Dalit Movements participation in JAAK Process
- Title
- Dalit Movements participation in JAAK Process
- extracted text
Community Health Leaning Programme
K.B. Obalesha
Fellow, community health cell
My fellowship objectives were as below:
Analyzing and reading about history of JAAK process
Partners, representation, and integration in the process
Identifying of the issues from Peoples Health charter
Preparing for PANS (Participatory Analysis for Network Strengtheninq)
5. Sharing my experiences and learnings
Had meeting with my mentor Dr. Ravi Narayan. He oriented me about how to
start the process; on this context he has given assignments at the first level
1) Start reading of JAAK process from 2000 AD from publications and reports
2) Refer Kalajatha book (2000)
3) CHC Annual reports, mainly JAAK sections
4) Read 5 booklets which was prepared in Kannada: Globalization and its Impact
on Health Primary Health Care, Basic Needs, Marginalized groups
Commercialization of Health care.
P ’
5) Read Peoples Health Charter, India
6) News letters, HIN Report (2002-03)
7) List the JAAK events
With this I have started reading process and listing the events of JAAK (iioi.
(list will
ue inA™exUre‘2)- With my readings 1 have felt very relevant information
—.. ’js on
how JAAK Journey emerged from 2000 to now:
I am a Kight
Right to Health activist, prepared to learned only what I needs for orienting
obilizing community peoples at gross root level and Grassroots level
and mobilizing
organizations for accessing entitlements of health and reducing denials of health
care systems, on that basis - mainly about Alma-Ata declaration; What is primary
ealth care aspect; and recent NRHM components, this all more on public health
ttnr’v PersonaUy 1 am sharing that I had not spent much time for understanding
•* AlAK •nstory> concept, perspectives, involved partner organizations history and
others. Why ? because my activity process is more issue based, my major weakness is
I am not reading histories. If some one tells history I can learn hours together and I
can repeat same, no patience in long reading, my objective is to bring some
solutions on spot, that’s what some of
of the
the points
points II am newly understand from this
CHLP process.
Dalit Movements participation in JAAK Process
For this situation I got some answers during the period of kalajatha and its
campaign - there was DSS (Dalit Sangharsha Samithi) and Karnataka
°f JAAK’ there iS SOme effort initiated during 2000
and 2002 On this aspect I have contact Mr.Basavaraj, BGVS, and have asked
about Kalajatha book and involved various organizations during that time He
V h°Ur meeting With Mr D G Sagar, State Convener of DSS
m 2000, who strongly expressed his willingness with involving in the JAAK
effort initiated by Eddie Premdas as part of CHC during NHA-2, for inclusive of
cor2mun'ty organizations in the process of JAAK. “Dalit community
and Health written by Premdas brought significant statistics and situational
ea'th aSpeCt' {S6e the Dalit community and health
Between 2007 and 2011, Dalit organizations and other Marginalized communities
involvements and leadership has increased.
Assignments I have completed:
1) Reading 5 books (Health for all Now series)
2) Reading Kalajatha book
3) Reading HIN Final report
4) Listing JAAK events
5) Discussion with BGV8.
With this I have meet Dr.Ravi Narayan on 19th October, and explained my
completion of work (on same day Dr. Shilpa joined with us).
Dr.Ravi Narayan suggested me to separate the events list as state level
seminars/workshops national level programmes, district level meetings and
mings and public dialogues, state level co ordination committee meetinqs and
core group meeting, campaigns, struggles, and publications, and also hThaCe
find important gaps in the list there is no much activities in the year 2000 to 2003, needs to add all activities for which he provided some old files from CHC
annexe. Shilpa, Pushpa and myself worked on this files one day full and referred
around 24 files out of 600 files then we find some of the activities which is
happened between 2000-2004.
Other assignments Dr Ravi has given:
1) Interlink between Peoples Health Charter India and JAAK activities
2) Partner networks collaboration - identifying new ones
3) PANS report consolidation
4) Orientation on JSA/JAAK Partner networks (21st session by RN)
Orientation JSA/JAAK Partner networks on 21st October at CPHE
On 21s October, participated in orientation of background of JAAK partner
networks with the team - all interns and Dr. Adithya, Mr Prahlad, Mr Venkatesan,
Dr.Shilpa also participated.
First time I come to Introduction about all this partner organizations and how the
networks become on the concept of ‘Health for all” perspectives and ideology
initiated Right to Health campaign JAAK. From this I come to know JAAK is a
networks of networks. There are two background networks
1. Service providers like CMAI, CHAI, JWP, CHAIKA and others
2. Rights based organizations like AIDWA, JMS, NAWO, BGVS; SOCHARA and
others, here both Rights and Services based organization come together formed
Health for all movement.
My assumption on the respected organizations like CMAI and CHAI, JWP are
church based and Christian perspective, But now I understand that this
organizations are adopted and practicing more secular perspective, and are
professional associations, not church groups.
Dr. Ravi explored about how the Ramakrishna mission and Vivekananda
foundation come together in Right to Health movement, RKM and VF are not
Hindu spiritual organizations, they are service providers and believe in secular
ideological aspect.
Same day I have participated in urgent meeting on Children Malnutrition Issue,
which was held in Vishranthi Nilaya, Bangalore, organized jointly by RFC
Venue: Vishranti Nilayam
Date: 21-10-2011
About 15 people representing JAAK, RFC, and JAAK - JAABU were
present for the meeting from 3.30 - 6.30 p.m. Sudha (CFAR) chaired the
meeting. There was update on the ongoing efforts from SPJ/HKVV, RFC &
JAAK, Clifton (adviser to the RTF commissioners) updated on the
Karnataka High Court intervention on the issue of malnutrition of children in
Raichur. A letter written by one Mr. Patil from Dharwad on the TV 9
coverage on malnutrition has been taken as PIT by the High Court of
Karnataka. Important issues mutually accepted were as follows:
High Court needs good evidence, case studies to strengthen the case
The issue of Christy Fried Gram Industries supplied food was
discussed. It was expressed that the company has established its
influence over the bureaucrats, politicians and apparently even on
judiciary. This issue requires a lot of people's action in different
talukas. This needs to be thought about.
• A survey format for rapid assessment of nutritional status prepared by
JAAK members was presented. However, as government itself has
accepted that there are 72,000 severely malnourished children in
Karnataka (number could be much more) it was felt that more
qualitative information would be helpful.
• High court hearing on the said PIL/petition has started. HC has
ordered to form a committee who will look into the matter. The
Women and Child Welfare Department has agreed. The members
present felt that it was necessary to put right people in the committee
right away before the committee gets de-railed.
• Notwithstanding all the differences in approach, everybody felt that
there are different strengths in SPJ, RFC and JAAK. All could be
pooled together for the moment to support the case in the High Court.
It is a unique opportunity for us which we should not let pass.
Everyone felt good about meeting together as they were working on
this issue in different ways.
• Another thing that was suggested and agreed to be done was to hold at
least 3 small workshops/seminars/discussion meetings one each in
Bangalore, Gulbarga and Dharwad. This is primarily to build opinion
against the Christy Fried Gram Industry and also to get public
consciousness alerted on the issue of child malnutrition (target:
Judges, media persons, lawyers, academicians - the opinion makers).
Ideally one such event to take place in Bangalore before the next court
hearing (28th Nov, 2011) and the judges could be invited.
POINTS FOR ACTION - Important decisions arrived at:
1. To do a qualitative in-depth interviews of children/families who are
malnourished across the state. The interviews could be anywhere
could be 10 or above in each district.
2. The interview guide/schedule will be prepared by JAAK (Akhila,
3. Districts and responsibilities:
RFC: 1. Belgaum, 2. Dharwad 3. Kolar 4. Bangalore URban 5.
Bagalkote 6. Chamrajnagar 7. Bidar (Sudha to coordinate)
SPJ: 1. Raichur 2.Gulbarga 3.
Chikballapur 6 Kolar (Mariswamy)
JAAK: 1. Haveri 2. Bellaiy 3. Tumkur 4. Chitradurga 5. Koppal
Coastal districts: contacts required.
4. Training for main interviewers on conducting in-depth interviews to
be conducted. One could come from each district to reduce the cost
and in turn can train others. Date: 3 lstOct2011. (Supported by
JAABU - RFC Bang Urban)
5. The interview scripts with photographs to be submitted by Sth
November, 2011. To be compiled and given to Clifton for submission
in the court by 22nd November, 2011.
6. To hold a workshop/public discussion in Bangalore on this issue.
Logistics support: CFAR, CIVIC and SPJ. It was decided to work on
this by preparing a list of people who could be the invitees. People to
participate: around 100 (one or two from each district for testimonies
rest for delegation to meet Women & Child Welfare department on
24th Oct, 2011 (Mariswamy, Obalesh, Sudha and others)
7. A policy brief on malnutrition in children & health - to be prepared
8. Coordination committee for this process comprising of people from
SPJ, RFC, and JAAK-JAABU is prepared and the names will be
circulated. Sudha and Mariswamy will coordinate the process.
On 26,h My self and Mariswamy and Sudha met the Joint Director, Director
W&CD, Discussed on including various Expertise in committee, from our
side we recommended two well known pro-peoples Medical Doctors.
On behalf of JAAK, Akhila did some quick work of contacting right people,
spoke to them and have proposed the following as the experts on to the
Dr. Asha Benakappa: Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics,
Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute and Child Specialist in
Vanivilas Hospital. She is an internationally acclaimed Pediatrician and a
strong advocate of breast-feeding and a lactation consultant. She is the
Bangalore District Coordinator, Breast Feeding Promotion Network of India
(BPNI) and a member of the Mother Support Task Force (MS TF) of the
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. Her expertise as a child health
specialist would be extremely valuable particularly on weaning,
supplementary nutrition
growth and
Dr. Anuradha Srivatsa: At present she is the Medical Consultant,
Maternal Health Project, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. She is
a gynecologist/ obstetrician by training and is an expert on women's health
issues and has extensive experience of running well-woman clinics
providing antenatal care, postnatal care, nutrition advice, treatment for
RTI/STI and HIV-related issues in women. Her expertise would be critical
in understanding ways to improve maternal health and nutrition.
On 26lh evening government formed committee included Dr. Anuradha
Srivasta, Maternal consultant, IIM-B.
Government order copy:
,AASEa:aAAaAA Ei'r^gE^EAUAa: : 2011-12
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26.10.201 IgAAzAA DzEA±AaA£AAB ‘’E^EgAr'gAAvAUzE (DzEA±AzA
¥Aaew ©UAwLPzE).
31.10.201 IgAAzAA,"E/zUEI
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°AdgAuA®A PE/EAgA”AvzE.
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2) .ApAdgAzA pAaiAaszA^uA^AA, DydpA e Ase (aEZAN-3),
ttzsAfA.EzsA, "EAUAiZAAEgAA.
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5) PAAiAA6zA26,
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daie^AuA, "EAuA’zA^gAA.
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8) DAiAAApAUgAA, D°AgA aAAvAAu fAuAjApA ¥AE.gEEPE e“Ase
9) fAagAfA i Eai-dLEami D¥si fA^aneegAfi (J£i.L.J£i) oEEzAze"Azi
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Gf6AaA£A ,EAaA .Aa.eu, "EAuA'zA^EgAA.
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19) aEAEgAqA .AA.EU, "EAUA^A^gAA.
20) ozE6A±APAgA PAbEAjAiAA aAiA»wUAV
On 31st Nov, we had one day orientation training on conducting study on
child malnutrition for partner organizations including SPJ/RFC/JAAK, 40
participants were participated, from 22 districts of Karnataka. Training was
facilitated by Dr.Akhila Vasan, Ms Asha Kilaru and Dr.Ravi.
On same day Women and Child Development department (W&CD)
arranged High court committee for recommending eradication of child
malnutrition - meeting held at MS Building, Asha Kilaru and myself
participated behalf of JAAK,
Learnings from 10th to IS111 October Fellows workshop:
Actually I have plan not participate but with Dr. Thelma’s demand I have
participated, then later I realized this workshop is very relevant and highly
useful during the workshop I have learned most valuable knowledge
important key leanings.
On the first day, different learning from three interns presentations, three
important issues were presented with effectively, its shows the fellow deep
involvements in learning.
Second day, input sessions from most senior professionals was held:
Dr. Vally Seshan explained about organization called “SEARCH” and
impact in development field, from many of the personalities I have met
during seminars /workshops and other events I heard about SEARCH but
only now 1 understand. Mainly Dr. Vally’s concept on inclusiveness of
various peoples in development field with innovative advertisement with
less expenses.
Fr.Cloud: Explained his commitments in building non-formal education
centers in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, he explained his reach experiences of
social activism, many time I have meet him and had discussions on dalit
issues, strategies, mobilizing resources, and also innovative ideologies.
Mr. As Mohammad: Before this I know some of the information on PRI,
But this session added many points on PRI aspect, and he included PRI and
public health and how community can link with both departments and create
community participation point of view,
3rd Day, Dr.Ravi Narayan’s session on Ethics in Health:
Really this session make me to think differently on Public Health, because
he explained there is ethics fundamentally adopted in Public health sector
but it was not much followed. He broadly explained on Dr. Benjamin’s book
on ethics, Rajiv Gandhi Medical University’s various documents on ethics,
But I came to know for first time about Medical ethics, this is very reach
experience for me.
4th Day, Dr. Shirdi Prasad Tekur’s session on alternative healing:
Alternative Medicine has impressed me because so for the Government have
not focused the traditional practices to mainstream. Dr. Shiridi explained
different type of medical practices in community and its impact on human
health. Newly I heard about acupressure treatment and its effects.
I also got opportunity for sharing about Pourakarmika/Manual scavenging
system in Karnataka and Thamate interventions in Tumkur.
Mr Chander’s session on Critical Thinking:
In the this session really I felt my strength is to improve, needs to think
more innovatively, the session is useful for thinking on broader level,
Final day I have not participated in learning session, I have participated in
North Karnataka core group meeting at Hospet, Bellary District.
Draft Report: JAAK North Karnataka Core Group Meeting Held on 15th
October 2011, Punykoti Foundation, at Hospet, Bellary Dist.
Sharing of last meeting minutes
Exploring Dist Interventions on Right to Health campaign
Next steps for Strengthening of NK Forum
Follow up of Haveri dist Thanda community Uterus operations,
State level JAAK Process
Mental health process,
Karibasappa shared the last meeting minutes, and also he explained the follow
up of Haveri dist Uterus operations case studies,
Part of this Haveri Dist team have conducted three programmes
1. The professional team with Dr.Gopal Dabade, Dr.Sanjeev Kulkarni.and
Dist team were meet the Thanda community and done a orientation on
2. Diseases
and explained about the Uterus Problems and Way needs
Uterus operations,
3. The team meet the concern Government hospital Doctors and had a
4. conduct Media and explained about the situations,
5. The team write a complaints to District Health officers on this problems,
Still the problem was not solved.
Districts Process sharing
Bel.'ary District
In Bellary District committee meeting was not held but individually Manjula was
involved effectively in her own capacity, at Mariyammanahalli and Hospet Taluk.
She has conducted small training programme on Universal Health care for 20
youths who participated, and sensitized them on UAHC.
Had Discussion with Private Hospital name called Vastra Hospital at Hospet
regarding conducting deliveries and systems, with the help of Government
Hospital Doctors, still its in progress, with this some of the 108 Ambulances
Demanding Petrol charges from Patients at Hospet area. This needs to
mobilization for proper evidence generation. She is in this process and will
present details later.
Manjula expressed about the problems she is facing in organizing District
committee meeting at Bellary. So Required support from local resource
Bagalkote district
In Bagalkote, Swarna Bhat were committed to change the primary health
situations in at least Badami Taluk on this context. There is innovative effort
initiated that various peoples movements like GRAKOOS, RFC, DSS,
Rajyaraithasangha, and JAAK are jointly having monthly planning meetings at
Badami every month 2nd Monday.
Last time Mr. Balu had participated in North Karnataka core group meeting but
he have not shared with District Team about the decisions, so that they had
some confusions.
Planning for the Bagalkote November 5th Janasamvada on health, Right to Food,
and NREGA, so for linking and solidarity process with District Administration
were positively effecting on this basses we are organizing District level
Janasamvada with Dist commissioner agree to participate.
And also JAAK North Karnataka core group meeting hosting from
Bagalkote JAAK committee on 6th of December 2011, with thematic Issue
one day workshop on Implementation of NRHM Component of VHSC, JSY,
Rural services Incentives.
Jagrutha Mahila Saghatane (JMS), Potnal, Raichur district
Since Sunandamma and Chinnamma participating first time JAAK North
Karnataka core group meeting so we have explained (Obalesh) them about
North Karnataka JAAK process.
Then Chinnamma shared about the interventions and involvements in accessing
primary health care in Potnal and Manvi Taluk rural areas. Recently JMS team
have assisted in availing health care for Dalit women who were experiencing
difficult deliveries with various health problems at Private Hospital, and these
experiences were shared in this meeting.
Obalesh Explored about the state level JAAK process:
- KSHRC studies with JAAK core group members Dr. Sylvia, Mr. E. Premadas,
Dr. Ahkila, Ms. Asha Kilaru, were planning to involve, the planned programme
will be conducted in low performing districts in implementing of Health services at
Bagalkote, and high performing districts of health services at Chikkamagaluru,
each District selecting two taluks.
- 22nd and 23rd JAAK activities,
- 22nd core group meeting
- 23rd state level workshop on Politics of Health in India today,
- NCC meeting at Nagpur on 10th to 12th November 2011
- RPHC Progress
- JAAK Bangalore dist committee process
Punyakoti foundation (Mental health Intervention at North Karnataka)
Afternoon we have visited Punykoti foundation Hospital at Hospet, and Mr.
Mallikarjun explained about the Punykoti foundation effort on building mental
health perspective and strategies at rural and urban areas at Bellary, Haveri,
Raichur and Belgum Districts. Every Saturday free camps and every Monday,
Punyakote foundation is looking for JAAK support for mainstreaming the
Community Mental health.
Overall Learning from CHLP;
The fellowship made me to read about JAAK history
First time I Read the 5 books of JAAK publish, and Kalajatha book
I got better clarity on background of JAAK various partner organizations
During JAAK reading and PANS Process have strengthened my Right to
Health activism perspective
Within two months whole 11 years of JAAK process I understand mainly
how Inter linkage with Peoples health charter,
There is two Stages struggles are going together 1. Right to health
campaign, 2. Providing health care services and Health Education with
Mobilizing Health resources and sharing with community,
1. Short time for fellowship
2. During fellowship I was also involved in major JAAK issues, which
was also important. I faced very critical time, Because 3 Manual
scavenger’s death in KGF, and child malnutrition Issues. It was my
duty to respond in this context, but it has disturbed me.
3. At same time I have to complete two Reports, CHLP report, and my
OCF Report, so I am not able give time for both sides.
1. JAAK Calendar of event from 2000 to 2011
2. JAAK, PANS Report,
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