A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the Kidallitanda Village people
- Title
- A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the Kidallitanda Village people
- extracted text
Community Health Learning Programme (CHLP) 2015 – ‘16
Ms. Fatima
Society for Community Health Awareness Research and Action
Title page
My learning objectives
Learning from collective session and field visits
Learning from field
Research study report
Results /findings
Reading list
I say thanks to my dad and mom, for giving me chance to fulfill my dreams and for their unconditional
love and support and everyone who has helped me throughout the term.
In my journey through the wisdom of community health learning programme at SOCHARA I would like
to say thank first of all Dr.Thelma Narayan a successful women in public health. Her in depth analytical
and intellectual lectures were extremely helpful in internal thinking during the fellowship.
I would like to say thanks to Dr.Ravi for his commitment, humbleness and openness to learn and to make
me learn. I like his class he is a good story teller and inspiration to me.
I would like to say thanks to my mentor Mr.Prahald for his commitment and passion for in his sessions,
guidance and support in the fellowship.
I would like to say thank Mr. Mohammad for support in my fellowship
I would like to say thanks to Mr. Chander for his support and encouragement in my fellowship
I would like to say thanks to Kumar, Rahul, Aditya, Victor, Mathew, Maria, Vinay, Anusha, Janelle, Swami,
Chandran, Prasannna
I would like to say special thanks to hari bhayya, Tulsi, Josef, vijju akka, kamalamma. They have also
supported in my fellowship
I would like to say thanks to my field mentor Mr. Shankar ujulambe from MYRADA .org Gulbarga he is
very inspiring, full of commitment, support, encouragement and also Dr .Maya, programme officer Mr.
kalyanshatte gave me permission for field learning so thank u so much
I would like to say thanks MYRADA staffs, outreach workers and community resource persons MYRADA
staffs also supported me, so thank you.
Another learning, observation and experience in SOCHARA and SOPEA are that there is a transparent
structure without any hierarchy and they all help each other.
I say thanks to my fellows, my friends. Each one of you is from different background and has so much
knowledge, experience and true friendship. You help each other and have unity.
I would like to say thanks to community people during my field work as they helped me. I learned so much
with the community people.
I would like to say thanks to all who supported me in my fellowship programme
My community health journey
I am Fatima from koppal District. Now we are living in Yadgir district. My background is bachelor in social
work and master in social work. I completed it in 2014-15. I was studying in MSW last semester when I
joined Saki Trust for my block placement. There, I saw Mr. Prahalad Sir Sanitation documentary. Asma
and Yashoda who are SOCHARA’s ex- fellows came to SAKI TRUST that time I heard of community
health learning programme then. I have been waiting to join CHLP since that day. After MSW I join national
family health survey for one month. I did work in that health project and was getting good salary but
learning is more important. I think I want to learn more about myself and community. I want to learn more
in my interest area- women and child development. I was not sure which one I want to choose then and had
so many questions in my mind. I have started internal thinking and also about my life now. There were so
many obstacles my family. They didn’t agree to send me to Bangalore. They were afraid Bangalore was a
big city and I am a girl. Decision making was very big challenge for me. SOCHARA team supported me,
Maria and victor spoke to my family and my family agreed. I am so happy I got opportunity start my new
journey in SOCHARA, want to like to work at community level as I have no work experience .I started
my journey in SOCHARA on 22nd February 2015 .
My learning objectives
Developing Good communication skills
Good report writing skills
I am interesting in documentary
Participate rural appraisal I am here to learn more about community health.
Research skill.
I want to learn more about NRHM programme
Reading, writing ,speaking skills
Case study
Programme management skills
To improve my knowledge of women and child health
Learning from collective session
In the six months orientation period for the community health learning programme 2015 to 2016
I learnt so many things like knowledge, value of relationship, related community health, different culture,
different community, reflective, critical thinking, personal, professional, reflecting.
Community means: my understanding of community means group of people, we feeling, living people
together one particular place, their own culture, language, tradition, values, assumption helping each other
called community.
Community health: I learnt in collective session community health means enabling empowering people
to take care of their own health which includes conscientisation and political action {community health cell
Health means in my understanding before SOCHARA health means disease, physical wellbeing. I am
from a non –medical background and I learnt in SOCHARA health means ,health is a state complete
physical, mental, social,and spiritual wellbeing {WHO }
Prassanna take session globalization I was not sure why we study about globalization and how is it related
to health. When they explained about globalization my all doubts were clear. Globalization comes with its
positive impacts and negative impacts. A positive impact means new technology, marketing, the world
wide movement toward, economic financial ,trade and communication integration. The negative impact is
no health equity, culture is destroyed, agriculture, food security is compromised. When globalization came
its effect was less government more privatization of all sectors
Structural adjustment programme - This programme by the world trade organization have direct effect on
farmers ,new institution established and more profit to MNC companies. Government monopolize and the
lobbying power of pharmaceutical company has effect on health , no health programs, cut in health care
and education, no subsidies to farmers and the poor .all over increase in problems like malnutrition ,infant
mortality, poverty, unemployment.
My understanding of Alma – Ata
The international conference on health held at AlmaAta to discuss Health for All. The idea of “Health for
all” is to achieve health in physical, mental and social wellbeing with equity and social justice. It was to
protect and promote health as a fundamental right; health for all means there is no inequalities, all are one.
There is inequality in the status of the people between developed and developing countries .Primary health
care is an essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and
technology made universally accessible to individuals and families, community.
In this conference they discussed that primary health care is most important ,in primary health care is main
goal and also they covered 8 elements of primary health care and 4 principals of primary health care they
are community participation ,inter sectoral collaboration ,appropriate ethnology in CPHC. Primary health
care addressed the main problems in the community providing, promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative services accordingly. Primary health care makes and uses local, national and other resources
with community participation.
Here are some sub-titles like principles of Alma Ata, logic of Alma Ata, strategies of Alma Ata, approaches
to Alma Ata. The main goal of Alma Ata is to achieving health for all
1978 Alma ata declaration
Health for all
Primary health care
Health is a fundamental right Equity
Appropriate technology
Intra-sect oral collaboration
Community participation
After Alma Ata
Growth monitoring
Oral rehabilitation
Breast feeding
Female education
Family planning.
The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) is an initiative undertaken by the government of India to
address the health needs of rural areas. Launched in April 2005 by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh, the NRHM was initially tasked with addressing the health needs of 18 states that had been identified
as having weak public health indicators.
National health mission goals
Universal health care
Universal access to public Health services such as women’s health ,child health ,water sanitation and
hygiene, immunization and nutrition
Promotion of healthy life styles.
Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable disease including locally endemic
National rural health mission objectives
Implementation of JSY
Recruitment of ASHA
Formulation of state and district health program me
Formulation of family planning and welfare societies
Communization: my understanding of communitization is peoples participation of the program NRHM
started 2005. It’s a central government programme. This programme’s main goal was to scale up the
primary health care. The main goal of NRHM is increasing the health access to community .ASHA, VHSC,
Accredited Social Health Activists
Community Health volunteers called accredited social health activist have been engaged under the mission
for establishing a link between the community and the health system. ASHA is the first port of call for any
health related demands of deprived sections of the population, especially women and children, who find it
difficult to access health services in rural areas. ASHA Program is expanding across States and has
particularly been successful in bringing pecople back to Public Health System and has increased the
utilization of outpatient services, diagnostic facilities, institutional deliveries and inpatient care.
Village Health & Sanitation Committee National Rural Health Mission envisages the community to take
leadership at local level, related to health and its related issues. It will be possible only when the community
is sufficiently empowered to take leadership in health matters. Clearly, it requires involvement of
Panchayati Raj Institutions in the management of the health system. This could be possible if a committee
is formed in each village under the chairmanship of Gram Panchayat member and representative from the
community. Village health and sanitation committee {.ASHA and ANM} planning, management of untied
fund to the health, total one year fund 10000 per year .its related health, water, sanitation.
Rogi Kalyan Samiti
The Rogi Kalyan Samiti is a management structure that acts as a group of trustees for the hospitals to
manage the affairs of the hospital. Financial assistance is provided to these Committees through untied fund
to undertake activities for patient welfare.
Social determinants of health: it is a new learning for me I learnt here health means not a disease. Social
determinants of health depend on safe drinking water, sanitation, housing basic needs, food, and
environment. All is important because we do not take good nutrition and person becomes ill, anemic, low
weight, They are not healthy. We have drinking water also important, safe water because contaminated
water also affected, waterborne daisies. Poverty, cultural beliefs system.
Health systems :health systems are very important and are either traditional government ,private,
Power walk game: power walk game in this game I realize the real situation in community ,society ,class
,cast, gender, education, Dalit ,disability, rich ,poor, employment , its shows inequalities ,inequity in
Monsoon game :my reflection about Mansoon game its shows really what happens in our communities,
society ,agriculture related game farmers ,depend upon agriculture in India 65% people depend on
agriculture ,poor people ,Dalit, social exclusion, money lender people depends on money lender , depend
on rain, marketing ,climate change ,debits, formers didn’t know how to do agriculture , I learnt in this game
and a saw really mirror of the world in this game .
Caste: Ravi sir took secession I learnt told in class who believes cast he is “mentally ill“–if you are cast
bound in community many cast in India. I saw in Gulbarga,yadgiri district so Many of cast system Dalit
people sit in down ,at tea shop and they drinking water and tea plastic glass and other cast people drink in
different glass ,they were not allowed to the temple .,so much social hierarchy.
Research: Iam social background I did 2 research in my master degree I didn’t do ethics related research
but in SOCHARA very new experience I learned ethic ,ethics come in heart not in mind ,Ethics are values
,respect ,to human being. SISEC presentation, in-depth interview, focus group discussions, qualitative
method and quantitative method I learnt hear its very use full it was a new experience.
[TB]Tuberculosis: Thelma mam class I understand about TB, my reflection about TB, TB major public
health problem and also TB is a worldwide chronic communicable bacterial disease .it is caused by
mycobacterium tuberculosis.TB is a old enemy this is not a new Disease.TB is considered to be a very
wide spread diaseas.since ancient time a major suffering for humanity, from Vedic period TB is called as
king of diaseas.now days government spent lot of money for TB control programme’s.
Two types in TB
Pulmonary TB
Extra pulmonary TB
Pulmonary: TB is a communicable its spread on air dropped TB.
Extra pulmonary TB is its effected lungs it is not communicable.TB symptoms: 2 weeks cough, daily
evening fiver, showering, weight loss.
Vector [air, in TB]
Poor hygiene
Social behavior
Community health approach to control TB: first we understand in community how to spread TB, we
consider social determinants of health and also individual level, family level community level awareness
,early identification ,scope of hosing about TB health education, information education communication
material, correct diagnosis ,treatment, follow-up, facts, RNTCP,DOTS these are very important in
community approaches.
Gender and health: In collective I learnt gender and issue of class, sex is a by birth but gender is a relational
.In society so much men and women inequities men dominated women, in society also main prefers for
men and they have more rights, women only in four wall in the home ,no women empowerment ,no
equalities, so much discriminations ,social exclusion ,women also suffering many health problems and also
women social determinants of health like education ,family, empowering ,gender, food, it’s very important
class for us to learn .
Social determinants of health SEPCE analysis: In SOCHARA its new learning form social determinants
of health, it’s very important. Social determinants depend on health of people income, education,
occupation; these aspects have effect on indiudual and family. And also social,
economic,political,cultural,ecologically effect health ,social determinants very important its basic needs
water,sanitation,food, housing social justices and equity. First individual health is a important and health
is fundamental right. The conditions in which people are born,grow, live, work, and age in this systems.
That are put in bad condition to deal, with illness. Social determinants part of development without
development we can’t achieve good health
Axioms of community health: In SOCHARA Axioms are main foundation and also pillars, it’s very
important for community approach, if community health workers follows these Axioms in community it
will help in better work. To work with community its very challenging to enabling empowering
communities, community participations, their rights and responsibilities and health is a human right. When
communities participate to ask their rights we can achieve health for all its our dreams. Integration and
health development activities like agriculture education, to preventive promote rehabilitative. Use of
appropriate technology locally available.
Water and sanitation: Prahalad sir session I learnt about water and sanitation in India 70 % people living
in rural area, people are didn’t had toilet all of them are going for open defecation because they are believes
systems ,culture, assumption,attitude,value, behavior. Gender and mental health women facing these are
problems teasing and harassment, domestic violence impact of mental health feeling shame,feeling of
worthless, mental stress, suicides.
Urban health: In collective I understood about urban health I have no idea about urban health I learnt in
SOCHARA urban health problems, health systems, and urban slums, more than of each six billion
inhabitants already live in urban area. In urban areas more road traffic, injuries in cities and also air
pollution, drug use and violence and crime .slums are unhealthy, segregation, social inequities
My understanding urban planning I think our urban city plan
capabilities, risk,
people must be educated on their own
Rights, and responsibilities and capability communities must be organized and empowered must be
circumspect in planning, policy formulation, easy to access no traffic injuries, problems, creating healthy
housing and social determinants water ,transport hospital and also healthy communities .improved energy
supply and air pollution control ,government and communities need to promote good nutrition ,and also to
substance abuse and crimes no slums all are equal equities concept main in our urban people are participate
and heath for all , health is a right .healthy community ,healthy nation improving policy ,social change
,equitable health system these are important better urban planning.
Group discussion: In collective session I learnt from fellows ,group work , discussion about health, real
social problems ,when we came after field placement all fellow sharing their different experience of
community problems like rural, urban, slum, adivasi, heath problems. And also everyone’s learning,
challenges ,also different Power Point presentation skills ,way of talking ,debates ,role-plays , singing
dancing ,reflecting ,team work, Supporting each other, encourage each one them ,feedback , all learnt lot
of in group.
Journal club: before CHLP I don’t know about journal club some fellows doing journal club I am start
thinking what is this asking Rajeev. He explained us its research articles about issues being discussed as a
group. So I understood and i also presented MFC related one urban health article. That day I learnt how to
present articles its very useful for me.
Field visit(organization visit)
We visit different –different organization each one also good I enjoy and learnt new ideas, lot of knowledge
work structured learning and in different working area its very useful for me.
Primary health center Domma Sandra : Its first visit this PHC cover 15000 population we interacted
with medical officer he explain about PHC functioning total 3 medical officers and staff nurse 3 members
and also 16 ASHA workers and 5 sub centers in PHC 6 beds. This PHC is good and also its good
opportunity to visit and to understanding of government services ASHA rogi kalyana samiti programmes
and also we interact some people in PHC.
Snehasadan : My second field visit sevasadan to day’s workshop about transaction analysis their we learnt
psychopathological method of human behavior. It’s very useful session about human ego status id, ego and
super ego .and also understanding ourselves and also people,
I learnt 3 theory in this session
A theory of personality
A model of communication
A study of repetitive pattren of behavior
There is 3 ego status human personality
Parent: parent is now commonly represented as a circle with four quadrants nurturing, positive and
negative,controlling –structuring positive and negative
Adult child: adult is become a both role like parent and child
Child: child is adapted –cooperative and also free positive and negative, negative and positive.
Association of people with disability:APD is a good organization its invention of Hema. she started this
organization.APD work with disability people main goal empowering enabling habitation of disability
people ,its working grassroots level one girl sharing her life journey its really heart touching she explain
about her problems challenges she now working in APD .APD has working on economically marginalized
people with disability now working in rural and urban also APD another branch in Davanagere.
APD programs
therapeutic services
FRLHT: In this organization we spend two days’ time this compass is very nice trace disparity university
this NGO working Ayurveda medicine, traditional medicine we Rembered that day local medicine ,home
remedial treatment its we use full us .in this garden 1550 herbal medicine plant good garden hear ,they
working with local healer,even based research in TDU 3 schools is their school of health science bridge
between tradition knowledge and science .
Codified system written knowledge and theory based and clinical Indian. And also non-medical heritage.
None codified system it is local language father to son family, its based knowledge, oral transition people
to people. They working village based health traditions, folk tradition general practices, dayi, and ethno
veteniourypractitioner.locally available herbal very useful piper, neem, tulsi, aumbuthaballi nice class.
National Tuberculosis Institute (NTI): Visit to National Tuberculosis Institute (NTI) in Bangalore city
,TB is a communicable disease TB in various parts of the body but major action will be given to lung
tuberculosis as this the commonest because it is the most transmissible type .,tuberculosis is spread from
person to person through tiny droplets infected sputum that travel through the air .if an infected person
coughs, sneezes shouts, or spits ,bacteria can enter the air and come into contact with uninfected people
who breathe the bacteria in to their lungs
DOTS center :direct observed treatment short course chemotherapy we visit dots center how to treatment
given for TB patient and they working in grass root level how to do work and treatment they explain about
TB causes how to prevention TB they work community level ,6 month minimum take treatment its cured
they explain about how much government spend amount for TB programme and also government services
,TB treatment available in PHC ,ASHA worker also its very useful class .
Bhoomihabbha:BhoomiHabba was a weekend spent in a serene setting of Visthar, an NGO its very joy
full day people all came different deferent places other members also join this programme its nice
programme ,school children ,women youth ,all members participate and also posters ,exhibition
,workshop,documentary,streetplay,song,doll,dance,foke songs ,music eco campaigns and nature walks
,photograpy ,posters ,dolls exhibitions ,art workshops for children, sale of traditional crafts ,different
culture, about nature about agriculture and also awareness programmers different state food ,I attend one
work shop like
Communication Magi, In 2 days workshop I learnt lot of skills its very nice class communication is most
important in communities because rapport build up ,leaguing ,observation ,patients ,way of talking ,how
to do awareness programme like role-play ,documentary ,social media ,personality development ,behaviors,
positive thinking
,leadership qualities, voice modulation
, human ego states ,eye
contactreportingskills,documentary ,presentation skills this workshop very usefully in my future and in
my life, and leant lot of thinks
Alumni program: in this workshop December 7, and 8, this celebration in t St. Johns. It was not just a
gathering but a celebration of community health in SOCHARA family. Its joy and celebration day I like Dr
.Chandra and also keshavdeahiraju speech and mental health panel discussion I like Ravi sir words about
ethics ,ethics u can’t teaching its living its value ,right,prinicipal every think is relativism . alumina fellows
sharing their field work experience about CHLP experience learning ,challenges, we got good knowledge
and thinking community health journey is very amazing and wonderful .and also importentents of
mentoring and mentis relationship ,
Sanitation work shop : workshop on community culture and trickling the sanitation problem through a
sustainable community health approach in SOCHARA bang lour sanitation and community culture are
interlinked .to attain positive sustainable sanitation practices by all person we need to understand
community culture in the context of defecation ,as well as clean environment and personal hygiene practices
,value attitude,assumtions,behaviours and believes people share about themselves and others and about the
natural would they live make up community culture .in Karnataka rural population depend on open space
for defecation .in this work shope different organization also involved they discussed about there are
problems .and projects ,programmes ,services ,and achievements .some SOCHARA fellows reports also
dissection I leant hear how many problems girls women ,health problems because sanitation is very
My learning from CHLP
Improve my communication Skills
More knowledge about health
Different culture from different state
Reporting skills
Way of taking
Thinking, reflection
PART -----B
Learning from field
My field work placement in the MYRADA organization. I start my journey 6 month field with community
,field mentor, MYRADA staffs ,ASHA, ANM,village life ,health problems reality of life ,working with
children, women MYRADA organization is good its working with different project watershed,working
with primary health center , self-help group, farmers group etc. I learnt about organization history working
area, meetings.
MYRADA Organization information
MYRADA was started 1968 MYRADA means
My: Mysore
R: Resettlement
A: And
D: development
A: Agency
Captain valium Davidson and Sri carnal was MYRADA founders, MYRADA was started in 1968 because
of help to Tibetan people the government decided in resettling Tibetan .the Tibetan program is started
1968 to 1978 this is a 10 years program totally 25000 peoples have come to india MYRADA is divided 40
family government was gave 2 acre land . MYRADA main objective rehabitation for Tibetan people.
Then Mysore resettlement and development agency was founded in 1968 to assist the government in
resettling Tibetan refugees .Mysore state has become Karnataka .the Tibetan program ended in early 80s
.by 1982 Myrada moved out of resettlement and began to focus entirely on the poor marginalized in the
rural areas. During this period MYRADA was searching for a mission to guide its strategy .this search
involved an analysis of the causes which kept people poor, interaction with people in the villages and
debate within the organization .all these resulted statement which emerged in 1987 .the acronym MYRADA
is now in common use and has become the organization’s logo .
Building institution of the poor and marginalized which
and objective to be achieved
are appropriate to the resource to be managed
MYRADA Philosophy of work
People participation
Building poor
Evaluation and replaying
Technical service
Organization objectives
In 1968 objective Rehabitation for Tibetan people
Building of the poor people
Women and child development
Helping of the poor people and service provided
Current project and future project
MPHC project : making primary health care a reality this project was started 2012 ,5 year project
villages cover
Child found India : 19 village devadurga block cover 4 panchayath this project working 0- 5 years children
TDF : tribal development fund 9 village kakkera block
Future project
Livelihoods domain
Local governance domain
Environment and natural resource management domain
Health domain
Education domain
Training /capacity building /networking /sharing
Source of funding
Watershed program
Self help group
Training program
Water and sanitation
Kitchen garden
Nutrition program
Organization scope
MYRADA yadgir project SDTT-MPHC Programme in shahapur cover 4 PHC
Present health program
“MYRsADA SIR DORABJI TATA TRUST making primary health cares a reality. A model for sustainable
strategies through good governance and community based monitoring in rural North Karnataka .3- year
project with support from Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (2012- 2015)
Goal of project
To improve quality and reach of primary health care through effective community based responses with the
support of local institutions such as the VHSC, GP and ArogyaRakshaSamithi program me
8 Elements of primary health care
Health Education concerning prevailing health problems
Promotion of proper nutrition
Adequate safe water supply &basic sanitation
Maternal and Child Health including Family Planning
Ensuring Immunization
Prevention & control of locally endemic diseases – dengue, malaria etc.
Appropriate treatment of common illnesses – fever, cough, pain, diarrhea etc.
Provision of essential drugs andfirst aid
Target group and Geographical area of intervention
Intervention in 8 PHCs
Bidar – Bhatambra, Dubulgundi
Gulbarga – Jeratagi, Arulagundagi
Yadgir – Kakkera, Nagnoor
Bellary-Bennikalu, Alaburu
Understanding community
Physical aspects:-yadgir district surpurtaluk in nagnoor village it’s very hot area. in this village one gram
panchayath and one primary health center and total nagnoor population 6600 each person 10 acres land
but no source of water for irrigation and some people own Borwell. Some people lives in their own field,
some people in community. In this village total 5 anganwadi is their and 3 government schools two primary
and one secondary and 2 private schools primary and no college specialty.
Health status:
In nagnoor village before starting MYRADA project they are more health problem. After MYRADA
intervention the malnutrition has reduced and it promoted 100% intuitional delivery. The PHC has 4
available, accessable, affordable,
Food: People use food common food like dal rice andJavari, wheat, bajara, rice, and green gram, locally
all available. They farm in their fields and also some people depend on PDS shops and they doing kitchen
garden they using vegetable also like bringal, dramatics, methi, and pumpkin. In this village weekly
Thursday once market were arranged all types vegetable available and they buying.
Education: Education system: in this village education system is good one primary schools is there and
one secondary school, there is totally 5 anganwadis all people support education and prefere education.
Water and Sanitation: Surapurtaluknagnoor village only 30% of peoples are using toilet remaining people
are going to open defecation, no toilet contraction, sanitation system is very bad not good community dislike
to contraction toilet. Now some people construction toilet only 10 toilets are constructed and it’s
In this village drinking water facilities too bad only pipeline collection is there but some area water is
available and some not available.
Existing institution: in nagnoor village one ngo is established shananna .g honikar the non government
organization name is ““Raithasanjivini rural development and education “
Organization objective: natural recourse applied farmers, no comical use, vermin compost not use
Existing groups: bhavani self- help groups to day I have visit self help groups and discussed about in
nagnoor village total self help groups members. Monthly 100 rupees saving and they monthly one time
conducted meeting monthly once. and mentioning documenting monthly report .and SHG member help
to their group members this amount who have need money they utilized this amount with interest 2 rupes
,other people take SHG money 3 rupes interest this self help group one time take loan in Krishna gramina
bank . And also MYRADA help to this SHG.
Gramasaba: all community people involed gramasaba, panchayath member, village community leader and
myrada all member participate this meeting they discussed all panchyath scheme project
Caste system : in yadgir district surpurtaluknagnoor village so much cast system main dominate ST shadul
tribe dalith lives sapreat area and social hierarchy is so much but some village festivals all involved ,all
respected other people and community people good understanding .
Source of income: all family depends on agricultures, daily wages family, gold smith, carpenter, chamber,
shops, and drivers.
Types of irrigation: in nagnoor village people use canel water and borwells, Krishna bhaggyajalanigama
no water problems
Education system: in this village education system is good one government primary school, one secondary
school and also privet school also now people are to support education and priparance for children education
but they giving more priparance to male are education so female’s education is low.
Community general information
Iam visitnagnoor primary health center in kirdalli village, in this village people are good different types of
people Hindu, Muslim, Christian.in Kirdalli village. total population 2504,all people participation is good
,helping nature ,good attitude ,good culture .total population 2504 male are 1341,female are 1163 total
hose hold 403 and anganawadi is are 3 ,primary schools is 1 and secondary school is 1 total self help groups
3 and ration shop are 4 other shapes 4
They depended agricultures they product rice, green gram, cotton, wheat total 10 bowels and five opened
well. and all community peoples are use drinking water ,water filter .number of disabled 17 and physical
disabled 8 earring Ingrid 4 and mentally illness person 3, asha worker 2 in this village total toilets 4 ,RMP
Social problems: inyadgir district main health problems and education problem, child marriage, child
labor, so much dowry system, male dominated, alcohol major problem in kirdalli tand men and women
both drinking alcohol in daily,
Infrastructure: our field nagnoor village there is no good roads very bad kaccha roads only 3 time bus
available ,transport problem is so much other people are coming PHC but no services of bus no bus available
,all house good inftrastruter,so many house pakka some hose system kaccha ,
social structure : in nagnoor village lingayath people ,and other hindu ,muslim ,,all people is there .class
cast gender discrimination is there ,male dominated ,so much caste system dalith living different area .
Demographics:surpurtaluknagnoor village this village total population 6600in this villageSC,ST,OBC ,and
also one thanda is there that is banana community ,people spoke kannada,hindi,urdu,banjara community
spoke banjara their own local language.S
Community leaders; in this village formal and informal community leader in this village sharnanna honker
leader helping people any programme and support .political leaders and discuss community works ,he is a
good worker .he also ask village people all participation all programme .
Community attitudes and values
In nagnoor village people attitudes and values is good .they give respect all community people .they
participate village festival, other community functions marriage, good relationship helping nature.
community culture :.this village culture is good every morning first roti they gave their village temple
.its good culture ,all village people participation all jathra there is system is good .everyone involved
community festival
,good relationship this village famous temple is two temple
.sharnanabasaveshwara,.sugureshwaraInnagnoor village people was celebrate fare one month continue
community people economics status:Innagnoor village no poor family all middle family is their poor
family rear .no land less people ,all village people depend upon agriculture family and auto drivers ,daily
wages people economics status is not bad they product ,rice ,vet ,cotton ,green gram . Javari
anganawadi in kakkera village first anganawadi total children 55 ,Sam /mam children 3 ,pregnant women
11 ,disabled 7 in this anganawdi no self help groups .And we visit second anganawadi :total 85 children
,regular attendants’ 40 total house hold 136 ,Sam children :2, disabaled2,pregnant women 10 ,this
anganawdi population 890,0-5 years children 130 total, monthly first day weight check up,
Food system
One time milk
After noon lunch
Green gram,
Pregnant women food system
Ground nut
visit primary health center primary health center cover 20000 to 40000 population primary health center
6 bed is their 24 hours work total 7 rooms is there .total staffs in primary health center
Ayahs doctor
Senior officer
Junior officer
3 nurse
1 lab technician
At tender
PHC services
Medical care
Nutrition of RTI /STI
Lab monitoring and supervision
New born care
Responsibility ,opd ,medicines
Understanding NRHM program and communitization
National rural health mission recognizing the importance of health in the process of economic and social
development and improving the quality of life our citizens the government of India has lunched the national
rural health mission.
National health mission goals
Universal health care reducing
Universal access to public Health services such as women’s health ,child health water sanitation and
hygiene, immunization and nutrition
Promotion of healthy life styles.
Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable disease including locally endemic
National rural health mission objectives
Implementation of JSY
Recruitment of ASHA
Formulation of state and district health program me
Formulation of family planning and welfare societies
Jananisurkshayojana is an Indian government scheme proposed by the government of India .it was launched
on 12 April 2005 by. Jay is a safe mother hood intervention under the national rural health mission
It aims to decrease the neo- natal and maternal deaths happening in the country by promoting institutional
delivery of babies.
It is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme it integrated cash assistance with delivery and post –delivery care
.the success of the scheme would be determined by the increase in institutional delivery among the poor
The yogini has identified ASHA, as an effective link between the government and poor pregnant women
in 10 low performing states.aww and ASHA, TBAs activist has been engaged in this purpose she can be
associated with this yogini for providing the services
Benefits to mother for delivery in govt .and accredited hospital normal delivery Rs 1400 rural area women
urban area Rs 1000 and caesarean section delivery Rs 1500
Home delivery for BPL women Rs.500
Benefit to ASHA Rs 600 for delivery in govt hospital
Role of ASHA worker in NRHM program
Accredited social health activists (ASHAs) are community health workers instituted by
the government of India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as part of the National Rural
Health Mission (NRHM).[1] The mission began in 2005; full implementation was targeted for 2012. Once
fully implemented, there is to be "an ASHA in every village" in India, a target that translates into 250,000
Roles and responsibilities
ASHAs are local women trained to act as health educators and promoters in their communities. The Indian
MoHFW describes them as
...health activist(s) in the community who will create awareness on health and its social determinants and
mobilize the community towards local health planning and increased utilization and accountability of the
existing health services.
Their tasks include motivating women to give birth in hospitals, bringing children to immunization clinics,
encouraging family planning (e.g., surgical sterilization), treating basic illness and injury with first aid,
keeping demographic records, and improving village sanitation.[5]ASHAs are also meant to serve as a key
communication mechanism between the healthcare system and rural populations.
ASHAs must primarily be female residents of the village that they have been selected to serve, who are
likely to remain in that village for the foreseeable future. Married, widowed or divorced women are
preferred over women who have yet to marry since Indian cultural norms dictate that upon marriage a
woman leaves her village and migrates to that of her husband. ASHAs must have class eight education or
higher, preferably be between the ages of 25 and 45, and are selected by and accountable to the gram
panchayat (local government). If there is no suitable literate candidate, a semi-literate woman with a
formal education lower than eighth standard, may be selected.
Although ASHAs are considered volunteers, they receive outcome-based remuneration and financial
compensation for training days. For example, if an ASHA facilitates an institutional delivery she receives
Rs. 600 and the mother receives Rs. 1400. ASHAs also receive Rs. 150 for each child completing an
immunization session and Rs. 150 for each individual who undergoes family planning.[7] ASHAs are
expected to attend a Wednesday meeting at the local primary health centre (PHC); beyond this requirement,
the time ASHAs spend on their CHW tasks is relatively flexible.
Monitoring and evaluation work
The Indian government has set up the following indicators for monitoring ASHAs:
Process indicators
Number of ASHAs selected by due process
Number of ASHAs trained
Percentage of ASHAs attending review meeting after two year
Outcome indicators
Percentage of newborns who were weighed and families counseled
Percentage of children with diarrhea and who received ORS
Percentage of deliveries with skilled assistance
Percentage of institutional deliveries
Percentage of completely immunized children in the 12–23 months age group
Percentage of unmet need for spacing contraception among people below the poverty line
Percentage of people who received chloroquine within first week in a malaria endemic area
Impact indicators
Infant mortality rate Child malnutrition rates Number of cases of tuberculosis or leprosy reported as
compared to the previous year.
Government of India ministry of family welfare
Tippy tap .org {MYRADA]
. First, select a plastic container of
approximately 5 liters, or 1.5 gallons, with
a handle.
2. Then, warm the base of the handle with a candle until the plastic is soft. Tippy Tap Construction
3. When the base is soft, pinch the base closed with a pair of pliers and then let it cool. Make sure that no
water can flow through the pinch closed base. Tippy taps can made from a variety of local materials,
including cast off plastic containers, jerry cans or gourds. Be creative! Below are instructions using a 5 liter
4. Heat the point of a small nail over a candle. Use the hot nail to make a small hole on the outside edge of
the handle, just above the sealed area. Heat the nail again and make two larger holes on the back of the
bottle. The holes should be about half way up the bottle and about a thumb-width apart. These holes will
be used to thread string to hang the tippy tap. The holes need to be wide enough apart to hold the string and
to be positioned so that the “full” bottle hangs at a 45 degree angle. (This picture shows a 45 degree angle.)
5. Hang the Tippy Tap near a latrine, kitchen, or school. Thread the string through the two holes and tie the
ends of the string to a stick, a tree or stable support. Thread a bar of soap and an empty tin can (the lid
facing upwards) through another piece of string. The tin will protect the soap from rain and sun. Attach the
“soap and tin” string to one of the top supporting strings. Tie a separate piece of string to the bottle cap and
leave the string hanging. This string can be pulled to tip the tippy tap over for water to come out the hole
in the handle.
6. Pour water into the tippy tap until the water is almost level with the holes in the back of the bottle. The
tippy tap is now ready for use.
7. Use the handle or the cap to tip the container and allow water to flow out of the hole onto your hands.
Always wash with soap or ash!
Tippy tap
First day weight check up,
Iam attend indri da
ANC check up
SAM and MAM home visit
Weekly meeting with myrada staffs
Tippy tap
Learnt about kitchen garden
Growth chart boys and girls
PHC visit
Attend GP monthly meeting
One month my work with myrada staffs
Nutrition management SAM and MAM
Pregnant women
Environment sanitation
General activities
Disabled persons
CBO meetings
One month my learning
Nutrition management savior acquits malnutrition and moderate.
Home visit and tracking of Sam and mam children 5 steps of nutrition management
Nutrimix production in all SAM and MAM house
1 kg vets
500 gram ground nut
250gram jugry
Myrada plan that nutrimix food and daily community resource persons are fellow up that child
Growth chart pasted all sam ,mam house
We visit sam mam children’s home we explain about what is growth chart, green is normal yellow is
moderate, red is savior acquit moderate and also danger.
And also myrada attached growth chart all sam, mam home because daily mothers also fallow that chart
they also explain mothers.
Kitchen garden
Myrada doing kitchen garden all sam, mam house because poor people in village they did not buying
vegetable myrada given seeds Bringal, palace, methi, cucumber, ladies finger all seeds .they use vegetable
and also teach how to maintain.
And also eat egg ,milk they ask mothers
Community growth chart updating self help members
Myrada working with SHG group them also fellow up growth chart and awareness pregnant women savior
acute malnutrition, children.
Pregnant women
Follow up pregnant women home visit we and myrada staffs
We ask JSY scheme ,watching taxi [mother ] card ,health check up 6 check up, NC,
Urine test
Blood test weight
B.P check up
Hive test
Health check up
Myrada provide iron folic acid tablet, nutrimix food.
And also ask hospital delivery uses government scheme, high risk pregnancy.
NC 3 visit monthly community resource person ask breastfeeding 6 month one other food for child it’s
important. Immunizations, cleanness.
Tippy tap
All sam mam house tippy tap is available myrada doing this tippy tap daily child washing hands and using
tippy tap its good plan because children’s happy to say this best all children’s use regular mothers also ask
daily child washing hands.
Tippy tap uses
Saving water
Children’s no depend
Hand washing hobbit for children
Tippy tap water going to kitchen garden so water is no waste.
Environmental sanitation
Hand washing all schools tippy tap
Hand washing all AWC tippy tap
Hand washing 50% sam house tippy tap
Toilet gap scheme
Follow up cleaning drainage with gap
Garbage bins in all schools
Bleaching of tanks and wells follow up with gap
Fogging ,cleaning water,
Fogging of the village
General activities
Tracking of 5 main issues preparing a specific plan
Updating phi report card sam, mam health check up, pregnant women’s village health problems, eye camps
conducted, and govt scheme RSBY free operations.
Disabled persons
In nagnoor village total 39 disabled is their myrada working with disabled persons
Computer trainings
Vocational training for ladies
Driving for boys
Skills based job
GP meeting
SHG meeting
VHSC meeting
SDMC meeting
PHC meeting
I have attended GP meeting in malagattipanchayat this is first meeting panchayath development officer
and president and members all discussed about 3 smithies
And discussed about village problems water ,toilets, schools, health problems , library problems in village
.myradaout reach worker also ask some village problems , watching some sanitation photos .
One day attending indradhanushprogramme in khanapur village
Polio programme
ANM ,ASHA anganwadi worker doctor myrada staff and iam also attending this program me
Indradanush main goal is no gap polio 100% polio successes plan
Anccheck up ,bp immunizations child immunizations
In khnapur village total 300 house hold
We and doctor home visit doctor watching tayi card
My activities
Nutrition management :SAM and MAM children’s ,home visit and tracking system of SAM children’s
in 5 steps of nutrition management .also taking with children’s and children’s mothers daily fellow up
,weight check up ,myrada proved IFA tablet 100 mg for children’s ,and iron tablet 20 mg ‘B’ COMPALX
tablet ,then my nutrimix food also giving information to mother about growth chart .
Pregnant women : myrada working with pregnant women.and high risk pregnancy ,I am visit pregnant
women home I am taking with pregnant women and seeing thayi card, nutrimix food hospital report and
HB report ,BP , weight check up ,immunization ,hospital delivery uses we ask the wome
Environment and sanitation :hand washing and tippy tap all schools ,filters in schools and ANW
,cleaning of drainage ,garbage disposal, encouraging toilet construction and use, hand washing facilities in
schools and anganwadi .
General activities : PHC report card and conducting village health nutrition day ,immunization card filled
up for children below 3 years ,tracking of malaria ,dengue ,referral ,linkage RSBY scheme.
Disabled persons : I am visit some disabled home visit myrada help to disabled person linkage with
government scheme ,monthly amount ,bus pass, vocational training ,cycle etc.
CBO meeting : I have attended GP meeting and SHG meeting ,VHND program ,PHC meeting
Myrada conducted one health camp in kirdalli tanda
Myrada was conducted one health camp in kirdalli tanda19/10 /15 intanda common health problems like
fever ,cold ,cough , joint pain .
My learning and observation in kidallitanda village people are suffering health problems there is no health
specialty people are not going govt hospital they are going private hospitals
My learning
CMRC (Community management resource center) in nagnoor village total 57 SHG .MYRADA working
with SHG linkage SANGAMITRA BANK .sangamitra giving loan 90% interest help to SHG women’s.
this is a way to women’s development .myrada help to SHG members like a monthly report ,register
,bank account etc.
Anganwadivisit:Iamvisitanganwadi center and taking with teacher ,children’s we conducted some activities
like game ,songs ,and every anganwadi morning 10:30 giving milk 11:15 green gram 1pm food ,SAM
children’s food dabble and special care total ANW 25 register mentained.
One day myrada staff came nagnoor PHC visit we all meet SHG and sam ,mam home visit ,discussed about
CMRC formation, and meet disabled persons , pregnant women, and also anganwadi centers
visit one other project child fund india :
This project working in richer district devadurgataluk
I visited one day chikkahonnakouni village now 2 year completed this is a 15 year project .i am attend
sponsorship parents meeting all staffs and parents, pregnant women ,mothers, anganwadi teachers also
attend this meeting .total in this village 38 family selected because they selected poor family, girl child, SC
and ST people ,total child fund india project cover 19 villages .in this meeting discussed nutrition
food,childrens education, age height for weight, my nutrimix food, and myrada provided some books,
sports materials, and we visit government school different type of tippy tap contraction myrada this tippy
tap is permanent not use wood they use iron .
VHND :I am attend VHND program in anganwadi center all pregnant women, mothers ASHA worker and
myrada staffs, community resource persons ,panchayath member, girls, this is first time I am attend this
program ,all vegetable ,green gram ,ground nut, jiggery, available I am happy attend this program
Service Package for VHND
Maternal health
c held Health
Family Planning
Reproductive Tract Infections and Sexually Transmitted Infection
Communicable Diseases
Health Promotion
Nutrition contents: of the jiggery, groundnut and wheat
Preparation of nutrition : ground nut to made hot and along with ,wheat ,these two items groundnut to be
powder ,while putting in the winner jiggery to be added and powder to be proposed it can be feuded to
children making laddu
Or boil small glass of water, while water is boiling add the powder and mix throughly and can feed the
children making paste
1kg of nutrition: 250 gm – groundnut
150gm- jiggery
600 gm – wheat
Development and result on children and pregnant women due to this nutrition intake ,the weight of
children and pw will increase and also fee hemoglobin content in the body also increases
Gulbarga project CIDOR first field work day we introduced all staff that day I have learn and we also
attend water and sanitation meeting all CMRC and ORW attend this meeting project co-ordinate monish
was monitoring this meeting
They discuss these are subjects
SHG approach
Operation and mentioning
NRDWP :Nation rural development water programme
Supply sustainable water
Public participation
PPP: Public ,private, participation
MWS: mini water supply 500 people
PWS :paip p water supply home 60%
GLSR: ground level store reserve
Monthly Meeting
“ MYRADA “ yadgiri project in shahapur iam also attend SDTT MPHC Project monthly meeting and
agenda I have learn CMRC and ORW role and responsibilities and programme officer is attend this
meeting they discuss.
Last month report review
Current month progress
0-5 age line list SAM and MAM children final list vitamin A
July 15 to Dec 16 action plan
Field visit
SAM and 6 month status
Indradanush vaccine
Health check up
Water testing
Total ,profile ,index , activities target groups specific plan
Blood test health check up
Field challenges
Work result
July 15 to Dec 15 work plan
Focus activities
SHG implement and monitoring
Malnutrition –moderating
Kitchen garden
All pregnant mortal
Anemia ,immunization
Mother home visit
In-depth interview
Chapter - 3
A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the
Kidallitanda Village people
Kidallitanda village population 650 with about 150 household. All of them belong to Banjara community.
Most of them are living with below poverty line and more family 80% families here are suffering from
health problems due consuming arsenic contaminated water.
Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a form of groundwater pollution which is often due to naturally
occurring high concentrations of arsenic in deeper levels of groundwater.
Know of effects on arsenic on human beings: arsenic poisoning is a medical condition caused by elevated
of arsenic in the body .the dominant basis of arsenic poisoning is from ground water that naturally contains
high concentrations of arsenic .a study found 2007 study found that over 137 million people in more than
70 countries are probably by arsenic poisoning from drinking water. Arsenic has no smell or taste and hence
is hard to detect, even if it is present in dangerous Levels. Arsenic positing occurs mainly through
contaminated drinking water and occupational exposures.
Approximately 90 percent of industrial arsenic in the U.S. is currently used as a wood preservative, but
arsenic is also used in paints, dyes, metals, drugs, soaps, and semi-conductors. Agricultural applications,
mining, and smelting also contribute to arsenic releases in the environment
Arsenic's health effects:
Some people who drink water containing arsenic well in excess of the MCL for many years could
experience skin damage or problems with their circulatory system, and may have an increased risk of getting
This health effects language is not intended to catalog all possible health effects for arsenic. Rather, it is
intended to inform consumers of some of the possible health effects associated with epichlorohydrin in
drinking water when the rule was finalized.
Arsenic health problems
Organ symptoms
Symmetric hyperkeratosis of palms and soles
,Melanesia or depigmentation .Bowens disease
,basal cell carcinoma and squalors cell
Enlargement ,jaundice ,cirrhosis, on –cirrhotic
portal hypertension
Nervous system
Peripheral neuropathy hearing loss
Cardiovascular system
Acrocyanosis and Reynaud’s phenomenon
Hemopoietic system
Respiratory system
Lung cancer
Endocrine system
Diabetes mellitus and goiter
Arsenic contamination of ground water:
Arsenic contamination of ground water is a form of ground water pollution often due to naturally occurring
high concentration of arsenic in deeper level of ground water it is a high problem
Source of water
Ground water
Open well
All Natural resource of water.
Title of the study, aim and objectives :
A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the Kidallitanda
Village people
Aim: To identify the social implication of the health problems due consumption of arsenic contaminated
To assess the socio-economic status
To identify the symptoms related to the health problems due to consuming arsenic contaminated water
To document the social issues faced due the health related problem caused by drinking Arsenic
contaminated water
Study Design: mixed method using the both of qualitative method.
Study area and study duration:
The study will be conducted in kidallitanda village of shorapurtalukyadgir district .duration is from 5th
October to 20th November.
Data Collection technique and tools
Data Collections technique: Questionnaire survey, in depth interview and focused group discussion
Data Collection tools: Questionnaire survey form, in-depth interview guideline, focus group discussion
Ethical Clearance: Ethical clearance will be sought from SOCHARA Institution, Scientific and Ethical
committee, Bangalore.
Data collection time period: October 2015 to November 2015
Inclusion Criteria:
Only people belong to Kidallitanda village from the 20 households be selected
. Data analysis:
Quantitative data will be analyzed manually will the help of excel. Qualitative data will also be analyzed
manually using the principle of qualitative software.
Challenges: Since a sample size of 50 household for questionnaire survey and 10 house hold for in-depth
interview and 12 household for FGD will be selected for the study. Others might wonder why they are not
Ethical Consideration
.Risks and Benefits
Study is going to be conducted to determine the gap between the actual no risk for my study and required,
to maintain health, no financial, social, mental, risk involved, if any risk identified during the study it will
be addressed in order to protect the right of the respondent.
No immediate benefits is involved for the respondent as it is a descriptive study to determine the gap ,long
term benefits are there for the respondent as awareness will be spread about health during the study and it
will help to improve their health status .
This study doesn’t have any immediate benefits for the respondent, the motive of this informed to assess
the health problems only same will be informed to each and every respondent and a written consent will be
taken on consent form, will be objective of the study will be explain to responded and oral consent will be
taken oral or written consent will be obtained from subjects.
Confidentiality is a right of every respondent and will be protect during study and even after the study .The
data will be kept confidential and anonymity will be maintained during sharing of the data with internal and
external agencies.
A final report it will be help to respondent and organizational because they improving health
Status and provided health services.
Results / Findings
Health problems
They are facing lot of health problems. Common diseases are skin cancer boils ,knee pain ,white spots
,stomach pain ,acidity, throat pain ,appendicitis ,joint pains ,face swelling ,numbness in legs .acidity ,
All the local people say that source of water is from a closed gold mine nearby .this gold mine, which was
started in 1980, was closed because of high level of ground water there are several rocky small hills around
which contain chlorite schist.
Other local people say that they ground water changed after the upper Krishna project was started. In the
older days, people used to drink from open wells .but after canal irrigation they shifted to bore wells because
of pollution of the canal water .since they have been having problems.
Health services
Government has established water purification unit::in kirdalli tanda people demand government all
family drinks filter water and even hotel, and government school children’s all drinking filter water ,when
filter water plant set up that time all bowel are painted red and sealed
Government has also provided Rs .10000 as compensation to the affected.: in kirdalli thanda people
got money from government each 10000 but some people didn’t get money that amount given by health
Primary health services are inadequate :people say in government hospital no quality care and services
,there is no treatment for us because no good treatment for cancer and no transport facilities us Transport
facilities to PHC and district hospitals is not good we are going private hospitals the government has not
done anything to help those with medical problems they just come and go ,but netting is done for us we
,have to spend our own money to get medical help .even then so many people are dying , There are no
doctors in PHC ,that’s why we go to private hospital. There are no health cards with us ( arogyavima card
MYRADA provides ointment for skin boils.: people saymyrada was given monthly skin ointment, they
conducted health camp also its useful us .and MYRADA staffs also monthly given tablets and also helping
us about health cards like Vajpayee arogya card
Study limitation
Lack of time
Community support not much incited because many of student use to do research
The community participate because they thought that they done have benefits
Travelling ,weather
The study can conducted on men and children.
To know the best results than can conducted more in-depth interviews and FGD
Discussion: A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the
Kidallitanda Village people .this study was qualitative study using in-depth interview technique and in45
depth interview I found individual respondent experience and also I conducted FGD respondent sharing
their personal and different experience problems sharing to respondents .first time when I visit field that
time people didn’t talking with me they think many student came and doing research no benefit for
community or people when I talk with people and explain my study and through consent that time they
believe me I am so happy because people so much support they giving information us.in kirdalli tanda so
much health problems .
Arsenic contaminated in ground water, Arsenic is the effect of arsenic poisoning, usually over a long period
such as from 5 to 20 years. Drinking arsenic-rich water over a long period results in various health effects
including skin problems (such as color changes on the skin, and hard patches on the palms and soles of the
feet), skin cancer, cancers of the bladder, kidney and lung, and diseases of the blood vessels of the legs and
feet, and possibly also diabetes, high blood pressure and reproductive disorders.
Arsenic For provision of safe drinking-water:
Deeper wells are often less likely to be contaminated.
Rain water harvesting in areas of high rainfall such as in Bangladesh. Care must be taken that collection
systems are adequate and do not present risk of infection or provide breeding sites for mosquitoes.
Use of arsenic removal systems in households (generally for shorter periods) and before water distribution
in piped systems.
Testing of water for levels of arsenic and informing users.
Reading list during my fellowship
Books name
Anusha series: first time I join scare that time I learnt and read anubhav series all successful stories about
community health.
Health for all now
Alma ata
Community culture and sanitation
National health programs
ICDS book
Jagatikaranadindajanarogyanandiyaethu [kannada ]
Samudayaarogyamattuparisaratarabethikaipidi [ kannada]
Hombelaku [kannada ]
Nutrition and child care a practical guide
CHLP report
Social justice in health
Ruckus story
International conference on urban health ;
WHO our city, our health, our future.
TB control in India developing role of ngos
Implication of the proposed revised nation TB control programme for India.
MYRADA health book
Conclusion: the study has helpful arsenic contaminated water how effected and I leant about symptoms
health problems ,how to effected ,people suffering so much problems ,its natural contaminated in ground
water it’s not effected suddenly who drink 10 to 15 years its effected .arsenic in ground water and also
tobacco ,food air anywhere not water ,.people suffering lot of health problems but no solution only
awareness and area shifting and also filter water Myrada org already given 4 rain water harvesting people
are using that water in kirdalli tanda daily filter water using 60 cans per day this water started 2 years back
.arsenic contaminated effecting water identify 7 years before In family member treat normally and
sometimes guest are coming home that time family members treat and superbly room in some family are
treat equally .its study useful to me .
Documents attached:
Tools for data collection
Informed consent form
Participants information sheet
Annexure - 1
In-depth interview guidelines
You said you have any of the following symptoms
How does it affect you of family level?
How does it affect when you go outside.
What do you do?
What have you done to manage these symptoms?
At home, and other places including, TSM. Private and government
What happened to your symptoms
How much money did you spend from each of the places where you sought help from
What do you think you is the cause these symptoms
Annexure - 2
Focus Group Discussion Guideline
Many in the village are having the following symptoms which you may be familiar with, what do you think
is the cause.
These are linked to water contaminated by chemical called arsenic, and it will increase the risk of skin
diseases, circulatory problems and cancer. What do you think needs to be done?
As a community what action can be taken
who will participate in the action and who will not
what support would you required to initiate the action
A study on the impact of drinking Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the Kidallitanda
Village people
Consent Form
The Principal Investigator Ms. Fatima has informed me about the study ”A study on the impact of drinking
Arsenic contaminated water on health status among the Kidallitanda Village people” its objective , risk and
benefits and also assured me that all the information shared by me will be kept confidential and will not be
disclosed to anyone without my consent . She has also informed me that this study will be for the learning
and findings which will help MYRADA to initiate action whenever necessary. I am giving my consent to
participate in study and also agree to provide information in form of Audio Recording, Video Recording
and Photographs.
Name: ___________________
Date: ____________________
Place: ____________________
Participant’s information sheet
SOCHARA is an independent organization situated in Bengaluru which offers Community Health Learning
Ms. Fatima is a fellow of CHLP and going to conduct “ A Study on the Impact of Drinking Arsenic
Contaminated Water on Health Status Among The Kidallitanda Village People “ under the assistance of
MYRADA Organization as a part of her fellowship learning process. The purpose of study is learning and
as well the finding will be used by MYRADA whenever necessary. To inform about any adverse effect in
connection to this study, you may contact to the person whose contact details are given below.
S J Chander
Programme Officer
No. 359Karnataka, India
Email: chc@sochara.org
Phone: +91-80-25531518, 25525372
Web: www.sochara.org
1 Flanagan, SV, Johnston RB and Sheng Y (2012). Arsenic in tube well water in Bangladesh: health and
economic impacts and implications for arsenic mitigation. Bull World Health Organ 90:839-846.
2. Indiawater.gov.in, (2016). QUALITY AFFECTED HABITATIONS. Retrieved 4 January 2016,
3. SciDev.Net, (2016). Arsenic poisoning stalks India's gold mines. Retrieved 5 January 2016, from
4. Brazil, C. (2016). Protect Villagers in India from Arsenic Poisoning and Contaminated Water.
Force Change. Retrieved 4 January 2016, from http://forcechange.com/43321/protect-villagersin-india-from-arsenic-poisoning-and-contaminated-water/
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