
> For genuine peace based on justice,
PHM Secretgnat
pHM Secretariat <>
Priya Ranjan <>; <>
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 3:01 PM
Mail from Prasanna, some issues pertaining to PHM and Dr. Ravi Narayan's visit
Hi Priya and Naga,
Prasanna here from the People's Health movement Secretariat (Global) and AID Bangalore Actually I am
writing this mail to you with regard to the website issues that Dr. Ravi had spoken to u people during his
visit to USA. It was agreed by AID that AID could host the website of the JSA. We have in the meantime
also recd. the CD from Balaji which contained the contents of the webpage of the Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
as it existed in its last updated form. At this point of time we are updating this information and are also in
the process of rejuvenating the website. Balaji had earlier hosted this on AID server. But now that link is
broken maybe due to the migration of the AID server. So I request u to pls. open a new file for JSA in the
AID webserver and then to send me the FTP login name and the password for the same at the earliest as
we are thinking of making our website public with most of the background work already over. Hope to get
a response from u people soon.
Also during his visit to the USA Dr. Ravi had carried a series of CDs. Dr. Ravi has forgotten to bring one of
the CDs which I think was left out in one of the computers. He has just brought with him the CD cover:-)
thinking that he is carrying the CD as well [ The CD had the following documentaries PHA official report,
BBC health protesters, STAR TV-2001, Anniversary PHA-RECALL with Kalpana, Balaji , H Sudarshan
ere., in that) . Could u pls. trace the same and try to send it over to our office pls? It had some important
cumentaries in it and we had not yet made a copy of the same. So it would be nice if u could trace and
nd the same.
Hope to get a reply from u.
People's Health Movement Secretariat(giobal)/AiD
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Aima Ata
declaration visit
•I, 16/03
Prior t nt A
PHM Secretariat
PHM Secretariat <>
Mokshay Madiman <>
1 hursday, April 24, 2003 11:53 AM
Re: PHM - US
Dear Mokshay,
Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global) at CHC,
JLam forwarding your response to Thelma who will decide whether some one in
R1C will take up your suggestion in the context of the present commitment.
However I am forwarding a copy of a paper she presented at the Global Forum
for Health Research at .Arusha , Tanzania in November 2002 based on her PhD
thesis in the broader issues in TB programme implementation. Also you will
be interested to know that she had earlier written on TB in the Hindu State
of the Environment Report in 1997 in an article entitled 'Tuberculosis:
Persistent Killer’ which you can probably also access from HINDU archives.
Did you get ouirthank you letter to all AIDers? Ensure that it reaches
everyone who attended the sessions.
Best wishes.
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(globai)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
^tkkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata
declaration visit
P.S: Next week I shall be reporting AIDers in Bangalore about the PHM - US
trip and the AID dialogue.
----- Original Message-----From: Mokshay Madiman>
To: PHM Secretariat <>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: PHM - US
> Dear Ravi.
> Thank you for your email. I am glad that the flow of energy was not just
4 •'2-1/03
To: *
Mokshay Madiman <>
PHM Secretariat <>
Friday, April 11, 2003 5:42 AM
Re: PHM - US
Dear Ravi.
Thank you for your email. I am glad that tlie flow of energy was not just
I just saw this article on ’’Fighting TB worldwide’’ by Gro Harlem
Brundtland and James Wolfensohn in The Hindu today: *—
It occurred to me that a reasoned response to the article from PHM
describing the problem with the whole formulaic drug delivery approach
would be a welcome perspective broadener for readers. Just a suggestion in
case your office can spare the time from your numerous other commitments
to do this outreach.
Rooking forward to your email to AIDers on how we can be more involved in
warmest regards.
On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, PHM Secretariat wrote:
> Dear Mokshay,
> Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
> Thanks for both your letters of 18th and the poster. There was a pile of
> emails waiting to be responded to while we were away. Just got top the
> end of it and have started responding to others after our US trip. Glad
> to hear that our visit helped to clarify your stands on some aspects of
> Globalization and also charged your batteries. We enjoyed meeting all of
> you and were inspired by the youthful enthusiasm and commitment.
> I am writing a longer letter to all the AIDers, which I hope you will
> all consider seriously. It has some ideas about how you can add an
> international support dimension to your work without being too
> distracted from the ongoing commitment to supporting projects in India.
> Hope some of the chapters may be responsive to the idea. Thank all your
> AID colleagues from both of us and do keep Bangalore and CHC on your
> itineraries when you visit India next.
feet oY
Keep in touch.
> Best wishes,
> Ravi Narayan
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Opinion - Leader Page Articles
Fighting TB worldwide
By Gro Harlem Brundtland and
James D. Wolfensohn
GENEVA. Ten years ago, the World Health Organisation
declared a Global Emergency to battle the resurgent epidemic
of tuberculosis. The international community is making steady
headway, but "steady" is too slow and the emergency
remains in force. Two million people die from TB every year,
worn down slowly and painfully by an infectious disease that
destroys their lungs and wastes their bodies.
The epidemic is still growing in Africa and in the countries of
the former Soviet Union. TB thrives on poverty and social
disruption. It is a close companion of HIV/AIDS as it takes
advantage of the weakened immune systems of those who
are infected with HIV... The emergence of drug-resistant
strains of the disease has revived TB's centuries-old
reputation as the "captain of death".
Stories in this Section
Return to the U.N.
Two birds with one stone
The end of economic reforms?
Has U.S. over-reached its limits?
Resolution lacks moral authority
Fighting TB worldwide
Contain this fire
Shaping post-war Iraq
A voice of sanity
Yesterday's Issue
Literary Review
Metro Plus
Open Page
Book Review
Young World
We have an effective weapon against this killer. Known as
"DOTS", it ensures that people suffering from TB are fully
treated with a powerful combination of drugs under the
regular supervision of health workers or community
volunteers. The treatment costs $10 or less for six months of
drugs and uses primary care services. Over the past few
years DOTS has turned the TB tide in several countries and
more will follow suit.
Since 1993, 10 million TB patients have been treated
successfully worldwide, more than 90 per cent of them in
developing countries. A total of 155 countries have now
adopted the DOTS strategy, which is vital to ensuring high
cure rates and preventing the spread of infection.
China and India have shown remarkable progress in
expanding population coverage while maintaining high cure
rates. Some 50,000 new TB patients are put on effective
therapy each month in India alone. In China, active TB cases
fell by 35 per cent in areas applying DOTS over the last
decade. Other countries, such as Peru and Vietnam, have
already surpassed 2005 targets for TB detection and
Yet, only a third of all people with TB are being treated under
DOTS programmes at present. We must move much faster in
http: / /www.hinduonnetcom/stodes/2003041103261200.htm
The Hindu : Fighting TB worldwide
rhp world moves to extend the life and hooe of those
Page 2 of 2
living w,tH ,,iV u'nuugn treatment with antiretroviral
medicines, DOTS jnust become part of the treatment package
for the millions of people infected with both HIV and TB. We
also have to boost health systems to enable faster response
on a range of public health threats.
Poor distribution, management and capacity of health
manpower, labs and health posts create barriers for those
most vulnerable to disease. Local community and political
leaders can be mobilised far more.
The highest TB burden countries, together with G-8
committed individuals such as George Soros and Bill Gates
are all supporting the "Global Plan to Stop TB" and' are
committed to the "Stop TB Partnership". The new "Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria" is a major new
contributor to this work and is bringing still more energy to
the fight. Through these partners, hundreds of millions more
dollars are available now than in previous years for DOTS
expansion, for innovative response to HIV-associated TB and
drug-resistant TB, and for research and development for new
diagnostics, drugs and vaccines. Still, this is still well under
the billion dollars more needed annually to change our
trajectory in TB control.
Reversing the major communicable disease epidemics of
Tl IV/Al DS, malaria and TB is among the Millennium
Development Goals for 2015 adopted unanimously in 2000 by
ail members of the United Nations. High burden countries are
putting considerable money and expertise into defeating TB,
with positive, verifiable results. As G-8 leaders prepare to
meet in France in June, they should unite in scaling up the
fight against these diseases. Millions of lives hang in the
(The writers are Director-General of the World Health
Organisation and President of the World Bank respectively.)
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PHM Secretariat
Prasanna Saligram <>
Thursday April 24. 2003 10:43 PM
Interesting - People's Movement's Thoughts
xIr;?i Hida/Ra i 7 <aidffi\ > \vrote:
Tb: a.id_coords@yoh
( 1C: a i dn ews t (Tn i dm di a. o rg
From: " Aravinda/”
I Dale: Thu. 24 Apr 2003 08:48:54 -0400
• Subject: [AID Coords] Interesting - People’s .Movement's Thoughts
I Cat e g c- r y:
I n f o r mat i one 1
■.ction Requested: Fas? it on to interested volunteers and people, Send
| r jirn'icnts to us.
2>ear AIDers,
This is the ’’Agenda and Programme of Action” that has tome out of the
iNational Tour organized by the NAP.T — Desh Bachao Desh Banao Abhiyan Tan
2<; - April 1).
It is important for AIDers to be aware of many of the
triinge; here, that some of India’s most important people’s movements of the
poorest are saying. Several organizations in India across different mass
- 77.: have to come to a shared vision and this is a step in that direction
•if a National People’s Movement.
As AID we need to be aware of and understand many of the issues presentee
- - - - of
• - sendinc
• . this"
• - ■is
“ not
----- to
- see ■.'bet her we acree
.. with
I i vory de-tr-i_. m: pemt but t ?. get a perspective of .issues am. pcss: :1s
s involved, .-.hich have been presented well here, and
inspired to
: connect and contribute where we can.
—Ravi and Aravinda
! This is cne action oart of the Final Declaration of Tie DBDE Ahhivar.
Agenda and Programme of Action
The Abhiyan focusthe five key areas that encompass a large
coi.uems tn-^t the proposes natloric.! movement should address. During rhe
•I z25. 03
Psge 2 of 11
hevolved at the conclusion of the cai-p sig:/., which is
iKero in tr*e term of guidelines for the organizations for future actions t
to which they car. add --r make suitable changes. The Desh Pachac Desh Banco
inco.rp ?rate all these and also the local to national actions
’ey the ill
oxganizat i-~nr: and ctr associ iter, individuals enrolled in the
Anaolan would be supported in. all ways. The detailing, of the form, symbols
and media, conceptual documents to Advisory Co-ordinating Celis
for each
are-?, or even important specific programmes are co evolve with everyone
a contribution at the earliest.
1. Right of Local Communities tc Natural Resources
Main issues
* Natural Resources include: Water, water bodies and aquatic resources
like fish, Land with minerals underneath, Forest and forest produce which
are a life support and sources of livelihood - not just marketable
commodities. These need to be used and harnessed so as to promote survival
and sustainable development of human and all living beings.
• Communities urban and rural should be granted the first right tc ::hr
resources in choir hands so as to have the first right to plan use. of those
and to have its basic needs fulfilled before a wider unit’ claims right. A
beroom•up planning wit?- the principle of subsidiarity should accept tha
peoples right to know and to give their prior informed consent or even to
object and reject. There is a need to evolve and ensure democratic,
equitable ways of management and distribution of resources within a
community. Land reform and water sharing should thus accept the right of
dalits, landless, women and other disadvantaged, oppressed sections.
* Communities contributing natural resource or human labour to any
development plan and activity should have a right to participate and to a
share in the benefits.
Policies for managing resources in e’adh sector should ensure
solutions to environmental crisis without unmanageable social impacts e.g.
a decentralized resource-planning in a river basin, a solution tc drought
and xlood crisis and organic self-reliant agriculture with efficient rse of and water
Action Programme
’ Nationwide struggle for village community rights to be facilitated
’and strBp.gthened. Implementation of Adivasi self-rule and its extension to
all villages move towards Village Rule ( Gaaon ka Raa j; with equality an.?.
* National, multidimensional , international Campaign and struggle
acainst proposed plan of Inter linking of Rivers a plan which is
unscientific and irrational. , which is ecologically devastative , socially
unju.i t ifiable, and financially ncn-viable. It is a step towards
privatization and centralized undemocratic management, leading zz- all otter
forms of privatization of water and deprivation, destruction, disparity and
Psge 3 cf11
* Mover.:e n t ag a ins t privatization throug?'. centralization zz v-zz-.-z
management at the cost cf people.
?11 out Efforts Against
The privatization of Shivnath Rivet in Chhattisgarh.
Agitation against Coca Cola in Plachimada, Paiakkad District, in
Struggle of fisherpeople of Jambudwip (West.Bengal) for their
r i ght t ■? 1 iv e 1 i ho od.
Campaign against sale of
Suez-Dregmont company and
65 crore litres of Ganga water to
Supporting the struggle in the Narmada Valley against massive,
forcible and illegal displacement.
Agitation against Projects sponsored by the World Bank and other
bilateral / multilateral agencies, like Forestry Projects leading to trie
eviction and division of Adivasis ; asserting community forest management.
Struggle for abolition of Forest Villages, converting them to
Revenue Villages and regularizing of all forest cultivators with community
level record keeping and management of land and forests
Planning and execution of decentralized development from the
village to block
( tehsil) levels , selecting
socio-economic-ecological units for planning towards
self reliance and self rule. Units to be chosen by
Desh Bachao Desh Banao
committees / organizations and the maxirum
process to be
facilitated through interdisciplinary
( Refer to Point 3 as well).
Pap/.- 4 of 11
An inter-state people s planning process (including ’J.F., Bihar,
wiu co-operation of people s organizations in Nepal will be
towards Gang a Peoples Plan
No to Global Capitalism, Liberalisation and Privatization
policies. A clear position against WTO and opposition tc MNCs as a
challenge to the corporatization of resources, economy and polity. Basic
services energy, water, education and major industries need to be managed
by the State as it s responsibility and should not have private capital
investment .
No to disinvestment of Public Sector Corporations. Instead, '.-.’here
new participle cry management initiatives with labour organizations ano.
exercise towards autonomy without political interference should be stressed
and demanded. Co-operative management with employees, employers and state
representatives should be a way out in inefficient sick industries.
Right tc Work needs to be incorporated as a fundamental right a
corollary to the right to life, in the Constitution of India.
Industrialization as also management of production distribution should re
labour intensive, generating employment opportunities. Priority in
budgeting and planning for food for work and other schemes is
Mobilising secular political parties and elected
representatives for including right, to work as a fundamental right in the
Constitution to be undertaken.
Right to Food Agricultural Policy needs to be changed
towards decentralized growth in food production with equitable
distribution of land and water, self reliance in food production at local
to national level and an effective public distribution system with due
priority , budget allocation covering every needy family especially women
and children . No involuntary food imports under WTO s compulsion and
distributeon of stocks in godowns shouId be unde rt aken..
Food security, Public Distribution System (PDS) to be strengthened
with subsidies
by the Centre and each state
government to extend tc- large
sections of urban and rural poor. The surplus foodgrains lying in the
gedowns of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) should be distributed at
subsidized rates to the poor and marginal people and be used for Food- for
Work programme. Decentralisation of storage infrastructure for agricultural
and dairy produce by regularly reviewing poverty line criteria. The lists
to be regularly furnished to peoples organizations as well as elected
r ep r e s e nt at i ves.
Education, Health and Housing as primary level basic services
Page 5 of 11
especially for the lower income groups must be the responsibility of the
Statu with the involvement of local communities through special efforts.
A check on the profit making private service institutions •tc Le applied by
develor;ing and maintaining efficient, adequately funded network
f rurl-i'
In Health Services, priority should be give;; to preventive
[services with a complimentary role to be played by various systems,
Unlimited commercialization and
corporatisation of education needs to be
Public Hearings on the state of education and health services,
* basic services as a priority in planning and budgeting.
Reservatiofis for dalits and Adivasis should be complimented wit?.
various support actions on the lines of Mandal Ayog Recommendations, so as
to make the discriminc.ticn superfluous. A limited percentage of seats in
Private organizations / industries also should be reserved with special
incentives to them.
Opposition to disinvestment and deregulation - which favours
corporatization, while accepting a balanced mixed economy with appropriate
controls by a clear role to be played by the public sector.
Action Programme
Participate .in the Week of Action on the Right to Work ( April
25th. to May 1st), initiated by various peoples organizations and
movements ’ some proposed actions: padyatras in drought affected areas with
a demand for employment Guarantee Scheme, holding Public Hearings ,
exposing the failures of Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojna, agitation for
minimum wages in the drought / flood relief work and against the type
of mechanization that reduces employment. A National Memorandum to
be presented to all the elected representatives on May 1st. with local
issues and perspectives added.
A strategy meeting with weavers .and workers organizations in
textile mills leading to workers taking control of the sick units in
selected places and running these in a co-operative manner.
National Quit WTO campaign: Campaign against disinvesting and
privatizing the public utilities like public transport, water supply,
health services, education, post and telegraph etc. Cell to analyze and
expose the disinvestment decisions and corruption involved. Displace the
Disinvestors agitation in co-operation with workers organizations.
International actions, especially related to the WTO agenda, Kyoto
protocol, joining the protests as Cancun meet in September 2001.
Will oppose the globalization process in agriculture as reflected
through the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) - pressurize the Government of
India through legislators and directly against signing any agreements as a
Page 6 of 11
result of further negotiations.
Nationwide campaign against Multinational goods , boycott of
cold-drinks MADE by MNCs and promotion of local, nutritional •
drinks through stalls and water kiosks , sale of coconut water,
buttermilk, lemon juice, jeera-pani, etc. during the summer of .'993.
boycott, of American and British goods as a mark of opposition
the attack on Iraq and American British imperialism. Build awareness
towards demilitarization of the world and opposition to nuclear weapon.; and
“ • Alternative Development ansurihg Sustainability tnd
-am P r i ncip 1 es and Parame tres
Appropriate technology choices should be incorporated in the policy
or every sector. Machines and mechanization needs to be accepted within
limits to ensure labour intensive technology which will relieve India of
the huge debt t r rp with related political-economic oppression and will
generate sources of livelihood :<ithout destroying nature in a major way.
Sectoral policies need to be changed and these new policies should he
strictly followed in development planning.
" Co-operative management. _-f village industries, small industries and
core / basic industries need to be facilitated.
* Democratic and decentralized planning: Atleast 60 % of the planned
funds should be allocated to district ana district level plans should be
g ive n primary.
Appropraite unit of planning, appropriate technology and
participator;/ process should be chosen in order to avoid serious
social-environmental impacts and economic non-viability of the present
icentralized plans.
■ Policies for managing resources in each sector should ensure
solutions to environmental crisis without unmanageable social impacts e.g.
a decentralized resource-planning in a river basin, a solution to drought
and flood crisis and organic self-reliant agriculture with efficient use of
land and water.
J Constructive work through people s 'planning and action, based on the
above principles.
* A struggle for change in the present policies and adoption of
alternative policies in various sectors ;iike agriculture, water, power,
unorganized workers, fisheries, displacement and rehabilitation, electoral
reforms, judicial reforms etc.) is ongoing., yet needs to be co-ordinated.
Draft alternative policies are worked out with various organizations. A
compilation of these to be prepared as an Agenda for A New India and used
in the campaign and in designing our action programme.
* Struggle in alliance with the like minded farmers organizations for
Pag/? 7 cf 11
<*,f- rmu:-: r
i<r agricultural produce, demanding subsidy till the optlmur.
price (ccripar chive tc- the price of individual products) is granted , anf ar.
eirecurve marketing infrastructure and institutions are in place.
Establishing Jan Vikas Kendras as training and resource centres for
demonstration of technological alternatives, youth action, dialogue and
workshop? m place? where our presence is strong , where some land with
mrnrmum infrastructure is available , ultimately ext least one in each
state. Special involvement in building a cadre of young activists.
Establishing producer-consumer forum for village industries
(Gramodyog Parivar) and small production centres for ■decentralized , cheap
and lai-cat absorbing production of basic goods. Network of
multidisciplinary teams of intellectuals for alternative development
planning in selected socio-economic-ecological units. {Please r-.fer to
Point 1) .
* Campaign in schools, colleges and other educational institutions on
the Peoples Agenda, selecting a few issues and activities. State-wise touis
of schools, colleges and universities to mobilize the youth force.
* Facilitate a People s Plan for every village / cluster of villages,
region, city ' metro, by the people s organizations, on the basis of
sustainable , equitable and just development. ; Refer Paradigm and
Technology Ecint -1) Encouraging such planning in selected urban units
which would address the various aspects of traffic and public transport,
housing, water-supply and sanitation, displacement and prime land issues,
expansion and satellite clusters, industries and open spaces etc. Similarly
to undertake planning in selected rural units.
4. Struggle for Social Action
Main Aspects
r Struggle against caste-system and ’inequalities: Empowerment of caste
- communities should only be with an ultimate aim of annihilation or caste.
.Any form of untouchability direct or indirect and discrimination to be
opposed through individual protest, mass action
as also legal action. A
firm belief in non-violence and tolerance as values propog&ted by all
religions. Every effort by power politicians or fundamentalist religious
leaders need to he condemned. Secularism in politics should necessarily
mean only limited participation of power holders and officials on duty into
religious, caste- based activities.
* Struggle against gender inequalities. All forms ci discrimination and
^hacrocities against women to be opposed and right to property as well as to
w basic, equal services and opportunities to be asserted.
* Global peace and justice. War-mongering and imperialist policies and
attacks need to be stopped. The United Nations must play a much stronger
role while the civil society too needs to raise a stronger voice f
Some of tne programmes suggested by the Anhad or National Campaign
for Defence of Democracy, including action on the report of the public
Page 8 of 11
on Gujarat
carnage and other programmes to be tak-r. up.
Eul .-.ling and widening Insane Bira«'iarr , yc-utn ran*.- ch... Iran s
wmn xnsani .in tnen ncuire ou<> as
g.'i amsaes
I • '■'
’ £ ogr /ucme s 5etaand ing
Rights t-: Dalits / landless in the existing >r newly creator
wa ■.. e r r es ou r c e.5 for c oimtun i t1 e s.
b) Demand for maximum electricity or alternative sources oi energy to
each poor family as a
priority - cutting down Transmission and
losses and consumerist use /unjust
c) Right to atleast one acre of land to each Landless Dalit Mzc-ar. ,
recovering and
distributing the former Vatani lands cf dalits.
Supporting the demand by Dalit organizations for retaining
reservations in education and employment and extending these in the
private sect :.r with some incentives.
Joint ownership of women, and. men in the land and property title
raise a demand from all fora accompanied by actions in favour of women.
This should be brought to the forefront of the
Agenda by March 2004.
Collaboration with women s organizations , networks. Campaign
for reservation for women in Parliament and state legislative AssemxLies.
^■issues to be raised through Lokmanch / Loksansad.
{ See point ?,
Fostering Alternative Politics.
Main Aspects
Right to Information : As a tool , this needs to be granted by
improving the existing slate and central level legislations and the other
governments would and should adept it.
Challenge to corruption in public life. Recommendation of Vohra
Committee towards non-corrupt, clean politics needs to be adopted.
Corruption at all levels, especially in bureaucracy needs to be exposed.
Opposing money and muscle power in electoral politics. Awareness
campaign and Know-Tour - Candidate campaign based on the Latest judgment
of the Supreme Court on Public Accounting by politicians.
Intervention for Social Justice - Formation of groups of
intellectuals ano eminent persons from various walks
life who ■■ cold
intervene in times of crisis including state repression. Such a list -..ill
be maintained in each region and these persons would be available for
intervention within 48 hours of receiving information about the critical
4 •• 25 z03
Page 9 of 11
.Alternative Media : This has become essential but the
same should not remain restricted to the converted groups / cadres.
Ambitious pianneng to make the Peoples Agenda known to the masses at la.rc?e
and to publicize programmes , to link various initiatives and organicrt i :.rr
etc. is nec s s a.r y.
POT.A and other anti-people draconian acts should be rerwi•=d
• ■■■
- should be d alt with through
he existing IE
•' ’ -
Ac ton P r og r ame. •
Diarogue with eecul:.t pel:.1, ical parties, individually and in groups,
or. '-c? Peoples A/onda in the context 'f upcoming elections.
Issuing People .•: Manifesto at the rime of coming elections and making
public the analysis of performance .?f various political parties based on
t h -? 1 r pr ev 1 nu s ma r. •_ i e s tos.
'■ lo.K Man ch, -a civic group to be formed out of Desh Bachao Desh Banco
committees to call to one dais and interrogette the candidates and held
representatives accountable to people in the Lok Sansad ( People s
to be organized every three months , inviting elected members
of District Pane hat at , Vidhan Sebha ( Parliament Assembly) as well as
selected members of the Lok Sabha and bureaucrats. A Lok Mans;. Is to be
organized in Delhi in June 2003.
* Direct / Indirect intervention in electoral politics (challenging,
assessing the parties, their manifestos, candidates and elected
representatives; beginning with the forthcoming Assembly elections.
Collaborate with. :ivil society groups already active on the Issue of
e xe •: tora 1 refo:.:: a s.
’■ Political education camps for the local and other activists and
community Leaders on ideologies and strategies.
ablishing a National level Daily or atleast begin with a news
bulletin in Hindi to be finalized.
Linking with alternative media organizations towards a National Media
Campaign on Peoples Agenda.
■' National Campaign for Right to Information to be strengthened •■.I-.?: ;
c-o:nmen national and common state level legislation bringing is. amendments
in the present ones.
’r Anti- corruption committees with government and non-government
representatives should be demanded and formed in each distric': of every
s t a t e wi t h due pc we r s .
Follow fp Process ana the ctruecure Towards a Launch.
•* We will strive to attain these goals and begin with trie action
zammes a: tne tar-uxest. .’/hat is most necessary zs the immecizate
follow-up and consolidation cf the support and participation in the Desh
Bachao Desh Banao Abhiyaz. Contacting and discussing with al.l ~he
ornizazions and individuals involved in the Abhiyan in each state will
- initiated by the state convenors with a group of active organizers /
^^?arti ci pants during the Abhiyan. It is necessary that a iollo'/'-vp process
4/25 z03
Page 10 of 11
is carried cut by holding meetings of the organizations and individuals :<hc?
’nave enrolled themselves for Desh Bachao Desh Bauao by fil-iiig in forms
duriza the Abhiyan, and participated in trie programmes. The meeting should
at least, be held at. the places where the Abhiyan programmes were held. Ir.
this follow up process and meetings in each state, at least, one r.ati zzal
cc.nvencr of the )’A?M will participate In the process, as per the fezlsic-n
taken by the national convenors.
* The committees formed for organizing the Abhiyan programmes at
various z-’.aces during the last two months will function with the consent of
all, -a;: Desk Eachat Desh Bar.s.o committees azl
"j"h^ MA.P-1 • .rcf.nis-cix- wz~l he
o f N A.r 14 -
a part of / assccianef
-:.ez ■_ c oecome m-c-flCcX£
For :c taslu,
^chedu.l e ci' programmes was approved by ■ ■:- nntronai
correenc : NAJZ at Lucknow and is Giver: below :
April May : Follow up meetings to form /
Ban ~ o Corcrii 1t e e s.
strengthen the Fesh Boen'.' Pesh
April 25th. to May 1st: Action Week on Right to Work
June: State- level Posh Bachao Desh Banao Conventions. A programme
issuing a War ring Notice r. - the state governments t informing ’-lei;.
the state and national level. agenda / issues / demands.
July: State level training camps
shibirs ■' workshops.
August ? 14: Action Week .Campign towards Janadesh a Cal.', to Act to the
s t a c c- g ov e r nme n t s.
August 15: The day to issue the Janadesh ' People s Mandate? or Jan
Sankalp ; People s Resolve•- Programme to be planned at the flag hoisting
ceremony or separately with 'widest possible participation of the
partici;.ants / supporters of the Desh Bachao Desh Banao Andolan.
I October: National satyagraha begins on the approved common national
issue/s. -Details to be finalized later;. Also, state level joint,
indefinite action: March to the Capital or whatever is unanimously decided
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
: 25/03
□HM Secretariat
-—---------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------From:
PHM Secretariat <>
Kirankumar Vissa <kiranvissa@softhome.nei:>; Mohan Bhagat
<>; Nigamanth Sridhar <>; Priya
Ranian <>; Shrinaath Chidambaram <>;
<phjawah’>; Priya Ranian <>;
<>; <>
Friday, April 25, 2003 6:39 PM
Potential Support of AID to PHM Activities
Dear PHM Friends . AJDcrs
One of the highlights of the recent 3 week PHM tour promoting People’s Health Movement and the
charter by Dr. Zafarullalk Thelma and myself was the meetings in Berkeley', Palo Alto, Stanford,
Portland, Boston, Maryland with the AID chapters. Thank you for supporting the.visit as cosponsors of
meetings in many cities and also for the warm and enthusiastic hospitality and fellowship before and
after the lecture discussions. Even though we have known .ADD for a long time through Balaji. Ravi,
•ravinda. the Bangalore AID group and so many visiting AIDcrs, it was still a great opportunity to
meet you in your own surroundings and experience the simplicity, the commitment, the collectivity and
the zeal and energy to support causes after learning more about them with a critical openness. Thank
you each and everyone of you for this inspiring experience.
As the new' coordinator of the global PHM secretariat, now based in Bangalore for at least the next 2
years, I have been reflecting on how the energy/zeal of AIDers can be harnessed to support the PHM
internationally without diverting your focus from supporting action for India’s development. I believe
that as a group of young and old people from one countiy of the world, your example of getting
together and giving back in small and creative ways by supporting projects, programmes and campaigns
is a very inspiring role model for many others. .Also while India should continue to be the main focus a
group like yours also have the potential and perhaps responsibility to support causes like PHM in an
international context especially when the Indian region is presently shouldering the responsibility of
catalyzing' supporting/ evolving facilitating PHM global action, campaigns and meetings
I have given some thought to this over the last few days and I am sending you THREE IDEAS which I
hope are creative enough to catch your imagination. These are still just ideas but if you as a group or as
separate chapters are keen to respond, do so as soon as you hv completed your own unique collective
decision making process. The ideas are based on three broad principles
T hat the support of International PHM process through the secretarial has to be symbolic
and through small one lime donations so that the focus on India continues
That it should enhance not only your ow n involvement in processes and meetings but
Page 2 of 3
also by the symbolic concept of supporting others as well you will enhance international
P H fl -
Simula iacilitaie the enhanced role of the wealth of resource persons committed
’ no experienced people from south Asia in the larger arenas.
1 he PHM funding group has drawn up a guestimated budget io cover the PHM secretariat in
Bangalore, a PHM resource center in GK Savar Bangladesh, Alma Ata anniversary initiatives
hke film, meetings, awards, signature campaign; support to regional and national meetings etc.,
etc.. In tliis larger budget, the support to Bangalore PHM secretariat to cover the cost of a core
team of staff four people and an accountant, some basic infrastructure facilities, computer
etc., meaning office costs and some travel support. This is estimated as $3000 per month.
Could this amount be raised by each of the AID chapter to support a month in the next 24
months? Each chapter has to raise 30$ from a hundred people or 100$ from 30 people or
combination thereof. Perhaps there could be other methods of your own choice. But this would
mean eg. Maryland chapter supports April 2003: Palo Alto May 2003: Boston June 2003 etc.,
with no one chapter feeling the pinch or too much administration and project
formulation/evaluation needing to be done.
Every donor will be put on our email and will be entitled to a monthly communication from the
whole part of the 2 years that the secretariat is in Bangalore ( April2003- March 2005) which
means minimum 30X24 AID supporters of PHM secretarial, if 100 S is the mean donation.
This will be the real people’s contribution. So far 1 have raised money till March 2003 so a
quick response to this idea will be welcome.
The World social Forum will be held in Mumbai in January 2004. The plans are being evolved
and both Jan swasthya Abhiyan-PHM India and PHM secretariat will be involved in the planning
process. I am sure many of you will like io attend. ASF 2003 was a very good educational
experience and the solidarity of your presence will be greatly appreciated. AU you need to do is to
somehow plan your next trip to India in January 2004 wherever possible Ma Mumbai. The idea
Page 3 of 3
suggested however is to raise one travel fare (1000$ as mean) for each of u attending. This money
will then be used by PHM secretariat to support one other health or development activist from
another disadvantaged part of the world. So if 50 of you attend, there should hopefully be 50
others who have been facilitated by your donation ■” fund raising.
‘ ’ y3'-r i:-;r pt’oa:>s could be followed for the next people’s health assembly-!! at Potto Allegro. .Brazil in
Juiv <fo04. i our presence in numbers would be helpful as volunteers io the secretarial as well as a great
loaming experience for al] of u. In this event the matching process of raising one additional travel grant
per . uDer attending would focus on helping heal th and development activists from India and south
Asia io attend. In idea two you would have expressed a global solidarity and in Idea three you would
h;;\e expressed a south Asian Indian solidarity’
These are just some random thoughts. Do consider them seriously so we can work out further
framework and details, if you are interested and the ideas get a general AID consensus. Thanks once again for the hospitality and fellowship.
Best wishes from Dr. Zafarullah, Thelma and myself,
Yours in solidarity’
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit
Dear PHM Friends / AIDers
One of the highlights of the recent 3 week PHM tour promoting People’s Health
Movement and the charter by Dr. Zafarullah, Thelma and myself was the meetings in
Berkeley, Palo Alto, Stanford, Portland, Boston, Maryland with the AID chapters. Thank
you for supporting the visit as cosponsors of meetings in many cities and also for the
warm and enthusiastic hospitality and fellowship before and after the lecture discussions.
Even though we have known AID for a long time through Balaji, Ravi, Aravinda, the
Bangalore AID group and so many visiting AIDers, it was still a great opportunity to
meet you in your own surroundings and experience the simplicity, the commitment, the
collectivity and the zeal and energy to support causes after learning more about them with
a critical openness. Thank you each and everyone of you for this inspiring experience.
As the new coordinator of the global PHM secretariat, now based in Bangalore for at
least the next 2 years, I have been reflecting on how the energy/zeal of AIDers can be
harnessed to support the PHM internationally without diverting your focus from
supporting action for India’s development. I believe that as a group of young and old
people from one country of the world, your example of getting together and giving back
in small and creative ways by supporting projects, programmes and campaigns is a very
inspiring role model for many others. Also while India should continue to be the main
focus a group like yours also have the potential and perhaps responsibility to support
causes like PHM in an international context especially when the Indian region is
presently shouldering the responsibility of catalyzing/ supporting/ evolving/ facilitating
PHM global action, campaigns and meetings
I have given some thought to this over the last few days and I am sending you F9HR TH i'' '
IDEAS which I hope are creative enough to catch your imagination. These are still just
ideas but if you as a group or as separate chapters are keen to respond, do so as soon as
you hv completed your own unique collective decision making process. The ideas are
based on three broad principles
That the support of International PHM process through the secretariat has to
be symbolic and through small one time donations so that the focus on India
That it should enhance not only your own involvement in processes and
meetings but also by the symbolic concept of supporting others as well you
will enhance international solidarity
That it should facilitate the enhanced role of the wealth of resource persons
committed and experience^people from south Asia in the larger arenas
The PHM funding group has drawn up a guestimated budget to cover the PHM
secretariat in Bangalore, a PHM resource center in GK Savar Bangladesh, Alma
Ata anniversary initiatives like film, meetings, awards, signature campaign;
support to regional and national meetings etc., etc.,zThe support to Bangalore
PHM secretariat to cover the cost of a core team of staff - four people and an
accountant, some basic infrastructure facilities, computer etc., meaning office
costs and some travel support. This is estimated as $3000 per month.
Could this amount be raised by each of the AID chapter to support a month in the
next 24 months? Each chapter has to raise 30$ from a hundred people or 100$
from 30 people or combination thereof. Perhaps there could be other methods of
your own choice. But this would mean eg. Maryland chapter supports April 2003;
Palo Alto May 2003; Boston Jun^efc., with no one chapter feeling the pinch or
too much administration and project formulation/evaluation needing to be done.
Every donor will be put on our email and will be entitled to a monthly
communication from the whole part of the 2 years that the secretariat is in
Bangalore ( April2003- March 2005) which means minimum 30X24 - AID
supporters of PHM secretariat If 100 $ is the mean donation. This will be the real
people’s contribution. So far 1 have raised money till March 2003 so a quick
response to this idea will be welcome.
The World social Forum will be held in Mumbai in January 2004. The plans are
being evolved and both Jan swasthya Abhiyan-PHM India and PHM secretariat will
be involved in the planning process. 1 am sure many of you will like to attend. ASF
2003 was a very good educational experience and the solidarity of your presence will
be greatly appreciated. All you need to do is to somehow plan your next trip to India
in January 2004 wherever possible via Mumbai. The idea suggested however is to
raise one travel fare (1000$ as mean) for each of u attending. This money will then be
used by PHM secretariat to support one other health or development activist from
another disadvantaged part of the world. So if 50 of you attend, there should
hopefully be 50 others who have been facilitated by your donation / fund raising.
A similar process could be followed for the next people’s health assembly-II at Porto
Allegre, Brazil in July 2004. Your presence in numbers would be helpful as volunteers to
the secretariat as well as a great learning experience for all of u. In this event ifthe
matching process of raising one additional travel grant per AIDer attending would focus
on helping health and development activists from India and south Asia to attend. In Idea
two you would have expressed a global solidarity and in Idea three you would have
expressed a south Asian/Indian solidarity
These are just some random thoughts. Do consider them seriously so we can work out
further framework and details, if you are interested and the ideas get a general AID
Thanks once again for the hospitality and fellowship.
Best wishes from Dr. Zafarullah, Thelma.-t^^
Yours in solidarity
Ravi Narayan.
snnwas Krovvidy <>
PHM Secretarial <>
Monday. April 23. 2003 7:57 AM
Dear Drs. Ravi and ; nelma,
It was nice hearing from you. It was nice to host you at College Park and I hope to be in touch with you
to 'earn more about PHM’s activities.
- Srinivas
— Original Message----; From: PHM Secretariat
To: sapana@aidindia.orq ; vrkumar@umich.orq.orq ; ; anarayn@worldbank.orq ; : ; ; ;
sirish : ; ; rtarun ; : ; Aravinda and Ravi-AID
Sent: Thursday, April 24. 2003 7:18 AM
Subject: PHM-US
■ Dear PHM Friends in AID - Maryland
pr. Bhagat, Kiran, Srinivas, Tarun, Aravinda, Vaijayanti, Sashirekha.Sapana, Vidya,Anand parekh,
, ?\mbar Narayan. Tuiika Narayan, Sonal Kalburgi,Sankar Sitaraman,Veena Kulkarni, Boppana,
I Veena, Amarjit. Namrata.Sirish and others)
Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
1 On behalf of Zafarullah, Thelma and myself, I would like to thank each and every one of you,
■ (especially from Hesperian Foundation - Sarah, Todd, Tawnia, Christie, Darlena, Pratap, Jeff and
! others; from Doctors from Global Health - Steve, Molly, Lanny, Denise and others; From AID • Prashant, Laxman, Priya, Mokshay, Prof. Bhagat, Srinivas and others; also Claire, Malcom, Raju
• Rajcopai, Dax'id. Mex, Jaspai Singh, Evelyn, Chris Keifer, Madhukar, Vanu, Vinod, Nandan, Ray, Martin,
Adnan, Karen and everyone else who made cur trip to USA, on behalf of PHM so meaningful and
’ interesting (apologies if we left out anyone).
• it was quite tiring and exhausting (perhaps three weeks were too much!),but we enjoyed the
interactions; the warm hospitality; the enthusiastic fellowship; and the great interest and zeal to become
involved with the People’s Health Movement.
sun.vas Krov-,-icy <k,’>
PHM Secretariat <>
Monday. Apr«? 28, 2003 7:57 AM
Dear Drs. Ravi ano i nelma,
It was nice hearing from you. 't was nice tc host you at College Park and I hope to be in touch with you
to iearn more about PHM’s activities.
- Srinivas
----- Original Message-----I From: PHM Secretariat
I To: ; vrkumar@umich.orq.orq ; ; anarayn@worldbank.orq ;
tulika@aidindia.orq : kalburqs@mail.nih.qov ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; Aravinda and Ravi-AID
’ Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:18 AM
l Subject: PHM-US
(' Dear PHM Friends in AID - (Maryland
•pr. Bnagat, Kiran, Srinivas, Tarun, Aravinda, Vaijayanti, Sashirekha.Sapana, Vidya.Anand parekh,
" mbar Narayan, Tulika Narayan, Sonal Kalburgi.Sankar Sitaraman.Veena Kulkarni, Boppana,
: Veena. Amarjit, Namrata.Sirish and others)
, Greetings from People's Health Movement Secretariat at CHC, Bangalore!
I On behalf of Zafarullah, Thelma and myself, I would like to thank each and every one of you,
; (especially from Hesperian Foundation - Sarah, Todd, Tawnia, Christie, Darlena, Pratap, Jeff and
! others; from Doctors from Global Health - Steve, Molly, Lanny, Denise and others; From AID ■ Prasnant, Laxman, Priya, Mokshay, Prof. Bhagat, Srinivas and others; also Claire, Malcom, Raju
| Rajgopal, David. Max, Jaspal Singh, Evelyn, Chris Keifer, Madhukar. Vanu, Vinod, Nandan, Ray, Martin.
• Adnan, Karen and everyone else who made our trip to USA, on behalf of PHM so meaningful and
’ interesting (apologies if we left out anyone).
; It was quite tiring and exhausting (perhaps three weeks were too much!),but we enjoyed the
interactions; the warm hospitality: the enthusiastic fellowship; and the great interest and zeal to become
involved with the People’s Health Movement.
i ioa
PAM P)i£>
Page 1 of 3
PHiVI Secretariat______________ _ _________________
Community Health Ceil <>
Phm Office <>
Monday, April 28. 2003 12:21 PM
Fw: [science-movement] We Admire You!
----- Original Afessage-----From: "Vinod Raina" <>
To: *'sb27” Satindar>: "Daniel Amit"
' daniel. amit@roma 1 .infh.if-’: "Shobha Madan" <madan@iitk. >
Cc: - science-movement@yahoogix)ups. com
ment: Friday, April 25, 2003 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [science-movement] We Admire You!
> Prof. S. Mohan Bhagat
Dept, of Physics,
■ University of Maryland, College Park
> US
My dear Mohanji,
> It is wonderful to receive your response. I hope you are as well as one
> expect to be in these turbulent times.
> I am ven- grateful to you for your gentle and mild reproach to my rather
) enthusiastic and spontaneous reaction to
> Prof. Daniel .Amit and Prof. Shobha Madan’s actions. It is perhaps easier
> give up an institutional position (as some of us did at some point of
> or emigrate, than io fight from within. Therefore your caution about not
undermining the resistance and motivation of dissenters
> from within is well taken.
> My faith in humankind goes beyond your figure of 84 million, and tells me
that a majority of people in die US also seek peace and are not enamoured
- by war. Opinion polls in US mostly reflect consent manufactured and
' doctored through media - the FOX’s and the CNN’s,
and a high degree of illiteracy about the rest of the World. If anything,
the spontaneous and massive anti-war rallies in the US
> are a better reflection of the people’s response than state influenced
• polls. And as you say. such a sentiment is perhaps higher
• on the campuses. I believe so, since I saw exactly that at some of the
> campuses on and immediately after 9/11 when, as you know,
28 '03
Page 2 at 3
." I was travelling through the US campuses.
> But this is just the point I was trying to make in my hastily put together
> message to the two Professors. Wh<e as the majority
’ of people in the World, 1 believe, seek peace and harmony, it is the
' instiValions of the World - of the state., corporate and educational kind.
> where potent violence is being brewed, in mind boggling varieties > cultural social, racist, ethnic, religious, scientific, economic and
> military. True, as individuals, many people working in these institutions
> do not share the goals of their institutions, but since they have to
> themselves somewhere in order to use their skills and intellect, or simply
> to cam a living, they must inevitably remain trapped in .these
■- .Any action or protest, which can potentially barm their professional
careers is therefore an act of courage. Opting Qut is the last recourse,
> but as I said, perhaps easier, since one no more has to negotiate one’s
> professional circles, and be judged by values one no longer subscribes io.
The major problem therefore is with the institutions rather than the
> This is not however an attempt to promote ideas emanating from
> the neo-liberal,. post-modernist, or anarchist politics - to disband all
> institutions. as seems fashionable in many circles. Disband the state and
> replace ii by civil society, whatever that means. Is a seductive and fund
> attracting agenda these days, supported even by the World Bank. Our
> democratic institutions are no longer representative of the needs and
•• aspirations of the majority of the people (including the post of the
> present President of the United States, that had to be filled with the
intervention of the Supreme Court!). This does not imply that we give up
- democracy and its institutions - what it does however imply is the need io
> deepen the democracy' and transform its existing institutions and
- • so that they reflect better the aspirations of the trapped masses. .And
extends to ail other institutions. supported by the state, or otherwise.
> And I believe such transformation will require, as you rightly imply.
> dissent from within the institutions and pressure from outside. And we
desperately need to create solidarities and alliances between these two
> forms of action. Which is what, on reflection must have motivated my
> spontaneous response to the action of our colleagues in as diverse places
> as Rome and Kanpur.
: With warm regards,
> Vinod
Page 3 of 3
.At 03:47 AM ’;25/03, sb27 wrote:
At one level I agree with you completely. However, at another
, level 1 would like to submit the following for your consideration.
. I had the arguments offered by Blume total sophistry I have to remind
; >cveryone that even in the height of the recent monstrosity in Iraq.
-• >well nigh 30 per cent of the people of the US expressed total disgust
with what was being done in their name. That is close to 84 million
>people. In addition, from mv experience with people at the Universities
■- >percentage of faculty who were ashamed of what we were doing was even
> >In my humble opinion 1 would like to suggest that we donot do anything to
> >undercut this group. Rather, these citizens of the US need all the
> >that they can muster around the world to keep the pressure on the power
> structure to mend its ways. That said, there is no question that I
> >the principled stand taken by our colleagues. Take care. God Bless all
> >efforts!
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Page I af
PHM Secretariat
PHM Secretariat <>
sb27 < >
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 2:31 PM
Re: Your proposals
Dear Mohanji,
Thanks for your response to the ideas after a preliminaiy discussion. This
was just to make you all think laterally. We would be glad whatever the
response. Each group has to function within its own working framework and
constraints and the main message I was trying to convey was the idea of
symbolically supporting something without deviating from the groups’ primary.
focus. These were only ideas from the top of my head, perhaps you all may
even have other ideas. Lets keep in touch and evolve these as we go along
Best Wishes to you ail.
Dr. Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Bangai ore-560034
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata
declaration visit
----- Original Message-----From: sb 27 <Satindar M>
To: >
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:17 PM
Subject: Your proposals
j? Dear Ravi,
We had a very preliminary discussion of your three ideas in our CSH
■ on Saturday and indeed people wanted to Inow more details and breakdowns.
> However, before we go further there are some facts to bear in mind.
■ First, rhe financial capabilities of most of the volunteers of AID arc
. far more modest than you have assumed. The majority are students whose
> take home salary is not much above 1000 per month. Second, AID has not
> been too enthusiastic about supporting office type infrastructure and
> also almost no project amounts to 36000 per year. Most of our projects
. are barely one tenth that amount. Next, most peoples plans for travel
. are quite uncertain. Hopefully, some of us will be coming to Lidia but it
> should be noted that as before some of our funds are used to bring
>• ants to such meetings who donot have enough funds to even pay for the
P M-rl
I :
( 3
PHM Secretariat
sb27 <>
Monday. April 28. 2003 9:17 PM
Your proposals
Dear Ravi.
We had a very preliminary discussion of your three ideas in our CSH
an Saturday and indaad people wanted la Inaw mare details and breakdowns.
However, before we go further there are some facts to bear in mind.
First, the financial capabilities of most of the volunteers of AID are
far more modest than you have assumed. The majority are students whose
take home salary is not much above 1000 per month. Second. .AID has not
been loo enthusiastic about supporting office type infrastructure and
also almost no project amounts to 36000 per year. Most of our projects
are barely one tenth that amount. Next, most peoples plans for travel
are quite uncertain. Hopefully, some of us will be coming to India but it
should be noted that as before some of our funds are used to bring particip
)nts to such meetings who donol have enough funds to even pay for the
food for the 3 or 4 days that they are expected to stay in a metropolis.
Indeed, we would love to be able to be of help but I thought it best to
let you know of our limitations. Please do forgive us for not being able
to come up to your expectations. Take care of yourself and Thelma, you have
both become very precious lo the AID family! God Bless you!!
1 A2
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Miojecu laKioangaloccj AID meeting Agenda
Date: $m. 16 Nov 200? 1.5:01 *45 -0530
Fi'j ’• Hi; m • •: h •.V’-J._J.:<h5dy N i 2. C Oill
Reply- ■• *>•
i o ’ a i dba;; 2 2? orc fci. v all o o oroups. c cm
Dear friends.
‘ 3!V/ forwarding to© rn.?ii from Sonthi! for those who have not recieved it. This contains agenda for Today's meeting olus
sci’ie thoughts on FuLi’e aciivities.
Hi All.
AID meeting at / .30 p.m on 16-11-02 at Babuls place.
t ■ C'cmmumv.’ Health Centre * Wohd Social Forum Prassona to co-ordinate
Bangiacre?, some of us can go on 4th and 5th (Sat Sun)
who is ^oins for the event from
21 Aid India Conference Activities : Finalizing speakers and venue, alloting tasks. Meeting people whom
Prassana can’t
3> Aid Bangalore - Elections
4) Schools? Are all folks resumins classes tins week - If anvone is not let me know
Siauirj of All Classes - updates and issues
1; Namm-2 Mane - Balaji Kuuy
2) School near Sun micro Systems - Balaji Kurty
v.'ioUv! vuvi OuijOvn -
4) Ulsoor Gills School - Kagliu
5) N anima. Mane - Sthann
r-milmia lyj.nuc - r>duu
i) damma Mane - Aravindan
IVlane - Manoi
8^ N
•. /r
1 1’: C-2222212
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* V C: n 'c ?
iv) Ii.idi.rd Hagai class I - Suman
11 x irj'Urp. Np-'-ar class IT - Peevush
12) /'mny School - Mashcud - Abhijit
''<r.?--fr!'Jide$ related experiments
»r;,. '•
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rvito ivi uiio
Next week's ihouaht ; Newtons Laws ? CurrentIv the team is Suman. Peevsuh Sthanu Sen
civ 'on?' ’ ho can ' N n
To get Maths kit - Guru
To get puzzle set - Gum
i«Iaiz»s book to LtaCiiu
5) Science rAperuHeut classes ■’xhats our rum : A discussion
Some tliouchts on our activitv:
Vu fiiWre : this hern is not nan of agenda but minus we can do in the iurure - we can have a discussion - these
'sirnfliar efl OTIS in ma-hem'n’ihs
ni >-’:r; ’..l ••••<. _>v.; •'•■/;•,■ . n
C-XHenmeniS, CiHicnUy With Abhijit
cau bdinjl Sampaift olid 'mid iUOiC CXpCiuHCUtS arid -ICC VUHC activity
: meet msplrlxg people in the field
omit day workshop ibr aid education volunteers by an inspiring person involved in education
’*A*■■■ 'o ■•'■■■' e si'ch discussions wahm the smup
Common accounts
YiVisTing aanikal - Shankar - bonded labour education project - mashood
C\?n<4ucimg science l-esed video shows
can we have songs in English, Tamil, Kannada which we can sing - related to sceince etc
Hc?'«v to introduce reading habit anion-1' students - store book workshops
Dispelling myths - Science experiments
John holt based session - workshop
balaji samptah got C D made - check it out
rcplicaiiiig the work to a larger crowd and getting more science experiment volunteers from the field
Office address (Regd.)
Bangalore contact:
132, Avvai Shanmugam Salai,
Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600 086
Phone : (044) 8115058
Email : aidindiafe
Prasanna Subramanya
Phone: (080) 3229747
A talk by Mr. K.R. Datye
On community based watershed development and Biomass energy generation
On 02.02.2003 between 10.30 AM and 12.30 PM
Community Health Cell
# 367, "Srinivasa Nilaya",
Jakkasandra I Main
I Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore- 560 034
AID-India is a non-profit, tax exempt organization under the Societies Registration
Act 1975 as an educational and charitable organization.
Mr. K.R. Datye, who has worked extensively on water issues and on alternative
technology and modes of development in various parts of the country is now in
Bangalore. He has written several books, one of which is called “Banking on
Biomass” which details an alternative mode of economy based on biomass production
and consumption.
Mr. K.R. Datye on Sunday, 02.02.2003 is going to talk on building up of a
Framework for implementation of community based Watershed development and
Biomass energy generation.
Office address (Regd.)
Bangalore contact:
132, Avvai Shanmugam Salai,
Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600 086
Email : aidindia ^
Prasanna Subramanya
Phone: (080) 3229747
The Administrator
Community Health Cell
# 367, "Srinivasa Nilaya",
Jakkasandra I Main
I Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore- 560 034
Date: 31.01.2003
Dear Sir,
Sub: Requisition for permission to utilize the conference premises of Community
Health Cell for a meeting with renowned water technologist Mr. K.R. Datye
AID-India is a non-profit, tax exempt organization under the Societies Registration
Act 1975 as an educational and charitable organization.
Mr. K.R. Datye, who has worked extensively on water issues and on alternative
technology and modes of development in various parts of the country is now in
Bangalore. He has written several books, one of which is called “Banking on
Biomass” which details an alternative mode of economy based on biomass production
and consumption.
We would like to arrange a meeting with Mr. K.R. Datye on Sunday, 02.02.2003. We
request you to grant us the permission to host the same in your premises. This meeting
at CHC, would be convenient for participants which includes our organization
members, friends, social workers and members from other organizations. Hence we
request you to provide us a meeting place for the same. Hope to be obliged.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours faithfully,
Prasanna Subramanya
(Secretary, AID-India Bangalore Chapter)
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<a idba nga ’ ore@ya hoog ro u ps. com>
Tuesday.. August 31. 2004 8:17 PM
iaidbangaiore] Digest Number 360
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Yahoo! Groups Sponsor------------------------$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.
1ittp: us.cli
'i here is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Small Steps - Newsletter, Aug 200 -I
from Siniiha Kalyani >m i dial; a I y di ii
-si /O'O <-o
Message: 1
Date: Mon. 30 Aug 2004 07:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Smi rha Kalyani smUbal^y^
Subject Small Steps - Newsletter, .Aug 2004
Aug 004. Chenniii
Small Steps...
. towards a better world
Dear Reader.
AID Chennai brings you the latest news and updates from projects in various fields, through the monthly newsletter Sinai:
Steps. We hope this newsletter graduates into a forum to discuss and debate issues- or news that affect us. Voice of me
Volunteer is a special section, where our volunteers share their experiences with you. Soon we also plan to include articles
and updates from AID projects across India. We solicit your valuable comments, suggestions and also interesting and thought
provoki- articles, poems, cartoons etc. Kindly email us on aiflchvj.’naiffigmajl^_om. Ramki. Balaji, Raw Shank.i \ Vih!
Dichj y trlhik, Sundhar and Smith a contributed articles and ideas for this edition.
- Editor.
iS ‘‘*ve/y poor district, near Trichy in Tamil Nadu. Neither AID nor TNSF has bu>e tlmre. Baimi mid ' .v.iK have
• > ftp the challenging task of starting some development activities there. They have been visiting Ariyahir ew,-iy w'■pl g ro build youth groups, start primary education, science education and health initiatives etc. Starting now v•• > vilbg.:-.
:nd 5 schools close to the town, they plan to e.Kpand the scope of this integrated development to about 300-500 villages in the
district. To star! with, two science clubs and adolescent gid groups in two schools and a primary education centre have
already been started in a village. Contact Person: sri vaths 1 Tffi yal too, cc-i i:, bdluji.j-.impa th 4
Nr. SA KARA M - Ne<akarani is an NGO that rehabilitates poor kids who run away from home. Ia providing food, xf.el.ter and
Out classes there hive begun again over thu weekends. It is a heartening experience for the x o’mueers R;m<-i.
Prabhakar, Jim:. Anu and IN. vyu interacting \fd»h the kids. On one such weekend, the session >■>.»:-> ed with a u-und , f •.uif..
nuzzles. The vchUiDsrs
various number games to End out the secret number etc. wliich the children ibimd inumsme
and turno Me varioih expiaiiations on how the volunteers, were able to (Ind om Such interesting interncm*n bciweeii ...
'w«<i.»-..<r fO’*
ouil/i- coiLlidenco and muko- *ho child inqui-iiivc More „np<H
ts better. In iitis C3se. math puzzles of findii
h <.>, -hovN ii-_••• m
tp c-uildren in
math concept <?f fdgebra Contact Person: ramkey Jfglyahqo.cqm
Lady \'ye School near the I IT campus has both residential students and day-scholars. Ravi Shankar and Vibha have been.
helping 25 1 Oth std students with lheir math for a month now in the weekends.Tlus is what Vibha has to share.. ..
So far. our experience lias been excellent. The students are warm, bubbly and very cooperative. Our first challenge is
Arithmetic progression and I am happy io say that we are progressing geometrically. Our teaching methodology aims at
clarifying fundamental concepts by breaking down problems into small sequential steps. This not only reinforces their
confidence but also highly motivates them.
We had un interesting learning too. We noticed that all the students are very confident about algebra using the variable x'.
They can easily held questions like x >Ax
z,2, x-x=0 etc. However try that with n - n and they are stumped. Perhaps this
abstraction seems obvious io us, but the truth, is that this points to one of the many fundamental gaps in our education system.
But it can be very easily bridged. Hopefully at the end of the day the students can marvel at the beauty of equations rather
than be stupefied!
PERSEVERANCE IS THE WORD - A story from Bangalore
AID volunteers Pradeep, Karthik, Venkatesh and Sivakumar are al! software professionals who have been helping children
.:ve: the weekends regularly at a small government primary school. The school has only two small class rooms where Pre
KG, I st and 2nd standard students sit in one class room and 3rd. 1th and 5th standard students sits in another class room. The
school had a half-finished building adjacent to the two classrooms. They found out that the local area counselor, now an
MLA. out of his own interest. stalled rhe building. But the construction was left unfinished because of the busy schedule of
the MLA. This is where our volunteers stepped in. They met the MLA not once but a number of times. Their persistence
won. First, an engineer evaluated the construction The next week somebody asked the teacher to allocate space to place the
cement bags for construction. The week after that, they saw a group of people working. Congratulations to the volunteers
who did not give up.
AID in the NEWS
Recently, Indian Express in Chennai carried an article titled AIDing Development about AID and its activities and
associations in India. An excerpt - "AID is a voluntary' organization committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just
development by working with various grassroot organizations and movements in India. It supports and initiates efforts in
various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihood, natural resources, health, women's empowerment and social
;i AID andTNSF volunteers have been invited by the Commissioner of Corporation Schools in Chennai to train all middle
sad liigh school teachers of corporation schools in Chehnai through monthly workshops.
jj Ravi Shankar has designed a new concept card on Day and Night explaining rhe earth's rotation.
;i AID Chennai has released its new brochure
Want to volunteer?
Cali Balaji or Chandra on 044-28350 103 to find out more about our activities and how > on can help.
You voi.dd join our mailing lisi by.emailing us ithlcheiHwi Z; cuiuil.con}
Your contribution will directly support various education, health and development projects in villages. CoifnKiD a
us a eves-'xi cheque payable to
enclose the details below and mail it to us.
I would like to donate R:
(in figures)
Ml donations are exempt from tax, wider Sec 80G. Please choose from the options below
Monthly basis
Yearly basis
Half-yearly basis
AID Chennai. Old No. 132. New No.242, Awai Shaniuugam Road Gopalapuram, Chennai C 86. Ph: 044-28350403. ''Tgmai1 com
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