
extracted text

gg fn m u n i c ati on

nand <>
Communication <>
Andrew Chetley <>
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:00 PM - Mail forwarding

Dear Prasanna,

Trust you are well. Further to my earlier reply to this, please note that mail addressed to:

’. secretariat® is now being forwarded to and
2. and is now being forwarded to

communicalions@plimc-vemem.oig is now also being forwarded to


htrp: / /nand. ora

Pace 1 of 1

Pave 1 of

VW Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>
Dr. Gabriele Toledo <;>: <bertaete2000@yahoo,es>
Monday; May 12, 2003 12’14 PM
Communioation-1__2201.doc; COMMUNICATION IV.doc: Communication Hi.doc
Welcome letter Torn People’s Health Movement Secretariat

Dear Dr. Gabriel 1. Toledo Curbelo ,

ci etaria ■ .


ig to yoi

ack form which yoi

sent to us, expressing vour interest to know more aoout the late si happenings tn PHM. We thank you

very mud

rest i

vement. Since tl



n fr

Gone-shasuiva Kendra 'GK Savar, Bangladesh to Comnminiv Health Ceil CHC - Bangalore, India.
There has been a delay in responding to your prompt interest.
This mail is in English. We hope yon are in a position to understand English.


We enclose some of the communications that have been sent from the Secretariat as part of the


build up for die movement
If you have not vet already subscribed to ihe discussion group “PHA-Exchange'*, please do the
same at the earliest tc join and share with die increasing number of interested participants in die

same by going to the following .mb

PHM has launched at the Asian Social Forum on 05“ January as part of die Alma Ara declaration

1th for all) 25
r (2003). Do sign in by accessing the website
’ a ould like to know more about you. Please send us more details about yourst
organisation/'interest in die people’s health movement so that we can put you in touch with them



in your country, region or other people with similar interests
If you have a;v. raau rial that would be of interest to others or organizing any event that is
significant for die 'Health for all” campaign, kindly let us know so that we can share it with others

Finally, if you can please go back to the website, you will find details about
region, country circles and issue circles as they are evolving. You may wish to join them
Please note that Dr. Ravi Yarayan, Coordinator, of the People’s Health Movement Secretarial and
orhi rs in the PHM Geifevs circle are organising r series of events m Geneva around the W orld
Health Assembly on May 16li and 17th.. So if you happen to be in Geneva or are in a position to
travel to Geneva. Please rind enclosed the CO\ICA fK.v.v .III and IV which give you the

complete 'kiaili about the program etc.,

* 1 to 1

Best wishes!
pr ^ jriTia Sabgran'
C\iiwMous off err

re from you.

5 23 6

Pace 2 of 2

Hc-.dfi Moveoie-i: Secretariat
CHC Bangalore
—367 "Srinivcs- Nilaya”
1 Block ’akkasandra, I Block KoriunangaLi
B ang:ii o re - 56003 4
Join ;Lc ’’Health for all, NOW” campaign in the 25th anniversary year of die Alma Ata
<>c cl.i cu; c>,vi si i

Pag* 1 of I

PHM Secretariat
Zj ;s riamiin Zuniga<>

phm Secretariat <>


Friday June 06, 2OQ3 11:13 AM

Dear Ravi.
Wc haw received your response to .Andrew s ieiter. but not the document that
:n line oridrW. message as ar a7 ichrrent.



? ' W Sscreta 'W
■->- W3WB&-au3K as'jr.'sr.'a.


?r:M Secretariat <>
Andrew Chetiey <>
_Stee'ing_Group <>
Monday, June 09, 2003 12:26 PM
PHM-Communication m atters!. doc
Fw: PHM communication

De.?.- Andrew.
Grewings from People’s Health Movement Secretariat (Globa!) at CHC, Bangalore!
Thanks for your mail of 28th May. W:;ile I appreciate the contents, even the passion, I was a bit non-plussed
to whom it was directed to since you as the communication circle convener and I as the present coordinator
secretariat are equally responsible witn you for some of the direction giving that is perhaps not
yet taking place ade c uate!y’«
Anyway Unni Prasanna. Magesh, Abraham (the Satie; two are communication oriented volunteers) are
meeting on Monday £‘n June to evolve a communication strategy • objective, framework and guidelines from
bctr your communications and the last steering committee meetings sc ihat your passionate appeal can now
be converted to strategy. We have worked on a small ccmp.laticr. w ch we shall send around on Tuesday
101’ June. I am forwarding your mail to Steering group and we also await their responses, in the meanwhile
some quick gu? ievsl responses of mine are enclosed



Since Name's contract is getting over on 16th June - ptease send :he password and other details for
Prasanna to begin to upload materials on the website at me earliest Magesh has been uploading on
CHC website aiready and Prasanna has been working on me PHM India website till the global
responsibility get transferred. So they know the basics but specific details are req u: red
' think the concept of mo r.g Tom ’History* to 'present' action and 'future strategies’ is a good shift and
we hope our discussion will focus on this
Unni will follow up on tne updates of the signature campaigns.
While the question of coherence of the Geneva exercise is a very relevant one. we have to move away
from project type objectives to looking at it as an evolving process of increasing personal involvement
ana stakes in PHM related action for so many more. The communication that i have circulated show
that in at least 5 areas where there was progress in PHM.

Sharing experience and inspiration
Advocacy with WHO

Strategy for future

Linkages a .no coalition
Ski'l development In lobbying

These were not planned m deta . i: advance but they definitely took place very soon- after we ail arrived. 7 e

6 G 03
Pave 2 of 6

'could defin
ut please
ve did not knc
j all
'verc c:?;-.
ar.d Acs? c.: u d'd cm e mostly attWir own cost or through a complementary initiative and this
itseo ves sig n;f lean:. Ev.v.. panning :s Sts? :gc getting the collective response rate I expect from Steering
group. So I am crowing to be more patient with the process.




Regarding Newsbrief - while it should definitely be focused better arid have special components - the
■?cv of c'r/ty whether it is just a regular news sharing or is a specific event - focused communication
too: ras been a long-standing area of dialectics. So we need to give it clear objectives and then only
raiu3\e aga ns: them. Even the link of Sews brief 9 with PHM Geneva was rather tenuous till the end.
Fin,?../ linking me communication strategy to events is a good idea, bur what you have not commented
upon is our earner plan to link PHM press releases with special Global days of celebration arid link rhe
messages to the Aima Ata Declaration. This is^Tot taking place since no one is contributing in
advance and the secretariat cannot be expected to work on each of these by itself or even the
communication circle. Balas article on G8 an: global governance was a great help for the last
release. We need more such responses. I hope me message gees through.
; fully endorse the main message of vour communications :ha: the communication strategy is every
PHM members response i-ty but .' am suggesting that ine circle of secretariat support group that deal
wkh communication related initiatives, should through a e-group discussion evolve a more definitive
□Adeline for the period July 2003 til! July 2004 to begin with

Phis would involve you, Claudio Exchange) P em (News brief); Prass
Satya -vMed;a): ana others wnc join the communication circle .-xr.i from Egypt has offered to help with the
newsbrief. There could oe other volunteers for specific -casks I mink you nave Gone an excellent task of the
review and also reviving The website Why don’t you consider continuing io give your quality rime to PHM and
b.-i'd ng ■: into the next 3-year cycle which I am. just beg-nniny. to e/m-rn (including log frame)?
Looking forward to me evolution of this strategy with clariw in the next three weeks.

Wm best wishes,

Coordinator. People's Health Movement Secretariat(globai)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Ja.hkasandra 1st Main : Block Koramangala
Jew; me ' Health for all, NO'W" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of ir.e Aima Ata
declaration visit

i — Original Message —
. ; oin; Andrew Chetlev
■ To: ‘seoretariat@phmovemenr.org1
1 Ac: 'nand^nand.org1 'communicationsgfr.phrnovement.org1
• Sent: Wednesday, May 28 2003 5:02 PM
. ..
... c<

I Ravi,
‘mis s ?. strong e-maii with a strong attechement about communication issues in PHM it also refers to the
tra r sfe r c f respo hsi bi 11:. re th e website.

You may want to share the e-mah or rhe attachments with the steering group Feel free to do so At any

Communication Strategy - Overall
To devise new ways of utilizing the communication tools available with PHM at present.

I. Mass media:
1. We could prepare copies of A-V aids and then the respective focal points must
conduct events / meetings I avenues for the transmission of the same, but also
ensure that it is translated (or at least a sub-title) is added to these. Also the
information can be disseminated through local channels / cable-TV)

2. As the target group is mostly local, non-health and not necessarily digitally
connected, it must be made in such a way that it is more interactive and also in
such a way that it sustains the interest of the general public.
3. As this is a very powerful medium the local activity can be given more thrust than
the international aspect of the movement

4. Opportunities must be identified 1-2 months before an event happening in the
region and a series of communications pushed through media and press releases to
increase the visibility of PHM in the region and to help in the coming together of
many more organizations

1. Since this is a very powerful source for reaching the grassroots, it has to be
translated into the local language and then distributed.
2. The distribution has to be decentralized. Qasem I Prem/ Hani Serag / PHM
Secretariat decide on the content and then the soft copy of the same is sent to the
regional facilitator (mostly steering committee members) 15 days before the
scheduled release and then translated. The translated version is printed and
distributed at the grass roots level. But since GK Savar has been identified as the
main resource group for publications, one possible way is to send the translations
back to GK (if the letters used for the local language is English (like most
European languages like German, French and Dutch use English alphabets) for
GK to print the same but if it is in other languages then some other ways of
getting it printed (through transliterated software) from GK has to be thought of.
3. Newsbrief at present is done continent-wise ( Asias, Americas etc.,), it can be
done according to regional circles, with it acting like a stimulant for other regions
which don’t get covered in a particular issue of the Newsbrief, or alternatively
the Newsbrief editors driving the regions to submit articles for this issue ( which
is not very easy from my AID experience).


The Newsbrief could include the new countries that got added and the region
which these countries belong to.


The regional news could be prepared in the local language as well (with a gist
provided in English) so that it gives an international flair to it.


Event reporting and upcoming events columns


Contemporary issues


Making it interactive through such things like “quiz”, subscriptions etc., and
prompting people to respond to that and announcing the participants’ name,
country and region in a subsequent issue. Also questions like “Did any new
country/organisation join PHM in your region?” might prompt people to reply


All this makes it imperative for the Newsbrief to become decentralized and also
the activity for each issue starts at 1 month in advance to enable the complete the
regional coverage

1. Any major event / campaign or tour of PHM resource persons to be reported 1
month in advance on the website

2. Can be made more interactive
3. It has been a surprise that even after the US trip and the Geneva trip not many
have signed up

4. More audio/visual/testimonies to be put up to make it more lively
5. A mention about the old site ( needs to be made)
6. Feedback form to be made more interactive with space provided for them to tell
about their organization I country I work etc.,
7. E-newsletter to all the feedback people ( & probably newsbrief as well)
8. Reporting the activities I events from the regional circles

9. Provision of links with networked organizations and vice-versa

10. The website can be made to automatically detect the region from where they are
viewing and accordingly adjust the content / language etc., (long term)

11. A counter can be included
12. Provision of a bookmark facility
13. Background papers ( very important), as this would be the purpose for which
many researchers would visit the PHM site
14. Medical journal links in the website and vice-versa
15. Media centre ( with the latest press releases, the media coverage of PHM and
the Press briefs ( also if possible in the long term in regional languages)

16. Enabling communication through email ( )
17. Usage of internet facility to overcome the geographical barriers for discussion (
the tele-link of the DG debate)
18. Provision for a better feedback facility
19. Web campaigns and propagation (Eg. : Million signature campaign)

Emails / List servers:
1. Sustaining the interest of the first timers

2. Regular email newsletter
3. Email in the local/regional language (long term)
4. The list server to be propagated in all the partner networks and vice-versa

5. Extract important information from the list server and then put it on the website
and propagate that this information came from the List server
6. Any campaigns I events/ awards reported to be projected onto the website


This has been the most popular one for which the PHM website has been visited.
Anybody wishing to download the charter must be made to fill up a small online
form to enable us to have them as our contact points


Increasing the number of languages

3. A provision may be made to ask the people who download the charter to report
back to us as to where and how they used it, if possible, with a report and this can
be put up on the website alongside charters, stimulating similar action by others

Active campaigns I word of mouth I meetings I workshops:
1. All campaigns / meetings must be given maximum coverage
2. Promote / stimulate people of the nearby regions/ countries (if within a region) to
join the meetings

3. Detailed proceedings of the meetings/workshops to be circulated to the other
regions/ PHA Exchange, website etc., to stimulate similar activity in the other
4. Copy of the testimonies (if possible as audio and visual aids) to be sent to the
website etc.,

Prifn-' 1


pamz?nkin < pamzi n kin@g n. ape. org>
P.-,Secretariat <phms^|, Anarew Chetley <:ohetiey.a@hee}>:
nano <>: <>; Dr Prem Chandran John
<>: Qasem Chowdhury, Dr <>;
<sathyasagar@yahoo.con<-; Hani Serag <>; Unnikrishnan
< is r n ikr u@yahoo. com>
Thursday, June IS, 2003 9:33 PM
Re: PHM communication related issues




96:06 PM 6-19'03 -u0530, PHM Secretariat wrote:
)ear Andrew, Nand Claudio, Prem Qasem. Pam, Unni, Sathya, Hani,
Q'~ etings from People s Health Movement Secretariat (Globa!) at CHC, Bangalore!

T tis is a specia. letter informing you ..hat we would like you ail to be part of a communication
strategy evolving group, which can, in the nex; few weeks; evolve an integrated communication
strategy that can support I promote the People s Health Movement. Ail of you have already
oeen deeply involved with seme aspect of PHM communication Andrew and Nand (website);
0 audio (PHM Exchange): Prem and Qasem (.Newsbrief); Unni and Sathya (Media); Pam
pubheations and charters) and Hani Serac jus* volunteered last month to help the
Aewscrief group.
io get us all started, Prasanna and i are sending al: of you: <?xml: namespace prefix = ons =
‘urmschemas-microsoft-conToffice^ffice'’ /-■


Andrew s article on communication
Prasanna s suggestion on communication
My reply to Andrew s article and letter

.■ .'e a.s in the process of preparing a draft strategy. Please read all this as background and
send your comments I suggestions, which Prasanna will incorporate into the draft. Once all of
you. who already have been involved, send your comments (preferably by 3C(h June), we shall
: - th
>up and then a moi

•nanks for ail that you have been doing already in this area for PHM. We took .onward io your
continuous involvement.
Best wishes.





Dr. Rav; Narayan

Coorcmaior. People's Health Movement Secretariat(globai)
Cz H C- oa n g a lore
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main,! Block Koramangala
Ba ng.a lore-55003^
Jo.r: :r.e "Health for all, NOW' campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
- - ■c..
vAvw.Theiyl i 11 io n Sig n atu reCa m pa ig n. o rg

Pam Zi «

;ei:44 (0)23 7609 1005

(<7V\Av\/>hA * k^/




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Communication Strategy - Overview
Trying to put a structure to Andrew’s mail with the w-questions as applied to the various
communication means:

1. Mass media:
General Public (mostly local) and not necessarily health professionals. Not necessarily
digitally connected.

Awareness, visibility and interaction (?). Getting new people/ org/ networks into the
PHM fold.



Content about PHM (?)
Content about the current issues
Content about the various campaigns
Local news/issues content
Also content on the issues like sanitation & environment, access to health care


Press releases
Media releases
TV, films and documentaries
Throoiigh cable channels ( eg; the Sceince channel that is coming up in



Before, after and during an event
If through cable TV, anytime, always
If TV, through films and documentaries (preferably before an event)



Locally (in local language and culture?)
Regional circles (again in regional/local language and cultures?)


ON 15th FEBRUARY, 2001,


This was the first state level workshop in Karnataka on Women’s Health that was
conducted under the Women’s Health Empowerment Training Programme. It brought
together government officials from the state and district level and from four departments
(of Health and Family Welfare, Women and Child Development, Education, Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj) from five districts (Bidar, Koppal, Bellary,
Chamrajnagar and Bangalore Rural); women trainers who had participated in Phase 1 of
the programme; a few women leaders trained by the trainers; organisations such as
Community Health Cell, Mahila Samakhya, Belaku, Sandeep Seva Nilaya and resource
This workshop was the first step in increasing government NGO collaboration for
women’s health which is an important objective of Phase II of the programme which was
also initiated at this workshop

The objectives of the workshop were:


To review Phase I of the Women’s Health Empowerment Training Programme,
To get an update on women's mental and emotional health (which is the second
major objective of Phase 11),
To discuss the Plan of Action for Phase II and
Through the above process to initiate government NGO collaboration in the five
districts with a focus on women’s health.

The workshop was held on 15th Feb, 2001 at Conference Hall, Commissionerate Office, 3rd
Floor, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore.

Dr. Sanipath K. Krishnan welcomed participants to the workshop followed by self­

One-minute silence was observed for the victims of the recent Gujarat earthquake.

Ms. Meera Saxena, Secretary, Women and Child Development, chaired the first session. She
emphasized the role of women in the modern economy. She briefly touched upon the problems
of women especially during childbirth and other health issues. Inability to give birth to a male
child was usually attributed to the women whereas it is the domain of the husband which
determines the gender of the child. She also spoke on the issue of dowry, highlighting the
increasing numbers of women being admitted to Victoria Hospital as victims. After 53 years of
Independence, women are still facing the same problems and still struggling for survival.
Comparatively, the southern districts are advanced but in Northern Karnataka further

Through feedback,
Lessens learnt etc.,


The grassroots people, the PHM friends and the decision makers. Not necessarily
digitally enabled


To simulate similar action in others regional circles/ organizations / individuals ol


To be an interactive document (?)

Information dissemination (in local language?) of
o Event reporting (?)
o Upcoming events
o Latest international rules, guidelines issued by organizations like WHO.
WTO etc.,
o Regionwise reporting than the present continentwise(?)
o Background papers

Not necessarily digital form (paper form) but not excluding digital ways
In a decentralized manner up to the regional circles, so that information
dissemination happens faster
Through subscriptions



Before during and after an event



Locally (local language?)
On the website


r4-0th February, 2000

Dr. V. Benjamin
Dr. Mohan Isaac
Ms. Padmasini Asuri
Dr. Ravi Narayan
Dr. D.K. Srinivasa
Dr. Paresh Kumar
Dr. C.M. Francis
Fr. Claude D’Souza
Fr. John Vattamattom

Special Invitee
Honorary Member
Honorary Member


Greetings from Community Health Cell!

The next Executive Committee Meeting of the Society for Community Health
Awareness, Research and Action (SOCHARA) is scheduled to be held

on Thursday, 17h February, 200QM 2.30p.m. at the CHC Office (Tj
The Agenda is :

1. Welcome

2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting held on 4th October 1999 and
discussion on matters arising there.
3. Brief resume of activities since the last Executive Committee
a. Global Health Watch Meeting - 7th I 8lh October, 1999

b. Women’s Health Training Programme i.

Preparatory Work


Two phased progran^me - 25th to 30th October, 1999 and, 22nd to 27th,
November, 1999

iii. Follow-up of field training


Review of Training of Trainers

c. International Poverty and Health Network Meeting - 15th to 18th
November, 1999

d. Workshop on “Strengthening TB Care and Control” - 29th and 30th
November, 1999



Has it been participatory?
Has it been interactive?
Through provision of feedback
New organizations/ networks I individuals joining the movement and also
organization of campaigns etc.,


Digitally enabled
Decision makers
Lobbying circles
Health professionals
General public (non-health)



Information dissemination in the fastest way
Event reporting
Upcoming events
Campaign info
Links of associates
Faster communication and contact
Digital library (?), Archives



Report of past events
Repository I database of future events
In a position to give the visitors / other PHM regional circles ideas to the types of
campaigns that can be initiated ( for those looking for action)
News about PHM resource persons traveling, meeting etc.,
Web based campaigns (million signature)
Enabling faster communication
Contact information about the PHM networks, individuals, organizations etc.,
Links to the partner networks and campaigns and vice-versa (WGNRR type)
Downloadable PHM publications
Discussion place (Pinboard?)
Hosting of background papers and position papers in a downloadable form
Updated information
Medical journal links in our website and vice-versa (?)
Enabling new contacts through email (


Dr. Saraswathi Ganapathy,
Belaku Trust.
697, 15th Cross Road,
J P Nagar II Phase,
Bangalore - 78.



Mr. Annadanaiah,
Council Secretary,
Zilla Panchayat,
Mr. N. T. Marulasiddappa,
Directorate of Health and
Family Welfare Services,
Anand Rao Circle,



Mr. K Mallinatha,
Deputy Secretary,
Zilla Panchayat,



Ms. Asha Kilaru,
Belaku Trust,
697, 15'" cross,
J P Nagar Phase II,
Bangalore - 78.
Dr. A.S. Shamanna,
Joint Director,
Department of Opthalmology







Ms. Shaher Bang,
Asst. Director,
Department, of Women &
Child Development,

Cel333 \c\My Documents\womenhealthaddressl6.02.doc

Mr. L C Veeresh,
Sr. Deputy Director,
Area Development Programmes,
Room No. 706, M S Building,
Department of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj,
Bangalore - 1.
Dr. Sreedhara A R,
414, 7,h Cross, 7th Block, (West), Jayanagar,
Bangalore - 560 041.

Sr. Anice Pangola,
Health programme organiser,
Holy Cross CRHP,
Hanur Post - 571439,
Kollegal Taluk,
Chamaraj nagar.
Ms. Jalaja Sundaraman,
Joint Director, Nutrition,
Government of Karnataka,
Anand Rao Circle,
Dr. V.N. Nimboor,
District Health Officer
MIG 9, KHB Colony,
Dr. D Misquith,
Associate Professor,
Community Health,
St. John’s Medical College Hospital,


Usage of the internet facility to overcome the geographical barriers for discussion
(the tele-link of the DG debate)

Continuous updation, but announcements on campaigns and events should be at least
30 ahead of the event.

Since it is virtual, where does not come into picture


Provision for feedback
How active and live the website is?
bias much does it stimulate the activities of the movement?
Number of hits on the search engines
Number of hits on the web-based campaigns( counters?)and the response to
the same
Effectiveness (?)

Emails / List servers:


Digitally enabled, also to some extent digitally marginalized but having a digital
Health professionals, decision makers, development people, even general public
as it is an open forum


To provide an open forum for discussion among the PHM friends and also to
provide an open channel for communication (e-mail as well as list server)
Faster communication (applicable for e-mail)
To raise issues of common concern
Unrestricted communication and discussion and accommodation of different
views and perspectives


Discussion forum for all participants ( even new comers)
Information dissemination which can also be interactive
Announcement of upcoming Events / campaigns

* SOCHARA Vice-President and 3 members suggested by us, including
Catholic Health Association of India, participated in the IPHN meeting
in Kisumu, Kenya.
* RN participated in a meeting on "Regenerating Public Health" organised
by WHO and King's Fund in London.

v) Women and Health
* Attended a meeting called by Ministry of Health, Government of India.
* Agreed to coordinate training of 2000 grassroot women leaders (mahila
sangha and gram panchayat members) in 5 districts of Karnataka during
1999-2000 through State and District level resource groups, involving
NGO's and Government. Preliminary discussions/preparations are being
held regarding this.

CHC has been a Cebemo / Bilance partner since 1992 e' v e ? ’ *
Bilance Project No: C-317/3255 A (File nowiV
transferred to Memisa).


Project Ref. Number


Project Title

Support to Community Health Cell, Bangalore, for
Community Health Promotion and Community Health
Policy Research.





Partner Organisation

Society for Community Health Awareness, Research
and Action, Bangalore.


( To be cofunded with
Misereor - Germany,
with mutual decision on
extent of contribution)


Funding Approval


Date of Commencement
of Project

1st April 1999



General communication tool for people to get in touch with each other (?)
To send drafts of some of the papers on some issues to enable a discussion and
finalization of the PHM position
Finalization of strategies (?)
Enabling issue based discussion

When and where?
Since this is an open discussion forum, it is not time bound or space bound



Effectiveness in facilitating decision making
The relevance of the issues discussed
The response to the campaign announcements etc.,

New Thrusts
iii) Responding to local public health issues


Dengue Fever - organised meetings and catalysed small research
studies concerning the problem in Bangalore through a local medical
college and governmental agencies.


Hepatitis B vaccine - organised meetings, collection of reference
material and a press conference (with Drug Action Forum - Karnataka
(DAF-K) and Environment Support Group) regarding the irrational way in
which Hepatitis B vaccination camps are being organised in the city and
elsewhere. The State Health Minister has now constituted a Committee
to go into this.


Amendments to the Patents Act (1970) - With DAF-K, organised a
meeting, supporting further public debate on this issue as the long-term
implications to the consumer/patient, particularly the poor will be


TB - This will be taken up in 1999-2000, but in the meantime, micro­
inputs irOo 2 NGO’s and discussions with several people have been held.

Paper written for a book edited by Dr. John Grange and Dr. John Porter,
and published by Imperial College Press, on "Educational Approaches in
Tuberculosis Control : Building on the 'Social' Paradigm".

Paper presented at the International Conference in Mumbai, organised by lj
CEHAT on "A violation of Citizens Rights : The Role of the Health Sector,
particularly of the State Health and Related Services, in regard to 1
Tuberculosis in India".


Malaria-'pprticipated in facilitating a coalition of citizens groups and
different levels of government (local) / £tate / ICMR'to respond to —
problems in Mangalore City of Karnataka - gave prof essional inputs.

Continuation of 1997-98 initiative
iv) WHO and International Poverty and Health Network (IPHN)

# Responded to Draft Policy Document of the new WHO-DG

* Conducted and collated responses to an email questionnaire from IHPN
members on the Draft Document.


4 exchange

Communication matters!
Developing a communication strategy within the People’s Health Movement
The People’s Health Movement (PHM) grew out of the process to hold a
People’s Health Assembly (PHA) in Bangladesh in December 2000. During
the 18 months leading up to the PHA, a strong and sophisticated
communication strategy and process was in place.

It involved making use of a range of communication media - paper, electronic,
visual, face to face - to spread the word about the forthcoming event, to solicit
support, to encourage participation, to disseminate a range of materials for
discussion, to create foras and spaces where dialogue could occur.

This strategy helped to mobilise people around the world to hold local events,
work collectively on developing materials, including the People’s Charter for
Health, translate materials, organise events and processes to feed ideas and
issues into the main meeting, collect evidence and testimonies, and develop
and share advocacy positions.
In stark contrast, the two and one-half years since the PHA has been
characterised by a lack of a clear communication strategy on the part of the
PHM. Few materials have been developed. Strategic opportunities have been
missed. Regular dialogue with participants in the movement has not occurred.
Consistent targeting of key audiences, particularly policy makers, has not
happened. Even the effective use of vehicles controlled by the PHM - its
website, its regular news brief, and its electronic e-mail discussion list (PHAExchange) has not been optimal.
If the PHM is to maximise its impact on the global stage and to continue to
stimulate local action, social mobilisation and organisation, it will need to pay
more attention to its communication approaches in the future.
Communication challenges

The PHM has a range of audiences that it needs to communicate with. Three
broad audiences that are essential to dialogue with are:
• people and organisations at the grassroots
• active and passive friends (including participants in the Movement) and a
wide variety of NGOs active in health and related development fields
• decision makers at various levels.
(There are other audiences, including: educators, trade unions, political
leaders (who are also decision makers, but a special type), donors, and the
media. Each of these and each of the three key audiences could be split into
a variety of sub-groups.)
The PHM has a range of communication tools, channels or media that it can
use, some more developed than others. These tools include:

We are sending this to all people who have been involved in planning meetings before
and after PHA2000 and people nominated at the assembly. This is a wide and inclusive
group of people and organizations. We strongly welcome your input into this process
which we see as crucial as we move towards developing a vibrant People's Health
Movement. You are part of this movement and believe that the proposed structure will
give a space and place for you and more people and their organizations to join together in
the People's Health Movement.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Qasem Chowdhury
PHA Co-ordinator



Who does it reach?


Decision makers

Mass media

J (regionally)









Active campaigns/word of mouth


Performing arts




The tools or channels that are most effective at reaching grassroots
organisations are those that are the most face-to-face, the most time
consuming and in many ways the most resource intensive. Those are,
however, also the tools that are the most interactive, the most two-way and
the tools that most enable the stories and the voices of the unheard to be

This sets up a challenge for the PHM around how to deal effectively with what
are essentially two communication objectives:
• the need to grow and sustain the movement
• the need to achieve change.
The communication challenge for the PHM is to balance these twin tracks.
Each track, each objective requires dedicated communication strategies.
However, these strategies need to be interlinked:

Generating the communication around advocacy for change
without simultaneously supporting the communication around
growing and strengthening the movement will lead to a
weakened campaign, and less likelihood of change occurring.
Focusing on communication to strengthen the movement
without a clear definition of why the movement is developing
and what change it is seeking, will lead to disempowerment
and a decline in interest in being part of the movement. One
without the other will not work.
Developing a communication strategy

There are seven basic questions that need to be answered in developing a
communication strategy. These are set out in the table below, together with a
number of additional questions that explore in more detail how to proceed on
a particular aspect of communication.





(TUVALU), (VANUATU)______________







What audience(s) are we trying to reach? What do we know
about them and their understanding, their information needs
and their preferences? What secondary audiences are we
also trying to reach?
What purpose do we have in mind? What are we trying to
achieve? What do we want the audience(s) to do? What are
our objectives?
What information or messages - what content - do we want
to convey in order to achieve our objectives and to motivate
and mobilise the audience(s)?
What communication channels or media will be most effective
in doing this? What combination of channels will work best?
What critical timing is involved? Are there key windows of
opportunity? Are there key dates by which something needs to
In what settings will our communication be used? Do we
need to adapt our approach for different settings?
Is the communication working? Is it achieving what we hoped
it would? What feedback are we getting from our
audience(s)? How can we improve the feedback to ensure
that the communication works more effectively?

Communication strategies need to be reviewed regularly. Circumstances
change; objectives change; audiences change.
The main reason for developing a communication strategy is that it moves
attention away from communication products (leaflets, posters, booklets,
discussion lists, websites, videos, workshops, events) to communication
processes (how interacting, networking, involving, participating, encouraging,
enhancing, empowering can best be achieved).

Getting communication flowing
Over the past year or so, the only audience that has been consistently
reached by the PHM is the media, through a series of media releases.
However, even this could be more effective. Having a clear purpose for the
news releases - recruiting new participants, changing a specific policy, raising
awareness on a particular issue, mobilising support for a campaign - could
have strengthened the media work and made it more cohesive. Equally
having a standard media pack available - something with a clear description
of what the PHM is, what it does, what it stands for, who is involved and how
to reach them - would help to encourage greater media interaction.
Over the past year, the website has been reconstructed, brought up to date,
and improved. However, a targeted campaign to drive people to the site, to
make it the main point of call for those who have electronic access and are
interested in primary health care and a coherent analysis of the impact of
social, economic and political determinants on health, has not been carried
out. Nor has a plan been put in place to keep the site up to date and to make
it more than simply a repository or archive of historical material.









The two most regular public communication vehicles for the PHM - its
NewsBrief and the electronic e-mail discussion list, PHA-Exchange - both
need to be assessed and revitalised.

Who is the NewsBrief aimed at? What type of information does it convey?
Does it stimulate involvement in the Movement? Does it provide a
campaigning focus?
Who does the e-mail list target? What does it aim to do? Is it a guide to PHM
policy or merely an open discussion forum?
Clarifying these questions would help to turn both these vehicles into powerful
and proactive communication tools.
A key example of a missed opportunity comes from the recent activity around
the World Health Assembly in Geneva in May 2003. Some fifty people from
the Movement were in Geneva. However, it was not clear from any of the
internal or external communication material, what was the purpose of people
being in Geneva. Was it to lobby the Assembly to try to achieve some gains
on particular agenda points? Was it to hold a major conference on key global
health issues? Was it to engage in dialogue with key decision makers at
WHO, other international bodies and ministries of health? Was it to build and
develop the Movement?

With no prepared policy documents, no clear position statements, and no
coordinated pressure coming from national activities, it is difficult to see what
significant impact could be realised and what lasting impact could be
sustained. Again, the only strategic planning around communication went into
the media work, where high visibility was stimulated. However, a media
campaign without strong substance underpinning it will not sustain a
movement, a network, an organisation, a campaign.
The latest issue of the news brief (number 9) which came out dated May 2003
is still described as the People’s Health Assembly, not the Movement. It had
no mention of the position that PHM was taking at the WHA - a missed
opportunity. It did not reflect the international strength of the movement. It had
no call for action. This was a communication opportunity that was missed.
The PHM cannot afford to miss such opportunities. It needs a clear direction
for its communication work, and it needs dedicated staff working on
communication issues.

This briefing paper has been prepared by the Exchange programme - a
networking and learning programme that identifies and shares effective
health communication practice. Exchange is currently involved in
facilitating an evaluation of the PHM process, and this briefing paper is
part of the synthesis of findings from the evaluation work. See
http:/ for more information about Exchange.
May 2003


n ,

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, .

Countries represented in PHA 2000/

Countries not represented







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____________________________________(SWAZILAND) ( 1 )________________



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Sec elWat
r.?vV Cne«ey <'
■•.-7---^v j-•■’./Q7 2003 4:31 PM

< ro:r.:

Dear Ana rev/ .

oi People’s

> secretariat! Wh


. .





frame exercise o send to al .>■

*.. ■ C i> ■.U-iC££. 0 /. S ■.rc••-Ci y








Suggestions of what to include in the PHM budget (3 year propc >al). in t
•he project proposal / iog frame


7 ns webstie has nor yet been updated. We sere v«j some irems for k recenhy.

ing perl
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■//mnesdry X’s; 23. 2003 5:02 PM
^Communication matters'.doc
-■'H•: communicarion


3 srong srtachemenr about corrmu-ucai on issues in PHM. It also refers to
r. 2r:;s*er of responsibly re the website.
■ •■


e e-mail o

ttachments with the steering group. Feel free to do so. At any

.ay io' casis

i hope t?.;s helps.
/?■■£'S'.. ;S.. --S,

Attached is a short briefing paper on communication issues. It is prompted by a couple of



. ..



-. ■ . .

7 .... ....

specifics ar?:

- '"end's contract for work on the website is corning to an end (end of May, but we're
extending until 16 June)
• ’• h
this month

x)n the website, we're now at a point where the site has been rebuilt, an easy to manage
si wc- re is in oiace, and it is now up to the participants in the PHM to supply some
in it, and for the PHM Secretariat to int
st ategy. This will require having someone in place with a communication
j prepare content. One very important
■ . than reports of past events onto
p1" need tc get the concept of looking to it for an agenda for action rather
■ .■ ■
tnres-year action campaign or the million signatures campaign ore ■■■hot i
7 J...; a$ec.s -j be encouraged.
the .- . ...
pdates. With the million signatures
mpaign, fo
«norx and rt-'tora- itoms would heip to stimulate more attention. For example: ’.93
s^ed up. Dt> you know anyone who could be the 100'1? Send

j.'O ' '. '
. ;> "■ "
' - -. ■
■■■ . .
..«nri of June. Add ii>& million signaiuro campaign fc you.- w&Lmiis..

..... regular, s
notes o ae e-mail disci -.... list helps t. .... aw
tion to
i^.,,.. .. -■-••re g-rr nenpfc ro '-isit and gives people something to do some way to get
.w I .to
d me F'h;;h (oihe. than e.; their ov/n iocal level).

"11. ■ •3
Page 2 of 2

aboutthe PHM meetings and there was

Geneva, there we

exercise nor a strong

a so many people in G .-. ...■ l/hat were .
»of the /
lay ope
s? What was t

to do


work of the following week?

. '
heaiir care, including a ce!! tor • cticr : for nurses and others. It also had a three-page
ater servi
tin with a
cal! to: action. Where w?s the PHM position paper and call for action on similar issues?
vay as P.HM's statement and call for action on any of the
range of issues that we discussed, other than in the press releases? (It's a dangerous
Strategy to build your policy statements only around press releases!)

should have been in the latest edition of the NewsBrlef
ief was, for me, one of the
biggest communioation disappointments I h<
■ ' . a long time. It should have been a
nore strategic document, showcasing
th qf
summarising the demands for action on tow :r five key areas that were being discussed
in Gene/a..

cts around the world in early
April, i,rging them to communicate wrh their own health ministries, urging them to raise
the is? ...e~ locally. It should also have ' . :
.... .
....■; 3 to in early April, with a clear set of
thar people could cake ■ ip.
As a pdotoo. the PHM needs a cornmtinicahens—' person in place. The communications
i advisory body for si
a person, but it
mo io t s .. il ■
work mat needs to be taking place.
j r,ow p&nnino

major activities over

next 12-1 > months: the health event

part of a broader strategy that PHM is

communicate its work and 'ts worth.
the website, M~nd is putting up some of.the more recent information over
.... .
' .... ... 1..:. e
ythir ig in .... tic. lai
seds to < .. .... let vim have it as soon as possible and let people in the Movement know ihar if
they .
something up soon, it needs to be with Nand by 13 June. On or wound 16
■j-_:■"• i,
be in touch wim ciew instructions on howto maintain the site in the Hitiife and
•A' .; ■./. .. .■ to be avsiiubto for chtdncaiion of the precede as as you get ueed to
managing the site from Bangalore.

Best wisnes.

-pHfa • ' ■:

municat t....... at. ■


Paw. 1 nf

PNM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>
Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:39 AM
Reply email

Olar Ravi:

Having some problems with my computer (can't access past emails) so do not have the address for
Prasanna. Please send this on to her. I hope it is helpful. Because it is a message that you intend to send
out officially, I asked native speakers to edit it, and they have done so. The present letter includes their
corrections (2 Puerto Rican women—Viva Vieques Libre!, May Vieques Live in Liberty!)

Health, Art and Justice,


- Cjaa

Bienvenidos al Movimiento de Salud de los Pueblos, MSP!!!

Nosotros, de la Junta Directiva de MSP Global, estamos respondiendo al formulario de
Aroalimentacion que nos envio Ud. mostrando su interes de conocer mas sobre los ultimos
aconticimientos en el MSP. Agradecemos mucho su interes en el Movimiento. Pedimos disculpa por la
tardanza de nuestra repuesta.

Mucha de nuestra correspondencia esta escrita en ingles. Esperamos que Ud. puede entender ingles.
Dicho esto, haremos lo posible por contestar correspondencia individual en espanol.
1. Hemos incluido algunas comunicaciones relevantes que de la Junta Directiva del MSP ha enviado
PLt2-oz»'-ccomo manera de construir el Movimiento.
2. Si no lo ha hecho todovia, se puede unir al grupo de discussion "PHA-Exchange," por favor hagalo
cuanto antes para compartir con l@s demas participantes del movemiento en la pagina web:
3. El MSP despego el cinco de enero durante el Foro Social Asiatico como parte de la "Declaration de
Alma Ata", en el ano del 25 Aniversario de Alma Ata (Salud Para Todos), en 2003. Una su firma con
el movimiento en la pagina de web:
4, Tambien, como parte del Aniversario de Alma Ata, el MSP ha sacado un compendio de
publicaciones y recursos humanos en el Movimiento. Lo llamamos "Paquete Aniversario Alma Ata,"
y lo puede encontrar en nuestra sitio de web:
(P 7'^^"
5. Queremos saber mas de Ud. Por favor enviarmos informaction sobre Ud., su organization, su
interes en el Movimiento de Salud de los Pueblos, para que podemos ponerse en contacto con el MSP
en su pais/region o en contacto con otr@s personas que compartan intereses simiiares.
6 Si Ud. tiene material que pueda ser de interes a otr@s, o esta organizando actividad cualquiera
im jortante para la Campana "Salud para Tod@s," por favor nos avisa para que podemos compartirla.

Page 1 of 1

PHM Secretariat


PHM Secretariat <>
Andrew Chetley <>
Monday, September 15, 2003 6:01 PM
Evaluation Report

Dear Andrew,

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
I have been eagerly looking forward to the Evaluation report or at least a summary of the key findings to
ensure that the log frame and 3-year plan have taken these into consideration. I had some ideas from the
J^oussions in London in May 2003, but the final product may be more authentic as a reference. I have held
up the log frame all these weeks hoping that I get the evaluation and the PHA - II estimate, since both would
be crucial. The latter is now going to be delayed because the Latin American group has suggested this as
realistic. The former is still awaited.
Hope you received all the other mail to Steering group and support group about Iran and Mumbai etc. Any

Nand spend two intensive days with us and we had a very good interaction and tutorship on website issues.
He was very frank in his assessment of PHM and shared some of your concerns as well.

We hope to take all this on board as Prasanna and I tackle the challenges ahead.
Do reply as soon as possible.

Best wishes,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat(global)
7 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit


r n fl- Ccr.


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C-O«z\ v\ 'aka Qxf< (A—).

■■■ Sac.'etariat





"H>.; cec:<=:ar•a• <o.?inse?•■.?• tou•'>
**3. 2003 5‘37 PM

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i V.M I-U glad io look imo ,;.v

■ •



H get back (





jary yea

’ FyVv w ..1 hcNiiliipnSignaiureC'ampajgivorg

feedback^ phmovemen .;?:g

• ozelbozZ yaho o. com, an


hm secretariat

■ ' wc - ami;;- 2. J. .. .a <.pr.c@cab;enetcom. • .>
•- -> •.'
•'e • aa ■ ■* • /■•• • ■-■.- ecr},'• ojchxe-■.<Kha. nerMonday duly 07 2Q03 8:46 PM
~ ~ Zcsswvw ? w :\M em:v
the ste M!vg grou ?.

•\ov.' with regard to Claudio.
This is an impossible situation. I have attempted many times to solve this. I just reintroduced his name
■n anomer membersmp ‘-IPHCWORLDWIDE. 1 sent a message asking him to respond accordingly.
I thrk there is a probem with his server in Vietnam. Maybe they filter out yahoo. Who knows. Give it a
couple of days and see 2 we get through to him. Otherwise you must send him copies of everything.

other bouncing members usuallly it is because of over quota on their accounts, i check
Rcasionai-y and have just done so.
What I have found is tine following:
Prem is bouncing because the server is too busy,
Satya - please verify his yahoo account name. I may have it wrong.
Claudio. Historically bouncing always. Returns as user unknown. But everything is correct.
Andrew was registered under another mail previously, but he is on correctly and should not be bouncing.
vustthe old address bounced.
.Nance is bouncing but with messages from another group. ?????
Now, why are you and Ravi registered as not to receive e mails. Did you change the settings? Are you
reading from the web site, is that it? If so let me know.
i nave just returned from the Dominican Republic. I have comments from myself and will have comments
from Hugo leu to share with you on the various communications probably on Wednesday.

Regards to all

Secrecadat [maiiro:phFnsec@touchteiir;d;‘i
Envi&do el; lunes, 07 de julio de 2003 8:37
Mana Ham’m Zuniga
CM ? va Zmetnam. w
Regarding Cause's email on the steering group.
... r

Dear Maria,
Ziaud.o's emai; accoum i saw his email account in the bouncing list. Can you please
aeno him an ’•unbounce,; mail sc that he can reactivate the same. There are 4-5 more people on
councinq list.

. , ’W: .

I. -Bangalore
367 ” Srinivasa Nila} a“

?•.Min. I .

■ ; vvvw.h

Pftse. 4 ftp 9

PHM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>
Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:11 PM
Poverty & Health newsletter text

Dear Georgina,
jetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
i hanks for the copy of the editorial for the Poverty and Health Newsletter which pertains to People's Health
Movement, it is well done.

However, just to enhance the options that readers could have to join PHM, I am enclosing three additional
items, which are part of a letter that goes from us to ail those who contact us via the website or directly.

1. PHM has a list server / discussion group called as "PHA Exchange". If you have not yet already subscribed
to the discussion groyp "PHA - Exchange", please do the same at the earliest to join and share with the
increasing number of interested participants by going to the following link:

2. PHM has launched a signature campaign at the Asia Social Forum on 5th January 2003, to celebrate the
25th Anniversary of the Health for All Declaration of Alma Ata. Do sign in by accessing the website:
3. Also as part of the Alma Ata Anniversary year, People's Health Movement has brought out a compendium
of background and position papers from the PHM resource people in the form of an "Alma Ata Anniversary
^^k:. Tne same can be accessed on our website under the link
Wp://v>/ww. html#Almaataanniversarypack

If there is space, you may wish to include them as well. You could edit them suitably to fit the space
available. Readers like some choice and this provides that option.
Do keep us on the mailing list of the newsletter.

Best wishes,
Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

Original Message
I From: Georgina Kyriacou
I -f0; ^'
i cC: Anna Pattenden (E-mail)
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 7:20 PM
Subject: Poverty & Health newsletter text

Dear Dr Narayan,

Page j of 2

PHM Secretariat

Community Health Cel! <>
Phm Office <>
Monday September 29, 2003 10:24 AM
Breaking the cycle .dec
Fw: Poverty & Health newsletter text

Dr. Thelma Narayan,
Coordinator, Community Health Cell
#367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya”
Jakkasandra 1st Main. I Block Koramangala
B anga lore-560034
Telefax: -91-080 - 5525372
^in the ’’Health for all, NOW” campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata declaration
— Original Message —
From: Georgina Kyriacou
To: 'sochara^vsnl.com1
Cc: Anna Pattenden (E-mail)
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 7:20 PM
Subject: Poverty & Health newsletter text

Dear Dr Narayan.
As you may know, a while ago Anna Pattenden put together some editorial for Healthlink Worldwide's
’Poverty & Health’ newsletter. That material has now been finalised and is almost ready to be sent out to our
partners and posted on our website. (It is no longer going to be printed in newsletter form.)

Anna has given us your name so that you may have a chance to review of the copy which pertains to the
People's Health Movement (on page 2 of the attached document) I would be most grateful if you would take
a look and forward any comments that you may have to me as soon as possible.
^^ease do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Georgina Kyriacou
Production Editor

Healthlink Worldwide
40 Adler Street
London E1 1EE, UK
Tel +44 (0)20 7539 1593 (direct line)
+44 (0)20 7539 1570 (reception)
Fax+44 (0)20 7539 1580

H - Uh-


<<Breaking the cycle ,doc>>


COTntiintoittna C»:oj<;r. jigrrwsbto

Breaking the cycle: health workers for change and the People’s Health

Health workers for change
As studies show., how people are treated by health workers has a big effect on
whether or not they seek treatment when they need to (see Voices and Choices
report, as referenced in the Resources list).

Often health workers want to improve the quality of care they give but find this
difficult because of structural problems such as lack of equipment or drugs, bad
management and non-payment of salaries.
The Health workers for Change manual was developed by the Women’s Health
Project at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, to help health workers
improve their service. The manual includes a series of workshops that take health
workers through a process of identifying their problems and finding solutions to these

The workshops help health workers look at their jobs and the way they do them in an
open, non-threatening environment, without linking any discussion or topic to an
individual. This is done through role play, reading, storytelling and developing
questionnaires. The workshops are participant-led and are a contrast to interventions
by outsiders. They are easily adaptable to local scenarios.
The workshops create a space in which health workers can explore issues of their
daily working lives and are an opportunity to see things from the perspectives of their
clients. They give health workers a chance to air their frustrations with their jobs
openly, without being blamed or victimised. Participants are empowered to develop
probiem-solving skills and are encouraged to take initiatives for change.
Following the workshops, people interviewed said that the quality of care they
received, including the attitudes of the health workers, had improved.

Contact: NaumeZiyambi, Communications Officer,
E-mail: za
Write to: Women's Health Project, P O Box 1038, Johannesburg 2000,
South Africa. Tel: +27 11 489 9917 Fax: +27 11 489 9922
The Women’s Health Project website:

The People’s Health Movement
The People’s Health Movement (PHM) is an international movement dedicated to
changing the current health care delivery system, which is failing to serve the health
needs of most of the world’s poorest people. The movement is committed to
providing people with a voice in what happens next in health, helping people in their

poverty, dbablllty aftd health articles, nealtiilinR Worldwide. September 2003



• lon§-term struggle to find sustainable solutions to their health problems,, and


campaigning for the importance of primary health care.
The PHM grew out of the first People’s Health Assembly, which was held in
December 2000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Attended by over 1400 participants from 92
countries, the Assembly gave people whose voices had rarely been heard before the
chance to share their experiences of poverty and ill health.

The Assembly aiso endorsed the People’s Charter for Health. The five basic
principles of the Charter are:
a Health is a human right for all, irrespective of race, gender, age or class
• Universal primary health care should be the basis for formulating health policies
o Governments have a responsibility to provide all of their citizens with access to
quality health care
© Ail health and social policies should involve the participation of peopie and
people’s organisations
o Health should be a priority at every level of policy making.

How to get involved
Visit the PHM website or contact Dr. Ravi Narayan, Co­
ordinator, People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global), C/o Community Health
Cell. 367, Srinivasa Nilaya, Jakkasandra I Main, I Block, Koramangala, Bangalore
560 034 India. Tel: + 91 80 51280009
Fax: + 91 80 5525372 E-mail:
See also

Sign exp fZrr


Electronic resources
Voices and Choices. International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS.
Download from for a list of the organisation’s contacts around the world.

Printed resources
Voices and Choices. Printed copies are available from SAFAIDS (Southern African
AIDS Information Dissemination Service), 17 Beveridge Road, P.O.

Box A 509, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel +263 4 336 193/4 Fax +263 4 336 195

Health Workers For Change. E-mail your name and postal address to to
receive the manual or write to TDR Communications, WHO, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211
Geneva 27, Switzerland

Poverty, disability and health articles, Healthlink Worldwide, September 2003


Dear Ms./Mr. Takang Orock
Welcome to the People's Health Movement secretariat(Global) !!!

We, as the international PHM Secretariat are writing to you in response to
the feedback form which you sent to us, expressing your interest to know
more about the latest happenings in PHM. We thank you very much for your
interest in the movement.
This mail is written in English. We hope you are in a position to understand
1. We enclose some of the relevant communications that have been sent from
the Secretariat as part of the build up for the movement

2. PHM has a list server / discussion group called as “PHA Exchange”. If you have
not yet already subscribed to the discussion group "PHA-Exchange", please do
the same at the earliest to join and share with the increasing number of interested
participants by going to the following link
3. PHM has launched a signature campaign at the Asian Social Forum on 05th
January 2003 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Health for All declaration of
Alma Ata. Do sign in by accessing the website

4. Also as part of the Alma Ata Anniversary year, People's Health movement
has brought out a compendium of background and position papers from the PHM
resource people in the form of an "Alma Ata Anniversary pack". The same can be
accessed on our website under the link
5. We would like to know more about you. Please send us more details about
yourself /your Organization / interest in the people's health movement so that
we can put you in touch with PHM people in your country/region or other people
with similar interests.
6. If you have any material that would be of interest to others or
organizing any event that is significant for the "Health for all" campaign,
kindly let us know so that we can share it with others

7. Finally, if you can please go back to the website, you
will find details about region/country circles and issue circles as they are
evolving. You may wish to join them.

Your name suggests that you are located in Africa. We have a very strong presence in
Africa and enclosing this mail to some of our PHM colleagues in Africa who would be
able to communicate with you further about the latest happenings in PHM Africa.
Hope this much helps.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Prasanna Saligram
Communications Officer, People's Health Movement Secretariat (Global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
I Block Jakkasandra, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the
Alma Ata declaration visit


^gvi Narayan

Mwajuma S. Masaiganah <>
Thursday. October 02, 2003 1:43 PM
Mombasa speech Aima ata.doc
Re: [PHiVi_Steering_Group_02-03] October 2003 Communication - II


Dear Ravi.
I have gone through all Communication I and II of October 2003. I feel Communication I is okay (with me) as
it touches various issues from all areas since the WHA meeting and event in Geneva. But in Communication
II, I would have liked to see after point No. 7 addressing the Alma Ata pack before No. 8 which speaks about
the PAHO meeting, the Kenyan event being mentioned. I am not sure whether it was ommitted by error or
£>t. This was a special event for us in East Africa. The event in South Africa should still be mentioned in the
Kme way. We need to amplify these events to let others learn what we do also down here. Of course that
doles not mean we do not need to learn from others, but we need also what we do to be told and valued as
what is happening elsewhere in the world.
Secondly, i think i sent you what I told the public during the Kenyan event, but for the benefit of us all, I
resend it again as an attachment to this email.

— Original Message —
From: PHM Secretariat
To: PHM Steering Group
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: [PHM__Steering_Group__02-03] October 2003 Communication - II


Dear Friends,
Communication li


October 2003 -

Subject: Dialogue with WHO
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Giobal)l
This is a short update from the WHO - WHA circle of PHM to keep you all informed about some
of the recent developments in the continuing dialogue with the new DG and administration in
WHO. i have also been invited to an important WHO Primary Health Care Dialogue. I need your
urgent response (item 9).

In May 2003, at the World Health Assembly, a five member PHM delegation (consisting of
Zafruliah, Maria, Mwajuma, Ghasan and Ravi) met Dr. Lee, the WHO - DG designate ano
trX- of his advisers - Dr. Jim Kim, Dr. Ian Smith and Alec Irwin - for a brief dialogue. Dr.
^AXLee's response as summarized by one cf his own advisers in a minute was:




“Grassroots movement are enormously important, especially in the health field. These
movements bring the views, feelings and expressions of those who really know. It seems
almost hypocritical for WHO people here in Geneva to be talking about poverty - here, as
m r

La) M 0




C© CU bu lJ


PnBe 1 nf3

Ravi Narayan

Fran Baum <>
Thursday, October 02, 2003 8:24 AM
Re: [PHM_Steering_Group_j32-03] October 2003 - Communication I

Thanks for the communication. 1 will review in details
Best wishes

At 05:55 PM 1/10/2003 -0530, you wrote:
From the PHM Secretariat
October 2003 Communication One<?
xml:namespace prefix- o ns- "urn:schemas-rnicrosoft<!ce:offlce"/>

1st October 2003

Dear PHM Steering Group,

Sub : October Communications

Greetings from PHM Secretariat! We hope that after having received the Alma Ata Anniversary
Pack, aii of you have been busy organizing anniversary initiatives and distributing the pack.
After a few weeks of silence, there will now be another round of communications with all of you,
which will focus on :

o Global round up keeping track of ail the interesting developments since the Geneva gettogether;
o Update on Dialogue with WHO;
© Building the 'website communication more proactively;
«■ Planning for the Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference in Iran; (November 2003)
o Planning for International Health Forum / WSF - Mumbai; (January 2004)
o Finalizing the PHM three (3) year plan; and
© Evolving a funding and sustainability strategy for PHM;
Planning for 2nd Peoples Health Assembly.

So do look out for a series of October Communications that will need your active consideration
and response. Please send your responses in spite of your busy schedules and respond to
each one separately, so it helps us to track the collective consensus more easily.
: he theme of this first communication is a. Global Round up of developments / events /
initiatives since the Geneva net together and a .schedule for October-December 2003 and


iv> v-I f



i o:

Maria Hamlin Zuniga <>
Wednesday. October 01.2003 11:34 AM
RE: [PH M_Steering_Group_02-03] October 2003 - Communication I

Thanks for this valuable update.
We will review it carefully and provide additional information as well.
Greetings to all,


—Mensaje original—
De: PHM Secretariat []
Enviado el: miercoles, 01 de octubre de 2003 14:25
Para: PHM_Steering_Group
Asunto: [PrlM_Steering_Group_02-03] October 2003 - Communication I
From the PHM Secretariat

October 2003 - Communication One

1st October 2003

Dear PHM Steering Group,

Sub: October Communications
Greetings from PHM Secretariat! We hope that after having received the Alma Ata Anniversary
Pack, ail of you have been busy organizing anniversary initiatives and distributing the pack.
After a few weeks of silence, there will now be another round of communications with all of you,
which will focus on
o Global round up : keeping track of all the interesting developments since the Geneva gettogether:
© Update on Dialogue with WHO;
o Building the website communication more proactively;
& Planning for the Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference in Iran; (November 2003)
g Planning for international Health Forum / WSF - Mumbai; (January 2004)
© Finalizing the PHM three (3) year plan; and
© Evolving a funding and sustainability strategy for PHM;
® Planning for 2nd People's Health Assembly.
So do iook out for a series of October Communications that will need your active consideration
and response. Please send your responses in spite of your busy schedules and respond to
each one separately, so it helps us to track the collective consensus more easily.
The theme of this first communication is a Global Round up of developments / events /
initiatives since the Geneva get together and a schedule for October-December 2003 and

It is based on information received by the Secretariat from various sources. If we



Pa8e 1 of

~-- -------------- , .<--- - _

PHM Secretariat <>
PHM_Steering_Group <>
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:12 PM
[PHM_Steering_Group_02-03] October 2003 Communication - II

October 2003 -

Dear Friends.

Subject: Dialogue with WHO
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!

This is a short update from the WHO - WHA circle of PHM to keep you all informed about some of
the recent developments in the continuing dialogue with the new DG and administration in WHO. I
have also been invited to an important WHO Primary Health Care Dialogue. I need your urgent
response (item 9).


In May 2003; at the World Health Assembly, a five member PHM delegation (consisting of
Zafruiiah, Maria, Mwajuma, Ghasan and Ravi) met Dr. Lee, the WHO - DG designate and
three of his advisers - Dr. Jim Kim, Dr. Ian Smith and Alec Irwin - for a brief dialogue. Dr.
Lee’s response as summarized by one of his own advisers in a minute was.
"Grassroots movement are enormously important, especially in the health field. These
movements bring the views, feelings and expressions of those who really know, it seems
almost hypocritical for WHO people here in Geneva to be talking about poverty - here, as
we pay S2 for a cup of coffee, while millions struggle to survive and sustain their families on
31 a day. For this very reason, we urgently need your input. We need to hear the voices of
the communities you represent.

Some of you may initially have felt powerless. But by uniting your forces, you have reached
a critical mass with this People’s Health Movement. It is vital for WHO to listen to you and
your communities. Thank you for coming'1.
During the meeting, the PHM team highlighted - (i) PHM, believes in WHO’s inclusive
definition of health and the Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (ii) PHM wants to
be a ’critical’ partners sharing concerns of civil society (iii) PHM feels AIDS in Africa and the
war in Middle East and the related violence are urgent challenges (iv) PHM welcomes Dr
Lee’s commitment to making WHO a listening organization (v) PHM gives Dr. Lee 15
months advance invitation to attend the PHA - il in Porto Alegre in July 2004 (vi) PHM
requests Dr. Lee to sign the Million Signature Campaign.
’ ■

2. On 1st July 2003, Dr. Lee wrote to the PHM Secretariat Coordinator - "I look forward to
ear.Jnuing and positive*. ^Qllsdoration with th» PHM in the aiming yaarsA

3, on 19th August, the coordinator, PHM secretariat replied to who - DO appreciating his

Paee 2 of

tetter and informed him of the following.


Endorsed his suggestion to make WHO a listening organization


Shared PHM’s desire to share concerns on ‘Health for AH’ challenges from the
perspectives of the poor and marginalized communities.


Shared great expectations in the new WHO leadership to renew its commitment to
Health for All, Now.


Looked forward to every opportunity for dialogue at meetings, workshops and
consultations by WHO and regional office.


Invited Dr. Lee to be a special guest at WSF - IHF in Mumbai, India and Second
PHA in Porto Alegre, Brazil.


informed about Alma Ata Anniversary pack and forwarded it to him. Also informed
about Alma Ata Anniversary Conference in collaboration with Islamic Republic of

vii. Informed about 40 language translations of People’s Charter for Health, now
available on website.

viii. Informed regarding Million Signature Campaign.


in August 2003, letters were also written to certain members of the Dr Lee’s advisor/ group,
who are committed to Primary Health Care and whose past records of people oriented
initiatives make them close to PHM and People s Charter concerns.
A very positive response came to the PHM from the new Advisor to the WHO - DG

”1 was wondering if you could crystallize for me the action points for discussion. If you could
list the concrete steps, you would like me to take and list them in order of priority, I would be
glad to work on them".
6. Following this letter, an informal dialogue was made possible in Geneva early in September
(when David Sanders represented PHM in a brainstorming session on the Mexico
conference on Research scheduled for November 2004. in which PHM has also been invited
to be part of the organizing committee).
During this visit at an informal dialogue with some of the advisors, and some PHM Geneva
members identified six areas for WHO and PHM to work together. These were:


Concern of PHM on WHO’s position on Primary Health Care and Dr. Bengoa’s
point of 'Lack of evidence*.


The need for shift from ‘selective strategies’ to ‘health system issues’


To propose strategy and action with WHO - CSI, and also dialogue with


Suggestions for partnership or feedback on the new plan of 3 by 5 ARVs for 3

10.2 03

Primary Health Care - (apart from those already included in the Alma Ata
Anniversary pack of materials).

if you have the energy / stamina to see the WHO report entitled fA Global Review
of Primary Health Care: Emerging messages., WHO / MNC / OSD / 03.01 - which is
Please send me focused comments on specific points or issues.


If you have written an article on Primary Health Care for the Alma Ata Anniversary
year, please send me a copy. I shall try to put the main points together and present
them in the meeting as the opportunity arises and also circulate it to all the

11.1 believe we are making a little headway on being heard. Lets all collectively increase
the decibels. If any of you have taken similar initiatives with WHO at any level or have
suggestions on any of the issues mentioned in this update, please send it to us at the
Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
For WHO / WHA Circle
PHM Secretariat (Global)
Bangalore. INDIA
#367 ’’Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala
Join the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25tn anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit

---- 1

C'..------uruups opvinvj



6^-* .4

Dear Friends,
Subject: Dialogue with WHO

Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
This is a short update from the WHO - W'HA circle of PHM to keep you all informed about some
of the recent developments in the continuing dialogue with the new DG and administration in
WHO. I have also been invited to an important WHO Primary7 Health Care Dialogue. I need your
urgent response (item 9).


In May 2003, at the World Health Assembly, a five member PHM delegation (consisting
of Zafrullah, Maria, Mwajuma, Ghasan and Ravi) met Dr. Lee. the WHO - DG designate
and three of his advisers - Dr. Jim Kim, Dr. Ian Smith and Alec Irwin - for a brief
dialogue. Dr. Lee's response as summarized by one of his own advisers in a minute was:

“Grassroots movement are enormously important., especially in the health field. These
movements bring the views, feelings and expressions of those who really know. It seems
almost hypocritical for WHO people here in Geneva to be talking about poverty - here,
as we pay $2 for a cup of coffee, while millions struggle to survive and sustain their
families on SI a day. For this very reason, we urgently need your input. We need to hear
the voices of the communities you represent.
Some of you may initially have felt powerless. But by uniting your forces, you have
reached a critical mass with this People's Health Movement. It is vital for WHO to listen
to you and your communities. Thank you for coming”.

Durins the meeting, the PHM team highlighted - (i) PHM believes in WHO's inclusive
definition of health (ii) PHM wants to be a 'critical' partners sharing concerns of civil
society (iif) PHM^feels AIDS in Africa and the war in Middle East and the related
violence are^cSmfenges (iv) PHM welcomes Dr. Lee's commitment to making WHO a
listening organization (v) PHM gives Dr. Lee 15 months advance invitation to attend the
PHA - H in Porto Alegre in July 2004 (vi) PHM requests Dr. Lee to sign the Million
. Signature Campaign.


On I61 July 2003, Dr. Lee wrote to the PHM Secretariat Coordinator - ‘T look forward to
continuing and positive collaboration with the PHM in the coming years".
On ] 9th August, the Coordinator, PHM Secretariat replied to WHO - DG appreciating his
letter and informed him of the following.

Endorsed his suggestion to make WHO a listening organization


Shared PHM’s desire to share concerns on ‘Health for All’ challenges from
the perspectives of the poor and marginalized communities.
Shared great expectations in the new WHO leadership to renew its
commitment to Health for All, Now.
Looked forward to every opportunity for dialogue at meetings, workshops



and consultations by WHO and regional office.
Invited Dr Lee to be a special guest al WSF - 1HF in Mumbai, India and
Second PHA in Porto Alegre, Brazil.



IriiOrmed about Alina Ata Anniversary pack arid forwarded it to him. Also


informed about Alma Ala Anniversary Conference in collaboration with
Islamic Republic of Iran.
Infonned about 40 language translations of People’s Charter for Health, now
available on website.
Informed regarding Million Signature Campaign.




In August 2003, letters were also written to certain members of the Dr. Lee's advisory
group, who are committed to Primary’ Health Care and whose past records of people
oriented initiatives make them close to PHM and People’s Charter concerns.
A very positive response came to the PHM from the new Advisor to the WHO - DG/‘T
was wondering if you could crystallize for me the action points for discussion. If you
could list the concrete steps, you would like me to take and list them in order of priority, 1
would be glad to work on them”.
Following this letter, an informal dialogue was made possible in Geneva early m
September (when David Sandej^repr^nted^ PHM in a brainstorming session on the
Mexico conference on Research m November 2004, in which PHM has also been invited
to be part of the organizing committee).
During this visit at an infonnal dialogue with some of the advisors, and some PHM



‘Geneva members identified^ for WHO and PHM to work together, were:
• i.



e co eve,

Concern of PHM on WHO’s position on Primary Health Care and Dr.
Bengoa's point of/ack of evidence*
The need for shift from ’selective strategies' to ‘health svstejn isstgtf t
To propose strategy and action with WHO - CSI, ajSirt ffem oilier technical
Suggestions for partnership or feedback on lhe new plan of 3 by 5 ARVs for
3 million by 2005 strategy.
PHM's concerns on CMH (Macroeconomics and Health), WTO ! GATS,
PHMs concents on Global Funds.

The .Alma Ata pack was also distributed widely in WHO - Geneva circles. Apart from

the reflections by PHM resource persons, it also includes the suggestions made by the
PHM members to the WHO during the discussions on Primaiy- Health Care in committee




Fl g-( 'g.________

In September, PAHO invited Maria/as" a motivational speaker to the .Alma Ata
Anniversary meeting in Washington held recently. A note had been circulated by Maria
on the PHA Exchange, including a resolution that was placed by PHM at the PAHO
When many of us will meet at various events in the near future (Quito. Ottawa, Rome,
Teheran, Mumbai), we need to clarify PHM’s role and objectives in this evolving
dialogue. Al what levels do we want to make inputs? Policy? Programme Strategy?
Programme Collaboration? Who will do this and how? The phase of establishing the link,
credibility and/consistency of concern' is now over. Thw WHO - WHA circle which has

been an informal group looking for strategic opportunities for feedback and dialogue with
WHO needs now to have a more concerted focused strategy. Beginning this process in
the Alma Ata Anniversary year is very symbolic
10. Finally, the WHO has now invited me as the Coordinator of the PHM Global Secretariat
to a special Alma Ata Anniversary Celebratory meeting entitled “Global Meeting on

Future Strategic directions for Primary Health Care” from 27th - 29th October 2003. in
Madrid - Spain. This is in response to the WHA - Resolution 56.6, which requested the
Director General io convene a meting in celebration of this occasion and to prepare a
progress report to the Fifty Seventh WHA in May 2004.
The objectives of the meeting are:


To look back, review and celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Alma Ata;



To identify future strategic directions for Primary Health Care;
To recommend implementation modalities that will strengthen Primary Health Care;
To clarify how the future strategic directions for Primary Health Care will contribute
to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals;
To identify ways in which countries can enhance the capacity and performance of
their Primary Health Care systems;
To suggest newer ways in which WHO can support countries in implementing
Primary Health Care.


The format of the meeting are:

Plenary on first day and mostly working groups on second and third days.

Please send me before 15th October any comments or suggestions you may have on:

Primary Health Care - (apart from those already included in the Alma Ata
Anniversaiy pack of materials).
If you have the energy / stamina to see the WHO report entitled 4A Global
Review of Primary Health Care: Emerging messages, TOTO / MNC / OSD /
03.01 - which is available on the WHO website at the following link:
http://www.who. int/chronic_con(Etions/primary_health_care/en/.
(please send me focused comments on specific points or issues.


If you have written an article on Primary Health Care for the Alma Ata
Anniversary year, please send me a copy. I shall try to put the main points
together and present them in the meeting as the opportunity arises and also
circulate it to all the participants.

11. I believe we are making a little headway on being heard. Lets all collectively
increase the decibels, If any of you have taken similar initiatives with WHO at any level
or have suggestions on any of the issues mentioned in this update, please send it to us at
the earliest.

Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
For WHO / WHA Circle
PHM Secretariat (Global)
Bangalore, INDIA

Page 1 of2




PHM Secretariat <>
Sarah Shannon <>; Manoj Kurian <>; mohammad ali
barzgar <>; sunil.deepak <>; Amit Sengupta
<>; Mohan Rao-JNU-Delhi <>; Hani Serag
<>; Andy Rutherford < >;
<>; Andrew Chetley <>
Wednesday.. October 01, 2003 6:10 PM
October Communication 1 - attachment.doc
October 2003 - Communication I

From the PHM Secretariat

October 2003 - Communication One
1st October 2003

Dear PHM Steering Group,

ub: October Communications
.Greetings from PHM Secretariat! We hope that after having received the Alma Ata Anniversary Pack, all of
you have been busy organizing anniversary initiatives and distributing the pack. After a few weeks of silence,
there will now be anothei round of communications with ah of you, which will focus on :

Global round up : keeping track of all the interesting developments since the Geneva get-together;
Update on Dialogue with WHO;
Building the website communication more proactively;
Planning for the Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference in Iran; (November 2003)
Planning for International Health Forum / WSF - Mumbai: (January 2004)
q Finalizing the PHM three (3) year plan; and
o Evolving a funding and sustainability strategy for PHM;
® Planning for 2nd People’s Health Assembly.


So do look out for a series of October Communications that will need your active consideration and
response. Please send your responses in spite of your busy schedules and respond to each one separately,
"so it helps us to track the collective consensus more easily.

The theme of this first communication is a Global Round up of developments / events / initiatives since the
Geneva get together and a schedule for October-December 2003 and beyond.

It is based on information received by the Secretariat from various sources, if we have missed any event or
initiative, please send us details immediately since we shall include it in a supplement to the Global round
With best wishes,

Ravi / Prasanna / Srinidhi

The PHM Secretariat Team.

10/1 03

Page 1 of 4

ec reta ria t_________________________________________________________


PHM Secretariat <>
Sarah Shannon <>; Manoj Kurian <>; mohammad ali
barzgar <>; sunil.deepak < >; Amit Sengupta
<>; Mohan Rao-JNU-Delhi <>, Hani Serag
<>; Andy Rutherford <>;
<>; Andrew Chetley <>
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:04 PM
October 2003 Communication - II

October 2003 -

Dear Friends,
Communication H

Subject: Dsalogue with WHO
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
This is a short update from the WHO - WHA circle of PHM to keep you all informed about some of
the recent developments in the continuing dialogue with the new DG and administration in WHO. I
have also been invited to an important WHO Primary Health Care Dialogue. I need your urgent
response (item 9).


In May 2003; at the World Health Assembly, a five member PHM delegation (consisting of
Zafrullah, Maria, Mwajuma, Ghasan and Ravi) met Dr. Lee, the WHO - DG designate and
three of his advisers - Dr. Jim Kim, Dr. Ian Smith and Alec Irwin - for a brief dialogue. Dr.
Lee’s response as summarized by one of his own advisers in a minute was:

"Grassroots movement are enormously important, especially in the health field. These
movements bring the views, feelings and expressions of those who really know. It seems
almost hypocritical for WHO people here in Geneva to be talking about poverty - here, as
we pay $2 for a cup of coffee, while millions struggle to survive and sustain their families on
$1 a day. For this very reason, we urgently need your input. We need to hear the voices of
the communities you represent.
Some of you may initially have felt powerless. But by uniting your forces, you have reached
a critical mass with this People’s Health Movement. It is vital for WHO to listen to you and
your communities. Thank you for coming".

During the meeting, the PHM team highlighted - (i) PHM believes in WHO’s inclusive
definition of health and the Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (ii) PHM wants to
be a ’critical’ partners sharing concerns of civil society (iii) PHM feels AIDS in Africa and the
war in Middle East and the related violence are urgent challenges (iv) PHM welcomes Dr.
Lee’s commitment to making WHO a listening organization (v) PHM gives Dr. Lee 15
months advance invitation to attend the PHA - II in Porto Alegre in July 2004 (vi) PHM
requests Dr. Lee to sign the Million Signature Campaign.


Page I of 2


PHM Secretariat <>
PHM_Steering__Group <>
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 5:55 PM
October Communication 1 - attachment, doc
[PHM__Steering_Group__02-03] October 2003 - Communication I

From the PHM Secretariat

October 2003 - Communication One
1st October 2003

Dear PHM Steering Group.

Sub: October Communications
Greetings from PHM Secretariat! We hope that after having received the Alma Ata Anniversary Pack, all of
you have been busy organizing anniversary initiatives and distributing the pack. After a few weeks of silence,
there will now be another round of communications with all of you, which will focus on :
&'-‘G.lobal round up : keeping track of all the interesting developments since the Geneva get-together;
*■' Update on Dialogue with 'WHO;
o Building the website communication more proactively;
,«) Planning for the Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference in Iran; (November 2003)
Planning for Internationa! Health Forum / WSF - Mumbai; (January 2004)
* Finalizing the PHM three (3) year plan; and
o Evolving a funding and sustainability strategy for PHM;
o Planning for 2nd People’s Health Assembly.

So do look out for a series of October Communications that will need your active consideration and
response. Please send your responses in spite of your busy schedules and respond to each one separately,
so it helps us to track the collective consensus more easily.
The theme of this first communication is a Global Round up of developments / events / initiatives since the
Geneva get together and a schedule for October-December 2003 and beyond.

It is based on information received by the Secretariat from various sources. If we have missed any event or
^jative, please send us details immediately since we shall include it in a supplement to the Global round

With best wishes,

Ravi / Prasanna / Srinidhi

The PHM Secretariat Team.
people’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main, I Block Koramangala

Page 2 of 2


Pnss 1


PKM Secretariat

PHM Secretariat <>
phM_Steering_Grou p <PHM_Steeri ng_Group_02-03@ya h oog rou ps. com >
Saturday. October 04, 2003 7:09 PM
Iran Proposal 3-10-03.doc
October 03- Communication III: Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference, IRAN

From the PHM Secretariat

October 2003 - Communication Three

Dear Friends,

Subject: Alma Ata Anniversary international Conference, Iran
i his is an advance definitive communication on the Alma Ata Anniversary International Conference
being organized by the People’s Health Movement in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and
Education of tne Islamic Republic of Iran in Teheran, on 29th and SO1*'1 November and 1st December.
The theme of the conference is "Celebrating Primary Health Care: 25 years after Alma Ata.

Due to some unavoidable local constraints, the conference originally scheduled for October 2003 had
to be postponed to these new sets of dates in November. Zafrullah and I visit Teheran from 6tn - 10tn
October at the invitation of the government to plan the conference. A final programme, other details
and formal invitations will follow after this planning visit.
3. The background to the conference was a informal meeting that a small PHM delegation including Dr.
Halfdan Mahler had with the Minister of Health and other Iranian government officials, on the sidelines
of the last World Health Assembly in Geneva, May 2003. Since Iran was one of the few countries that
have remained committed to Primary Health Care all these years, in addition to having been an
enthusiastic signatory of the Alma Ata Declaration, it was felt that PHM and the Iran government could
collaborate in organizing such an International meeting. A short draft plan was drawn up by Zafrullah
and Prem John in consultation with many PHM participants at WHA and forwarded to the government.
This plan was also circulated to PHM Steering group in July 2003.
4. Dr. Mohammad Ali Barzgar, Adviser to Ministry of Health and also a participant of PHA - I and PHM’s
contact person in Iran, has actively followed this matter up and in spite of various constraints, has now
managed to facilitate the full cooperation and involvement of the government, who will now host this
5. A small planning committee has been formed consisting of Zafrullah ( Prem John
(p re mJ o h n @vs n I. n et):
Zin kin
(ghada@upmrc,org): Sarah Shannon (; Sunil Deepak (,
to help Dr. Barzgar (m in this effort. Apart from this the secretariat support
group includes Andy Rutherford, One World Action - UK and Prasanna, Communication Officer, PHM
Secretariat, India.
6. A draft programme was evolved with panel discussions and some simultaneous workshops. Resource
persons and participants were made depending on availability of people and responses to earlier
communication. Also an effort is being made to enhance the Middle Eastern and African participation
in this conference.
7. A proposal to cover the travel of all the participants, only from the South has been submitted to CIDA
and we are hopeful of this support.

Some members of the planning group are also approaching other funding agencies for some grants
to cover the cost of other participants and some additional costs. A more detailed letter on the
budget / funding aspects will be sent to them shortly. The Iran government has confirmed the support
to all the local hospitality and local costs of PHM participants. WHO involvement at Geneva, EM RO
and country level is being explored.

Pa°c2 of 2






^Enclosed is a summary of the conference objectives, methods, content areas, workshops, field visits,
tentative draft programme.
A tentative wish list of 40 PHM participants is also included. The selection criteria has also been
long standing active involvement of individuals in Primary Health Care initiatives from different
regions; also those involved in the PHM planning process in recent months (since this will be an
opportunity to meet for planning) and also those, who confirmed their participation in earlier
communications. [Don’t be surprised if you find your name in the list. It’s a wish list waiting for
confirmation. In case any of you is unable to join, please feel free to suggest some one else from your
region. Three regions are not represented at all - Australia, West Africa and China].
Some of you are shown as plenary panelists and some as workshop facilitators. Final details and
formal invitation will be sent after the planning visit due next week.
However, a quick response confirming your availability in the next few days will be very helpful (not
later than 10th October). Any initiative to identify own funding for travel support to Teheran on those
dates will also be appreciated. If you know of any grant giving agency or support group, who would be
willing to support the meeting in solidarity with PHM, please inform us immediately. If you wish to
forward a preliminary proposal to this grant-giving agency, please do so based on the information
The process of getting visas for visit to Iran are a bit complicated. This will be high on the agenda of
the planning meeting. A formal registration / participation list will be circulated in the second week of
October, after the planning visit. Please return it promptly to ensure that the invitation is expedited. If
you wish you may make tentative bookings by the cheapest apex fare from your city to Teheran, so
that you can also give us with the registration form a estimate of the fare. Also ask your travel agent
about the nearest Iran Embassy for visa purposes. Some of you have already sent some queries on
this. This has been noted. For some, we may be able to arrange 72 hour visa on arrival.

Looking forward to your prompt responses. But don't expect response to any queries till 11th October, when
Zafruliah and I will return from Teheran.
If you would like is to send any information or suggestion while we are in Iran, please mark a copy to Dr.
Barzgar (m attention: Dr. Ravi Narayan.

Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Health Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 "Srinivasa Nilaya"
Jakkasandra 1st Main. I Block Koramangala
flhn the "Health for all, NOW" campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
aecia rati on visit


From the PHM Secretariat

October 2003 - Communication Three

Dear Friends,

Subject: Alma Ata Anniversary international Conference, Iran

This is an advance definitive communication on the Alma Ata Anniversary International
Conference being organized by the People's Health Movement in collaboration with the
Ministry of Health and Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Teheran, on 29th and
30th November and 1st December.
The theme of the conference is “Celebrating Primary’ Health Care: 25 years after Ama







Due to some unavoidable local constraints, the conference originally scheduled for
October 2003 had to be postponed to these new sets of dates in November. Zafrullah and
I visit Teheran from 6th - 10th October at the invitation of the government to plan the

conference. A final programme, other details and formal invitations will follow after this
planning visit.
The background to the conference was a informal meeting that a small PHM delegation
including Dr. Halfdan Mahler had with the Minister of Health and other Iranian
government officials, on the sidelines of the last World Health Assembly in Geneva, May
2003. Since Iran was one of the few countries that have remained committed to Primary
Health Care all these years, in addition to having been an enthusiastic signatory of the
Ama Ata Declaration, it was felt that PHM and the Iran government could collaborate in
organizing such an International meeting. A short draft plan was drawn up by Zafrullah
and Prem John in consultation with mam.’ PHM participants at WHA and forwarded to
the government. This plan was also circulated to PIIM Steering group in July 2003
Dr. Mohammad Ai Barzgar, Adviser to Ministry of Health and also a participant of PI-LA
-1 and PHM5s contact person in Iran, has actively followed this matter up and in spite of
various constraints, has now managed to facilitate the full cooperation and involvement
of the government, who will now host this conference
A small planning committee fes' formed consisting of Zafrullah ( Prem
John (premjohn@vsnl. net); Pam Zinkin ( Ravi Narayan
(; Hani Serag ( Ghasan Hamdan
(, to help Dr. Barzgar (m_barzgar@hotmail. com) in this effort.
Apart from this the secretariat support group includes Andy Rutherford, One World
Action - UK and Prasanna, Communication Officer, PHM Secretariat, India,.
A draft programme was evolved with panel discussions and some simultaneous
workshops. Resource persons and participants were made depending on availability of
people and responses to earlier communication. Aso an effort is being made to enhance
the Middle Eastern and African participation in this conference.
A proposal to cover the travel of all the participants, only from the South has been
submitted to CIDA and we are hopeful of this support.
Some members of the planning group are also approaching other funding agencies for
some grants to cover the cost of other participants and some additional costs. A more
detailed letter on the budget / funding aspects will be sent to them shortly. The Iran
government has confirmed the support to all the local hospitality and local costs of PHM
participants. WHO involvement at Geneva, EMRO and country level is being explored.

vPrasanna\e\P>10E Backup1 Srinidhi\PJ£\f\PHM Communicaiions\October 2003 Communications\Oct 2003
Communication III - lran.doc\''Pra.’5anna\c\P540E Backup\Srini(Hu\PHM\PHM CommunicafionsXOctobcr 2003

Conununications'.Oct 2003 Communication III - Iran.doc




Enclosed is a summary of the conference objectives, methods, content areas, workshops,
field visits, tentative draft programme.
A tentative wish list of 40 PHM participants is also included. The selection criteria

Lis also ijeeii long Stundiiig active irivohemeiit of jiUiividiiaiS^frOni different regions;
id the PHM planning process in recent months (since this will be an opportunity to
meet for planning) and also those, who confirmed their participation in earlier
communications. [Don’t be surprised if you find your name in the list, ft’s a wish list

waiting for confirmation. In case any of you is unable to join, please feel free to suggest
some one else from your region. Three regions are not represented at all - Australia,
West Africa and China].
10. Some of you are shown as plenary panelists and some as workshop facilitators. Final
details and formal invitation will be sent after the planning visit due next week.
1 i. However, a quick response confirming your availability in the next few days will be very
helpful; .Any initiative to identify own funding for travel support to Teheran on those
dates will also be appreciated. If you know of any grant giving agency or support group,
who would be willing to support the meeting in solidarity with PHM, please inform us
immediately. If you wish to forward a preliminary proposal to this grant-giving agency,
please do so based on the information provided.
12. The process of getting visas for visit to Iran are a bit complicated. This will be high on
the agenda of the planning meeting. A formal registration . participation list will be
circulated in the second week, of October, after the planning visit. Please return it
promptly to ensure that the invitation is expedited. If you wish you may make tentative
bookings by the cheapest apex fare from your city to Teheran, so that you can also give
us with the registration form a estimate of the fare. Also ask your travel agent about the
nearest Iran Embassy for visa purposes. Some of you have already sent some queries on
this. This has been noted. ’.
- o.v-•,
' ■■ ■
-j-.- . ■
Looking forward to your prompt responses. But don’t expect response to any queries till 11,h
October, when Zafrullah and I will return from Teheran.

If you would like is to htrrc this information or suggestion while we are in Iran, please mafakcopy
to Dr. Barzgar fm, attention fo Dr. Ravi Narayan.

Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,

Ravi Narayan

\VPrasanna\e P540E Backup\Srirudhi'PHN'l\PHM CommunicationsVOctober 2003 Communicaiions’xOct 2003
Communication III - lran.doc\\Prasanna\e'P540E Backup\Srinidhi\PHM\PHM Communications\October 2003
Communications\Oct 2003 Communication III - lran.doc

Page 1 at 2

PHM Secretariat


PHM Secretariat <>
Prem John <>; Olle Nordberg-DHF-Sweden <>; Dr
Prem Chandran John <>; Andy Rutherford
<>; bala <>; sunil.deepak
<>; Hani Serag <>; Sarah Shannon
<>; Pam Zinkin-IPHC-U.K. <>; Ghassan HananiUnion of Palestinian Medical Relief-lsrael <>
Monday, October 06, 2003 3:16 PM
Budget CIDA (1).x!s
Additional Communication


i he PHM Organizing Committee

Ref: A!ma Ata Conference - Iran

October 6, 2003

Dear Friends,
Greetings from the PHM Secretariat (Global)!
You must have received the October communication Three from the PHM Secretariat, informing all of you
about the tentative framework and programme of the Iran Conference, which Zafrullah and I are taking to Iran
for the planning meeting with the Ministry of Health and PHM Iran from 6th to 10th October 2003.

This is an additional communication to you all as members of a smaller conference organizing and support
group, which we have formed to help the secretariat and Dr. Barzgar from now on with three important

Help to organize the programme further
Help to fund raise to support PHM participants (As of now Andy and I have estimated that we
will need around 76,500 $ (US) to support our participation (mostly travel, visa, insurance etc) of
around 40 PHM persons (tentative wish list circulated, but subject to change). Of this, a project
proposal has been put up to CIDA (Canada) of 510003 (US) to cover the travel of delegates from
developing countries and LDCs (CIDA has a special list of eligible countries from which 30 of our
participants qualify).
We have now to find around 25000$ to cover the rest. Many of those from US and Europe will
cover their own travel expenses perhaps, but all of same it would be helpful to get a few
supportive smaller grants. During our trip to Teheran, we shall also try and get the government
(MOH) to support travel for a few people as special guests and resource persons. If any of you
wish to approach any of the agencies known to you, please do so and you can put up a proposal
from ali the information provided. We enciose two pages of the CIDA grant proposal to give you
an idea of how we presented the budget. Each agency has its own format. The additional notes
sent to you in the earlier communication about Iran meeting follows the CIDA guidelines.
Sarah and Pam will also be supporting Amit for the WSF / Health Forum fund raising through
travel fellowships and approaching Medicine du Monde respectively. Further details on that
meeting also follows. Till then do your best or send suggestions to Andy and me for follow up.

Best wishes,

Page 2 of 2

Ravi Narayan
Coordinator, People’s Heaith Movement Secretariat(global)
#367 'Srinivasa Niiaya'
Jakkasandra 1st Mam, i Block Koramangala
Join the ’’Health for all, NOW” campaign in the 25th anniversary year of the Alma Ata
declaration visit


The PHM Organizing Committee
Ref: Alma Ata Conference - Iran

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the PHM Secretariat (Global)!

You must have received the October communication Three from rhe PHM Secretariat,
informing all of you about the tentative framework and programme of the Iran
Conference, which Zafrullah and I are taking to Iran for the planning meeting with the
Ministry of Health and PHM Iran from 6th to IO111 October 2003.
Tiiis is an additional communication to you all as members of a smaller conference
organizing and support group, which we have formed to help the secretariat and Dr.
Barzgar from now on with tliree important objectives.



Help to organize the programme further
Help to hind raise to support PHM participants (As of now Andy and I have
estimated that we will need around 76,500 S (US) to support our participation
(mostly travel, visa, insurance etc) of around 40 PHM persons (tentative wish
list circulated, but subject to change). Of this, a project proposal has been put
up to CID A (Canada) of 51000S (US.) to cover the travel of delegates from
developing countries and LDCs (CIDA has a special list of eligible countries
from which 30 of our participants qualigy)We have now to find around 25000S to cover the rest. Many of those from US
and Europe will cover their own travel expenses perhaps, but all of same it
would be helpful to get a few supportive smaller grants. During our trip to
Teheran, vve shall also try and get the government (MOH) to support travel for
a few people as special guests and resource persons. If any of you wish to
approach any of the agencies known to you, please do so and you can pul up a
proposal from all the information provided. We enclose two pages of the
CIDA grant proposal to give you an idea of how we presented the budget.
Each agency has its own format. The additional notes sent to you in the earlier
communication about Iran meeting follows the CIDA guidelines.
Sarah and Pam will also be supporting Amit for the WSF ' Health Forum fund
raising through travel fellowships and approaching Medicine du Monde
respectively. Further details on that meeting also follows. Till then do your
best or send suggestions to Andy and me for follow up.

Best wishes,

5 .£iat

■ . C .■



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Page 1 of 1

PHM -Secretariat

"Andrew Chetley" <chetley>
"Andrew Chetley" <>; <>; "'Cecilia Muxi"'
Monday, June 28, 2004 10:05 PM
PHAEvalReport-draftl 5-full.doc
[PHM_Steering_Group_02-03] Draft Evaluation report

attached is a draft of the evaluation report on the PHA/PHM development process. There is a main report of about 30 pages,
plus several appendices. Most of the appendices you will already be familiar, but you might want to dip into some of them

Could I please have any comments and suggestions on the main report by 15 July 2004. (Please send them to me:
chetley.a@healthlink rather than simply hitting the return button!!) Also please let me have any comments on ideas for
disseminating the report and sharing the findings more widely.
We will then get this finalised by the end of July and begin to distribute it to others.

best wishes,

Andrew Chetley
Director, Exchange
A networking and learning programme on health communication
c/o Healthlink Worldwide
40 Adler Street, London E1 1EE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7539 1591
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7539 1580
E-mail: uk


PnSe. 1 nf 7



"PHM-Secretariat" <secretariat@ph>
"Andrew Chetley” <>
"PHM Steering Group" <>, "Claudio Schuftan"
<>; "Hani Serag" <>; "Zafar Mirza"
<>; "Cecilia Muxi" <>;
<>; <>; "Satya Sivaraman"
Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:29 PM
PHM Evaluation

Dear Andrew,
Greetings from PHM Secretariat (Global)!
I haven't seen many comments from steering group members after you and later we from tire secretariat circulated the
Evaluation report. I did see some acknowledgements (in the mountain of emails we get, we may have missed some as well!!).
However, on my travels, 1 have managed to go tlirough every page of the Evaluation once again and I would Like once again
to thank you Cecilia and Roberto for a really good job - well done.

I have underlined ‘crucial findings’ and ‘statements’ and have been quoting it in some of my recent communication. I really
like the spirit of the exercise and the style of the group to identify positive trends and put ‘negative trends' in a positive,
hopeful way -requesting more clarity, more discussion and more attention.
I have a few ideas about what to do next? Need the response from the evaluation/steering group on these as soon as possible
- perhaps even action!?




We need to make available the whole report as a link from the website. Send us the final report so that Prasanna can
do the needfill.
PHM Exchange could feature a summary (perhaps a little more than the Executive Summary). Add the lessons
learned on p29 and the conclusion on p31 -33.
I like Appendix 8 - Memories and Echoes - Could that be featured on exchange as a prelude to PHA. Claudio has
put a summary of Maria’s recent update. This could be a good addition. It would help us remember the very pleasant
and provocative experience of PHA I.
I am very glad Cecilia has agreed to be on the PHA - II international organizers committee. Perhaps before the first
meeting of this group, she could prepare a check list of the main suggestions / cautions arising out of PHA - I
evaluation for PHA - II, so that the committee could consider these at the first meeting. We will then be actually
taking the review seriously.
We did a post IHF - WSF evaluation as well and we are compiling it and sending it as a check list to the meeting
tlirough Unni / Prern, who are also on the committee.
Would Healtlilink have any funds to help you get to Ecuador for this first meeting (20(h - 24^ September) to enhance
the post evaluation feedback process. I am sure Cecilia would do a good input, but since you were at the PHA I.
contextualising the evaluation feedback may be better. Otherwise please send a shorter check list with your own
additional inputs (Patricia will be attending on behalf of GHW from London. So you could send it with her or even
discuss it with her, so that she understands the context of the suggestions better).
How much would it cost from UK to Guayaquil? Since you have not charged us all that we originally budgeted, we
could explore support from PHM’s meager fluids as Evaluation dissemination process. Other opportunities are the
GFHR Forum 8 at Mexico, 16th to 20th November 2004 or IHF - 4 at Porto Alegre, 21st to 23rd January 2005.
Perhaps the latter a more appropriate opportunity.
After a short break of post PHM Evaluation project report dissemination - would you consider the following?

Re-look at Appendix 9 and in spite of your rather critical observations in there, would you review the experience of
2003 / 2004 in the context of email communication. Exchange, website, News briefs, charter translation strategy,
media responses etc and in coordination with all those who are currently supporting the PHM Secretariat on these
matters, i.,e., Naud, Prasanna, Claudio, Prem, Qasem, Hani, Pam, Unni. Sathya and begin to evolve a document
strategy for ottr next steering group meeting. With GHW, PHA II in the process of evolution, this becomes even
more urgent and relevant.

Page 2 of 2

1 hough Prasanna took over the website from bland, he doesn't see himself as continuing with it beyond, the Indian
phase of the secretariat. We need to find some other group, which would have a passion for it and especially to move
it from an ‘archival effort’ to the core of a ‘proactive movement building’ effort which is more interactive and
forward looking!!

We shall continue to care take till then. With the secretarial shift communication process set in motion, we will need
to consider multilingual website communication as an additional challenge.


Could all Ulis also lead to some communication linked workshops ar PHA - II for PHM circles, journalist and media
representatives and other PHM movement building groups, from all over the world. Health Unlimited was interested.
Check with Andy Rutherford about this, since he and I visited them last time. They work on Community Radio and
oilier approaches. [Lucy Tweedie, Advocacy Coordinator, Health Unlimited, Unit 6, Park Place, 12 Lawn Lane,

London SW8. IUD. Tel: +44 20 7840 3777. Fax: +44 20 7840 3770. Email:
Clive Nettleton, Director, Health Unlimited, Unit 6, Park Place, 12 Lawn Lane,London SW8, IUD. Tel: 44 20
7840 3777. Email:]
Another new contact who are a good at communications is Zafar Mirza - Network for Consumer Protection in
Pakistan. They are also PHM Pakistan partners contact point. My recent visit to Pakistan was greatly enhanced by
excellent media and radio coverage (

Best wishes
Ravi Nara yean


Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

"abraham thomas" <>
"PHA Global" <>
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:39 PM
PHA-Exchange> movie: "side effects"

Dear Friends,
There's a movie called "Side Effects" going to be released in September. In intellectual's attempts to
communicate current trends, practices, healthcare denial, and manipulations at stale level, this is a big
step. This movie seems to be appealing to a wide audience and can be used as a tool for discussions, for
research, and to educate patients in clinical setups. The only flaw is that its only in english.

The information about the movie came on one of the best e-lists on drugs and pharmaceuticals called
edruggers. below is the original message.
The trailer of the movie is available at... You will need a
good connection for this and otherwise be patient.

Abraham Thomas
Communications Officer, PHM Global Secretariat


Page 1 of2

Main Identity


"PHM - Secretariat" <>
"abraham thomas" <>
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:13 PM
Re: September - Reply from the Secretariat

Dear Abraham.
Greetings from the PHM Global Secretariat in transition!
Sorry to hear about your health problem. Hope it is better now. I have just returned from a 2 week
break, long overdue from PHM/PHA2 exhaustion and am catching up on all the mail. I saw a few
emergency ones around funding, during the break but saw yours of 19th only today. Just a few quick

1. While a little time at home is always welcome, sometimes a working relationship (needs of PHM
communication) also requires your presence. Please be here to ensure that we are all in dialogue
and on the same wave lengths, appreciating diversity but not working at cross purposes.

2. I have calmly reviewed all the communication related mail from you, Prem, Nisha, Wim, Arturo
and others and feel we need your presence here as early as possible to discuss various options and
proposals. We can discuss futher details when you return.

3. Regarding the money matter -1 had offered to give you some but you had no account of what you
had and did not show up in the hotel to get it or ask Raman who was distributing cash for an
advance. I asked Prem to give you some which he did. We shall sort this matter out when you

Shall try and call as well. When do you return?
Best wishes,

Ravi Narayan
PHM Secretariat (Global)
c/o CHC
No. 359 (old No. 367)
Srinivasa Nilaya, Jakkasandra 1st Main
1 st Block, Koramangala
Bangalore - 560 034. India
Tel: 00-91-80-51280009
Fax: 00-91-80-25525372


Page 1 of 1

Main Identity


"abraham thomas" <>
"'Secretariat'" <>
Friday, August 19, 2005 6:42 PM

Dear Dr. Ravi,
Greetings from rainy London! Thank you for your email. I am glad you discussed with Prem and the
team regarding the future of the communications and media related aspects of pre and post pha2
situation. I am sure its an important time that requires my presence in the office. Unfortunately, I will
not be able to join duties immediately on my return. I need to spend time with my family and also
recover a bit from the stress of not being at home. I have developed a severe attack of Psoriasis in
London after a calm two months in Cuenca.


About money, I didnt have any money when I left Cuenca, and I want you to know that. I ran out of
medicines and didnt want to borrow from Klever or anyone else because I had no money to even
acknowledge their hospitality with a gift. I had a total of 450 dollars for two months in CUneca (80
dollars for visa, 50 dollars expenses in London and Frankfurt, 100 dollar fake note, and 25 dollar airport
tax paid by a good stranger). I did use the money wisely - to feed a number of staff in the PHA2 office,
I PHU students, and then for airport pickups, telephone calls, and transport in the city. I dint see any
other town or village in Ecuador like all others. I lived in Cuenca and worked in the office untill August

1 do wish to continue in the PHM, but since I am involved in the PHM Communications and in building
its strength, its disappointing to see that we dont have any role in taking it further. I wont take any
decisions regarding the communications and other aspects as you suggested, as I dont think my
suggestions at this moment in time will make a huge difference( in the transition).

Trust all is well at CHC! My regards to Lal it, Nitesh and Thelma.

Abraham .



Page 1 of 1

Main Identity



"abraham thomas" <>
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
< >; <>; <>,
<>; <>; <>; "julie castro"
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>,
<>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>, "Patricia Morton" < >, "rakhal
gaitonde" <>; <>; <>; <>; "Sally Kingsland" <>;
<>; <Sophia>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<guptahr@yahoo com>; <>; <>;
<>; '"Secretariat"' <>
Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:16 PM
Thank you!

Dear Friends,
Warm Greetings to each one of you!
1 write in to thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the
Assembly and more so for making PHA2 lively and all the more energetic. '
1 also thank you for having tried to make it to the Indian Dinner at
Servio's house after the closing ceremony of the PFIA2. The Cuencanos and
Cuencanas really enjoyed your time there and they remember the PHA close
to their hearts.

It is definitely a privilege to have met you all.

Good Luck!!


- Secretariat" <secretar:a:@phrr.ovemercorg>
•’’acranarr: O’nas" <>
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:35 PtVi
3e: zoruris cn ihe Website

'z for the message about the post ?HA 2 discussion forum that Esteban
c ■ cu. co We are having a meeting with ?rem at the secretariat tomorrow do
discuss the next steps after. SG Meeting on communication strategy which he
has agreed to facilitate. So 1 would suggest that you do not discuss with
r.ea thlirk till we discus further the website development and maintenance.
7' z is passing on from secretariat to a new hub soon.

7.avi 7 aray ar

Jo 359 (old No. 367)
Snmvasa Nilaya, Jakkasandra 1st Main
st Elock, Koramangala

Sr: ...
Vo m. 5

Original Message----r :z::: "abrahsm thcrnas” <>

1 ■ 3ecr5t2riai'" <>; "Nisha Susan">; "Prasanr.a Saiigram" <>
. _.;c:ac.ay , August 15, 2005 6:38 PM
f nd’ecu Forums on the Website

> 7 eer Eavi, Prasanna, Nisha, and Nagarajavare,

Page 1 of 1

Main Identity


"abraham thomas" <>
"'Secretariat'" <>; "Nisha Susan" <>;
"Prasanna Saligram" <>
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:38 PM
Forums on the Website

Dear Ravi. Prasanna, Nisha, and Nagarajavare,

Please check this link below...Esteban created a forum for the post
PHA2 discussions as a starter to many more things we could do with his
> help and time. Its on trial now and once we have all shortcomings fixed,
we can have it go online on the PHM home. Please discuss with Ravi and
do let me know if there's something that can be added or improved in
this section...
As per Esteban, the shortcomings have been eliminated already. Now we
could have it go up on the PHM website without delay!
I want an update on the PHM main site development. Nisha could best give
an overall picture of the website and the progress in developing the php
based new pages.. Is there any drastic change in the way we percieved it
to develop into. If so, I would like an update on that so that i can
discuss with healthlink regarding its development and maintainence after
the transisition.

Page 1 of 1

Main Identity

"abraham thomas" <>
'"Secretariat"' <>
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:00 PM
Forms for reimbursements

Dear Ravi,

I joined Andy at OWA yesterday, as he returned from two weeks of leave. We discussed the needs and
made a list of thiings to be done while i am here. We also discussed payment for sustaining myself in
London, and it would be important that you discuss with Andy as well. Meanwhile Andy tells me that
we need the reimbursement forms. Please have them posted as soon as its possible.

Meanwhile, i am putting together a draft summary of the Assembly. I will keep you posted on other
Best wishes.

Page 1 of2

Main Identity
"PHM - Secretariat" <>
"Abraham@Phmovement.Org" <>
(jjjicJay, January 01, 1999 4 56 PlVl>
Dear Abraham.

Greetings from the PHM Global Secretariat in transition!


Hope you have recovered from PHA2 and related events. Prem called this morning and I hope to have a
longer talk on many issues with him in a day or two. This communication to you is primarily to gel some
clarity on your plans and the potential work during your visit to UK with OWA from I5lh till end of the
month of August (Andy returns to work from 15lh after a short break).


I am a little concerned that you have again perhaps fallen into an indecisive phase and hope that I can
encourage you to plan more definitely, as early as possible.


Your report on the earlier London / Frankfurt discussions are still awaited. Perhaps you should also write a
learning experience report about 6 weeks in Cuenca.


Andy needs help with a short narrative report on PHA2 and related events which will be sent to all funding
agencies after it has been approved by a few of us. Since the grant from each agency may have supported a
specific focused activity, event, region or function - there will be short additional reports on those to be added
to the main narrative report. Those reports will be written by others. I shall be making a framework of these
reports as soon as the accounts and allotments are over. So your main task over the two weeks 15-261"
August is to do this in OWA and Andy will pay a small per diem to cover food and travel. I think 2 233ks
should be adequate.


We need to know fairly soon what your other plans are - especially since your term with us is now part of a
project that ends latest on September 30l,\ Nisha and Prasanna may disassociate well before the dale as we
move into a closure phase in the next few weeks. I am hearing all sorts of grapevine news. Perhaps you need
to share asap even if only in confidence.


As mentioned earlier. I have been encouraging you to make a definitive commitment to completing public
health or related post-graduate studies asap before age and other responsibilities catch up. Do give it serious


As mentioned to you outside the plenary auditorium, there have been very mixed assessments of your
contribution and capacities. 1 believe every experience is also a personal growth experience as long as we
have the humility to learn from events and feedback. I do believe you have great potential but perhaps you
need to be more definitive in your plans of action to discover them. As always this is from a peer who cares
about you.


Do not make any commitments on communication strategy to any one or any group. Since in principle. Prem
has taken over the responsibility of communication strategy from 23rd July and will facilitate a interactive
process in which you could be a participant along with all the others - but you and 1 and others in Bangalore
team have to participate in this special transition without initiating anything new. I liked your note PHM
communications - thank you.

Best wishes.
Ravi Narayan


Dear Abraham.

Greetings from the PHM Global Secretariat in transition!


Hope you have /fl recovered from PHA2 and related events. Prem called this morning and I
hope to have a longer talk on many issues with him in a day or two. This communication to
you is primarily to get some clarity on your plans and the potential work during your visit to
UK with OWA from 15th till end of the month of August (Andy returns to work from 15,h
after a short break).


I am a little concerned that you have again perhaps fallen into an indecisive phase and hope
that 1 can encourage you to plan more definitely as early as possible.


Your report on the earlier London I Frankfurt discussions are still awaited.
should also write a learning experience report about 6 weeks in Cuenca.


Andy needs help with a short narrative report on PHA2 and related events which will be sent
to all funding agencies after it has been approved by a few of us*-Since the grant from each
agency may have supported a specific focused activity, event, region or function - there will
be short additional reports on those to be added to the main narrative report. Those reports
will be written by others. I shall be making a framework of these reports as soon as the
accounts and allotments are over. So your main task over the two weeks 15-26” August is to
do this in OWA and Andy will pay a small per diem to cover food and travel. I think 2
should be adequate.


We need to know fairly soon what your G4her plan^are - especially since your term with us is
now part of a project that ends latest on September 30lh. Nisha and Prasanna may
disassociate well before the date as we move into a closure phase in the next few weeks. I am
hearing all sorts of grapevine news? Perhaps you need to share asap even if only in

Perhaps you



As mentioned earlier, 1 have been encouraging you to make a definitive commitment to
completing public health or related post-graduate studies asap before age and other
responsibilities catch up. Do give it serious thought.


As mentioned to you outside the plenary auditorium, there have been very mixed assessments
of your contribution and capacities. 1 believe every experience is also a personal growth
experience as long as we have the humility to learn from events and feedback. I do believe
you have great potential but perhaps you need to be more definitive in your plans of action to
discover them. As always this is from a peer who cares about you.


Donot make any commitments on communication strategy to any one or any group. Since in
principle. Prem has taken over the responsibility of communication strategy from 23rd July
and will facilitate a interactive process in which you could be a participant along with all the
others - but you and 1 and others in Bangalore team have to participate in this special
transition without initiating anything new. 1 liked your note PHM communications - thank

Best wishes.

Page I of 2

Main Identity

"abraham thomas" <>
<communications@phmovernent org>; '"Secretariat"' <secretariat@phmovement org>
Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:34 AM
scan0012.jpg; abraham.vcf
PHM Communications - Thank you

Dear Friend.
Thank yon for your enthusiastic participation in the Communicaitons Workshop on building
"('oimmmications in the PHM like People Mattered". The people of the world will certainly benefit
from the capacities available in the PHM when the resources and capabilities of each one are garnered
and built upon. Please do feel free to write to me at if you would like to sign
up for a updates on the communications strategy of the PHM and other updates from lime to time. If you
have any special suggestions or thoughts, please write to, who is currently
responsible for an overall Communications Strategy.

gfe Thank you once again,
Abraham Thomas

7 Communications Officer, PHM Global Secretarial
People's Health Movement
Leis work together to help the children of the world to live in a healthier world!!

Page 1 of2

Main Identity

"abraham thomas" <>
■"Secretariat"' <>; "ARTURO QUIZHPE" <>
Monday, October 10, 2005 1:07 PM
[Fwd: Read you again]

Dear Arturo,
I posted a zmag interview on the outer limits of the empire and the increasing discontentment in the US (the
coercive coalition) military and the failing empire and this was a reply from Bernard Teper of Attac. He also
reminds me of the database that Paul Delgado was supposed to combine and give us. We have an incomplete
version and I still dont have any clue about its state. I request you to kindly speak with Paul and see that he
hands over a database of all the relevant details that we made the delegates fill in during the assembly. I am
sure it will be extremely useful in the next secretariat's functioning.

Please do the necessary. My regards to your family and our team.
warmest regards,

--------- Original Message

Subject:Read you again
Date:Tue, 4 Oct 2005 10:10:11 +0200
From :teper@clu b-internet. fr

Dear Abraham,

We receive this e-mail .Thanks because this interview is very good.
Is it possible to have others writing papers like that?
Is it possible to receive your data base with only emails as you said me at Cuenca?
Is it possible to meet you in Paris on a european network for l;he right of health meeting?
Thanks and regards,
Bernard Teper
president de I'UFAL
Co-animateur des Etats generaux de la sante et de I'assurance-maladie
—Message d'origine—
>Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2005 23:56:52 +0530
>De: abraham thomas
>A: PHA Global
>Copie a:
>Sujet: PHA-Exchange> The outer limits of the

>Dear Friends of the movement for health,
>You may have come across this interview before'. Even if you
>worth a re-read.
> http ://,;

> regards,



ph no
10/10/05 j





\.y - rj

"abraham thomas" <>
’’Community Health Cell" <>; "’Secretariat"' < >
Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:50 AM
;Fwd: I would like to a member of the Peapies Health Movement.]

Jagannath Chatteree seems to be intersted in having a great initiative. Please do refer him to the
:emed contact person in Orissa. It would be nice to have him get involved with JSA activities in the
ing days. I will be marking copies to CMC and to Prasanna so that there’s no repetition of emails to


------Original Message--------abject: I would like to a member of the
Health Movement.
Dalle: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 21:26:47 -07
Fmm: Jagannath Chatterjee <jagchatO 1>

To : Dr Ravi Narayan, Coordinator, Peoples Health Movement, Secretariat (Global)
?m : Jagannath Chatterjee, Independant Health Activist, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Sri Abraham
Communication Officer, ?HM
Sri Prasanna Saligram, Communication Officer, PHM

I came to know about your esteemed organisation from a report in the newspaper "The Telegraph"
which quotes your representative Ms Renu Khanna. I introduce myself as an independant health activist
who has been campaigning for better health options and have also been actively informing people about
the dangers of both stem cell research and genetic modifications. I also try to express my views on the
subject of vaccine contamination.

I have been inspired by my own experience at the hands of the medical system which led me to develop
multiple sclerosis and an ischaemic heart from which I am recovering, thanks to an alternative therapist.
have been very vocal on the internet, being a member of many health groups. I also mail my views
to The Telegraph hoping to get the message across to a larger audience.
I am a Branch Manager of a ?SU but wish to devote myself full time to the campaign. To equip myself 1
am trying to acquire a Masters degree in Social Welfare and also am trying to leam homeopathy, though
I am already well read on the subject through self study.
’ wish to become a member of your organisation and would appreciate your guidance on the matter.

Position: 1295 (5 views)